The Taking - Cover

The Taking

by Vidi Veni

Copyright© 2009 by Vidi Veni

Erotica Sex Story: From the first time I saw her, I knew that I had to have her. Over the years, my obsession with the single mother grew increasingly insane until I knew that the only cure was to take her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Reluctant   Mother   Daughter   Spanking   Light Bond   First   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   .

For the past twenty years or so, I have worked for a global conglomerate that has its fingers in everything from communications to pharmaceuticals. One of the down sides of my employment was that my assignments required frequent relocation. The longest I ever lived in a single place was three years and there were times that I didn't even get to finish unpacking before I had to move again. I wasn't married and had no children, so this didn't especially bother me, although the frequent moves did keep these conditions from ever changing. I dated when the opportunities arose but, before I could get close to anyone, it was always time to move on.

About five years ago, I was working a short term stint as a plant manager at a facility in rural West Virginia and living in a company owned house located in a fairly affluent area several miles from the factory. The area around my residence was well wooded with only a few large, widely separated houses placed in amongst the trees.

I had been there a little more than a month when I discovered that the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen lived only a half mile down the road from me. Each morning I would watch out my kitchen window as she jogged by; her firm breasts heaving under her t-shirt, her round, pert ass swaying from side to side, and her long brown hair, always done up in a pony tail for her morning exercise, bobbing behind her.

In conversations with my closest neighbor, I learned that her name was Marie, although he mostly referred to her as "The Ice Queen", and that she was a single mother who had sworn off men following an extremely abusive relationship. Although I was disheartened by this information, I was still planning on trying to make her acquaintance. Unfortunately, before I could do so, an assignment requiring my particular skill set arose in Italy and it was again time to pack up and pull my shallow roots.

After Italy came the Ukraine and then Germany. No matter where I was, though, visions of Marie continued to haunt me. I really couldn't understand why this was so; I had never before obsessed over a woman, or anything else for that matter. The worst part was that I had never so much as spoken to her or even seen her from a distance of closer than twenty yards. My obsession was irrational, insane, and I knew it. I did everything I could to get her out of my mind, even living with a woman in Germany for almost a year. Nothing worked. The woman in Germany, who meant so little to me that I can no longer remember her name, left me after an argument in which she accused me of not being committed to our relationship and told me that it was obvious that every time we made love I was pretending that she was someone else. I couldn't really refute her points. They were true. In fact, they were far truer than she would have dared suspect.

Roughly a year ago, shortly after a promotion and reassignment back to the States, I was going over my portfolio with my investment advisor when I realized that I was a wealthy man; several of my investments over the years had been wise, and even more had been lucky. It was quite a surprise. I had invested most of my income over the years more because I really had nothing else to do with the money than out of any expectation that it would actually pay off. I had not even truly looked at any of my statements in years. I wasn't filthy, stinking, buy-my- own-tropical-island rich, but my net worth was in the low eight digits. At the age of forty-seven, I no longer had any reason to continue working and could actually put down roots somewhere of my own choosing.

There was only one impediment left to living out the remainder of my days in leisure and luxury: my obsession with Marie. Until I exorcized her from my mind, there was no hope of happiness with anyone else. While I considered how I might accomplish this, I resigned from my employment, moved my money into much safer albeit lower yielding investments, and purchased a home in a remote part of Montana.

I pondered my problem every minute of every waking day for the better part of a year before finally settling on a solution that was as insane as it was exciting. Most of my assignments with my former employer had involved duties that were performed well outside the public eye. During such assignments I had made contact with more than a few individuals with a, shall we say, less than savory reputation. I used one of those contacts now. For the paltry sum of a hundred grand, he set me up with a new identity: birth certificate, driver's license, social security number, education and employment history, the works. Another contact assisted me in cleanly and untraceably transferring a portion of my wealth to bank accounts set up in the name of my new alias. Still another helped me verify that Marie's place of residence had not been transferred during the intervening years.

Last fall, I purchased a non-resident West Virginia hunting license in the name of my alias. Late October found me rolling into that special small town for the first time in five years. I had long ago realized that it wasn't love that I felt for Marie. I didn't go there with some naive notion of sweeping her off her feet and whisking her off with me to live our lives together. I had gone there to take her, to possess her utterly, to use her until I achieved cathartic release of my sick compulsion. That night, I checked into a hotel, paying cash and using the cliched name of John Smith.

The following morning, I drove out towards my quarry's residence and parked the beat- up pickup truck I was using a mile away from my target. I trudged into the woods with a composite bow in my hand and a backpack slung over my shoulder. Unlike hunters during the regular deer season, archery hunters were not required to wear bright orange vests or hats. In full camouflage, I was comfortable approaching to within a hundred yards of Marie's residence. There, I leaned the bow against a tree and set up a long range targeted microphone and a laser microphone. I covered all but the business ends of the devices with camouflage netting. An observer would have to get extremely close before they could tell that anything untoward was going on.

The laser mic was an extremely ingenious device, able to pick up the vibrations that sound caused in glass and convert those vibrations back into sound. I aimed the laser at each window in rapid succession until I finally picked up a conversation that was going on inside the house. Pulling out a notebook, I jotted down the gist of what I was hearing. The intelligence gathering phase of my operation had begun.

I repeated this process every day for the entire week, until I had full knowledge of the duo's routines and upcoming plans. I also learned that the "Ice Queen" moniker was appropriate for Marie: although she doted on her daughter, Elizabeth, she treated everyone else with such cold contempt that I found any remaining doubts about my course of action dissolving even my lust for her increased. She had few friends, no living family other than her daughter, and almost no social life. She wasn't employed, but instead was living on alimony, child support and the proceeds of a divorce settlement with her abusive ex-husband. Based on what I gathered from the numerous and desperate calls to her attorney, this money was starting to run low as her ex was now unemployed as well. She couldn't have made this easier for me if she had tried.

I decided to strike on a Saturday morning a week and a day after my arrival, as I knew that they had no plans or commitments for the entire weekend. That morning, I checked out of the hotel and drove to my usual spot. At the designated time, I was hunkered down at my listening post when I heard the shower start at the same time that I observed Marie leave the house for her morning run. Doing a quick scan of the area with my binoculars to make certain there were no witnesses, I pulled a ski mask with the mouth cut out over my face and moved quickly to the house. I made a short stop at the telephone Demarc box, disconnected the house lines and plugged in the battery powered base for the cordless phone I had in my backpack.

Once this was done, I ran furtively around the side of the house to the front door. It had an expensive bolt lock that took me almost twenty seconds to pick. Quietly entering the house, I relocked the door behind me and disabled the cheap security system in well under the minute it gave me to enter the code. I then did a quick search until I located Marie's purse and the cell phone it contained. After removing and pocketing the cell phone's battery I moved to the room where I knew they kept their computer and disconnected the cable modem. I was now ready to start the confrontation phase of my plan.

Pulling the 9mm pistol from my pocket, I crept down the hall to the bathroom door. I waited there until a few seconds after I heard the shower stop and then burst into the room, gun held ready. Little Beth squealed in surprise and fear, reflexively clutching the towel to her body.

"Drop the towel and put your hands above your head," I harshly commanded.

Up until now, I had been so focused on the mother that I had taken little notice of the daughter. She was a lovely young thing. Maybe thirteen or fourteen years old, she had the lithe, tight body of a girl just beginning to blossom into a woman. Her facial features were extremely similar to those of her mother, right down to the upturned button of a nose. Her tiny breasts had the firmness and perkiness of youth and looked adorable partially covered with strands of her wet brown hair. Glancing down, I saw that she had only a slight bush of downy soft pubic hair that did nothing to hide her cleft. My lust for Marie rapidly grew to encompass her offspring as well.

"Please don't hurt me," she whispered tremulously.

"I don't want to hurt anyone," I replied, "but I will unless you and your mother do exactly what I tell you, when I tell you. Understood?"

Tears rising in her eyes, Beth answered with a nod.

"Good girl, Beth," I told her in a soft voice, "Now, the first thing I want you to do is lead me to your mother's bedroom." The girl looked surprised that I knew her name, but moved to obey.

I followed Beth down the hall, enjoying the sight of the rounded cheeks of her perfect little ass swaying gently from side to side.

When we reached the bedroom, I was gratified to see the king sized bed that it contained. After ordering the girl to climb onto the bed, I dropped my backpack to the floor and began to empty it of the padded handcuffs, leather cuffs and various lengths of rope that it contained.

Scooping two sets of the handcuffs up off the floor, I approached the bed and the sobbing young woman that it contained. "Everything will be ok, Beth," I told her, "As long as you do exactly what I say, no one will get hurt and I'll be gone tomorrow night at the latest. My reassurance had little effect on her demeanor, but she did obey immediately when I told her to raise her arms above her head.

I quickly handcuffed each of her hands to the ornate wrought iron head board. Returning to my pile of toys, I selected two of the cuffs and several pieces of rope. Climbing onto the bed at Beth's feet, I attached the cuffs to her ankles and then pushed her legs out and back while staring into her wide brown eyes.

"Tell me when this starts to hurt, Beth," I directed. The girl was flexible. I was able to push her knees the whole way back to the sides of her chest without her giving any indication of pain. Backing off slightly, I used the rope to secure the cuffs to the head board before standing to assess my work.

The girl's buttocks were raised slightly from the bed, her legs splayed out widely. In this position, her thin, coral colored labial lips had spread open revealing the tiny entrance of her sex. At the top of her cleft was the small pink nugget of her clitoral hood; at the bottom the perfect pink pucker of her anus.

Tracing a finger lightly up and down the exquisitely soft skin of an inner thigh, I told her, "You're a very beautiful girl, Beth." Crawling up on the bed next to her, I began rubbing my hand gently over her firm stomach as I instructed, "When we hear your mother come in, I want you to call out to her in a normal tone of voice and ask her to come here. If you do anything to alert her to my presence, I will have to hurt both of you. Okay?"

She nodded her understanding.

For the next ten minutes, I softly rubbed the girl's belly while whispering reassurances and compliments in her ear. When we heard her mother come through the door downstairs, I gave her a nod.

"Mom," she called out, "could you come here a minute? I'm in your bedroom."

I had to give the girl credit; despite the situation she was in, there was no sign of strain or fear in her voice. She would make a fine actress someday. We listened to her mother's footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall. Moments later, the object of my desire appeared in the doorway, looking every bit as gorgeous as I remembered. The moment she entered the room, her jaw dropped open in astonishment and her eyes widened in fear.

Seeing Marie's body tense as she prepared herself to either flee or attack, I flashed the gun and calmly said, "Hello, Marie. As I was just telling little Beth here, I don't want to hurt anyone, but I will unless you do exactly as I say. Will you cooperate?"

Marie's shoulders slumped at the sight of the gun so close to her helpless daughter. "What do you want?" she asked fearfully.

"I came here to fuck you," I replied calmly as I glided a finger over one of Beth's nipples, "but now I want to fuck Beth, too."

Anger apparently overcame reason as Marie unleashed a string of invectives at me that would have made any sailor blush. I let her go on for a minute or two before pulling the slide back on the pistol. The loud click it made when it slid back into place silenced her immediately.

Smiling at her amiably, I said, "As I was about to say before you so rudely interrupted me, I want you to strip off your clothes and come here."

With trembling hands she complied. Despite her ritual morning exercise, her body was voluptuous, all lush curves and softness. Her breasts in particular were magnificent. Even though she had to be at least in her mid-thirties, there was not a hint of sag. Jogging out in the cold air had left her large nipples fully erect and they protruded a good half inch from her dark areola, nearly the same diameter as a pencil eraser. When she lowered her sweat pants and panties, I saw that she kept her brown bush neatly trimmed in a landing strip.

I made a show of looking her up and down, bringing a slight blush to her face. "Very nice, Marie," I told her, "Now, come here."

Timidly she walked to the bed, her heavy breasts swaying with each step.

I patted the bed below her daughter's upthrust hips, "Have a seat." When she had complied, I told her, "In ten minutes I am going to fuck Beth. How painful that experience will be for her is up to you."

She looked at me blankly, so I tapped my watch while I said, "The clock is running, Marie. I would suggest you use the time remaining to get her ready." As I said the last, I dropped my gaze pointedly to her daughter's cleft.

Her eyes widened in shock as she finally caught my meaning. She began to rise from the bed when I cut her off, "Where are you going, Marie?"

"There's some lube in one of my drawers... ," she began dazedly.

I smiled mockingly, "No, Marie. No lube. You may only use your tongue and one finger."

Her eyes wide with shock, she made a last rambling attempt to appeal to my supposed good nature, "Please, no. She's a virgin. You can have sex with me as much as you want. Please, just leave her alone. She's not on any kind of protection; you could get her pregnant."

"I fully intend to fuck you as much as I want, Marie," I replied, "After I'm done with Beth. Oh, and Marie? Pregnancy is not my problem. It's yours. Now, you had better hurry, the clock is still running." In fact, I had gotten a vasectomy while living with the woman in Germany, but I saw no point in telling them that.

Marie twisted on the bed until she was facing her daughter's crotch. Running her hands comfortingly up and down her daughter's legs she began to speak to the girl in a low voice, "Mommy's here, baby. We're going to be ok. I'm going to do something that will make you feel good, now. Okay?"

I again tapped on my watch. Marie shot me a venomous look and bent forward, her tongue extending outwards to run up her daughter's pink little slit. It only took around five minutes of her mother nibbling and licking at her sex before Beth began to cry out in pleasure. The muscles in Beth's abdomen clenched rhythmically as she attempted to hump herself into her mother's face. It was such an intensely erotic sight that I let Marie continue well past the ten minute mark.

I was amazed when Beth screamed and trembled in orgasm. While the girl was still lost in bliss, Marie slid a finger deeply and forcefully into her daughter's tiny hole. When she withdrew the digit, I saw that it was lightly flecked with blood. I almost laughed out loud; Marie had just taken her daughter's cherry to keep it from me. Such things mattered little to me, though, and I allowed Marie to continue licking her daughter's pussy until Beth came again. By that time my cock was hard and aching in my pants.

I grabbed a handful of Marie's hair and pulled her back from her daughter's sex. Her face was heavily glazed with Beth's juices. "Time's up, Marie," I told her.

Fixing me with another hate filled look, Marie began to rise. "No, Marie, I want you over here," I said as I guided her over to sit next to me on the bed. As I positioned myself in front of Beth's raised loins, I took Marie by the shoulder and guided her until her body was at a right angle to her daughter's; her cheek resting on one of Beth's bent back thighs.

I undid the front of my pants and pulled out my cock. I am pretty much average in that department at slightly over six inches in length and a little over an inch in diameter. I could tell that Marie wasn't very impressed, but Beth stared at it with wide, fearful eyes. Moving forward, I took my member in hand and dragged the tip up and down the length of the girl's cleft. Beth's labia were much thicker now and glistened with the combination of her juices and her mother's saliva. Her clit protruded prominently from its fleshy hood.

Smiling down at the girl, I said softly, "This shouldn't hurt much at all, Beth, now that your mom has popped your cherry and gotten you all wet."

With a vindictive sneer, Marie added, "Yeah, sweetheart, he's just got a tiny little thing. Nothing to be scared of."

Laughing lightly, I responded, "Yes, Marie, it's just a little one. So it should fit easily into your asshole later today." In response to my words, Marie's eyes widened and her jaw clamped shut.

I pushed the head of my cock down to Beth's entrance and gently pushed forward. Her mother's efforts had left her so well lubricated that the first several inches of my swollen member slid easily inside the girl. Her hot sheath gripped me so tightly that I had to stop with a groan to keep from climaxing too soon. When I had calmed down a bit, I resumed driving myself forward slowly, trying to be as gentle as I could. I truly had no desire to hurt the girl.

Soon I had bottomed out inside her; my full length ensconced in her tightly clasping tunnel. Looking up at her face, I saw that she was staring at the point of our union with wide eyes; her lower jaw hung slack and I could see a line of drool extending from the corner of her lips.

Her eyes widened further as I flexed my cock several times in her depths before asking softly, "That wasn't so bad, was it Beth?

The girl looked up to meet my eyes and shook her head slightly back and forth.

I then asked, "Does it hurt at all?"

Again she replied with a slight shake of the head.

My voice dropping even lower, I whispered, "Does it feel good, Beth? Do you like having my cock inside you?"

A dark blush suffused her face as she shook her head violently from side to side.

I slid out of her tight little cunt a few inches before driving myself back in to the hilt. "Don't lie to me, Beth. Do you like having my cock deep inside your little pussy?"

Her eyes flicked frantically down to where she could see the top of her mother's head protruding from behind her thigh and her blush grew deeper. I slid out until only the head of my cock was still inside her, reveling at the sight of her labia clinging to the shaft of my cock as I withdrew. I then reversed direction and drove myself slowly back into her depths, swiveling my hips slightly so that my head pushed against all of the internal surfaces of her tight tunnel. I repeated this several times until I heard a quavering gasp leave her lips and saw her eyes half close in pleasure. Again I asked the girl, "Do you like being fucked, Beth?"

The girl's eyes again flickered up from where she had been watching my cock delve into her pussy. "Yes," she admitted in the tiniest of whispers.

As I began to fuck the girl with firmer, more rapid strokes, I turned my attention to her mother. Marie was breathing heavily, her gaze locked on the cock that was raping her daughter's virgin twat. I had expected to see her face twisted in rage, but her expression was something far less definable.

I stared at her for a long moment, but her eyes never left the point of interest. Finally, I suggested, "Why don't you rub your daughter's little clit, Marie?"

Without hesitation, Marie licked one of her fingers and began to strum her little girl's pleasure button.

I increased the speed of my thrusts until my balls and upper thighs slapped loudly against Beth's firm ass cheeks each time I bottomed out in her tight pussy. After no more than ten minutes of this, the girl let out a long, keening wail and, amazingly, I felt her tunnel begin to contract rhythmically around my cock.

When Beth's orgasm had subsided, Marie took her finger from the girl's clit and began to lovingly caress her thighs and bottom. Marie's eyes still never left my plunging cock. Several minutes later, I felt my balls tighten and shoved my dick in to the hilt as my cum erupted into the adolescent.

"I'm cumming inside your little pussy, Beth," I moaned, "Can you feel it?"

"Uh huh," the panting girl replied.

I then asked, "Does it feel good, Beth? Do you like the way my cum feels as it splashes against the walls of your little pussy?"

She didn't answer verbally, but I felt her pussy began to spasm again.

When I had emptied myself completely, I pulled my slimy cock from Beth's warm sheath and, twisting slightly forward and to the side, used it to smack Marie lightly on the cheek. "I just filled your daughter with my seed, Marie," I told her solemnly, "The more you leave inside of her, the bigger chance there is of her getting pregnant."

Marie squirmed and I could see the indecision in her face. I bent and whispered in her ear, "You can only use your tongue."

I got out of her way and stumbled over to collapse in a wooden chair as I tried to catch my breath.

Marie quickly moved to take my place and from my vantage point I saw her drive her tongue deeply into her daughter's hole again and again. Each time she withdrew it, I could see that it was coated with my spunk.

By the time that I heard Beth begin to cry out in yet another orgasm, I was feeling sufficiently recovered to test a theory. Moving back to the bed, I crawled behind Marie's upthrust buttocks. When I first began to caress her wide, firm cheeks, she tried to shy away from me.

Smacking her sharply on the ass, I told her sternly, "Hold still, Marie. I know you want your turn."

I stroked and kneaded her ass cheeks for a few minutes before sliding a finger down the deep crevice between them. As my finger passed over the wrinkled skin of her anus, I heard her sharp intake of breath as she remembered my earlier threat. Grinning, I moved on. Sliding over her perineum, I found exactly what I had expected: Marie's cunt was literally dripping wet.

I grabbed Marie by the shoulders and pulled her upright before twisting her around until her back was to her daughter's face.

Bending Marie back over, I said, "Look here, Beth. Can you see how wet your mom's pussy is? Do you know what that means? It means that licking your little pussy and watching me fuck you excited her. It turned her on when I came inside you. Isn't that right, Marie?"

"You fucking bastard," she sobbed in response.

"Awww, don't be that way, Marie," I said mockingly as I sawed a finger in and out of her wet cunt. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Beth was squirming in discomfort and asked sympathetically, "Are you starting to get sore from being in that position, honey?" Marie flinched at my endearment.

When Beth nodded in response, I pulled my finger from her mother's pussy and, with another slap on her ass, instructed her to stay exactly where she was. Jumping up from the bed, I walked to my pile of bondage gear and retrieved the handcuff key. I first undid the ropes binding the girls ankles to the head board, allowing her sore legs to fall to the bed. After the handcuffs were loose, I went to the foot of the bed and took hold of Marie's wrists, stretching her arms forward until she was forced to lay her chest down on the bed. After handcuffing Marie securely, I returned to Beth.

"Did that make your back sore, honey," I asked her solicitously.

Yet again she answered with a nod.

"Roll over on your belly, and I'll make it feel better," I told her.

She did as I asked and, after leering at her ripe little ass for a moment, I firmly massaged her lower back. After a few minutes, I paused and asked, "Is it feeling any better, dear?"

"Uh huh," she answered sleepily.

"I'm glad," I said as I took my leave by giving her a soft pat on the bottom.

Moving back to the other side of the bed, I saw that Marie was now laying on her belly. I slid a hand beneath her loins and applied upward pressure until she pulled her knees back under herself and raised her ass to a convenient height.

Taking position behind her ripe proffered bottom, I again turned to Beth. "I'm going to fuck your mom now," I told her, "Would you like to watch me fuck your mother just like she watched me fuck you?"

Beth's eyebrows shot upwards in surprise and she looked at me with mouth agape, making no response.

With a reassuring smile, I added, "It's ok, honey. Your mom doesn't mind. Do you, Marie?" To ensure I got the answer I wanted, I pinched her clit lightly, hinting that I could easily pinch much harder.

"No," Marie hissed through tightly clenched teeth.

Beth took my out held hand and I guided her to her mother's side. Taking my half hard cock in my hand, I rubbed the head up and down between Marie's sodden lips a few times before placing my shaft in the crack of her ass and humping it back and forth. The soft, smooth skin of her ass rubbing against my shaft soon returned me to full hardness.

As I poised the head of my cock at Marie's entrance, I told Beth, "If you would like to be able to see better, you can reach your hands around to each of her cheeks and spread them a bit."

Hesitantly the girl did as I asked and then we both watched through the "v" of her mother's bottom cheeks as my cock slid slowly inside. As I had with the daughter, I did my best to penetrate Marie as if I were a gentle lover rather than a vicious rapist. As my loins came in contact with her upthrust buttocks, I paused to enjoy the delicious moment; I had finally achieved the goal of my long obsession and it easily met and exceeded my expectations. Marie's cunt was very nearly as tight as that of her daughter. I began to slide in and out of her liquid warmth, thoroughly enjoying the sensations that her tightly gripping sheath was bringing to my cock. Marie accepted the fucking passively, doing nothing to hinder my efforts, but not helping them either.

As I started to fuck the woman in earnest, I looked down at the girl who still knelt with her hands spreading her mother's ass cheeks, staring with fascination at the cock vanishing repeatedly and noisily into her mother's center.

"Beth," I told the girl gently, "if you like, you can help your mom feel good, just like she did for you."

The girl hesitantly removed one of her hands from her mother's bottom and, leaning in closer to the action, slid that hand up Marie's stomach until her finger could reach the clit. With each inward thrust of my cock, I could feel my balls brush against her rapidly swirling digit.

With the addition of her daughter's diddling finger, Marie's impassive demeanor began to crack. As her cunt began to spasm around my cock, she groaned out, "Oh, God, no!"; mortified at the thought of having an orgasm while being raped. With a hastily whispered instruction to Beth to continue her efforts, I redoubled my own, fucking vigorously in and out of the object of my obsession.

Under our dual stimulation, Marie's cunt continued to spasm and contract as her orgasm went on seemingly endlessly. Looking down, I saw that Beth's forehead was covered in a sheen of sweat and her hips were twitching involuntarily.

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