Becoming A Slut Wife - Marty - Cover

Becoming A Slut Wife - Marty

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: What do you do when you find out that your wife is the company whore?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Gang Bang   Slow   .

I just found out that my wife of eleven years has been hanging horns on me for several of them and I never had a clue that it was going on. Not just individual affairs either, but what might as well be considered as wholesale fucking. How do I know? I caught the unfaithful slut red-handed! What do you do when you catch the woman you love as the centerpiece at what amounted to a gangbang? How do you handle the crying, begging and pleading you get from her while you are trying to figure out what to do? In addition to her trashing our marriage she may also have cost me my career; my boss was one of the men involved. He swears that he didn't know that Marty was my wife and I believe him and he has promised to make it up to me, but can I go to work everyday, see him, and still remain objective about my job. Then there is Marty; she swears she loves me, didn't mean to hurt me and doesn't want to lose me. How do I handle that? For most men the problem would be cut and dried - throw the slut out and get on with your life. But I love the stupid cunt; I love her and I don't want to lose her, but how can I live with her after what she has done? How do I listen to her express her undying love for me at the same time she admits to loving all the strange cock she had been getting? I'm almost to the point of writing to Ann Landers or Dear Abby and asking them for advice.

Marty has been an executive secretary at the XYZ Corporation for the past twelve years and for the last five she has been the secretary for the president and CEO. Her job entails some travel, as she has to accompany her boss to meetings in the various cities where XYZ conducts operations. She averages about two trips a month and they last anywhere from one to three days and it was on one of these trips that Marty started her career as the company's "party girl."

It was a trip not much different from the one's she had made in previous years except on that one Darren, her boss, had closed a rather large deal and was in the mood to celebrate. That night he took several people, including Marty, out to dinner and for drinks and dancing. Everyone was having a good time and Marty had danced with several guys, some of whom had copped a few feels. Marty is a very sexual person and the attention that Marty had gotten on the dance floor had left her hot and flushed. The party broke up around ten and Darren and Marty had gone back to their hotel.

In the elevator Darren had asked her to stop by his room and go over some notes with him so he would be prepared for his morning meeting. This was nothing new, she had done it for years with no problems, and so she told him that she would go to her room and make her nightly call to me and then come to his room. He told her she could call from his room, "It will be quicker that way. We can get done what needs to be done and then we can get to bed." Marty took that to mean that they would review the notes and then she would return to her room and go to bed.

The first thing Darren did when they got to his room was go to the wet bar and make them both a drink. Then he told her to arrange the notes he wanted to review and he would read them while she called me. "If you want to be "mushy" I'll go into the bathroom so you can have some privacy" and Marty told him not to bother, that the mushiest she would get would be to tell me that she loved me. Marty called me and brought me up to speed on her day and I told her how my day had gone and about a minute into the conversation Darren had come up behind her, cupped her tits in his hand and began kissing her on the neck. Marty had been so surprised that she had stopped in mid-sentence (I remembered the call - I remembered asking her if something was wrong) and in that short pause in the conversation several things had flashed through Marty's mind. If she screamed at him to stop I would be bound to find out what happened and I would probably have gone after him as soon as they got home. Thoughts of me in jail for what ever I might do flew through her mind. Also an outburst would probably cost her severly as far as job prospects were concerned. She would no doubt lose her job and probably would not get a good recommendation and might even get blackballed as far as corporation jobs were concerned. She decided that the best thing to do would be to play it cool until she could end the conversation and then tactfully extricate herself from Darren's room.

It didn't work out that way. She was already hot and horny from the earlier dancing and drinking and what Darren was doing felt good. She convinced herself that if she kept me on the phone Darren wouldn't dare do anything more than he was already doing for fear that I would hear. She was wrong on that too. While one hand kept playing with her tits the other lifted her dress up to her waist; she felt his hard cock pushing against her butt and then his hand slid down inside her panties and started to rub her pussy. He nudged a knee between her legs and started pushing them apart and by then she didn't know what to do. She still thought her best defense was to keep talking to me on the phone, but it didn't seem to slowing Darren down any. She had several moments of indecision and those moments cost her the chance of stopping Darren. She heard his zipper go down, felt the hot flesh of his cock pushing against her ass and probing between her thighs. Suddenly he had stopped playing with her tits and his right arm had gone around her waist and pulled her tight against him while his left hand went to her head and pushed it down. This made her bend at the waist, which made her automatically spread her legs to keep her balance, and in that position Darren's cock had only her panties between him and her pussy. He pushed forward and his cock pushed aside the crotch band of her panties and he was in her. He held on to her waist with both hands and started to fuck her with slow steady strokes. Marty was still talking to me on the phone, but the heat generated by Darren's cock, coupled with her earlier hornyness combined with her own guilt at allowing things to get so far out of hand all began to mix together in her mind. With in a minute her body was responding and when that happened she started thinking about how wicked it was to be talking to me on the phone while another man fucked her. Darren slowly eased her down to the floor and rolled her over on her back. She didn't resist as he pulled off her panties and she spread her legs for him as he knelt down. She had pulled her knees back as far as she could to give him easy access and then had lain there telling me how much she loved me, how much she missed me, how horny she was and how she couldn't wait to get home to me as Darren slid his cock into her and began fucking her. She locked her legs behind him and kept talking to me and didn't say goodbye until she felt Darren spill his hot fluid inside her. She didn't move when Darren got up and took the phone from her and hung it up and when he came back and knelt down beside her with his cock only inches from her mouth she knew what he wanted and she did it.

She spent the rest of the night in Darren's room and the two of them were so exhausted in the morning that both of them almost fell asleep at their meeting. At breakfast they had both agreed that the evening had been a one time only thing and that their relationship from that point on would be purely professional. Marty spent most of the day carrying a heavy load of guilt and trying to figure out how she was going to tell me about what had happened in a way that would allow us to keep our marriage intact.

Following the meeting they had gone back to the hotel and when they had gotten off the elevator Darren had taken her by the elbow and had steered her toward his room. Once inside he had picked up the phone and notified the desk that he would need the two rooms for one more day. Even before he had hung up the phone Marty had her clothes off and was lying on the bed with her legs spread wide. When she called me that night to tell me that they had to stay another day she was on her hands and knees and Darren was fucking her from behind. "I don't know why" she said, "But after that first time he seemed to be able to exercise some sort of power over me. After that first time I didn't even like him anymore, but whenever we were alone he could get me to do any thing that he wanted." They spent the night and a good part of the next day in bed and then they caught the afternoon flight for home. Marty got home before I did and she showered and put on high heels and nylons and waited for me to get home. She was insatiable that night as she tried to fuck her guilt away, but she never did get around to confessing what she had done.

In the following weeks Darren had taken her on the average of four times a week; he fucked her in his office on his desk, took her to hotel rooms at lunch time, got blow jobs in his car in the parking garage and once, when his wife was out of town he had Marty drive to his house instead of going into work and they had spent the day in bed. He bought a couch for his office and started fucking her when she got to work in the morning and then again just before she went home at night. When she got home she would fuck me to death as if the more she fucked me the less guilt she would feel. Three weeks after their first time they made another three-day trip, two days of business and one day to stay in bed and fuck, and this time Darren didn't even bother to rent her a room, she just stayed with him. That pretty much set the pattern for the next six months; Darren would fuck her whenever he wanted too, at home or on trips and then she would come home to me and try to screw me to death as a way of assuaging her guilt.

Marty said she had no idea of why Darren had the hold over her that he did, but all he had to do was point at the front of his pants and she would go to her knees and take out his cock. Then Darren changed the program. They had flown to Chicago to do an audit on the office there and that night while she was on her knees sucking Darren's cock there was a knock on the door and when Darren had answered it the manager of the local office was standing there. Darren let him in and then said, "I told Phil that you were his bonus for doing such a good job with the Chicago office. Come on over here and suck his cock." Marty had looked from one to the other and then she had done what Darren told her to do. The two men had used her until it was time to leave to catch the flight home - Marty had become the company whore. From that day on Darren used her to reward employees, entertain established customers and as an inducement to gain new ones. Soon Marty was spending more time on her back than behind her desk. Darren was not unappreciative; he gave her raises, bonuses, a clothing allowance and a company credit card to use for her car. He wanted to give her a company car, but Marty had talked him out of that because she thought that it might attract too much undue attention, from me if no one else.

Then Darren introduced Marty to my boss. Darren didn't know that Dale was my boss and I had no idea that my boss knew Darren, but Darren and Dale belonged to the same health club and their wives had gone to school together and thus they had become good friends. To compound the problem I'm not a believer in company social activities and I never attend them so Marty had not met my boss. It was during one of Darren's wife's many trips home to visit her family and Darren had Marty at the house. He had called up his good buddy Dale and invited him over to join them. Marty spent the day with both of them and before Dale left he had asked Darren if he could borrow Marty from time to time and Darren had said, "Sure. Anytime you want, right sweetie?" Marty had nodded a yes and so now she was my company's whore also

For the next three years Marty spread for whomever Darren and Dale told her to. The came the day when Marty told me she and Darren would be out of town the next day on an overnight trip to Atlanta. That day Dale asked me to attend a party he was having at his house for some of our better customers and suppliers. Normally I don't attend those things, but Marty was out of town and I didn't feel much like going home and watching television so I told him I would be there. I arrived about six, circulated and talked to the people in attendance, most of whom I knew personally and in general I just socialized. During the course of the evening I noticed that there was a lot of traffic going upstairs. I asked Dale what was going on; "You got a poker game going on up there?"

There is more of this story...
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