Becoming A Slut Wife - Darla - Cover

Becoming A Slut Wife - Darla

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2006 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: She wondered if the grass was greener on the other side of the fence.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Gang Bang   Slow   .

Let's see, numbers where the babysitter can reach us if necessary; birthday present for Barb and the card; bottle of white wine for Darla in case all they have is hard liquor. What else? Oh yeah, condoms, just in case what happened at the last party happens again. I handed the rubbers to Darla and she looked at me sheepishly, but she took them and put them in her purse. As she tucked them away I wondered if what happened last time was going to happen again tonight. It had been three weeks ago and I could remember it like it was last night.

It was a party to celebrate the promotion of one of the guys that Darla works with and even though I would prefer to skip company type parties (I don't even go to my own) Darla talked me into going with her to this one. It was a typical party for a company you didn't work for. When you got there you were introduced to sixty people you had never seen before and you promptly forgot them all except for the tall blond with the big tits. Then you got a drink and circulated in a desperate attempt to find someone you knew well enough to be comfortable with. Meanwhile, your significant other, who knew everyone in sight was off to talk office gossip or whatever.

The one saving grace was that it was baseball season and there was a game being televised on the big screen TV in the recreation room. Most of the guys who were in the same boat I was, guys whose wives who worked for the company, gravitated toward the game. There was also a pool table and before long we had all settled in. When our wives were ready to go they would come and find us. Some of the guys didn't care for either team playing and we started shooting pool.

Friendly rivalries developed, small side bets were placed and then I looked at my watch and saw that four hours had passed by. Wives were coming into the room and fetching husbands to take them home and I wondered where Darla was. I hadn't seen her since I came into the game room. No matter, I thought, she'd find me when she was ready to go. Another half-hour went by and still no Darla and the other guys had gone leaving me alone in the game room.

I got up and went looking for my wife. The party had really thinned out and there were only eight or ten people there, but no Darla and no one seemed to know where she was. I thought it was my imagination at the time, but everyone seemed to be giving me furtive glances whenever they thought I wasn't looking. I walked up to one guy and asked him if he'd seen Darla and he cast a nervous glance upstairs before saying no. I finished checking the downstairs and looked out on the front and back porches, but still no Darla. As I was walking back into the living room I saw a guy coming down the stairs pulling up his zipper and he glanced my way and on seeing me he turned sideways a bit so I wouldn't see him working his zipper and that made me curious. Guys don't care if other guys see them zipping up. If he were just coming from the bathroom he wouldn't have given a rats ass if I saw him closing up. Something was going on and it was being kept from me.

I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee and just as I took the first sip it all clicked: The guy coming down the stairs and hiding the fact he was pulling up his zipper, the furtive glances, the nervous glance upstairs when I'd ask the guy if he'd seen Darla - something was going on upstairs and it had something to do with Darla. The only way I was going to find out what it was that was going on was to climb the stairs. I finished the coffee and put the cup in the sink and headed for the stairs and I could feel every eye in the place on me as I went up. When I reached the top I could see a couple of guys standing down at the end of the hall looking into one of the rooms; I headed that way and when I got to the room I found Darla.

She was lying on a bed, skirt up around her waist, panties gone and she was being fucked by the guy the party was being held for. Her legs were kicking and her arms were thrashing about and my first thought was that she was fighting to get away and why were these assholes just standing there watching and not helping her. A split second before rushing in to save her I realized two things almost simultaneously; she wasn't fighting to get away, she was having an orgasm and the guys weren't watching - they were waiting their turn. My Darla was pulling a train!

Confirmation came almost immediately. Her spasms subsided and she locked her legs around the guy fucking her and moaned, "Fuck me, please fuck me."

The guy pulled away from her and I could see cum dripping off the head of his dick and he was no sooner out of the way than another guy was on her and in her. Darla wrapped her arms around his neck, locked her legs behind his and began moaning again, "Oh yes, that's it, give me your cock, fuck me baby, fuck me."

In fourteen years of marriage Darla had never talked that way to me and as far as I knew until this night she had always been a faithful wife. I found that instead of being outraged, I was fascinated by the change in her. Three guys fucked her while I stood in the hallway and watched and I looked around and saw that there five more waiting. On of them got impatient and said, "This is taking too long. She's got another hole we can use. Get her on her knees." I looked over and saw that the man talking was the owner of the company that Darla worked for. The man fucking her pulled out and helped her change position and then he drove his cock back in her. Max, her boss, stepped toward her and Darla had her mouth wide open for his cock while he was still a foot away. She even leaned forward a bit to get to it sooner. This wasn't the woman I had married. What in the hell had happened to her?

"Jesus" Max said, "She sucks like a god damned vacuum cleaner. Just down the hall from me for five years and I never knew what a hot bitch she was" and he gave a low laugh, "but I know now."

I felt pressure behind me and I turned to look and there were two more guys standing there. I stepped aside and let them in. I watched as she swallowed the cum of two guys and was fucked by two more and the entire time no one seemed to know that her husband was standing there watching, or if they knew they obviously didn't care. I'd read stories about guys who had caught their wives fucking other guys and how it always made them hard, but that didn't happen to me. Oh I admit that it was an extremely erotic sight and watching her take a cock at both ends was a bit of a turn on, but some how that wasn't my wife in there, my wife didn't do things like that. All I thought was that it was going to be an interesting ride home. Darla hadn't noticed me, but how did she expect to explain where she'd been when she came down to the game room to find me and I'd be the only guy in the house except for the host of the party. For that matter how did she expect to explain the wetness and the looseness if I wanted to make love when we got home? I turned and headed down the stairs.

I was channel surfing on the wide screen TV when she came in the room. She walked in like a teenager trying to sneak into the house after staying out past curfew. I looked up at her, "Killer party babe. Have a good time?"

She gave me a nervous smile and said that she'd had fun. An understatement if there ever was one I thought.

"Ready to go?" and she said yes. In the car on the way home I rattled on about how I'd met some great guys there and I was thinking of having them over to the house one night for a poker game.

"I thought maybe Max and Sean (the guy who was fucking her when I first got to the room), Charley and a couple of other guys" and I named off a few more of the ones I knew had fucked her. "You can act as hostess and take care of them" - short pause - "You know, serve chips and dip" -another pause - "and whatever else they may want. What do you think?"

She was silent for a minute and said, "I'm sure they would like that."

I smiled to myself and said, "Why don't you mention it to them at work on Monday."

It was too dark in the car for me to read her expression, but I'll bet it was priceless. It was going to be interesting to see what I'd find when I got home from dropping the babysitter off. I wasn't going to be put off by any excuses tonight. No headaches, no pretending to be asleep, oh no sir, she was going to get my cock tonight and then I wanted to hear her explain why I couldn't feel the sides of her cunt.

I dropped the babysitter and hurried home to find the bedroom dark and Darla in bed. I turned on the small table lamp on the bedside table and undressed. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and, just out of curiosity, I looked in the dirty clothesbasket. Darla's panties were lying right on top and the crotch band was dripping wet. That surprised me a little because I would have thought that she would have cleaned herself up before coming downstairs to find me. Then I had the thought that maybe she had cleaned up, but there was so much in her that she wasn't able to get it all out. I went and climbed into bed and saw that Darla was wearing her old flannel nightgown, the one she wore when she wasn't planning on having sex. Well my dear, I thought, surprise, surprise and I reached over and shook her. No response. "Darla, come on baby, hubby's horny as a goat."

She rolled over, "Not tonight honey, I'm tired."

I ran my hand up her leg and there was absolutely no resistance - none - when my fingers slid into her pussy. The damn thing was wide open; I could have shoved my fist in her. And wet? God was she wet and I said so.

"Please honey, not tonight. Let me sleep."

Any other night I would have honored her request, but not that night. "Sorry baby, but there is something about you tonight that just screams out "fuck me baby, fuck me" and I have to. If I don't I won't be able to sleep at all."

I pushed her nightgown up, rose above her and when I tried to push her legs apart she resisted, "I said no! I don't want to make love tonight."

Time to push things I thought and I said, "We have always made love after a party, but tonight you don't want to? What happened at that party? Something that you don't want me to find out about? Are you keeping something from me Darla? I heard some rumors about something that was going on in one of the upstairs bedroom, does that have anything to do with why you don't want to have sex with me?"

I felt her stiffen and she said, "Rumors? What kind of rumors?"

"A couple of guys in the game room were talking about a slut they had upstairs who was fucking every guy at the party. You were gone for quite a while baby. Do you know anything about it? Does that have anything to do with why you won't let me fuck you tonight?"

I felt her go slack and I heard the resignation in her voice when she said, "I was the slut."

With as much disbelief as I could manage I said, "You? You were upstairs letting yourself be gang fucked? Christ, how long has this been going on? Do you do it often?"

She was quiet as my hand probed her wet cunt and then, "I never have before tonight."

My thumb rubbed her clit and she gave a little gasp and stopped resisting as I pushed her legs open. "I've never had sloppy seconds before, but then it's not sloppy seconds is it? It's sloppy what, thirtieths? How many cocks baby? How many times did you have a cock in you tonight?"

She was quiet for a moment and then said, "I don't know."

I said, "What do you mean you don't know? It's your body isn't it?"

"I lost count after the sixth or seventh."

I slid my cock into her and she felt hot and wet, but there was no pressure, no friction, and just a hot soupy mess. I started fucking her and said. "Make a guess."

She thought for a moment or two and then she said, "Maybe fifteen." More silence and then, "Some had me more than once."

I pondered that, "So you're saying that you took on fifteen guys and got fucked maybe twenty-five or thirty times?"


"Did you suck any cock?"


"How many?"

"Maybe ten."

"Did you let them cum in your mouth?"


By now I was pounding away at her and I must have pushed a button or two because now she was responding and her legs had hooked behind mine. My questions were coming out as gasps and grunts and her answers were coming back to me the same way. "Did you give them your ass?"

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