My Surprise Birthday Orgy - Cover

My Surprise Birthday Orgy

by Friskee_cpl

Copyright© 2013 by Friskee_cpl

Erotica Sex Story: It's my birthday but why is my wife getting all the presents?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   .

It was on her fifth drink that she muttered the words that changed our marriage forever.

We were sitting in the Hopetoun Hotel in Bourke St Surry Hills washing down the last of our Mexican dishes with a few Corona and the odd Tequila. In the public bar, an acoustic duo massacred a few Neil Young tunes.

Neither of us are particularly big Mexican food fans and Lisa's decision to bring us here for my 40th birthday had me thinking something was up.

The entire night had been a surprise. I arrived home from work at 5.30 to find that the kids were already at her mum and dad's, Lisa was all dressed and she had our bags packed for the night.

She told me very little about what we were up to for the night and even after we checked into the five star accommodation, she still didn't let on about what she had planned.

The view from the apartment was spectacular. The room was so huge that it had two queen sized beds in it.

Lisa was wearing my favourite dress. A simple short black number with a plunging neckline that was nicely emphasised by the Celtic symbol she had draped off a chunky silver chain.

At 36 years young, Lisa had spent the past six months working on reversing as much of the damage that having three children could do. She had become a gym junkie and was even rising at 5.30 to go for a 10 kilometre run. With that and a visit to a Weight Watcher's class every week, she'd lost countless kilograms and apart from some stretched skin around her belly, you'd barely know she'd had any kids at all. Our children were now 13, 10 and 7, and for tonight they were safely in the care of her parents.

"You remember how all those years ago," she said, "back before we started having kids?"

I nodded and snapped the head off a disturbingly soft prawn.

"How we used to, you know, party with Andy and Leanne."

I nodded again, this time with a wide grin and let the prawn juice dribble down my chin. "How can I forget." I recalled all those weeks we spent fucking each other before they went overseas.

"Well, I'm kinda thinking that we should," she reached over and grabbed my prawn-free hand, "start doing it again."

I was gob-smacked. I didn't think this was coming.

"But aren't they separated now?" I asked, "Andy and Leanne."

"On again, off again," she said. "Now back on."

I smiled at her. Images of her sucking Andy's cock as she bounced on mine and Leanne licking my balls flicked in my mind's eye. "Are they coming here?"

"No they're going to meet us at the club."

"What club?"

"The Couple's Club."

"I take it that they don't have a room full of pokies at this club."

Lisa laughed. "Maybe a different kind of pokies."

I had to laugh too.

I sat back in the chair, breaking the physical contact with her.

"I suppose so." I said. "We don't really have to do anything if we don't want to do we?"

"Of course not," she smiled at me, "It's couples only as well."

"What time are we meeting them?"


"Where is it?"

"Just around the corner apparently," she pulled an address from her handbag. "Leanne was a bit confused about the address but it's just over the road."

I looked at Lisa's scrawled address that read 414 Bourke St, Surry Hills.

"Well, we have another hour to get fortified." I said holding up the beer.

"I bought something else as well," Lisa said.


"Leanne is still baking those special brownies."

"You're kidding me."

She fished a small foil square out of her bag. "Yep, these are those brownies that we remember."

"I'm not having too much." I said recalling how badly they wiped me out 15 years ago.

"Fair enough,"

We surreptitiously nibbled on the enhanced chocolate slice and I soon noticed that it was all gone, and I'd barely had any at all.

"Just in case you get shy," Lisa said, "You might like to take this."

She handed me the familiar blue diamond of a Viagra.

"Where did you get this?" I asked, although I half knew the answer.


"Thought so." I washed it down with another swig of Corona.

"Hash, booze and Viagra." I said, "Now that's a combination."

We adjourned out into the public bar where the duo were now desecrating a Radiohead tune. The eyes of the young men all took in my sexy wife. As we sat feeling the effects of our substance abuse take effect, Lisa's phone flashed a message. "It's mum. The kid's are all good," she said. "They are going to a movie."

We sat and endured the duo until 8.30 before we grabbed our gear and stood up. Standing up probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. The brownies had begun to kick in and that familiar calm wooziness descended upon me. I looked at Lisa and that stoned, glazed look was beginning to appear.

"I'm as stoned as a Christian," I said.

"I'm OK," Lisa said smiling.

The club was, as Lisa said, just across the road.

The world had slowed down as we waited for the lights to change, and the dim red light above the door of the club let us know our destination.

The brass doorbell made no sound as I pressed it but it was only seconds before a tall middle aged lady, dressed in a short black dress, suspenders and a singlet top, opened the door.

"Hi guys," she said, "Welcome."

We just stood their smiling like loons.

"It's $120 for a couple, including drinks."

"Oh yeah," Lisa finally spoke, "Of course." She slid an envelope out of her bag and handed it over. The lady checked it out, smiled and ushered us up the stairs.

When we got to the top, directly in front of us was a small bar where three men, all with towels wrapped around their waists, stood drinking. Another two men were talking to a youngish topless girl at one of the tables and in another room there were about five men and another middle aged lady having a chat.

"Andy and Leanne must be late," I said.

Lisa looked up at me and just smiled.

"I'll show you your locker," the lady said as she grabbed Lisa on the elbow.

All the men in the building were now staring at Lisa as we sauntered down the corridor.

"You can both have number 38," she said pulling the door open. "Just ask for the key at the bar."

"I'll ring Leanne," Lisa said as she pulled her phone out of the bag.

"Sorry love," the lady said as she put a hand over the phone, "No mobiles allowed but you can call from the bar."

"Oh shit, sorry," she said as she tucked it back into the bag.

"Did you bring something to wear?" the lady asked Lisa.

"Umm, no," Lisa just smiled again but this time the stoned glazed look was clearly obvious. "I'll just wear my panties."

I figured I had to wear the towel so we stripped off and both of us stood in the corridor.

"I thought they said it was couples only," I asked her.

"That's what Leanne said," Lisa said, "Lets go have a drink and wait for them."

As we entered the bar a couple of guys made space at one of the tables and waved us over.

"Hi," one of them said, "First time here?"

"Yeah," I said, "some friends told us about it."

"Cool," another said, "Would you like a quick tour?"

"That'd be nice," Lisa said.

Lisa looked extremely hot as she confidently stood amongst all these men in nothing but a pair of black lace knickers.

I grabbed two beers and went back to the table.

"Ok," one bloke said, "I'm Bill and I'll show you around if you like."

"That'd be nice," Lisa said, her stoned face smiling at everyone.

"Obviously this is the bar," he waved his hand around before pointing into the next room, "in there is the lounge and spa." Two black leather lounges sat opposite a large spa with large mirrors against the wall. A coffin shaped coffee table sat in the middle of the room.

"In a few hours there'll be a few more people here," Bill said. "Which means if you want to make use of this room in here," he tapped on the door before opening it, "which is the private room. You may want to get in there early." The bed in the room was a massive wooden creation with 'Sin Sity' carved into the side. On the bed was a stunning short-haired brunette bouncing up and down on some bloke beneath her. Of course I thought 'How unfortunate to misspell something when you are carving.'

I saw out of the corner of my eye a smaller alcove with a leather swing on the left, a wooden rack on the right and some shackles hanging from the wall.

"This looks interesting," Lisa said as she pushed the swing.

'It's very popular," Bill said. "But not nearly as popular as what happens upstairs."

Lisa turned towards me and grabbed my dick through the towel. I was already half hard just by being there.

We went back into the lounge and I noticed another two blokes coming in and checking Lisa out as we turned to walk up the stairs.

Bill went first and when we got to the top he swung around and gestured like a flight attendant.

"To our left we have the sauna, and to be honest I've never seen anyone use it."

"Whoa." Lisa said.

"As you can see," he placed his hand on the small of her back, "here we have the group sex lounge."

The room had a few, sheet covered, foam mattresses on the floor and a leather lounge along the right hand side wall. A flat screen TV to our left bathed the room in its pornographic hue.

"Crazy," Lisa said.

I'm not sure but I could swear that her nipples suddenly hardened.

Bill and I turned to go back down the stairs but Lisa stood transfixed in the room watching the reflected image of the TV bouncing off one of the mirrors. A black woman was being gangbanged by five white men. A nice change to the usual formula.

Suddenly though I felt a churning in my stomach, and it wasn't butterflies. Something from the Mexican restaurant wasn't agreeing with me.

As we went to return to the lounge another two blokes were climbing the stairs.

"Sorry guys but we're just taking a tour," Bill said.

"Bugger," one said.

"Maybe later," Lisa said with a smile at me. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear.

We went back into the lounge where another few blokes had arrived and now it seemed as though about 12 men were there and only the three ladies, excluding the hostess.

I grabbed another three beers and as I stood at the bar a few more men turned up. When I looked back towards Lisa she was swaying to the music and watching the same gangbang scene on the screen above my head. One of the other guys came up behind her and put his hands on her hips and began doing the dirty dancing routine. I was already half hard and watching her being so aroused was certainly causing a diversion of my normal blood flow.

I went back in and the bloke slowly moved away. Lisa however didn't miss a beat as she took the beer from me and had another swig.

"No sign of Leanne and Andy," I said.

Lisa just shrugged.

"Lets have a spa," I said knowing she loved them.

"Sounds good."

She winked at a few of the lads and they all smiled back.

"You're loving this," I said as she slowly pulled her knickers down.

"And by the look of that," she pointed to my swelling cock, "so do you."

She dropped her lace knickers on the coffin coffee table and shook her arse at the crowd.

Again my stomach rolled and I remembered the toilets back near the lockers.

"Something's doing some damage," I said patting my stomach.

"Not now," Lisa said.

I eased myself into the hot water, "Should be alright."

Lisa lay back and cared little that her long curly black hair was getting wet.

One of the other blokes came over to the spa and asked if he could join. I nodded and he dropped his towel revealing a cock that made John Holmes look inadequate.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph," Lisa said.

The jets and hot water played merry hell with my guts and I knew that soon I'd have to evacuate the spa.

"That's a big dick," she said. "May I?" she asked both me and the guy. We both nodded.

She reached up and pulled on its massive width.

She was sitting opposite me and I felt her legs part slightly as she tugged on his cock.

Her hand looked tiny as it glided along its length.

Awkwardly I could feel the pressing need to evacuate something other than the spa.

"Sorry mate," I said to her as I stood up. "Dodgy prawn fajita." My cock waved in her face as I moved to exit the spa and she grabbed it as well. With two cocks in her hands she looked incredibly hot.

I left my towel where it was and hurried to the loo. I saw big boy slide down into the spa as I turned the corner.

I was grateful that the toilet was not only empty, but had a bloody good exhaust fan.

What would usually only take a few minutes just wouldn't stop, so to spare you the details dear reader, it was at least 10 to 15 minutes before I felt comfortable enough to exit the khazi.

I left the light and the fan on and with the towel wrapped around my waist I returned to the lounge to find the spa was now occupied by the other lady and three men.

Lisa's black knickers were still on the coffee table and one of the men on the lounge nodded down towards the alcove.

I turned to see the backs of three naked men all noticeably jerking their cocks as Lisa was being fucked on the leather swing by 'big boy'. Behind her was Bill squeezing her tits and swinging her onto the mammoth cock that was stretching her hairy pussy in all directions.

"This is one hot bitch," one of them said to me as I sidled up.

"It would appear so," I said. Saying this caught Lisa's attention and she smiled through the alcohol, dope and sexual haze she was floating through. She looked up to me after a moment as if to check if I was OK but before I could answer I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and grab onto my near erect, Viagra enhanced, cock.

I looked back and there was the youngish girl that had previously been sitting in the bar.

"Well hello," I said and I noticed that as I did so, Lisa lay back and grabbed one of the spare cocks by her side. One of the other men moved over to the other side of the swing and Lisa now had a cock in each hand, one in her pussy and when she slid down and Bill shoved his cock in her mouth, she was almost totally full of cock.

The girl, who I later found out was called Amy, pulled me by the cock over next to Lisa, who now had spit running down her face and was making a mmmfhhssll type noise, and sunk to her knees.

My cock sprung up like a suspension leaf from a F100.

Amy began giving me the best head I've ever had and her technique, I have to say, was better than Lisa's. She spat all over my cock and really used her tongue to exquisite effect. It was sloppy, noisy and bloody excellent. Big Boy was still pumping hard and Lisa's pussy was running the risk of dehydrating her. Amy reached over and began massaging Big Boys balls and sure enough, within a minute or two, he pulled his cock out of her distended pussy and sprayed a knee-trembling amount of cum up and over Lisa's sweating torso.

"Oh fuck yeah," my slut wife said, "Cum all over me."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Big boy said as Amy continued to squeeze his balls.

Big boy spun around and Amy grabbed a hold of his shimmering cock and sucked it into her mouth. I looked down at Lisa's gaping cunt and her cum splattered torso and thought 'What the hell.' My cock slid into her cunt like a hot knife into butter and she didn't even look up to see who it was. The other two guys were now near her head and they were just jerking her head from one to another as the three cocks fucked her face.

"Cum all over the slut," Amy said from her kneeling position on the floor, "Cream all over her face."

I watched some of Big Boy's cum settle into her slightly wrinkly belly button and began to rub her swollen clit as I ploughed into her. Her arse lifted off the swing a fraction and I reached under and slid a finger into her arse. My God did she go off.

"Oh fuck yes," she called out before they stuffed their cocks back into her mouth.

"Fuck this slut good," Amy said as she squeezed my balls. I tried as hard as possible to restrain from dropping my nut sack into her snatch but when Amy stood up and began to lap up the cum on Lisa's body it was all too much for me and two of the guys fucking her face, because almost at once the three of us began loading her up with sperm. Lisa's body began shaking with, and she told me later how many she had, her first orgasm of the night.

I don't know why I felt I needed to cum in her, she'd had her tubes tied after the third born arrived, but I did. I think I was trying to repel any other blokes from sliding in after me. Waste of time really. Load after load was pumped into her hole as Lisa turned towards the two guys and began capturing some of the cum being showered down.

Great orbs of jism were drooping off my wife's chin and cheeks and her tongue was darting out trying to catch as much as possible. Honestly I'd never seen her as slutty as she was acting now. Our other group activities, 15 or so years ago, were tame compared to this.

Bill was still able to withhold the urge to cum and he backed away from Lisa as Amy and her began kissing and swapping the cum.

I slid my stiff cock out of her pussy and rubbed her swollen clit and watched as her twitching cunt forced my jism out of her hole. An opalescent stream oozed out of her pussy down onto her arsehole. The two blokes who had shot their loads onto her face moved out of the alcove and re-wrapped a towel around themselves. Bill moved around next to me and we both watched as Lisa lay there with her legs splayed open, my cum running out of her hole, and Amy licking up the cream of the two men.

"That is one hot babe you brought here," Bill said.

I just nodded wondering what else the night had coming.

"She looks like she's up for anything," he continued.

"It would appear so."

"Do you know her well?" I was surprised by this question.

"Umm," I said, "I thought I did. She is my wife after all."

"Fair dinkum?" he said, "This is your missus?"

Once again my stomach began to misbehave and those familiar rumblings returned.

"Yeah," I said "We were meant to meet some other friends here tonight but they haven't shown up."

"So are you OK with all this?'

"Well we've already started but we might just have a break for a while and re-evaluate the situation."

"Fair enough," Bill said.

Lisa sat up in the swing with a look of wanton lust and sexual hunger on her face. Her long dark curly hair was matted with cum and her face was glistening with spit and jizz.

"That was fucking wild," she said, "Am I a fucking mess?"

"You sure are slut," Amy said as she slid a hand down onto Lisa's cunt. "I'll clean you up if you like?"

Lisa looked up at me at the same moment that I knew I'd have to go back to the toilet for another session.

"I'm good for that," Lisa said as she once again opened her legs.

Amy ducked down and began lapping at Lisa's pussy like she was a cat in a dairy. Lisa held the back of head and began moaning in delight.

"Mmm lick my hubby's cum up, eat his cum," she said while smiling up at me.

The slopping sound and the lesbian action caught the attention of a few of the lads who meandered over for a look.

"With all these cocks around," one of them said, 'we have two lezzoe's having a lick."

"We're not dykes," Lisa said, "We love dick more."

"You two can come with me," Amy said abandoning her cunt licking. She grabbed them by the dick and went into the private room. "Let's see if you have anything worth bragging about."

Lisa hopped off the swing and rested up against me. I gingerly moved my hands through her sticky, cum streaked hair.

"Are we OK?" she asked.

"I think we'll be fine," I said, "but we really should go."

"I'll go ring Leanne and see what's happening," she said.

As she walked ahead of me back into the bar, I noticed with a chuckle the check pattern the swing had left on her back. "What's so funny," she asked.

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