Giving Something Back - Cover

Giving Something Back

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2006 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Alex is a 32 year old professional tennis player playing in her last tournament. Billy, 14, is the net ball boy and has a crush on Alex. Is there any way these two could ever get together. Maybe.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   First   Masturbation   Petting   .

Alex Scott sat in her chair next to the net and re-laced then tied her tennis shoe. She was 32 years old, worn out and this was to be her final tennis tournament of a less than illustrious professional career. Breathing hard she stood up and twirled her racket grabbed two balls and headed back out onto the court. She thought about what her father had told her last night, 'Alex', he said 'you have to give something back to the game, all the great ones give something back to the game'. She wondered what she could do about that as she slammed an overhand shot down the center line for an ace and listened to the applause. Not that she would ever be consider one of the greats of women's tennis, hell she had only gotten as high as number 11 in the world rankings, still she was well known to the American public.

Alex bounced another ball, bent over and stared at the net. The blonde haired ball boy was on his knees and looking directly into her eyes and she smiled back at him. He had been watching her all afternoon, mostly trying to get a peek up her skirt she knew. Well maybe she would give him a quick thrill today. Alex stood back up and flexed her knees. Then she turned so that her back was to the net and she reached under her skirt and pulled her panties up so tight that she knew that they had slid in between her labia. Smiling to herself, she turned around and in one swift motion tossed her ball into the air and leapt up and smashed it across the net. When she leapt into the air her skirt flew up and she was exposed to the boy. It only lasted a mere second or two but when the point was over she could see in his eyes that he had finally seen what he had been looking for all day.

After the next set Alex walked over to her chair and picked up her water bottle and sucked down some warm water. The boy was standing by the judges' chair and again she smiled at him. "What's your name son?"

"Billy ma'am."

Ma'am, wow that hurt. "How old are you Billy?"


"Well Billy you're doing a fine job today."

"Thank you Miss Scott."

Alex nodded to him, grabbed two balls and walked back onto the court for what was to be the final set of her 16 year professional career. The score was 6-2, 6-4 in her favor and Alex was sure that she was going to walk off the court as a winner that is until she twisted her ankle running for an outside shot to her left. The damn ankle just gave way and when it did Alex tumbled to the surface, rolled on to her right side and she knew she was done for the day and for her career. The doctor was summoned and after a cursory examination he confirmed her diagnosis and then the tournaments director had two men helped Alex down the tunnel and into her dressing room where the doctor wrapped her ankle in a soft cast and iced it down. The doctor looked at the ankle one last time and then shook his head in obvious disgust.

"Look Alex I have to get back on the court, do you need anything before I go."

"No thanks doc, just put up the do not disturb sign on the door and I'll lay here and get some rest. Oh and doc, thanks for everything."

"You're welcome Alex and thank you for your entire career. Damn shame it had to end this way."

She watched as he walked out of her dressing room and when the door finally closed she started to sob. Not because she was hurt and not even because her career was over, no it was more basic than that, it was the total loneliness of the women's tour. No friends to speak of, no one to hug and love her, just city after city of strangers. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and then heard a soft knocking on the door. "Sorry, no visitors please." There was another knock and it irritated her. "Who the hell is out there?"

"Sorry to disturb you Miss Scott, it's Billy."

What the heck did the kid want? "Oh alright, come on in Billy."

Billy opened the door and walked in and looked at Alex. She was laying on the training table propped up on her elbows with some sore of cream colored cast on her leg. Her skirt was pulled up a little and Billy could just see a glimpse of white of her panties. "I'm sorry to bother you Miss Scott but I wanted to come by and tell you how sorry I was that you had to leave that way. It's just not fair to have your career end with an injury. Does it hurt a lot?"

Alex looked down at the boy and saw the tears in his eyes as he spoke. She was taken aback by his sincerity for her and her injury. She also noticed where his wandering eyes were focusing. She smiled at the teenagers' obvious naiveté. "No honey it doesn't hurt all that much. Tell me something Billy, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Me? Oh no, none of the girls in school seem interested in someone like me."

"Why is that Billy? I mean you're a nice looking young man."

"Well I'm kind of a nerd and the only sport I can play is tennis and most of the girls seem to go for the football players."

"You any good — at tennis I mean?"

"Uh, Okay I guess. I made the junior varsity this year and coach tells me that next year I'll be on the varsity team for sure."

"Gee that's great Billy, really great. Look honey I don't mean to embarrass you or anything but I've noticed that all day long you've been looking up my skirt..."

Billy's face got red then he started to cry. "Oh God Miss Scott I'm so sorry. I mean I know it was wrong of me but you're just so beautiful and your legs and your... ah rear end are just so sexy I just had to try and get a peek. I'm sorry Miss Scott; please don't tell the manager he will let me go and I really need this job."

"Come here Billy."

He walked up to the side of the table and Alex drew him into her arms and hugged the boy. She ran her hands up and down his back until he quieted down then she wiped the tears off his cheek. "Look honey there's no reason to cry I'm not mad or anything."

"You're... you're not?" His eyes brightened when he realized that she wouldn't tell on him.

"No sweetie I'm actually flattered that you're even interested in looking at an old woman like me, heck I'm old enough to be your mother."

"Well I've never seen any mother who looks as good as you do Miss Scott."

"Look Billy if we're going to be friends you're going to have to call me Alex, is that alright?"

"Sure Alex, that's fine."

An idea had formulated in Alex's mind but she was a little hesitant to bring it up then decided what the hell, why not. "I'm going to ask you something very personal Billy and if you don't want to answer me that's alright. Okay?"

"Sure Alex, you can ask me anything."

"Okay here goes. I was wondering if you have ever fooled around with a girl. Do you know what I'm asking you about?"

"Ah sure, I guess. You want to know if I have ever made it with a girl, is that right?"

"Yes Billy that's it. Well have you?" She watched his face and knew the answer was no by the way his eyes fell to the floor and the way his color turned from boyish white to an embarrassed red.

He couldn't look her in the eyes he just stared at the floor. "Uh no, no I haven't. I haven't any got experience like that at all. Not that I don't want to mind you but I guess that none of the girls, at least the ones I know, want to get caught going out with a nerd like me."

"Hummm, well I sure wouldn't mind getting caught with someone like you Billy."

His head shot up and he saw her smiling at him. "Really? You're not just teasing me are you Alex?"

Her face turned serious. "Why don't you go and lock that door and then you'll find out."

Billy looked at her for a moment, not moving then he walked over and pushed the lock in and came back to the table.

Alex opened her arms. "Come over here honey and help me off the table."

Billy stood in front of Alex and she put her arms around his neck and she slid off of the table and stood up. She turned her back to him then looked over her shoulder. "Unzip my dress Billy."

Billy, his hands trembling, took a hold of her zipper and slowly pulled it down from her neckline to her waist. As the zipper went farther and farther down the dress spread open and Alex's back and of course her bra strap came into his view.

"That's fine." She turned around and faced him. "Okay Billy, now take a hold of my shoulder straps and pull them down to the sides."

Billy hands were shaking as he reached up and grasp her shoulder straps.

Alex smiled at the boy then patted one of his hands. "Its okay honey, you don't have be nervous."

"I... I don't know what to do Alex and I feel funny, I think my stomach is upset and I'm... well growing, you know, down there." Billy looked down at the front of his pants where his erection was obvious.

Alex smiled at the boy then leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Just follow my directions and everything will be just fine. Now go ahead and pull my dress down."

"Alright." Billy barely tugged and the tennis dress just slid down Alex's body and when he let it go it slithered down her legs and puddled at her feet. She was wearing a pair of lacy white tennis panties and a matching bra and although Billy didn't know it and probably wouldn't have even understood why, her panties were wet.

"I think the bra should be next, what do you think sweetie?"

"Uh yea I guess."

"Alright, now listen carefully and here is what you do. Reach around my back with both of your hands and feel for the bra strap - the catch is in the middle, then take a hold of the strap on both sides of the catch, pull them towards each other and unsnap it. Understand Billy?"

"I guess." Billy tried to reach behind Alex without touching her breasts but he couldn't reach the strap like that. Alex helped him when she took him into her arms pressing her breasts into his chest. He finally managed to unclasp the bra and when he was finished he stood back and looked at her with anticipation. Alex was holding the bra to her chest with one hand across both breasts.

"Are you ready Billy?"

He just nodded his head, his eyes riveted to her chest. Alex slowly and teasingly lowered her bra until her breasts eased out of the cups and then she dropped the bra onto the floor with her dress and Billy let out a gasp.

Billy was beaming like a kid at Christmas. "Ohhh my God Miss Scott — Alex — their beautiful!"

Alex thought so too, she had always thought of her breasts as her best assets. They weren't big by anyone's standards, only 34C's but they were perfectly proportioned to her body, they had very little sag even now and with crimson areolas and erasure sized nipples that were extremely sensitive she was pleased at how they looked.

"Can... can I touch them Alex?"

"Sure honey, go ahead."

Billy tentatively reached up and touched her right breast with his fingers. It felt funny, like pushing in on a soft water balloon except that it was warm. He cupped the breast and lifted it up a little and was amazed at how heavy it felt. Her nipples were hard but Billy wasn't aware that they changed from soft to hard when a woman was excited. He ran his finger over her nipple and then for some reason he tugged on it a little and she responded.

"Ohhh God Billy!"

He quickly moved his had away from her. "I'm sorry Alex; I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Oh baby you didn't hurt me, not at all."

"But you said..."

"I know Billy I said that because it felt so good. Look I know you're new to all of this so let me explain a couple of things but first I need to get out of these panties. Would you mind helping me honey?"


Billy got down onto his haunches, his eyes staring at the center of her panties. That's when he saw the dampness in the center of them. He looked for a minute then lightly touched the wet spot. "Uh Alex they're wet like you... you..."

"Like I pee-ed? Well that's another thing I should explain to you Billy. See when a woman is excited, sexually excited she secretes her own form of pre-cum. Do you know what pre-cum is Billy?"

There is more of this story...
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