Tiptoeing a Dangerous Line - Cover

Tiptoeing a Dangerous Line

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2008 by Anonymous

Erotica Sex Story: Federal agent works under cover and under the covers. Murder, mayhem, organized crime, and stepdaughter combine to make his life edgy, but exciting. But like they always warn new recruits, don't get married!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Caution   .

Roger was never outright ordered to do so (because of the legal consequences), but he certainly was discouraged from marrying, and that's because he was an undercover Fed. He sometimes worked with ATF on weapons deals, more often with the DEA on buy and busts, but he never expected the assignment that would change his life.

Let's back up a little -

Roger's last name (censored) ends with a vowel, the kind of vowel that is associated with Mafiosi, and his chamelion-like appearance allows for him to assume a variety of identities. He has some shoes fitted with lifts (to make him appear taller). He wears a variety of false hair pieces, from sideburns to beards, from clean shaven to five o'clock shadows, and amazingly, he is the rarest of all, totally ambidexterous!

Combining all these attributes made Roger the perfect undercover agent ... until he got married.

In all fairness, Roger didn't suddenly spring his vocation upon an unsuspecting bride. He warned her when the relationship started to cook that he was an agent, but it didn't scare Marsha ... or later, Trina (who?).

Trina is Marsha's daughter by her first marriage, a withdrawn (almost goth) girl, with negative vibes about everything. If Trina's father wasn't dead, then she'd probably be with him (and getting abused). That's how shaky the mother/daughter relationship was. The couple split up when Trina was five, then her dad got killed in a bar fight, three years later.

Today, Trina is seventeen and could pass for twenty-five, that's how much she has abused her own face.

But Trina became a problem: She normally couldn't care less about Roger, but when she learned he was a "cop" (which is all they told her), she abused that knowledge almost immediately, getting busted for pot and trying to use his name as some kind of "get out of jail free" card. Now the unhappy couple knew she couldn't ever be trusted with the real truth!

Trina fortunately didn't have more than a misdemeaner amount on her, and a deal was made to get her probation, despite it being her third bust.

But the following year, by some miracle, Trina graduated high school and couldn't wait to move out of the house! She apparently had two or three guys she could "crash" with, and Roger imagined she peddled her ass for rent money, or something like that.

But the upshot of Trina's exit made life at home a lot more cozy for Roger and Marsha, and Roger's inner man wasted no time trying to impregnate his wife.

For six months, Roger and Marsha had sex in every imaginable position, orifice, and at every hour of the night. They rewrote the Kama Sutra.

But unknown to Roger, Marsha had had her tubes tied and didn't tell him. After her experience with her own brat, she had neither the time nor inclination to go through that again.

But Marsha was the consummate actress - (fake) crying over her OB/Gyn's "news" that she couldn't have any more children (after Roger insisted they be tested). It was all bullshit, to buy time so Roger could get used to the idea of no kids.

Not surprisingly, Roger began taking new assignments, sometimes having to leave the state for a while.

Working out of Chicago, the biggest assignment of Roger's career came up. He was to infiltrate an organized crime family in Miami and help the DEA stop a cocaine pipeline that grossed five hundred million per year! (This was why they didn't want him married!)

Marsha knew enough not to question any details, and she accepted the fact that Roger would be gone for weeks, maybe months. (They worked out a code where Marsha would get unsigned post cards that she knew would be from Roger.)

Roger kept all his special gear at the Federal Building in Chicago (his shoes with lifts - various disguises and hair-props), and there was no reason to divulge these minutia of his work, not even to his wife.

Immediately upon taking this assignment, Roger became "Lefty", a greaseman (aka hitman, especially a bomber) out of Philadelphia (where Roger grew up). His cover was that he needed to get away from the "heat" for a while, so he split for Miami (no oxymoron intended).

But nowadays with organized crime, everyone is automatically suspect until they prove themselves. It makes undercover work that much tougher. It is also why "made" men earn their "button" by killing someone.

Roger's first assignment was to kill a couple while they were out yachting, then take their yacht and make a drug pick-up with it. (This is a lot more common an occurrence than authorities would like you to know.) It should be a cinch, except he wasn't allowed to blow up the boat until AFTER the coke exchange.

With help from the DEA, US Navy, and ATF, Roger put two each into the bullet proof vests of the agents disguised as the marks, then weighted and tossed their bodies overboard (their hidden air supplies limited to ten minutes by what they could stuff into their false body fat). Navy frogmen from a submerged submarine did the rest.

This was totally convincing to Roger's accompanying bagman, but Roger never let him examine the bodies, claiming it took too long and risked everything. So although the bagman was fairly convinced, and it all went off like clockwork, it still left the men in charge with some doubt, but a doubt that they would clear up soon.

Meanwhile, Marsha wasn't idle. She had an assignment of her own now.

When the first postcard came, Marsha called a number in Kansas City (from a public phone) and asked if there was still a bounty of a hundred thousand dollars for "outing" an undercover Fed?

She gave them all the details: 5' 10", 175 lbs, dark hair and eyes, right handed, a small scar on his right earlobe (that she gave him with a love bite), and then she faxed a photo, claiming she had just gotten a post card from him as per their code.

The money would be paid upon confirmed execution. Marsha had done this before, just not with her own husband!

Amid all this, Marsh didn't notice that Trina disappeared - she had always kept in touch.

Trina's "group" had piled into a van and headed for Spring Break, but not being college kids, they headed for South Beach instead of the pick of the season for preppies.

South Beach was way too close to Miami and despite the millions of people to lose oneself among, and coupled with the fact that the Miami Mafia chieftan lived in South Beach, you could almost sense the dread of what was to come.

As annoying as Trina was, it was amazing that she hadn't been ditched earlier, but she finally got ditched in South Beach. (Maybe they waited until they were far from Chicago - to make sure she stayed "ditched"; so she needed to hustle to get by.

Word was spread (nationwide) amongst Mafiosi that a new player was on the scene, an undercover Fed - 5' 10" 175, dark hair and eyes, right handed, and a small scar on his right earlobe. Kill him immediately and get a photograph!

Unfortunately for an imperfect world, mobsters began whacking people by the handfuls: 2 dead in SF, 3 in New Orleans, 3 in NY, and 2 in Miami.

Roger was wearing his lifts, he changed his hair to salty, and he was working left handed; and these all contributed to saving his ass ... until the head man saw the scar. Just one item out of several and out of sense of "better safe than sorry", Roger's execution was submitted for approval.

While this was going on, Roger was engaged casually and asked about that scar.

He knew instinctively that someone close had given him up, but he quickly claimed to have gotten it from some hooker on the beach, recently.

Getting him near the water made things easier, so he was maneuvered there. Roger sensed the trap and needed witnesses, or least crowds. He spotted this group of street walkers near the boardwalk and swore he found the little bitch that bit him! (He was getting desperate to lose himself in the crowd and he spun the first sexy waif he found.)

When they made eye contact, anyone could tell they knew each other, and it's what delayed Roger's execution.

While they were both out of earshot, Roger whispered to Trina, "You KNOW what I am, and my life is your hands. You bit me on my right ear, giving me this scar - or we're dead!"

Being somewhat goth made Trina almost oblivious to death. Death was a welcome possibility, and the excitement of the moment acted like a drug on her. So she kneed Roger in the balls and tried to run away, failing miserably.

The boss's men captured her and she and Roger were stood up in front of the boss.

Bossman raised a finger, indicating that not a word from Roger would be tolerated, then he claimed to be a cop and asked Trina to incriminate herself by admitting to engaging Roger for sex.

Trina thought she was streetwise. Admitting shit to a cop isn't something you do, so she said she never saw that guy before in her life!

There is more of this story...

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