Wimpy White Ass - Cover

Wimpy White Ass

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: They said he was a wimp.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Interracial   Exhibitionism   Slow   .

It started out innocently enough. Carolyn and I had been married for just a little over seven years and while we were happy together the bloom had left the rose as far as sex was concerned. I didn't understand it. Carolyn was beautiful, sexy and a fun person to be around, but the passion, the pure lust we had experienced in the beginning was gone.

At first it was two or three times a day every day and then over the years it had gradually slowed down until it was once a week or even once every two weeks. We went from chasing each other around the house and ripping each other's clothes off to "You want to?" "Sure, why not." It wasn't just one sided either. Whatever it was that was affecting me affected Carolyn also; she seemed just as disinterested as I did. It wasn't mental or physical because I constantly got erections from seeing other sexy women and I'm pretty sure from the expressions on Carolyn's face when she eyed other guys that she was experiencing the female counterpart of me getting an erection.

I was whining about it one night while I was having a beer after work with my partner.

"Hell Jim, all that's going on is that you and Carolyn have gotten used to each other — you are taking each other for granted. All you need to do is stir the pot, throw some shit into the game."

"Like what?"

"Damned if I know Jim. I don't know that much about your personal life to even say. Do you and Carolyn have oral sex?"

"Yeah, we do, or at least we did."

"How about anal?"

"Yeah, we have done that."

"Got a kinky side? Want to watch her with some stud or anything like that?"

"Good lord no."

"Ever want to try any of the weird stuff like maybe peeing on her or having her pee on you?"

"No, never even thought about anything like that and the thought of it now makes me shudder."

"Well you need to find something Jim because it won't get better on it's own."

I knew Hal was right, but knowing he was right and knowing what to do about it were no the same thing.

I thought about the problem, I thought about it a lot and I couldn't seem to find a solution. I couldn't come up with any ideas until the night of Carolyn's birthday. Carolyn and I were supposed to meet in the bar at the Hilton and then have dinner and take in a show. I got a last minute phone call at the office that hung me up and I was a half-hour late getting to the Hilton. I walked into the bar and spotted Carolyn sitting at the bar and talking to some guy. From his body language it was obvious, at least to me, that he was hitting on my wife. It was equally obvious that she was not chasing him away, but then there was no reason why she should. She got hit on a lot and I knew that she could handle herself.

Normally I would walk up and Carolyn would say, "Oh, here's my husband now" and then she would introduce us and he would fade away. For some reason this time I just moved to a table in a dark corner and sat down and watched. The man took the stool next to Carolyn, waved the bartender over and ordered them both a drink. It was about five minutes before he made his move — he put his hand on Carolyn's leg just above her knee. Carolyn angrily pushed it away, but in the milli-second between his touching and her reacting my cock sprang to attention.

I have no idea what lay behind it because I had seen men make passes at Carolyn lots of times and it never gave me a hard on. I'd seen her kissed under the mistletoe at Christmas parties and it never affected me, but this guy putting his hand on Carolyn's leg had pushed a button. As soon as Carolyn reacted to the man's touch I got up and went over to them.

"Hi sweetie. Sorry I'm late, but I got a phone call just as I was walking out the door."

"No problem, in fact you are just in time to stop me from making a scene. Lets go."

She got up and we headed for thew dinning room and when we were seated I asked her about her 'making a scene' comment. And she told me what had happened.

"I know, I saw it" and then I told her about my coming in and watching. "But I don't understand the 'scene' part. You've always had men taking shots at you."

"Yeah, but never as crude as that slime ball. "Come on honey, I've got a room here and a ten inch cock that just drives women wild" and then he put his hand on my leg and I almost tossed my drink in his face."

"Too bad he was such an asshole; I would have been interested in seeing what would have happened had his hand moved a little higher."


I reached under the table and took her hand and carried it to the hard lump in my pants. "That's what happened when I saw him put his hand on your leg. I'm just wondering if it would have ripped it's way out of my pants had he gone any higher."

"Oh my, you nasty boy you. I think we should skip dinner and the show and just hurry on home" and that is just what we did.

We didn't talk much on the way home because Carolyn was stretched out across the seat with her head in my lap and with her tongue doing interesting things to my cock. We raced into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom and then we had the most satisfying sex we'd had in a long time. We made love five times and when it was over and we had snuggled up to each other Carolyn said, "What do you think would have happened if he had gone farther?"

"No idea. My reaction to his hand on your knee surprised the hell out of me. I've no idea of what higher might have caused. Why?"

"Because I'm curious. I'm turned on by you being turned on. Had I known this earlier we could have had some very interesting evenings."

"How's that?"

"I've had hands a lot higher than that on me and in more intimate places. If I'd known the effect that it had on you I would have let you know and I probably could have maneuvered things so you could have seen it happen."

"Why am I just finding out about these things now?"

"Because I assumed that you would be like most other husbands and go roaring off and punch the guy in the mouth and that would have cut our party invitations way down."

She reached over and fondled my limp dick, "I know it has been a long night for you lover, but any chance you can get it up again?"

"Maybe later babe, but I think you have pretty much drained me up to this point."

"Pity. Do you think that you could have gone again if I had spread my legs and let his hand travel a bit?"

My cock twitched and Carolyn giggled and said, "I think we have found a way to spice up our lagging sex life."

We spent the next couple of nights experimenting. She told me about all the times she had been felt up at parties and by whom, and how far she had let them go before shutting them down, but none of that had any effect on me. We finally decided that there were two possibilities for what caused my erection on Carolyn's birthday: Either it was because he was a stranger — someone I didn't know — or it was because I saw it happen.

"So" Carolyn asked, "Do you want to find out which one it is?"

I caught the inflection on the word "you" so I said, "You mean do we want to know, don't you?"

"Oh no sweetie, this one is on you. You get to make the decision here. Yes, I am curious about what it is that has caused our sex life to catch fire again, but the choice is yours lover, yours and yours alone."

"Why? Why me alone?"

"Because my sweet, the only way we can find out the answer is to put me out there as a guinea pig. I'm going to have to let men feel me up, try to get me hot enough to follow them to a back seat or a motel room while you watch. I can handle that — I've had to since I was thirteen — but can you handle it? I'm not about to do something and then come home and have you call me a slut or a whore for something I did. I'm the one who will have hands on her ass, hands on her tits, hands trying to run up her legs under her skirt and who will almost surely have tongues shoved down her throat. If you can handle my doing it I will do it, but you have to be the one to say "Okay Carolyn, let's go find out."

"That might be Carolyn, but you still have to want to know and tell me that you would like to know before I make the decision, I'm not going to do it just to satisfy my curiosity."

"Fair enough. Yes I'm curious and I would like to know."

"Okay Carolyn, let's go find out."

Our first attempt at finding out what it was that caused my hard on took place without my knowing. On Wednesday Carolyn stopped after work with three of her girl friends. They got hit on and after several drinks they danced with some guys and then Carolyn let herself be separated from the group. The guy took her to a dark booth in the back of the bar and he tried to hustle her between dances. When she got home she told me what had happened. They had swapped tongues and she had let him get a hand inside her blouse and play with her right breast before she shut him down and went back to join her friends.

"Well lover, does that put any life in the noodle?"

"Some. We will definitely get a trip to the bedroom out of it, but I'm nowhere near as charged up as I was the other night."

Friday we attended a party thrown by some friends of ours. According to Carolyn there were seven guys at the party who had tried to get into her pants at one time or another.

"Keep an eye on me lover. Before the night is over I'll let one of them get me outside on the patio, be where you can watch."

About three hours into the party she came up to me, "You need to get outside. I told Billy I'd meet him out there in about five minutes."

I went out the front door and around the house to the back yard and found a place behind the garage where I had a good view of the patio. Billy came out and a couple of minutes later Carolyn came out. They stood and talked for a couple of minutes and then Billy pulled Carolyn to him and kissed her. She returned the kiss and Billy lowered one hand to Carolyn's ass and the other started working on her tits. Carolyn just stood there and kissed him and let his hands run free. Then Billy's hand left her ass and went to his fly and he pulled out his erection, took Carolyn's hand and placed it on his cock. She held it for maybe twenty seconds while stroking it and then she broke free and went back into the house.

I went back around to the front door, went inside and looked for Carolyn. I found her coming out of the bathroom, "Get me out of her lover" she said, "I don't know if it did anything for you, but I'm hotter than a forest fire and I need to be fucked and soon."

We had good sex that night, but it still wasn't the intense sex that we'd had the first time.

The next night, Saturday, found us in the parking lot of a bar. "How are we going to do this?" Carolyn asked.

"You go in and I'll give you twenty minutes or so and then I'll come in and find a seat where I can watch and we will see what happens."

"How far should I let it go?"

"Whatever you are comfortable with."

"No baby, you have to set the limits."

"It's a place of business Carolyn. He isn't going to take you on a table."

She got a wicked grin on her face, "So it's okay to duck under that table and give him a blow job?"

"You know what I mean Carolyn. Besides, if I'm right and it is the hands of a stranger on you that is the turn on I'll have you out of there and on our back seat long before you get to the blow job stage."

"Oh I don't know about that lover. If I get hot enough quick enough I can get to the blow job stage in a hurry."

I gave her thirty minutes and then I followed her into the bar. At first I didn't see her, but as my eyes adjusted to the low lighting I spotted her and a guy sitting in a both along the back wall. I got a seat at the bar where I could see the booth and then I sat there and sipped beer and watched while they sat there, drank and talked. Occasionally they got up to dance and I began to think that the evening was a bust and I began thinking of ways to end it.

They had just finished a dance and the man had walked Carolyn back to their booth and then he headed for the men's room. On an impulse I followed him. I was standing at the urinal taking a whiz while I watched him feed quarters into the condom machine on the wall. He obviously thought something was going to happen so I decided to go back to my seat at the bar and watch just a little bit longer.

I was back on my bar stool before he got back to the booth and I watched as he slid in next to her, said something and then put his arm around her and pulled her tight against him. He kissed her and she returned it. They necked for a couple of minutes and then it happened. His hand moved to her right breast and squeezed it and I was instantly hard as an iron bar. I knew that I had found what we had set out to discover — it was the hands of an unknown stranger on my wife that had caused the intense sex that we had enjoyed that first time and that was lighting me up this time.

All I had to do was get Carolyn out of there without causing a scene.

In the booth I saw the man start to run his hand up Carolyn's leg. He took his other hand off of her tit and used it to take her hand and carry it under the table and Carolyn broke the kiss and looked over at me. She saw me watching and she gave me her evil grin and I saw her arm begin to move and I knew that she was stroking the guys cock.

I nodded my head toward the bathrooms and got up and headed down the hall to the men's john. A minute later Carolyn came down the hall toward me and said, "Well?"

For an answer I took her hand and placed it on my erection and then I pulled her out the back door. I took her on the back seat right there in the parking lot and then stopped twice on side streets on the way home. Once we got home we screwed all weekend long.

Carolyn and I sat down and had a long talk about where we should go from there or if we should go anywhere from there. What it was doing for me was great, but I was concerned about what it was doing for her, or more to the point, to her.

"Don't you worry about me lover. It isn't bothering me at all because I know what it is doing for us. As long as you are sure that you are okay with what I'm letting be done to me. I'm having a good time with this. I get the best of both worlds; I get to fool around with other guys and then have you try and fuck me to death. But sweetie, and this is a big but, I still need to know how far you want me to take it."

"What do you mean?"

"Saturday I had the guys cock in my hand and I was stroking it. His fingers were on their way up my leg and had almost reached my pussy. How far do I go? Who stops it, you or me? The timing was good Saturday, but what if something happens and you get delayed? Do I keep whacking the guy off until he cums? I can't stop and start like a tape in a VCR. I can't start and then say, "Okay, we have to stop because my husband isn't here yet. Oh, there he is now, let's start again." What if you are sitting there watching and some one you know comes in and sees you and joins you and you can't break loose? Do I keep going? Do I stop, go to the ladies room and then sneak out the back door and sit in the car and wait for you? You have to set the limits for me sweetie, you have to define things for me."

"I told you once before, just do what you are comfortable with."

"Can't you get it through your thick head that this is not about what I am comfortable with? It is all about what you are comfortable with. It is all about you facing me when it is over and not thinking that I'm a fucking whore. I'm doing this for you. Granted, I am having a hell of a good time with you when we get home, but still, what I'm doing is for you."

"I thought it was for us?"

"Okay, in a way it is for us, but I don't need it. I enjoy myself when you make love to me the regular way — without you being stimulated by an outside source, but you make love to me a hell of a lot more when you have been stimulated. So make love to me three or four times a week and we won't have to play games. The only reason I'm doing this lover is that our sex life was in the toilet until that stranger put his hand on my knee. Give me a sex life and we can stay out of bars."

"It isn't that simple for me. I could give you the three or four times a week and while it would be enjoyable it wouldn't be the intense "fuck all weekend" sex that we just had. I don't want the make love, cuddle up and go to sleep sex we used to have. I want the anywhere, everywhere, can't keep hands off non-stop sex we just had. We didn't have it when you fooled around with the guy the night you stopped with the girls and we didn't have it following what you did with Billy. We had sex, but nothing like what we had after the two strangers."

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