Soaking Wet - Cover

Soaking Wet

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2006 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Bree is out jogging on a mountain trail when the rain starts. She finds shelter in an abandoned shack and starts and fire and undresses to dry her clothes. That's when the two teenage boys come in and confront her. Their plan is rape but Bree has a secret and by the time the boys find out it's too late.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   FemaleDom   Oral Sex   .

Bree tied the green windbreaker around her waist and started out on a nice easy pace, after all she had ten miles to cover and starting out too fast would just waste energy. Thirty-five minutes later she was breathing hard but staying relaxed as she slowed her pace down a bit and turned and headed down the narrow back trail of Mount Helix and back towards town. It was her first time on this particular trail although she had mapped it out using a Forest Service map she bought from the Park Ranger. The trail was well marked although the Ranger had warned her that it wasn't used very often and that she should be careful if she was going to be out running by herself and she was definitely a careful woman.

She was already more than four miles into her planned ten mile trek and today she really felt her second wind kicking in as she jogged through a wicked back-turn on the trail. In the distance she could just see the outline of the town of Seldom, Arizona and as she looked for the landmark 100-foot tall water tank with the famous Aztec logo the first drop of rain hit her in the face. Just great she thought, I'm at least six miles from my car and I'm going to get soaked. A minute later the sky opened up and the deluge was on her and the trail quickly turned into mud and was getting treacherous especially so because she was unfamiliar with the area.

Bree made a quick decision and stopped running and started walking. She untied her windbreaker and put it on but by that time she was already soaked to the bone and then the thunder and lightening started and she became frightened. She knew that during the summer in this part of Arizona the trails and washes were known for having flash floods and Bree certainly didn't want to get caught in one of those. As she walked down the trail she began looking for someplace, anyplace, to shelter herself until the storm blew over. Looking back and forth to either side of the trail as she walked hoping for an outcropping of rocks that she could hide under she turned a corner and she spotted what looked like an old rundown cabin back about a hundred yards into the tree line and she headed for it. As she neared the wreck of a house she could see that it had been abandoned for years, the porch was crumbling, the one window she could see was broken and the door was hanging on a single hinge. Still as they say, any port in a storm and Bree walked up the trail and carefully climbed onto the porch and went through the door.

She looked around and saw that it was an old one room cabin and she figured that it had probably been a hunter's shelter of some sort. The good news was that the roof was intact as were the rest of the windows so at least she was out of the wind and rain and safe from any potential flash flooding. As she looked around she noticed a pile of tree branches, broken up and lying by the old stone fireplace and there was even a box of wooden matches on the mantle. Bree assumed that someone, probably local kids, used the place to hang out and drink, maybe even have sex. She took off her windbreaker and opened the right pocket and took out her pistol, a snub nosed .32 automatic, her old throwaway piece. She made sure it was dry and working then put it back into the pocket, folded the jacket and set it up on the mantle. Without further ado Bree put some branches into the fireplace and started a fire. In minutes the fire had taken hold and was pushing a modicum of heat out past the hearth and she was beginning to loose some of the chill of being soaking wet. She shivered then looked down at her soaked running clothes, a light green running shirt, matching running shorts with a sport bra and panties underneath. Although she was uncomfortable in doing so she kicked off her shoes and socks then she pulled her running shirt up over her head and set it over the back of a broken chair then slipped out of her shorts and hung them on the chairs armrest. She moved the chair closer to the fire so the clothes would dry then she rubbed her hands together but she still felt the cold of her sopping wet panties and running bra so again against her better judgment she took them off too. She hung them near the fireplace and totally nude moved closer to the hearth and tried to get warm.

Bree was walking back and forth in front of the fireplace, alternately turning first her front to the heat then her back when what was left of the cabin door flew open and two teenage boys ran inside. They were laughing and poking each other, that is until they saw her standing there in the all-together.

"What the fuck!" The first boy said as he moved towards the fireplace.

"Jesus Christ she's naked." The second boy said pointing at Bree.

Bree was so startled by the sudden intrusion that all she thought about was her modesty and instead of going to the mantle and grabbing her jacket she grabbed for her shirt and held it up in front of her, protectively. That error already made Bree looked at the two teens and figured that neither of the boy's were over 16 and yet the way they looked at her she was instantly weary and with her sense of survival back in tact she started to ease over towards the fireplace. "What... what are you two doing here?"

They looked at each other then one boy pulled out a plastic bag and she saw they it had a six pack of beer inside. He set it on the floor and then quickly moved putting himself between her and the fireplace. "Look lady this is our place and you're the one that broke into it and not only that but you're using our fire place and the wood we gathered for this afternoons' drinking session."

Bree's eyes darted to the mantle then back to the boy. "Don't be silly this is an abandoned cabin, it doesn't belong to either of you."

The bigger of the two boys took off his jacket and reached into his pocket and pulled out a folding knife, opened it and moved towards to Bree.

Bree wanted, no needed, to get to her jacket but when the boy with the knife started towards her and she had no choice but to back up. "You... you stay away from me. If you touch me I'll scream."

He kept coming and was laughing at her. "Go ahead and scream lady, nobody's going to hear you. Christ not only is there's a downpour going on outside but nobody ever comes up here." He pointed a finger at Bree and turned to his friend and smiled a sardonic grin. "What do you think Billy?"

Billy, the skinny one, moved toward her from the other side. "I think I want to see her tits again Ted, that's what I'm thinking."

Bree kept slowly backing away from the boy called Ted and his knife yet she tryed to see if she could somehow get to her jacket. She heard what the one called Billy wanted and she assumed that they both wanted something more than just seeing her breasts, she was positive they were going to try and rape her. "Look you two I don't want any trouble, why don't you just let me get dressed and I'll leave you alone to drink your beer."

The one called Ted lifted the knife up in front of him and pointed it at her chest. "Look lady my name is Ted and this here is Billy and have you ever seen what a knife like this can do to a pretty lady like yourself? Well have you?"

Bree shook her head no even though that was a lie; she had seen it, plenty of times on the street. She stepped backward again only now she found her progress stopped by the back wall of the cabin. She tried to figure out a way to get to her jacket but she was positive that if she made a run for it the boy would cut her. Deciding to play dumb and see what happened she said, "Please! Please don't hurt me, I don't want to die." The boy moved closer to her but not close enough that she could get a hand on him.

"Alright then," Ted said, holding the knife towards her throat, "if you don't want to get hurt then you'll do what we want. No hesitations, everything we say when we say it. If you do that you just might get out of here alive. So are you going to play along or do we force you?"

Bree's hands began shaking and she was still holding her shirt in front of her although it certainly didn't cover very much. She thought about their offer and decided that she couldn't run and couldn't get to her jacket, at least not yet. If she made a run for the door she didn't have any clothes or shoes and the trail was pure mud; no it seemed that she was stuck in the cabin with these two teenage perverts. Both boys looked to be over six feet and Ted was maybe 200 pounds and built like a football player. The other boy, Billy, was skinnier, maybe 170 pound, still she figured that they could easily overpower her, so it seemed that the only sane decision was to give in and maybe they wouldn't hurt her. "Alright I'll do what you want but just don't hurt me."

Billy looked over at Ted and smiled. "Oh we won't hurt you lady not if you do what we want."

"I will, I promise." Bree said.

"That's good lady, that's good," Ted said. He moved closer then reached up and ran his fingers through her hair then ran his hand down over her cheek and then in a violent motion he grabbed the shirt and ripped it out of her hands.

Bree screamed and cowered against the wall. She was breathing hard, shaking and trying to cover her breasts and vagina with her hands.

Billy moved closer to her. "Drop the hands bitch, we want to see those tits and your pussy."

Still shaking Bree dropped her hands and just stood there.

Ted reached out and grabbed her right breast then tweaked her nipple. "I think she is excited Billy, look at how hard her nipples are, I'll bet he is ready to fuck right now. Is that right lady and you all excited about getting fucked?"

"N... n... no, no I'm not."

Ted reached down and cupped her other breast and then slowly squeezed it until she had tears in her eyes and cried out in pain."

"Owwwwww. Jesus that's hurts, please stop!"

Ted let her breast go and smiled at her. "Now you know what I mean when I say do it. Now it's time to have some fun. Say, what's you name anyway?"

She was rubbing her breast where he had squeezed it. "Bree."

"Bree? That's a weird name; I don't think I've ever heard of anyone called Bree."

"It's a... a nickname my dad gave me. My real name is Brianna."

"Well Bree why don't you tell Bill and me all about yourself, you know like how old are you, what you do, if your married, what size your tits are, stuff like that. I just hate to fuck someone I don't even know."

Bree couldn't quit shaking, partly from the cold and partly from fear of what these two psychopaths might due to her. Stark naked and at the mercy of these two she didn't have a plan yet and she didn't know what lies to tell them, finally she took a deep breath and looking straight at Ted, said. "I'm 25 and I work in a bank, I'm a teller." she lied but made it sound true. "I'm not married and never have been. I'm 5'7" and 110 pounds and my bust size is 32B. Any... anything else you want to know?"

"Yea," Billy said as he began unbuckling his pants, "are you any good at sucking cock?"

She had the urge to throw up when she heard the question although she had already guessed that sucking their cocks was just the beginning of her ordeal. "Uh, I guess I'm alright, my boyfriend doesn't complain."

"Good then get over here and show me."

Bree looked over at her jacket and realized that she was going to be a few steps closer to it as she walked over to Billy and dropped down onto her haunches. She looked at the boy's cock and saw that it was about five inches long and not very thick but was definitely hard. As she moved her face closer she could smell the pungent odor of sweat and piss but she put it out of her mind and forged ahead. She hoped to get him to come quickly and get it over with so she began teased his cock with her fingers then sucked him into her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down. As she suspected, it didn't take long; his cock twitched then he pushed deeper into her throat and held her head as he spewed cum into her mouth. Twitching and spewing and yelling that he was coming. She heard him tell at her to swallow his cum and she obliged thinking if she didn't he might hurt her. When Billy was finished he pushed her away and she fell backward onto her butt on the floor.

Billy turned around, "God damn Ted, she's really a good cocksucker."

Bree looked over at the bigger boy. He was already stripped from the waist down and slowly stroking his cock only his cock was a lot bigger than Billy's, in fact it was huge. Bree thought that it had to be at least eight inches and it looked almost as thick as her wrist.

Ted watched her staring as his cock and he smiled as he stroked himself. "Never seen a cock this big Bree?"

Disgustedly she shook her head no although that wasn't true either.

"Wait until you feel this inside you baby you're going to cream in your panties. I've never had any complaints once the girls get their pussy's stretched far enough for me."

Bree wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation but thought that she was better off continuing to play the dumb girl. "Jesus Christ," she wined, "I don't think that thing will fit inside me, I'm way too small."

"Oh it will fit just fine — eventually. Might take a few minutes to get your pussy ready for me but it'll fit. Now get your ass over here and start sucking my cock."

Bree got up off her butt and walked over to the boy. Again she looked over at her jacket and knew she was one step closer. When she started to get down onto her haunches he stopped her.

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