Michelle's First Encounter - Cover

Michelle's First Encounter

by Girl Interrupted

Copyright© 2006 by Girl Interrupted

True Story Sex Story: Michelle is a young gymnast, who has her first experience with drinking, pot, and an older guy. A halloween party at her older brother's place turns into an evening of firsts, and she must to her best to strech herself to these new experiences.

Caution: This True Story Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Size   Halloween   .

Copyright© December 2006, Girl Interrupted

Chapter 1

Michelle sighed as she left the gymnastics class. All she wanted to do was have a hot shower, get changed and relax before she went to her older brother's halloween party. Mark always threw a good party - few drinks, chats, xbox, card games whatever you wanted.

The bus dropped her off a few blocks from her house, but the summer heat made the few blocks seem like forever. Finally, after a long sweaty hike she got to the front door, let herself in, threw her gym bag on the couch and bolted for the shower. Ten seconds later the door was locked and her leotard and tights were in a pile next to the laundry basket.

Michelle tiredly got the scrunchie out of her ponytail, and shook her hair about until it was loose. She then put her head next to the mirror and dug her contact lenses out and put them back in there case. She stepped back for a moment to look at herself in the mirror.

Michelle's body was pretty much average for her age, though very much on the short and petite side. A plain face bordered by a-bit-longer-than-shoulder-length hair, brown eyes. Slim shoulders with toned gymnasts arms, and a petite frame. Glancing down, Michelle was a little disappointed with her boobs. While well formed and very firm, they were slightly smaller than peaches. Two little balls capped off with little pinkish-colored nipples. Like many girls who were still growing boob-wise, she had trouble finding bras that fit right - Michelle floated somewhere between an A and B cup, slightly big for an A, while a B was slightly roomy.

Gazing down further, Michelle took in her waist and hips. Like most gymnasts that trained from a young age, she was a late bloomer, with little baby fat. Her hips were still narrow, and her waist was curved enough to show that she was female, but not voluptuous or sexy. Michelle did have one saving grace - years of gymnastics had given her a firm little bottom, and very nicely toned legs.

She had a glance down at her vagina. Like many late-blooming gymnasts, Michelle developed slowly. Even at 14, she was yet to have her period, and she only had traces of peach fuzz outlining her privates, where most girls she'd seen had thick curls of hair. Michelle did have a small sex drive though, and she'd rubbed herself to a few orgasms in bed or in the bath tub at night when she was sure her parents were asleep.

Michelle sighed, turned away from the mirror and stepped into the shower. Turning the taps blasted her with a sheet of freezing water, which slowly warmed up as she relaxed before starting to was herself. After the shower was finished, she put a towel around herself and headed for her room to get changed for the party.

Chapter 2

Michelle dried off properly and got down to getting her costume sorted. Her brother Mark was in his third year at uni, so all his friends were of uni age, anywhere from 19-25. Though much younger, Michelle was good friends with most of them and she was basically one of the gang when she was with them.

One of Mark's friends was a girl named Rebekah. Rebekah studied textiles and fashion design, and was a wizz at saving herself a lot of money by designing and making her own clothes. She'd also made the odd bit or piece for Michelle, who always got her hand-me-downs. For the haloween party this year, Rachel had made Michelle's costume for her from some drawings off the internet, and the costume was an exact match for the plans.

The costume Rebekah had made was the same thing worn by Tinkerbell in Peter Pan (the cartoon one). It was a figure-hugging light green minidress that was also backless. The hemline was shockingly brief - the end of the dress being about the same length as a miniskirt that was a little on the short side. Michelle was rapt, Rachel had done an amazing job on the dress, but the best part was the wings. They were wire framed wings that attached to the back of the outfit, making the Tinkerbell look complete. Michelle had tried it on before, and her dad had called it "indecent".

Michelle started to change into the outfit. She pulled on a pair of plain, cotton panties and put her contact lenses in. There was no point wearing a bra with the costume as it was backless, and backless bras are a major pain. She started to put the dress on, which was a bit hard as it was made to her measurements and fitted tightly. A look in the mirror confirmed two things: Rebekah was a genius, and although Michelle wasn't great in the boob department, she had great legs and a very, very nice little bottom.

After fitting the dress on, she attached the wings and the shoes - flat soles with a little cotton-puff thing on the toe. When her hair was done - a simple ribbon tie done in the same way as Tinkerbell, she had a another look in the mirror. She looked very much like a brunette pixie.

She sat down to wait for her brother to pick her up, and noticed something else about the costume. Because of the way the wings stuck out, she had a choice when it came time to sit down at the part - be modest and crush the wings, or sit down carefully and give every guy in the room a look up her dress. Oh well, she thought, I'll deal with that when the time comes.

Chapter 3

The trip over to Mark's house was uneventful. During the ride, Michelle realised just how short the costume was, but didn't care as there wasn't much she could do about it at this point anyway. They got to the door and joined the party.

Twelve or thirteen people were there already, roughly half guys and half girls. Most of them were chatting and comparing costumes, while having a drink. Many of the costumes were very well done. Amy was dressed as the Wicked Witch of the West, with a black wig, fake nose, cape and broomstick. There was a zombie, a devil, a dominatrix, and Jeff had had the guts to go as Hitler (complete with moustache and Nazi symbol).

Mark's costume was Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. He had a long white beard and a pointy hat, but took the beard off because it was itching like hell. Michelle followed him inside and started talking to some of the girls. Rachel was there dressed as a cop, and they spent a while talking about costumes and which ones were good and bad and so forth. Rachel's boyfriend soon turned up, and the two of them went off and had a chat themselves, so Michelle floated around the party, talking to whoever.

While she enjoyed talking to Rachel and the rest of the girls, Michelle didn't know most of them very well. She'd met them before but never really spoken to them. They exchanged compliments on costumes, but that was about it. Michelle grabbed a bourbon and coke and went over to hang with the guys.

Michelle had known most of the guys for years, as they were long time friends of her brother Mark. She'd flirted with them sometimes before, getting more than a few butt pinches over the years. As she'd developed physically, the flirting had gotten a little bit more serious, and they loved spending time with a good looking girl who could take a dirty joke (or a butt pinch) in good humour. Michelle really was "one of the guys".

Kevin was a good friend of Mark and Michelle's. He'd looked out for her a lot in the past - giving her a lift to school or gymnastics if it was raining, much like another big brother. Still, it wasn't lost on him that she'd grown up a lot, and the two often had long talks about school or gymnastics or uni or anything. Also, he hadn't failed to notice that she'd grown up a lot physically - he'd watched the gradual slendering of her body and the curves coming in the right places - the Tinkerbell costume left little doubt of that.

Michelle had also thought that Kevin was attractive. He wasn't hugely over-the-top buff, but he went to the gym and dressed well. The fact that he'd been very nice to her in the past had also led her to have a but of a crush on him, and his costume didn't help. He was dressed as Hercules, which showed off a trim chest and a cute butt.

Michelle walked over and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, which he returned, though he had to pick her up to to do it. "Hey Kev, how you doing?" she asked cheerfully.

"Great Mickie, great. Geez, you've grown a bit, and very nicely I might add" he said, running his eyes over her slowly making her blush.

"Your not so bad yourself, Herc."

"Come grab a seat and chill with us for a while, need another drink?"

Michelle nodded, and followed Kev to the fridge where he handed her a Smirnoff ice and grabbed himself another bourbon and coke. They then went back to the lounge and chairs where the guys were having a chat and playing cards.

"Hey Kev, Mickie, you want I should deal you in?" asked Zombie Xavier.

"Sure man, Mickie you in?" asked Kev.

"Yeah sounds cool, throw me some chips."

The cards were being played on a coffee table between two couches. Kevin sat on one, and Michelle took a seat opposite. She then had to wrestle herself down while keeping the wings stable, so they wouldn't be squashed. As she'd realised before, this meant sitting down flatly, which also gave a brief eyeful to anyone watching from the wrong angle. Kevin was having a swig of his bourbon and coke and nearly choked when he got a glimpse of long, toned legs and a flash of purple cotton panties.

As Michelle sat down finally, and more modestly, she picked up her cards and ran through them, before looking around the table to see who was ready to play. She caught a glance from Kev, who winked, and leaned over.

"Nicely done Mickie, but I didn't know purple was your colour" he whispered.

Michelle turned crimson and went back to her cards.

Chapter 4

After an hour or two playing poker, Michelle, Kevin and the rest of the guys got a bit bored. Xavier and Adam needed a smoke, so Kev and Michelle went with them to the verandah. Jeff followed as well, and soon Mark and the guys were sitting around outside enjoying the evening.

After a while of talking and drinking, Jeff reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag of weed and rollie papers. He asked if everyone was cool with it, and if Mark minded if he rolled a joint or two.

"It cool if I roll a joint Mark? It's your place if you're not cool with it no worries."

"No worries mate, as long as you bought enough for the rest of the class."

Jeff laughed and started rolling, but then had second thoughts.

"You don't mind us having a smoke do you Mickie?"

"Don't mind me, I'm cool with it" replied Michelle.

Jeff thought about it, and concluded "Fuck it. Mickie's cool, Mark's cool, let's get it on."

Having finished rolling the joint, he passed it to Mark.

"The first toke goes to our generous host."

"Cheers mate, here it goes."

Mark sparked it up and took a few draws before passing it along.

"Weeow, smoooooth!"

After Jeff had a few drags, he was about to pass it along to Adam, when he stopped and looked at Michelle.

"Michelle, you're a big girl now, do you want a try?"

"Sure, why not? It's all good."

Michelle took the joint, looked at Jeff and Mike and said "Soooo what do I do now?"

Jeff laughed and replied "Inhale and hold the smoke in as long as you can, then blow it all out."

"I can do that."

Michelle took a long drag and tried to hold it in. Her lungs felt like burning and she started coughing them up.

"Quick have a drink it'll help"

She took a drink and coughed some more, until finally she could breathe.

"Now pass it along."

Michelle passed the joint over to Adam, who had a few tokes and passed it along. After a while Michelle got the hang of it and could take small drags without coughing her lungs up.

After a while the pot kicked in, Michelle getting very giggle and everyone just having a relaxed chat. Eventually they got munchies so Mark got up to get some chips and dip, and some more drinks.

"Mickie, can you help me with the food run?"

"Sure, here I come."

As Michelle got up, the shortness of the costume again gave some of the guys an eyeful. Michelle blushed and said "sorry about that, hard to get up and sit down in this thing."

Jeff grinned. "Don't apologise, it was a lovely view."

Adam piped up too "Here here! I gotta hang around with gymnasts more often."

Xavier, typically said "If the outfit bothers you, you can just take it off, we're all friends here."

Michelle blushed crimson, turned around and went to get the drinks.

While Mark was fixing the dips, Michelle grabbed more drinks from the fridge and bought them outside, and began handing them out.

As she leaned over to hand Jeff his beer, Michelle felt a pinch on her butt. She whipped around and there was Xavier with a huge grin on his face.

"Geez its TINY. Sorry Mickie I had to, everyone else got a front row seat last time."

Michelle was used to it - Xavier was always a bit of a perv.

"Oh well, you've had your fun, happy now?"


"Good" said Mickie.

As she was about to sit down, she felt another pinch on her ass. This time it was Jeff.

"Sorry Michelle, couldn't resist, but Xavier had his turn so figured I'd be next."

Michelle just glared at him.

"If it makes you feel any better, I give you a ten for firmness, shape and size."

"Glad you approve."

Then Adam piped up "Well, I'm a med student so I should check and make sure there's no lumps or anything."

Michelle rolled her eyes and Adam had a feel.

"Hmmmm, growing nicely, no lumps, and you're right she is a ten."

Michelle rolled her eyes "Can I sit down now, or does everyone need a feel?"

Kev looked at her "Well actually, would it be ok?"

Michelle glared at Xavier and Adam, smiled sweetly at Kevin and said "Sure, and since you asked nicely have a good feel."

She pointed her bottom at Kev, who touched it with both hands and gave it a few squeezes.

"See guys, nothing to lose by being polite. By the way Mickie, you've got a gorgeous little bum."

"Why thank you Kev. Ok, enough, my drink is getting warm."

Michelle sat down on her chair again, this time all of them watching closely.

"She's a ten from the front too."



Then Adam made a suggestion "Have you had your breasts checked for lumps or cysts?"

"Dream on Dr Pervert."

"I am, I am."

Chapter 5

As it grew colder, Michelle, Mark, Kev and the rest decided to back inside. When they got in, there wasn't enough seats left for everyone, so Adam and Jeff sat on the floor, with Mark and Xavier on the couch. Kev grabbed the comfy seat. Michelle unclipped her wings and put them on top of the bookshelf as they were getting to be too much of a pain.

She was about to sit down on the floor when Kev offered her his seat.

"No its ok, don't worry about it I'll take the floor with Tweedledee and Tweedledum."

"Let me know if you change your mind."

Michelle sat on the floor and chatted with everyone for a while, but sitting on the floor was getting uncomfortable. She looked up at Kev and said "Is the offer on the chair still open?"

"Sure Mickie, I'll swap with you."

Michelle relaxed into the comfy seat, and then felt bad cos now Kev would suffer the misery of the floor.

"Hey Kev, take the seat."

"But then you'll be uncomfortable. I know how to fix this."

Kev walked over, picked Michelle up, sat down and placed her on his lap.

"There we go, sit back and relax."

Michelle laid back a bit and rested her back on his chest. It was nice and warm against her and she took Kev's hands and held them across her lap.

After a while, Kev was running his hands very softly up and down her sides. Michelle sighed and enjoyed it, while Kev enjoyed the warmth and shape of her waist, and occasionally gently brushed the sides of her boobs. This went on for an hour, until about 1am, when people started to head for home. Michelle was nearly asleep by then, dozing off in the warmth of Kev's chest and his hands on her sides. He picked her up, grabbed his keys and told Mark he'd drop her off at home.

In the car, Michelle slowly woke up.

"Here we are, I'll help you inside and I'll see you later."

Michelle tiredly went to the door, only to realise she'd left her keys and the wings at Mark's house.

"Shit, I'm locked out I can't get in."

Kev thought about it and said "no worries, you can crash at mine."

When they arrived at Kevin's apartment, Michelle walked in and took a seat on the couch, while Kev put his phone on the charger. She pulled her hair out of the ribbon and shook her hair so it all fell back in place.

"You take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

"It's ok I'm not really tired, just hungry never really had any dinner."

Kev agreed, and fixed some sandwiches while Michelle kicked off her shoes and put a movie on. Kev sat down next to her on the couch, and they ate while the movie started. Then Kev got up, put the plates on the table, turned off the lights and sat back down next to Michelle. Michelle stretched out on the couch, and Kev let her stretch her feet and legs over him.

"God it's nice to stretch out, with school and gym I'm on my feet all day."

"Allow me."

Kev slowly started giving Michelle a foot massage, and she sighed in relief "oh my god that's nice."

Kev just kept on rubbing her feet and ankles while Michelle closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

He moved up a bit and rubbed her calf muscles, working the tension out of them gently.

"I know those guys were jerks before Mickie, but you do have great legs."

"Thanks, you're a sweetie."

After a while, when her legs had relaxed, Kev stopped massaging them and just rested his hands on her legs. Michelle sat up, leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she backed up and just looked into his eyes and said "thank you so much for the massage." She gave him a peck on the lips, and then another. Slowly his hands rested on her waist and the kisses became longer and longer. They kissed for what seemed like ages, Michelle with her hands all over Kev's chest and shoulders, Kev's holding onto her waist.

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