The Interview - Cover

The Interview

by Ann Douglas

Copyright© Ann Douglas 1996. All rights reserved

Erotica Sex Story: The girl Henry Morrison was interviewing for the internship was in no way qualified for the position. Still the position she was offering him had a certain interest as well.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   FemaleDom   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   .

" ... And I'd really like this opportunity to work for Amicorp." the young dark skinned woman said as she finished her presentation.

Henry Morrison sat back in his chair, taking the time to reexamine the application on the desk in front of him. Patricia Brown, age 18. Senior class honors, various other school awards.

Every year, Amicorp had open admissions for their intern program. The final selection came down to the result of a personal interview with one of the various department managers. Or so it usually went. In reality, the chore was considered a total waste of a day and a smart manager usually passed it off to one of his subordinates. On this, the last day of the interviews, it had been passed off to Henry Morrison.

Patricia Brown was the eleventh of twelve planned interviews and she was turning out to be a pleasant surprise. Having already chosen three of the four winners, the 44 year old assistant manager was going to have no problem picking Patricia as number four.

As was his usual practice when he drew this duty, Henry had scheduled all the female applicants for the afternoon session. If nothing else, he got to sit back and enjoy the attention of a few sweet young things. The slightly balding assistant manager had never really been a winner with the ladies, having married the only girl he ever really dated in high school. With the honeymoon phase of his marriage having ended many years before, he actually looked forward to these little indulgences.

It was a great surprise that he actually found someone who was more than qualified. He'd have been more than willing to trade that for one of his afternoon delights.

Not that Patricia was hard on the eyes. In fact, he was sure that if she wanted, the pretty young woman could've pursued a modeling career. She had a lithe, tight body with small but firm breasts. Her charcoal black facial features were equally small but crafted as if by an artist.

"Well this certainly is an impressive application." Henry said as he closed the folder. "But as I'm sure you understand we have to review the qualifications of all the candidates before making a final decision."

"Of course." Patricia said with a cheerful smile. "I'd like to again thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon."

Henry reached under the top of his desk and pressed a small button. That in turn set off a small flashing light on the desk clock on the receptionists desk. It was a usefully tool for cutting bad interview short or as was in this case simply letting Mrs. Carvey know he was ready for the next meeting.

In response, the door opened and the 52 year old receptionist walked in, another manila folder in her hand. As she walked around the large wooden desk, Patricia again thanked them for their time and rose to exit.

As she walked out, Henry couldn't help but notice the great way her skirt hugged the outline of her tight little ass. In fact, it so held his attention that he didn't realize that he had risen ever so slightly out of his seat to get a better look.

Had Patricia turned around, she wouldn't even have noticed from her vantage point. Mrs. Carvey on the other hand couldn't help but see him rise and the disapproving look on her face gave her opinion of his action.

"Geez, that's just what I need." Henry thought. "Old fuss and bolts making some complaint that I was ogling one of the applicants."

He ran his hand through his thinning sandy hair for a few seconds and then got an inspiration. He glanced up at the clock on the wall and saw that it was quarter after four.

"You know Mrs. Carvey," he said in a normal tone, ignoring her hostile look. "We're almost through for the day. Why don't I wrap up the paperwork on these last two interviews myself and you just take off early."

Elizabeth Carvey didn't have to be asked twice. She quickly agreed and dropped the folder on his desk. Quickly moving for the door, she was almost out it before Henry could ask her to send in the last girl before she left.

Opening the folder he was surprised to find it contained only the single sheet of the application form. No letters of reference, no resumé, no writing samples ... nothing.

The sound of footsteps entering the room told him Mrs. Carvey had wasted no time sending in the last young lady and making a quick getaway. Quickly, Henry scanned the slim information before him.

Janet Parker, 19. That was it except for address and phone number. A little confused, Henry looked up and got his first real good look at Miss Janet Parker.

Or rather at Miss Parker's rather impressive 38DD chest. Which was all he first noticed when he lifted his eyes and saw the tall mahogany hued woman standing in front of his desk. It took a few seconds for his focus to expand, but ever so slowly he began to take in other features.

First he became aware of the open denim blouse that Janet wore over the skin tight tank top. A very low cut top that clung so tightly to her breasts that he could easily see the four inch halos around her nipples.

His next impression was of gold, lots of it. Five gold rings, three on one hand and two the other. Add to that several gold bracelets, two necklaces and large double ringed earrings. The final piece was a gold overlay of one of her front teeth.

"You Morrison?" she asked.

"Yes." he answered, thinking that this was definitely going to be the interview of the day.

"Well, I'm here for one of those intern positions." Janet said as she put her hands on the waistband of her ever so short skirt. "Where do I sign up?"

"Well it's not that simple." Henry said in turn. "Why don't you just take a seat and tell me why you think you qualify for this job."

With a shrug of her shoulders, she took off the dark sunglasses she'd been wearing and took a seat.

Henry listened in silent amusement as the girl went on for the next ten minutes on why she should be one of the new interns. Based on her presentation, he'd think twice about even hiring her to stand behind the counter of a fast food place.

Again glancing up at the wall clock, Henry decided to give her another five minutes before sending her on her way. Not that he minded staring at those bodacious ta ta's a little longer. Definitely the best tits of the day. That was if the stiff cock in his pants were to be used as an indicator.

The minute hand finally reached half past four and Henry moved to bring the interview to a close.

"Well I'm afraid I have to be honest, Miss Parker," Henry said, trying to cushion the blow. After all, he really wasn't a bad guy. "But there's only one opening left and I'm afraid the young lady who preceded you is somewhat more qualified."

"Oh really?" Janet said somewhat sarcastically.

"I'm afraid so." he replied. "Unless you have some other hidden assets that you haven't mentioned."

"Sure, I've got other assets." Janet said with a grin. "In fact the recruiter who put me in for this program seemed very interested it them."

"I don't understand," Henry said as he again lifted the single sheet from the folder. "I don't see any letter of recommendation or..."

"Well it's not exactly the type of thing you can put down on paper." she said as she got up and leaned over the desk, giving Henry an unrivaled look down the deep valley between her brown breasts. Her hands pressed flat against the shiny surface and she practically crawled closer to the still-seated Henry.

"I have ... the tightest ... little black ass ... you are ever going to ever see." she said in a slow deliberate voice. "And given the chance I'll pump that cock of yours so dry you won't be able to fuck again for a week!"

"What?" Henry said in shock, unable to believe what he had just heard.

"What about it?" Janet said as she slid over the desk so that she was now sitting on the edge next to Henry. "Ever fuck a black girl before?"

"Young lady, I'm going to have to ask you to leave this instant." The still startled older man said, his defensive reflex kicking in...

"Your mouth says one thing but that bulge in your pants says something else." Janet added in a seductive voice as she reached down and placed the palm of her hand on his clothe covered cock.

The sudden pressure of her fingers against his most private parts killed whatever words that had begun to form in his throat. His mouth opened but he was struck mute.

"Don't I have a beautiful mouth?" Janet asked as she brought her face only a few inches from his. "Don't you think it would feel nice wrapped around that pretty hard cock?"

Henry was quickly losing control. It was one thing to sit there and fantasize about having sex with these girls, it was something else to have one suddenly offer it to him. The sight of her tongue gliding out from her mouth and across her bright red lips was almost enough to send him across the edge.

"Is this your wife?" Janet asked as she picked up the framed photo on the edge of the desk. "I'll bet she doesn't suck your cock, does she? And I'm positive that she's never let you butt-fuck her."

"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!" Henry frantically thought as she again applied pressure to his captive cock.

The pressure abruptly faded as Janet suddenly withdrew her hand and grabbed both of her breasts, squeezing them hard. Her thick nipples pressed though the thin material and long red tipped fingers pressed against them.

"You like my tits, don't you?" she asked as she bounced the large jugs. "I bet you'd like to see them, wouldn't you?"

Not even realizing he was doing it, Henry nodded his acknowledgment. He was hooked. Parts of his mind called out for him to flee, but an erotic paralysis held him in place.

"Well feast your eyes on these jewels." Janet said triumphantly as she grabbed the bottom on her tank top and pulled it up and over her mammoth mounds. Freed of their restriction, they bounced only inches from Henry's face.

"Why don't you take a little taste, honey pie." she commanded as she grabbed the back of his head and pressed the long thick nipple into Henry's willing mouth.

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