The Cock Report - Cover

The Cock Report

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: She was curious and asked him to do some checking for her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Slow   .

"Joey, can I ask you what sounds like a silly question?"

"Sure, as long as you don't mind silly answers."

"No Joey, I mean the question is going to sound silly coming from me, but I really want to know the answer."

"Okay Aimee, shoot."

"Do all black men have really huge dicks?"

"Jesus Aimee, how in the hell should I know that?"

"Well, you did play sports in high school and college and you were in the Army for three years so I know you have been in a lot of shower rooms with other men."

"Yes, but I didn't spend my time in those shower rooms measuring cocks."

"But surely you must have noticed something?"

"Sorry baby, but checking out dicks just wasn't my thing. What's this all about anyway?"

"Judy says that black men have bigger dicks than white men."

"Well, there you have it. That slut would know if anyone would."

"She's not a slut Joey."

"She has had four husbands and everyone of them divorced her for infidelity. She has spread her legs for damned near every man we know and that behavior more than meets the definition of slut as I understand it."

"Joey, she is still my best friend so please don't talk about her like that when you are around me."

I wondered if Aimee would still talk like that if she knew how many times Judy had tried to get me between her legs.

A couple of days went by and one night at dinner Aimee asked, "Can I ask you for a really huge favor?"

"I suppose. What do you want?"

"The next time couple of times you go to the gym for your work out would you see if maybe you could get a look at a couple of black cocks for me?"

"Good God Aimee, what is it with you and cock size all of a sudden?"

"I just want to find out if Judy is right."


"Because I'm curious. You know me Joey, I'm a screaming liberal. I'm out there marching with a sign and protesting like hell anytime there is even a hint of racial injustice. I've always said that blacks, whites, Latinos, Asians or whatever are all the same except for the accident of skin color. Now Judy is telling me that I'm wrong, that there are major differences between the races, that all blacks have bigger cocks. I don't want to believe Judy. We all have to be the same regardless of skin color. I have to know Joey, and I can't go find out for myself. Please Joey, I'm not asking you to take a tape measure with you, just a quick glance and tell me what you see."

She worked on me all the way through dinner and into dessert and I finally broke down and told her I would see what I could. I didn't mean it of course, there was no way that I was going to try and scope out cock sizes in a shower room. But even though I wasn't going to snoop in the shower I was going to try and get an answer for her. One of my good friends at work is black and I offered to buy him lunch if he would answer a few stupid sounding personal questions for me. I told him what was going on with Aimee and asked him right out if it was true.

"I wish I had a dollar for every white woman who has asked that question, but the answer is no. If you randomly select five hundred white men and five hundred black men you would probably find the same statistical variance in each group. If there were ten very large cocks in the black group you would find nine, ten or eleven very large cocks in the white group. The same could be said for medium sized cocks and small cocks; the percentages would be damned near the same. Your wife's friend probably only sees large black cocks because that is what she goes looking for."

"How would she find just big ones?"

"She only has to find one on her own. There are more white women out there who want to experience a big black cock than you might believe and like anything in our free market society if there becomes a demand for something someone will find a way to supply that demand. If a white woman finds one black man with a larger than average cock you can be sure that he has made it his business to find others. For some reason black men are hard wired in the brain to want white women so the propensity among black men is to share the white women they get. I'm not talking gangbanging here. Joe meets Mary who is curious about black cock. Joe does Mary and then calls up Bill and tells him that he has a hot white chick who likes black cock and I'll turn her over to you if you have something to trade. Bill puts Joe in touch with Jill and it just goes on like that. Judy could very well have seen a dozen big dicked black studs if that is what she was looking for."

That night when I got home Aimee asked me if I had seen anything that she might be interested in knowing. I told her that I'd seen a few things, but that I was going to watch for a week or so to get a good sample. Over the next two weeks I went to the gym seven times and on the seventh day I came home I told her that statistically there was no difference between the black race and the white race, at least in the cock department. I told her I had seen three large black cocks and four white ones about the same size, eight black and eight white ones about the same size as mine, and two small black and three small white ones. I could see the relief on her face and I said, "Press on Liberal Lady; fight racial injustice secure in the knowledge that we are all just folks with different skin colors."

A couple of months went by and I began to notice some things. Aimee seemed to be quieter and she spent a lot of time seeming to look off into the distance. We didn't talk as much at the dinner table as we used to and a couple of times I came home from work to find her lying on our bed crying. When I asked what was wrong she would just say that she wasn't feeling well. Our sex life started to slack off. From five and six times a week to four and then two or three and then two weeks without any and always the same answer, "I'm just not feeling well Joey." Then one night I came home from work to find a note on the kitchen table:

"Joey, I love you, I really, really do, but I can't live with you any more. I'm sorry,


Frantic, I called her mother, her brother, her two sisters and anyone else I could think of to se if anyone knew where she might be, but no one knew a thing. Finally I thought of Judy. I called her and she said, "She's here Joey, but she doesn't want to talk to you."

"Why not?"

"She has her reasons. Not good ones as far as I'm concerned, but they seem to work for her."

"What the hell is going on Judy? She can't just walk out on me without a word, without telling me what is wrong. What the hell did I do?"

"You didn't do anything Joey. She did and it is killing her."

"Come on Judy, give — what the hell is going on?"

"Look Joey, I like you, I like you a lot. I think you are one of the nice guys, but I can't tell you a thing. You will have to get it from her. I will tell you this though, and don't you dare let her know you got it from me, but she plans on going to the house tomorrow to get some clothes while you are at work."

I called in sick the next morning, went out and moved my car around the block and then I went back into the house and waited. It was a long wait and I was starting to think that Judy had given me bad information when Aimee's car pulled into the drive. I moved to where she couldn't see me until she was well into the house and I could get between her and the door. Aimee came in the front door and went straight up the stairs and into our bedroom. I gave her a minute and then I followed her up. I went into the room, closed the door and then sat down on the floor with my back to it and waited to be noticed. Aimee backed out of the closet with an arm full of clothes and turned to drop them on the bed and then that's when she saw me. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

"That's not what I mean. You are supposed to be at work."

"I wasn't feeling good so I called in sick."

"Have you called the doctor?"

"It's not that kind of not feeling well. I got some news last night that kind of put me down in the dumps."

"Oh, I see," she said and she turned and dropped the clothes.

"What is going on here Aimee?"

"Please Joey, I don't want to talk about it."

"Unfortunately for you Aimee, I do, so you are going to have to whether you want to or not."

"Joey, will you just please leave. Don't make this any harder on either of us than it has to be."

"I'm not leaving Aimee, until I know what this is all about, and neither are you. There are only two ways out of this room, through the window or through the door, so unless you plan on jumping out of a second floor window the only way out is through the door and I'm not moving until you talk."

"Please Joey, I don't want to talk about it, it will only make things worse."

"Worse for who Aimee? How can it be any worse for me than it already is? The woman I love walks out on me without a word and I'm supposed to sit here with an over-active imagination to try and figure out why? I'm supposed to sit here, stare at the walls and think all kinds of things like maybe you left me for another man? You left me for another woman or you didn't leave me for anyone else, you just can't stand me any more? Then I could go way out there and imagine you over at Judy's taking part in orgies'" and when I said that I saw Aimee wince.

"That's it. I can see by your face, that's it. Judy finally corrupted you. That's why our sex life died; you are getting all you need over at Judy's. That's probably the real reason for your interest in the size of black cocks, right? You were trying to talk yourself into trying a couple and stupid me was your point man. Is it just one black man you are leaving me for, or is it a herd of them? Have you become as big a slut as Judy? Never mind, I don't really want to know the answer to that."

I got up from the floor and left the room. As I was heading down the stairs I heard Aimee call out, "Wait Joey, don't go" but I continued on down the stairs and left the house.

I got in my car and headed into work. I hadn't been there an hour when I got a phone call from Judy.

"You asshole! What did you do to her? She's over here bawling her eyes out and I can't get her to stop."

"Whoa up there lady. How did I get to be the bad guy here? I come home to find that she's left me. I was at the house when she got there and she wouldn't talk to me and so I left the house and came to work. That makes me an asshole?"

"Okay, so I'm sorry I called you an asshole. She wouldn't talk?"

"Not a word."

"It isn't my place to do this, but if she won't then I guess I'll have to. Buy me lunch at Anton's and I'll fill you in."

She was already there when I arrived and as I walked up to the table I thought, and not for the first time, about how sexy she looked. I suppose that might have had something to do with her being such a cock hungry slut. If you got hit on as often as she probably was it would be easy to get laid as often as you wanted. She had already ordered drinks and there was one sitting there waiting for me when I sat down. She pointed at it and said, "You need to hurry sweetie, I'm on my third and you might need to play catch up. A few drinks in you might make this go easier."

I took a sip of the drink and then set it down. "No games Judy, just tell me what the hell is going on."

"You haven't heard my terms yet sweetie. Do you want to know bad enough to take me home with you and give me a taste?"

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