Carmen and Little Nina - Cover

Carmen and Little Nina

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2009 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: She was trouble just looking to happen.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   .

She was a little sexpot and my dick got hard every time I laid eyes on her. She was also trouble - a disaster waiting to happen to a guy like me. She looked every bit of twenty-one, but she was only sixteen. Her name was Nina (pronounced Neenya) and for some reason or another she had taken a liking to me. She came over to our house (I stayed with my parents when I was home from school) every time I worked in the yard or worked on my car in the garage and I could tell what she wanted from the look in her eye. And as much as I ached to give it to her I couldn't. I was twenty and had no interest in going to jail as a sex offender.

It was a very bad summer for me. First, I had to have my appendix out and it cost me the winter and spring semesters at school and second, since I had to be around the house all day Nina was around to do her very best to break me down. She went from tight sweaters and tight jeans in April and May to shorts and tank tops in June and July, but it really got bad when August came around and she started coming over in bikini bathing suits. I do have to admit that I almost lost it once and was ready to take her in the house and do the dirty deed, but my dad coming home from work early saved me.

September arrived and I went back to school, which not only got me away from Nina, but also got me in touch with girls my own age. But the funny thing was that no matter who I went out with I always found myself comparing them with that sixteen year old nymphet. I enjoyed a lot of sex during that fall and winter term, but Nina was never very far from my mind. Over Christmas break my parents had a holiday party and Nina's parents were invited and they brought Nina along. She was only six months older, but she was still jailbait to me. Every one at the party could see that she seemed to have a crush on me and I was teased unmercifully. I did my best to avoid her, but she seemed to have a radar-tracking unit in her head because no matter where I went Nina would show up a moment later. What made it really bad is that I had my girlfriend at the party with me and we kept trying to sneak away so we could be alone. Finally we decided to leave and go to a motel and I went to find my parents to let them know I was leaving. Nina caught me in the dining room and grabbed me:

"You can't get away now, you have to do it."

I looked at her like she was nuts and she pointed up and when I looked I saw that she had caught me under the mistletoe. I bent down to kiss her on the cheek but she threw her arms around me and kissed me on the mouth and it was a kiss that melted the nails in the heels of my shoes. If we had been alone in the house I would have hauled her up to my room and jail be damned. When Nina broke the kiss she giggled and said:

"I going to get you. You can fight it all you want, but I'm going to get you."

I shook my head and said, "No way squirt. I'm not going to jail over a sixteen year old piece of jail-bait."

"I'll be seventeen next month."

"That's still one year too young."

I took off and my date and I went to the Bide A Wee Motel and damned if I didn't think of Nina the whole time my girl and I rolled around on the bed. I managed to avoid Nina for the rest of Christmas break, but even though I didn't see her she always seemed to be with me.

I'd been saving my money to pay for tuition for summer classes, hoping to make up some of the time I lost when they took out my appendix. The closer Spring Break came the more I dreaded going home and having to face Nina. By now there was little doubt in my mind that the sexy young girl was eventually cause me to make a bad mistake. So, without thinking of the long-term consequences I grabbed for the short-term solution. I took my savings and went to Ft. Lauderdale for Spring Break. I had a ball and all the lovelies on the beach kept me from thinking of Nina, well almost. The folly of my short-term solution began to register on me the closer to June I came. I had taken one week in Florida to avoid Nina during spring break and now with no money to take summer classes I was looking at three months at home where she could get at me every day. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

My second day home I was in the garage changing the oil in my car when I heard a noise behind me and turned to see Nina standing there. She was wearing shorts and a halter-top and looking every bit like a twenty-year-old. She smiled at me, "Are my tits too big? Most boys seem to like them, but the girls all call me a milk cow. What do you think?"

Everyday it was something like that and finally I just yelled at her, "Will you please just leave me alone! You are underage and I am not going to go to jail over you and that's final!" And then I had an inspiration, "Besides, I'm gay." She cocked her head to one side and looked at me as if to say to herself "I guess that explains it" and she turned and left. I didn't see Nina anymore that week and I thought that I was out of the woods, except for the fact that I still thought about her all the time.

The statement "I am gay" did have some unforeseen consequences. My summer job was changing oil at Jiffy Lube and I worked a ten-hour day, four days a week, and my days off were Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday. It was a Wednesday and I was in the yard cutting the grass when Carmen, Nina's mother came over and asked me if I would help her move a dresser. Once we got to the bedroom she asked me to wait a second and she went into the bathroom. When she came back she was naked except for high heels and a smile.

"Nina tells me that you are gay and I don't believe it. The more I thought about it the sillier it sounded so I decided that I had to find out. Look at me sweetie. It's all yours and right now. Of course, if you are gay you won't be interested, will you?"

There had been rumors that Carmen had "entertained" several men in the neighborhood, but I hadn't believed them, until now. The only pussy I had been trying to stay away from had been Nina's; there was no way I was going to pass up a chance at Carmen. She laughed when I dropped my pants, "I knew it. You were just trying to stop Nina from chasing you, am I right?"

I nodded as I pulled of my shirt and Carmen moved in front of me and went to her knees. "Oh baby, I almost feel guilty taking this instead of letting Nina have it, but you weren't going to give it to her anyway, were you?" She looked up at me and giggled and then she took me in her mouth.

I wasn't inexperienced, I'd had quite a few girls since starting college but I had never experienced a woman like Carmen. I spent the entire afternoon in her bedroom and she drained me dry. She gave the most exquisite blow jobs, and her pussy felt like soft, warm velvet. She sucked my cock, had me eat her pussy and then we fucked. With all my girlfriends I thought I'd been making love, but with not with Carmen. With Carmen it was pure animal sex - we fucked! And we fucked all afternoon. When she said we had to quit because her husband was due to come home I don't believe I could have gotten it up again anyway. As I was leaving Carmen said, "If you can get over being gay maybe we can do this again sometime - like maybe tomorrow? Same time, same place?"

For the rest of the summer I spent every Tuesday and Wednesday in Carmen's bedroom. On Monday, her husband's lodge meeting night and on Thursday, his bowling night, you could find me there too. It was the weekend before I was due to leave for school and I was doing a tune-up on my car when Nina walked in to the garage, "Hey gay boy, how's it going?"

At that point it wasn't going too good because Nina was wearing a bikini that wasn't really there if you know what I mean, and it's damned hard to lean over a fender with a hard on.

"You are quite the stud aren't you?" I looked over at her and she said, "I know you have been fooling around with my mother all summer. How does it feel to be part of a sex show?"

I put my tools down and turned toward her and as soon as she saw my face she laughed, "You didn't know! You didn't know, did you?"

Confused, I asked "Know what?"

Nina giggled, "That my dad was in the closet watching. That's their thing. Mom brings home guys while my dad hides in the closet watching."

Stunned, I said the only thing I could think of, "Bullshit!"

She laughed again and said, "If you don't believe me go and look. Mom knows you're leaving for school Wednesday so Monday night she will try and wear you out while daddy doesn't go to a meeting of a lodge he doesn't belong to. Come on gay boy, follow me home and take a look at my parent's home entertainment system."

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