Painted Student - Cover

Painted Student

by Robin

Copyright© 2009 by Robin

Erotica Sex Story: The first time in my career in education, a student get to me, all because of her tattoo

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Body Modification   Teacher/Student   School   .

Lunch time in the refectory can be hectic. Students and staff share the same facilities, queuing for hot meals or panini's and coffee. It isn't the largest room in the college so, the tables and chairs can become precious, especially when they are pulled out of their serried ranks into group patterns so friends can socialise while they eat.

Today was just like any other at lunch; hectic. The place heaved with a mass of young people whose voices joined in a cacophony of noise. The smell of food being cooked and coffee wafted on a warm breeze that circulated the canteen.

The scrape of a chair on the herring-bone parquet flooring drew a glance from me, focusing my attention for a brief moment and bringing me back from the worries of the day that played on my mind. It was then that I noticed the student standing in front of me. She was quite tall and had an open backed top on. The large vee shape held together by thin strands of the same material as the top. It wasn't that her skin that was visible that drew my attention though, it was a tattoo that covered her shoulder blade on the right and continued all the way down her spine, disappearing at the waist band of her jeans. I couldn't see the entire tattoo, but enough to make out that it was of a dragon, in the Chinese style of a wyrm. The scales had been inked in with a delicate touch of fine green lines and the whole thing seemed to ripple as she moved.

"Great tattoo." I said to her, thinking that she would like the compliment.

"Thanks, it's my own design." She had turned to face me as she answered. The girl was striking in looks, not pretty as such, her nose was too aquiline to be considered beautiful, but striking with the clearest green eyes shining from carefully made up eyelashes. "Would you like to see the rest?"

"Sure, that would be nice." I answered, not thinking that it could be too dangerous.

"Where do I find you?" Her steady, direct gaze was a little unsettling.

"Room B07 in the Facilities Department."

"Okay." She turned back and then was gone as soon as she had been served.

I didn't think anything more about it. The day wore on, an endless succession of meetings and departmental issues that a senior Manager has to deal with in a quite large college in the centre of London. In fact, the episode passed from memory over the next few days, it wasn't until nearly a week later that the memory came back suddenly.

A knock at the door had me calling for the person to enter. I was deeply engrossed in some architecture drawings, trying to work out the logistics of room moves during the summer break. She coughed, one of those hello, I'm here coughs. I looked up, but didn't recognise her, my only previous sight had been the profile of her face as she spoke to me and of course, the exposed part of her back.

"Can I help you?"

"You wanted to see my tattoo remember?" I think she might have coloured her hair since I saw her last. Now it was a shocking green at the tips, almost day glow in intensity and brightness, with a black base.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't recognise you, you look different."

"Yeah, had my hair done. I'm Jade by the way." She turned and flipped the snib-lock to my office door and yanked the blind down. "So..." She said turning back and slipping off her tee-shirt off of her shoulders. " ... my tattoo."

She clutched the garment to her small, bra-less breasts and stood in the middle of my office looking straight at me, almost defiantly. I could see, what obviously the tail of the wyrm was, start at the hollow of her throat, before it passed around her neck and over her right shoulder. To see the rest, I had to get up and walk around her. It continued over her shoulder with the body of the thin dragon, going diagonally over her shoulder blade and on down her spine. Its back legs spayed at just below her blades and disappeared around her narrow frame, under her arm pits to the front, still covered by her tee-shirt, still clutched to her breasts.

The front legs of the beast, also splayed, travelled around to her front at waist height as if holding onto her. The neck was only partially visible as it went over her hip, covered by the low waist band of her hip high jeans. The detail of the animal was incredible, every scale depicted in green lines that flowed and rippled as she moved.

"Superb! What I can see of it is absolutely superb." I meant it too.

She pulled her top off over her head to show me how the hind legs came around her body to end in clawed feet, clutching her breasts, one to each foot. The art work cleverly gave the impression that the talons were pricking into her skin. Somehow, the artist had shaded around the points of the talons as if her breasts were being punctured. It was a really clever effect.

Jade turned her back to me, undoing the button of her jeans and pulling them down. I could see the whole of the dragon now, how the front legs circled her waist and clasp at her navel as if holding on. The neck of the beast continued at an angle over her buttock and around her thigh, the head hidden from view, but a good guess told me where it would be. I wasn't wrong. Jade turned back to face me and indeed, the head came to her sex. The eyes of the long thin face looked back at me balefully. Nostrils pink and flared with small scales around the edge added to the fine detail of its head. The snout did indeed, finish at her sex, the mouth her opening. But, it didn't stop there; flames had been tattooed down the inside of her thighs for about eight inches as if being spat out by the dragon.

As a piece of artwork, it was incredible. The fact that it had been done, over living skin, made it appear all the more alive and to flow sinuously as she moved and her skin flexed over her muscles. The scales decreased in size as they neared the head but, increased in number. Clever shading gave the animal a three dimensional effect. She stood, seemingly unconcerned as I walked around her so I could catch the whole thing. Her nakedness gave her no embarrassment and I suppose my words of praise might have helped.

It wasn't until I had really looked closely that I wondered what it would be like, making love to her with this fantastic tattoo, how it might move and appear to be alive. Once thought, the idea wouldn't go away. I wanted to touch her skin, run my fingers over the colours and trace the outlines. Suddenly, I was almost desperate to run my tongue over her inner thighs, to taste her, to have her, in my hands, writhing in the throes of passion.

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