Erica - Cover


by Frozen North

Copyright© 2006 by Frozen North

Erotica Sex Story: This is the first story in the Willow chronicles, in which young Erica learns the hard way why noone ever goes to the clearing around the old willow tree.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Teenagers   Rape   Magic   Horror   BDSM   First   Anal Sex   Size   .

Authors note: This work of fiction is the first story in the Willow Chronicles, and the very first story I ever wrote. This story takes place in the current day somewhere in the woods near Salem, Massachusetts.

It was the summer before my 15th birthday. My body had just started the change into womanhood and I was relieved that it finally had. I only looked about twelve but I no longer felt self conscious about being the only girl my age that hadn't started to develop. I know about boys, but had never even kissed one. I had spoken with other girls about sex; most had merely heard stories; yet a few had actually "done it."

One day I was walking home from my friend Amy's house after having just such a "girl" session with a few friends. Our house is in the outskirts of town and a good 20-minute bike ride away. I took the path through the woods since it was a warm sunny day and I had no specific time that I absolutely HAD to be home. I decided to stop by the stream for a while to relax and get my feet wet.

I headed for my favorite spot, a secluded little clearing a couple miles off the main path, under the old willow tree. When I got there, there was no sign of anyone. There never was. There is an old legend that this spot used to be used by the witches for their virgin sacrifices a couple hundred years ago. They say it's cursed or haunted. As far as I knew, no one ever came here but me.

I parked my bike by the willow, took off my shoes and socks and went wading in the stream. The water was cool and relaxing. The current was very slow, so the surface of the water almost gave the impression of stillness. It was calm enough that I could clearly see my reflection. I gazed down at myself and tried to imagine myself in the arms of a boy. What would it feel like to go all the way and have him up inside me? After wading and daydreaming a while, I decided to kick back under the tree with a book and read and daydream some more.

As I bent over to get a book from my backpack I felt something snag at my skirt. I reached around to brush the snag loose and something wrapped around my wrist. I turned around with a start to see what had me and something wrapped around my other wrist, and both of my arms were suddenly hauled into the air. I looked up in terror to see my wrists wrapped in vines. Looking around, I noticed that all the vines were moving.

There was another tug at my skirt and when I looked down, it was being pulled down by another vine. Almost as my skirt hit the ground, two more thick vines wrapped around each leg just behind the knees and pulled my legs apart lifting me off the ground. By this time I was overwhelmed with fear. I tried to scream but as soon as I opened my mouth, a mouth clamped down on mine and kissed me deeply.

At least it looked and felt like a mouth (I think), but it was at the end of a vine. I thought I started to hear voices, low and quiet; just barely audible. I couldn't make out the words, but I kind of got the feeling that the voices were trying to calm me down. I tried to calm down but I was so terrified.

A tendril then wrapped itself around my eyes. I could feel myself being undressed. My blouse then by bra came loose freeing my breasts. I was embarrassed for some reason at this point about how small they were. Then with some difficulty, my panties came off leaving me completely naked except for the bow in my hair.

With a sudden shock I felt a tongue and then a mouth on my right nipple, and then another one on my left nipple. I tried not to panic but I was hanging there spread eagle, face-up, by my wrists and knees. Very shortly, other vines wrapped under me and around me and supported my weight. At the same time my arms, legs and virtually my entire torso were wrapped completely and firmly. My arms were pulled outward and back, while my legs were spread so wide that my thighs hurt.

I was terrified and embarrassed beyond description, but a strange calm was slowly beginning to come over me. The mouths on my nipples were joined by what felt like hands squeezing my breasts. It began to feel curiously good and I began to relax. I could feel gentle kissing and hands all over my body. I began to feel... strangely... loved. I was being gently bent backward and the vine around my eyes gently pulled my head back so that it was below my body.

As it did so, a small opening appeared between the coils long enough for me to see three vines descending from above. One was about two inches thick with a curious cap shape on the end of it. The other two suddenly twisted their ends together to form a kind of glistening corkscrew about the same size as the other one. Then the opening was gone.

I couldn't struggle if I'd wanted to. The vines had me completely bound in a grip that was at the same time as soft as flesh, and as strong as iron. I couldn't wiggle my toes, my fingers, my head, my hips... anything. It was like I was both blind and paralyzed, yet I could still FEEEL EVERYTHING!!

I fell into a strange trance of calm. Detached, but not totally. I felt something touch me in my most private place and I gave a small, frightened intake of breath. Then it touched me again and I felt a strange thrill. Then I felt small hands spread my lower lips apart and spread them wide.

Again the shock and fear came. I had never been touched there before and this felt so strange. I knew that this shouldn't be happening, but at the same time, it felt so good. Then I gave a strangled gasp as I felt a tongue and a pair of lips fasten themselves around a part of me down there that made me feel more pleasure than I've ever known. It licked me and kissed me and sucked me and ran its tongue up and down my girlhood until I was gasping and whimpering and going out of my mind in pleasure. A couple more vines looped over my hips and up through my butt and spread my cheeks impossibly wide; but I was on the other side of the rainbow. It felt like I had tongues and hands and lips caressing every millimeter of my body and the pleasure was building. It was becoming too much to bear.

The universe condensed and became pure pleasure. On one hand I had never felt so naked and exposed and afraid before, but then, I had never experienced such pleasure before. The mouth on my clitoris was doing its job with such passion, as well as the ones on my nipples and lips (as well as everywhere else) that soon it rose to a point that I couldn't bear it anymore. Suddenly my hips were trying to strain against the vines, trying to thrash. I had this overwhelming feeling that I had to pee... BAD... This very second!

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