Peggy The Matchmaker - Cover

Peggy The Matchmaker

by sourdough

Copyright© 2008 by sourdough

Fiction Story: Peggy and her molester meet again.

Tags: Ma/ft   Blackmail  

"Sitting on the park bench-- Eyeing little girls with bad intent."

The opening lyrics to that well known song might have fit Mr. Charles de la Coeur to a tee. He was sitting on a park bench at the moment and he was indeed eyeing little girls with bad intent. Although, if you would have asked Charles what his true intentions were, he would have maintained that they were nothing if not honorable.

But the truth was that Charles was a pedophile. He liked little girls a little bit too much. If he met a young lass he fancied, who was alone and without proper adult supervision, Charles would do his best to seduce the little darling. The middle aged man was very good at it. The little girl was sure to become one of Charles' molestation victims. Mr. de la Coeur was convinced his victims never suffered any permanent physical or mental harm because he had yet to hear of any adverse publicity from his activities and he intended to keep it that way.

Of course, Charles was very cautious. His girlfriends, as he liked to think of them, never knew his true name and he never frequented a particular neighborhood for very long. In fact, this was Charles' first visit to this part of the city in months. Yes, life was good for Charles. Very little could go wrong as long as he remained cautious.

"Hi, Joseph. I was just thinking about you and here you are. What luck!" Charles was instantly alert. Joseph was one of the names he used when on the prowl for young girls. A young girl was standing nearby who looked vaguely familiar but he couldn't quite place her. She looked happy to see him so Charles wasn't ready to panic.

"I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, young lady." He stood and bowed politely.

"My name is Peggy," the pretty girl replied. "I don't blame you for not recognizing me, Joseph. It was dark in the movie theater."

"Ah yes," said Charles. The middle aged man now recalled the meeting in vivid detail. He remembered how shy and reticent Peggy seemed at first with his attentions ... until he started flashing some cash at the little whore. After that, the seduction was rather easy with the promise of more cash and buying her gifts at the mall. It was rather a quick fuck but satisfying nonetheless. (See "Peggy's Date.")

"You never called," said Peggy.

"I ... I'm afraid I lost your phone number, Peggy. At my age, I'm afraid it's rather a habit with me losing things ... and forgetting things. I'm so very sorry. I won't let it happen again. Do you forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you, Joseph. I'll give you my phone number as long you promise not to lose it again. Maybe you should give me your phone number too."

"I'm so glad you've forgiven me, darling," Charles replied. "We'll be sure to exchange phone numbers. Well, I'm glad that's out of the way. How have you been lately? How are your mother and your sister?"

"Mom and Annie are just fine. They're just over by the playground equipment." That was a little bit too close for Charles' comfort. He wouldn't dare make a move on Peggy within sight of her mother.

"Is there any chance of you meeting me at the mall? I do recall my promise to buy lots of nice things for you there."

"I'm afraid I'm not allowed much out of my mother's sight after what happened."

"What happened?"

"I got pregnant," Peggy declared. "I'm going to be a mommy." She pulled back the slack on her loose fitting top and a small tummy bump was revealed.

"My goodness!" Charles exclaimed. "You're a bit young to be having a baby, aren't you?" Charles could have predicted the little slut would get knocked up. Peggy probably started fucking for every teenage boy in sight within days of Charles breaking her cherry. The older man was rapidly losing interest in the young girl. The older man was more interested in younger and fresher meat like Peggy's younger sister Annie. "Don't tell me you're going to keep the baby."

"I want to but my mom says I have to give my baby away for adoption. She says we can't afford it and I'm too young to raise a baby anyway."

"I think your mother knows best," Charles replied. "Do you know who the father is?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know who the father is."

"Have you told him he's going to be a daddy?"

"Do you think I should? I'd love to see the surprised look on his face."

"I don't see why not. He might want to know." Charles wished he was there too. It would most likely be quite amusing.

"Okay, I will," said the young girl. "You're going to be a daddy, Joseph." Charles could feel the blood drain from his face and he felt faint. "Hey, I was right. I loved seeing the surprised look on your face."

"What did you say?"

"I said--"

"I heard what you said, child, and I think your little joke is in very poor taste. I think it will take a very long time before I consider forgiving you for your rudeness ... if ever. As of this instant our friendship is at an end. Goodbye, little girl. I hope I never lay eyes on you again." The distraught man turned to make his escape.

"Oh, I think we're going to be seeing a lot of each other, Mr. Charles de la Coeur," Peggy called to the retreating figure. Charles froze in mid stride and turned around slowly.

"What did you say?"

"I said--"

"I heard what you said, child. You ... you're wrong. My name is--"

"—Charles de la Coeur," Peggy said. "I saw your picture in the newspaper while I was waiting to see the baby doctor in his waiting room. You were attending some charity banquet and the newspaper took your picture. I just knew it was you." Damned newspapers thought Charles. He was going to cancel his subscription as soon as he got home. It would also be a cold day in hell before he ever attended another charity event.

"I must bear a close resemblance to this fellow you saw in the newspaper," said Charles. "I swear to you I'm not him." Peggy just shrugged her shoulders and smiled sweetly but Charles could swear he could detect something ominously menacing and sinister beneath that cute feminine façade. "You seem quite certain I'm the father of your child."

"You're the only one it could be," the twelve year old replied. "I haven't had sex with anyone else but you."

"You have no proof," Charles asserted.

"I have all the proof I need," Peggy declared triumphantly. She caressed her growing tummy to emphasize the point. "I had to do a lot of growing up since we first met, Charles. I learned about how babies are made and something called DNA. I also learned what pedophiles are and how when they're caught, they have to spend a long time in jail; sometimes for the rest of their lives." Charles fancied himself a pretty cool customer but in Peggy the middle aged man had met his match. He could feel himself breaking out in a sweat. It was time to bargain.

"I'm not a rich man, Peggy," said Charles, "but I could give you some money to make up for any inconvenience you're going through; let's say a thousand dollars? You have to keep quiet about me in return."

"A thousand dollars is a lot of money," Peggy exclaimed.

"So, do we have a deal? I could have the money in your hands by the end of the day anywhere you say. You could buy a lot of nice things with a thousand dollars, Peggy." Peggy appeared to think about it for several seconds.

"No, thanks," the young girl said finally.

"What did you say?"

"I said--"

"I heard what you said, child. I'm not made out of money."

There is more of this story...
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