Valentine's Day Date - Cover

Valentine's Day Date

by DG Hear

Copyright© 2009 by DG Hear

Romantic Sex Story: The last twenty-four hours have changed my life

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   First   School   .

This is my short Valentine's Day story. A big thank you to Mistress Lynn for editing it and making it a much better read.

My life sure changed in the last twenty-four hours. I'll try to explain what happened by telling you a little about myself and my girlfriend, Julie.

We had been going together since we were sophomores in high school. I played sports and she was a cheerleader, so it was kind of an automatic match. In the beginning, it was hormones and puppy love. We spent most of our free time together.

Like most teenagers, we argued a lot. We dated on and off all through high school and even went to the same area college. I received a year-by-year football scholarship and Julie's family paid for her tuition.

I was ending my third year when I broke my leg. The coach informed me that he had talked to the doctors and that I probably wouldn't be ready in time for our spring training. I knew that was the end of my scholarship.

It wasn't that I loved football that much. I was good at the small college level but I knew I'd never go further, so I studied hard in the criminal law field. I wanted to go into the police force or something along that line.

Shows like CSI and ones about Private Investigator's were my favorites. I just needed the education to get anywhere in my future profession. I came from a large family and I knew my parents didn't have the finances to pay for the rest of my tuition.

That meant it was time for me to make some decisions. I contacted the college and set up a program where I received a student loan to pay for my senior year. Next, I hunted for a part-time job to help pay for other college expenses. Of course, I would have to wait until I could walk again. The doc said I would be on crutches for a good three months.

When Julie found out about the severity of my injury, she was sad at first. After about a month, she seemed to become more distant. As soon as I told her I would no longer be playing football, she changed. I guess it was the first time I stopped looking through rose-colored glasses and saw the true Julie. She was all about popularity. Julie liked and wanted to be in the limelight, I realized then.

About the time I was off the crutches, she told me that we should cool it and see other people. It didn't surprise me by then. I guess it hurt my pride more than my heart. We did still date but not quite as often.

My counselor suggested I go to the local police department and check for employment there. I explained to the woman in human resources that I had three years of Criminal Law courses and was looking for a way to help finish paying for my education. They helped me get a job as a night guard at the mall. Before I left, she said that I should apply at their department after graduation.

That gave me a great feeling. My future was now looking brighter. I told Julie about it but she just gave me one of those 'that's nice' smiles. I could see our relationship wasn't going too well.

Now I was going to school full-time and working. The job was easy and gave me time to study.

It was February and near Valentine's Day. I thought I would try to do something about our relationship, so I set up a dinner date at one of the local restaurants. I purchased two tickets to a local play and even got a motel room for the night.

I had Saturday off so I put my plan together. I went to the Hallmark store in the mall and purchased a large heart-shaped box of candy for Julie. I figured I would take it to her after her classes on Friday before I had to go to work.

I stopped by her apartment, which she shared with four other girls. The candy was in a shopping bag so I could surprise her. I knocked on the door and I was the one who was surprised.

She came to the door in a robe and opened the door ajar just enough to see out.

"Jerry! What are you doing here? I thought you worked tonight."

I pushed on the door and saw Brad, the quarterback of our team, standing there fastening his belt. It was obvious they had just finished having sex. Julie had that just fucked look.

"Jerry, I told you to always call before coming over."

"Yeah, now I can see why. I guess it's my own stupidity for wanting to give us one last try. Have a nice Valentine's Day Julie."

I left without saying anything else. Brad never attempted to butt in. The whole school knew that Julie and I dated since high school. At that point, I had no interest in recouping our relationship.

I headed home to change into my uniform before going to the mall. In one way, I felt sad and even embarrassed. On the other hand, I figured I could just go on with my life.

I took the candy back to the mall, hoping I could get a refund. The store told me they had a no refund policy on food items. I wasn't mad at them. They were just sales clerks doing their job.

As I made my rounds, I saw an old classmate sitting by herself in the food court, drinking a soda. She looked rather sad.

"Sarah, is there a problem?"

The look on her face showed I had startled her. "Oh, Jerry, I'm sorry, I was lost in thought."

Sarah had been a year behind Julie and me in high school and later went to a larger university studying physics or something. Sarah had a full ride scholarship. She said she would make a good lab rat because science was so interesting to her. As I said, Sarah's a brain.

I never remembered her dating anyone but then, she wouldn't have told me anyway. Sarah was always somewhat of a loner. Julie used to make fun of her always sitting alone. To be honest, I would say Julie was probably jealous of Sarah's smarts.

Whenever I saw her alone in the cafeteria and Julie wasn't around, I would go sit with her. She always seemed shy and unsure of herself. There were a few times when Julie and I were on the outs that I thought about asking Sarah out, but decided it might not be a good thing, since Julie and I usually got back together after a few days.

"So Sarah, why the gloom and doom look?"

"It's a long story Jerry. It's rather personal. I made a stupid mistake."

"Look Sarah, I have time and anything you tell me I promise to keep a secret. It looks like you need to talk to someone."

"I don't think Julie would approve of you talking to me. You'd better go."

"Whoa! Where did that come from? Sarah, what's going on. I think we need to talk. What's this shit about Julie?"

"If you must know, she came to me your senior year and told me to keep my grubby hands off her man or she would..."

"She would what, Sarah?"

"Have me jumped by the cheerleading squad."

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have stopped that shit right then.

"I didn't know what to do. She was your girlfriend, so I decided to just leave well enough alone."

"Damn that bitch. God, I wish I would have known. I'm so sorry Sarah."

"No harm done. I'm still in one piece and she still has you."

"Correction, Sarah. You're in one piece but Julie and I aren't a couple."

"What happened? You two were together like forever."

"She wanted to date others and I decided to go on with my life. Now, are you going to tell me about this gloomy attitude you have."

"OK, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Promise?"

"I promise."

"My car broke down last week and I had it towed to a garage. The repairman kept joking with me. You have to understand that I never dated much. I guess I would have been considered a geek."

I had to laugh when she said that. Just listening to her brought a smile to my face.

"Anyway, he asked me out. I was very nervous but like an idiot, I accepted. He said he would take me out for Valentine's Day, which is tomorrow. Since he lived in the next town over, he asked if he could meet me at the restaurant here in town at five o'clock. I said okay.

"You know how I'm kind of a perfectionist. I double check everything."

"Yes, that you are, but a pretty one at that." I smiled and it caught her off guard.

"I called him yesterday to verify the time. A woman answered the phone. The bastard is married. I feel so foolish; the one time I decide to take a chance on a guy, he's married. I doubt if I will ever trust men again." She looked either sad or mad, I couldn't tell which.

"Sarah, do you trust me?" I asked, looking very serious at her.

"Jerry, of course I trust you. Oh, I'm sorry, I know I just said I can't trust men but you..."

"Do you trust me enough to go on a date with me?" I wasn't smiling but was looking at her very solemn instead.

I could tell she was totally flustered. She was looking everywhere but at me. I asked her what the problem was.

"Jerry, I've had a crush on you since high school. I always dreamed that some day you would ask me out but I knew it would never happen. Now, here you are asking me out and I don't know what to say."

"Say yes, Sarah."

"I'd love to go out with you, but I'm not good at dating."

"Sarah, let's start by going out as friends. I have to be honest with you here. I made reservations to take Julie out tomorrow night. Since we are no longer a couple, I want you to go with me. Please say yes; it will be fun."

"What are your plans Jerry?

"I have dinner reservations and two tickets to a play. To be honest, I have a motel room but I don't expect you to go there with me. It's just too late to cancel anything but the dinner."

She was smiling at me. "Are you sure about this Jerry? I'm nothing like Julie. She's so beautiful and sexy. She's outgoing and I'm an introvert. I don't want you to be disappointed."

"Sarah, I always considered you a friend. I don't care what anyone else thinks. Just say yes and take a chance on me."

"Okay, I hope you're not making a mistake and aren't just on the rebound. Can you pick me up at the college?" She gave me her dorm room number and we set up a time before I went back to work.

Sarah could have passed for a librarian back in high school. Her hair was always up in a bun or something like that. Dark-rimmed glasses almost hid her eyes and she usually dressed in baggy slacks with blouses buttoned to her neck. Even then, I could tell she had a nice figure. Some people would probably call Sarah a geek. She was very pretty but it was as though she had no idea how pretty she really was.

I remember her as always being quiet and alone, usually studying. A couple of guys asked her out back then, but she always refused. I guess she was smart enough to know they just wanted to get in her pants.

I'd seen her around the last few years and we talked now and then. She didn't seem to change much from the way she was in high school.

One time I told her that I would become a cop. Since she was going to be a lab rat, I said that I could bring her all the evidence to check out. That made us both laugh. I should have realized back then that she was someone special. I guess I was too busy trying to please Julie and wearing blinders.

The next night, I arrived at her dorm right on time. I had the box of candy that I never gave Julie in my hand. One of Sarah's roommates opened the door and invited me in just as a couple more roomies came in.

"Hi, I'm Jerry Jones, a friend of Sarah's."

The girls all introduced themselves to me. I would have to say that the intelligence in that room was more than our whole football team put together. Back in high school, the other kids would've called them geeks, but now they were probably the top in their chosen fields.

They were all nice enough to me, and said Sarah would be right out. I do have to say I felt they were checking me over almost as if I was going up on the auction block. I was so happy when Sarah came into the room.

My jaw dropped when I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I mean, she was gorgeous. She had on a blue dress that fit her like a glove. Low cut but not slutty, it ended a few inches above the knees, just enough to be sexy. Her dark hair was down around her shoulders, just as you see on a shampoo commercial.

The girls all screamed at her on how beautiful she looked. I had trouble speaking. She didn't have glasses on so I figured she had contacts in. Sarah looked more like a movie star or model than a nerd or geek.

There is more of this story...

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