Capture the Flag - Cover

Capture the Flag

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Sally, the mother of a 13 year old Boy Scout is talked into spending two weeks as an adult leader at a local scout jamboree. During the outing the boys form up into two teams and play 'Capture the Flag' only it is Sally who is captured. See what eight Boy Scouts can do with their own prisoner of war!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Coercion   Heterosexual   Light Bond   Orgy   Oral Sex   Masturbation   .

Capture the flag is a game that has been played for many years at Boy Scout's camps around the country, and in fact, it became an annual right of passage from the rank of Tenderfoot to that of a full-fledged Boy Scout. The idea is to form up into two groups of boys, one group with a blue flag and the other group with a red flag. Once the teams have been chosen an adult or a senior Explorer Scout is picked to be the 'general' of one team and then over the next two days and nights the boys try and capture, soldiers, generals and, of course, the opponents flag. It is a winner takes all game that has been enjoyed by countless Scouts over the generations.

It was a bumpy bus ride and 35 year-old Sally Williams sat in the back of the bus that contained the 20 Boy Scouts on their way to a two-week long summer Jamboree in the mountain retreat of Tamrancho. Sally's 13 year-old son, Jeff was one of the new Tenderfoots and this would be his first ever Scout camp. It was also his first time away from home and he had begged his mother to volunteer for the Jamboree and after some long and heated discussions with Jeff and his father she had reluctantly agreed. The major issue for Sally was she really didn't like the outdoors and the hardships you had to endure for a two-week camp out; no she much preferred a nice clean and comfy hotel.

Finally the bus pulled into the scout base camp after more than four hours on the road and everyone unloaded their camping gear and was assigned to one of two camping spaces on the 400-acre scout ranch. Sally was assigned as a team leader for the Blue team and a senior Explorer; Mike Menier was selected to be the team leader for the Red team. Sally led her group of ten Scouts to their encampment and they proceeded to set up camp before darkness fell in the mountains. Sally, being the only female in camp, had a tent of her own and as she unpacked her backpack she once again wondered what had made her decide to spend two weeks with a camp full of teenage boys. Christ, the only other adult in camp was Mike and he couldn't have been older than nineteen.

The boy's lit the logs inside the fire ring, ate dinner at the camp tables then everyone gathered around the fire and roasted marshmallows, sang songs and then told ghost stories until it was time for bed. Sally made sure that all of the boy's were accounted for then went into her own tent, turned on the battery-powered lantern and began undressing. Christ she thought, this is my first day of camp and I'm already exhausted. She unbuckled her shorts and let them slide down her legs and puddle at her feet. She was wearing a pullover blouse and she quickly stripped out of it and tossed it onto the camp chair. Her bra came next then her panties as she finally shed her sweat stained clothes from her first day of camping. Sally reached inside her backpack and pulled out a sweat suit she had packed to wear as pajamas and put them on, then she sat down to relax before crawling into her sleeping bag.

Outside the tent, three of the scouts, Wally, George and Billy were watching the shadows that Sally projected on the side of her tent as she undressed. "God damn it guys will you look at that!" Wally whispered as he watched Sally's breasts jiggle as she undressed.

"She's damn hot" George and Billy agreed. "Christ it's almost like you can see her naked!"

After Sally sat down, the three boys eased back into their own tent and, in hushed tones, talked about Mrs. Williams' tits and ass. "Wouldn't you love to get some of that?" George asked to no one in particular.

"You bet your ass I would." Billy answered. "But there is between slim to no chance of us getting any of her pussy and no is way ahead."

Wally turned over and looked at his friends. "Seems like to me that if we don't tell anyone what we saw tonight then we can at least watch her every night, and keeping it quiet means making sure that Jeff doesn't find out were watching his mom! Christ he would tell her in a heartbeat if he knew what we were doing."

"No problem, you're right Wally." The two friends agreed.

The next two days were taken up with routine Scouting classes; first aid, hiking, carving, fire safety, trail marking and bow and arrow shooting. Sally was beginning to enjoy herself although the rigors of the outdoors were even more unpleasant than she had initially expected. The main problem for Sally was the loss of physical comforts, the scouts showers were 'gang' showers where the boys crowded into one tent to get washed up and the toilets were non-existent, as the scouts expected to dig their own latrines.

Sally had avoided taking a shower for the first three days of camp but had decided that tonight she would go ahead and clean herself up after she was sure that the boys were tucked into their sleeping bags. The evening meal was prepared by Sally's contingent of Tenderfoots who were expected to provide food for the all the scouts and Sally found that she actually enjoyed the meal which consisted mainly of hamburgers, tuna helper and sun-tea as the drink of choice. After dinner everyone sat around the fire ring and practiced the songs they had been assigned with each Tenderfoot assigned one song to lead. Jeff had been assigned to sing 'The Old Rugged Cross' and for the most part Sally thought he did a pretty good job.

When everyone was getting ready for bed Jeff came up and gave his mother a kiss and hug. "So mom, what did you think of my singing?"

"I thought that you sounded good honey, I was proud of you."

Gee, thanks mom. I know I haven't been around you a lot since we arrived but I don't want the other kids to think I'm a momma's boy or anything. I hope you understand."

"Sure I do honey and it's not a problem."

"Thanks mom. Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night Jeff." Sally watched as her son crawled into his tent and turned out the light. God, she thought, he is growing up so damn fast. She went inside her tent and undressed then put on her sweats a pair of flops and grabbed a towel, shampoo and soap and walked over to the empty shower tent. Once inside she hung the lantern on the center post and removed her sweats. She stood there for just a minute examining her body, initially for any ticks she might have picked up during the day but then she began rubbing her sore muscles. After a minute or two she stepped under the nearest showerhead and turned on the water. A stream of warm water burst out of the showerhead and washed over her sweaty body and Sally began to scrub off he grime of the past three days.

Outside Wally, George and Billy were sneaking up on the shower tent intent on getting a 'real' glimpse of Sally's body. As she turned on the shower the boys, figuring that the water from the shower would cover any noise they made, slipped open a side tent flap and had their first look at the naked body of Susan Williams. As they watched her washing her hair all three boys lowered their sweat pants and began jacking on their cocks. When Susan turned around to wash the soap out of her hair the light from the lamp she had hung up blinded her just enough so that she couldn't see the three peeping Tom's. After she washed off she realized that she had made her nipples hard rubbing them with the wash cloth so she started playing with her breast while rubbing her clit with her other hand. Slowly she sunk two fingers inside her pussy lips and rubbed her clit until she was almost ready to cum while the three boys watching her shot their cum at almost that exact moment. Finally, scared that they would get caught, they pulled up their pants and quietly walked back to their own tent. Once inside all three could hardly keep their voices down.

"Christ do you believe that! She was friggin herself right their in the shower." Billy said.

"Yea and I'll bet she came too." Wally chimed in.

Finally George spoke up. "God damn, what a set of tits on that bitch!"

Thursday morning was set for the start of 'Capture the Flag.' Mike Menier was designated as the general for the Red team while the generalship of the Blue team fell to Sally. Mike decided that all of the Tenderfoots should belong to Sally's Blue team while he would take the more seasoned scouts for his team. The headquarters for the Blue team would be their current camp while the Red team chose to move to the campsite down at the lake for their headquarters. Each team was given their flag and told the rules of engagement and had two hours to prepare for the war game. They knew that a flag could only be captured if it was taken while being completely unmanned at their camp and a general could only be captured if he or she were outside the 'safe' perimeter of their camp.

The game went fairly well for the first few hours with the teams neither gaining nor loosing an advantage to each other. After lunch Sally's Blue team made a raid on the headquarters of the Red team but there were too many scouts around protecting their flag and the younger boys had to withdraw. Sally's troops sat around their campsite and were complaining about the unfair advantage the older boy's held over them.

"Gee Mrs. William's, these guys have been playing this game for years and know all the good strategies and everything."

"Yea," said another boy, "This is our first year of playing and it just isn't fair."

Sally stood up and re-took charge of the conversation. "Look everyone, you have to quit complaining and just play the game. Next year you'll be the seasoned veterans and have the advantage but until then let's find a way to sneak up and capture their flag. Anyone have any ideas?"

A boy named Simon spoke up first. "I was thinking that we should throw them a feint."

"What do you mean Simon?" Sally questioned.

"Well, if you left the protected safe area of our campsite and they thought they could capture you, maybe they would send out all of their scouts to catch you which would leave their camp unguarded so we could sneak in the back way and grab their flag."

"Hummm, seems like a plan to me. Anyone else have and ideas?" Sally looked around the group of boys but didn't see any hands go up. "OK then, here's what we'll do, I will take Simon and we'll go west around hill 14 where we know they have lookouts. I think we can stay out of range while they send back to their camp for reinforcement and try to capture me. At the same time the rest of you will go east and circle around the lake and wait for them to leave camp and then grab their flag. If all goes as planned we should have their flag by dark."

Sally and Simon set out from camp just before dusk and headed west towards hill 14. They both knew that the Red team had lookouts on the western flank to make sure that Sally's team couldn't sneak around the easy approach and when Simon spotted a Red team scout in a tree he motioned for her to stop. "Up there, Mrs. Williams — in the oak tree, see him?"

"I see him Simon, let's go a little farther west and pretend that we didn't see him and hopefully he'll alert the rest of the Red team and we can lure them away from their base camp."

Sally looked around then continued. "OK, see the wash over there, let's go down there and sneak out just a bit farther. We can stay down below their line of sight and hide until they sent out their raiding party, then we head for camp as fast as possible."

Actually it was a good plan with one small exception. While Sally and Simon were inside the wash and below the Red teams line of sight they couldn't see the Red team either and that made them vulnerable to a surprise attack, and when it came they weren't ready to escape. Four Red team members came around behind Sally and Simon and when they realized they had fallen into a trap the only alternative was to turn and run and try and make it safely to their camp.

"Run Simon, run," Sally shouted at the young scout. He took off like a gunshot but Sally wasn't as fast or as fortunate. Coming up the side of the wash Sally tripped on an old tree root and fell down hard. Simon looked back but he didn't stop, he just continued back towards the safety of his own camp as fast as he could run.

When Sally looked up from the ground she saw the smiling face of Mike Menier. "Well, well lookie here boys, what we have here is the Blue general herself. Well Mrs. Williams you are now officially a prisoner of war and you will come with us back to our camp as our prisoner."

Sally got up off her knees and followed Mike and his scouts back to the confines of the Red camp.

When Mike sat down at the camp table he looked over at the older woman and then spoke up. "Actually Sally it was a pretty good plan to expose yourself and try and draw off my troops but I tried that three years ago and it didn't work then either and I was a POW for two days."

"Well if I hadn't tripped over that tree root I wouldn't be here now."

"That may be true but here you are a prisoner of the Red team. OK boys, tie her to the tree."

"Tie me to the tree, what are you talking about? You can't expect me to be tied to a tree."

"I sure do Sally after all you're a POW and we can do anything we want to you, can't we boys?"

The whole Red team cheered Mike's pronouncement and several of the scouts volunteered to help tie up and guard the prisoner. Two boys led Sally over to an old oak tree on the West Side of their campsite that would serve as her place of capture and they tied a rope around her wrists and then pulled them behind her and around the tree. The effect of tying her that way not only kept Sally from escaping but it also made her breasts stand out as her arms were pulled back behind the tree.

The two scouts didn't even try and hid their ogling of her breasts but it was Mike who was the boldest. "Let me check the ropes guys, after all we don't want the general to escape." He tugged on the rope on first one wrist then the other while 'accidentally' touching her breasts as his hands moved around her body.

"Hey, no touching." Sally yelled at Mike.

"I'm sorry Sally, I was just checking the ropes, that's all."

"Yea, sure you were. Don't be a pervert Mike." Sally leaned back against the tree and watched as the sun went down over the horizon. The scouts made dinner and prepared themselves for the long night. Mike walked up to the tree and asked Sally if she was hungry and when she nodded her head yes, he had one of the boys get her some food and then Mike fed her.

"Look Mike, I have to go to the bathroom."

"Sure Sally, that's no problem." He called up two of the scouts and told them, "You two take her down to the latrine and let her go to the bathroom but don't let her out of your sight. This could be a trick to escape and I am counting on you two to make sure that doesn't happen, OK?"

"Christ Mike you can't be serious? You're not going to have these boys watch me go to the bathroom."

"I sure am — remember, you're a POW and a valuable one at that. Now take her to the latrine."

She was untied and the two scouts escorted her down the hill to where the Red team had dug their latrine. They led her inside the small tent and stood there watching and waiting.

"At least you boy's could turn your backs while I pee."

"Sorry ma'am but we can't do that. Mike said to watch you every second and that's exactly what we are going to do."

Sally sighed, resigned to having to do what the boy's wanted. She unbuckled her shorts and pulled them and her panties down just far enough that she could sit on the makeshift toilet seat and pee. She was pretty sure that they couldn't see anything and she wanted to keep it that way. When she finished peeing she looked around for some toilet paper but didn't see any in the tent. "Don't you guys have any toilet paper?"

"Well, we don't use it when we pee, sorry." One boy shrugged at her predicament, but the other scouts stepped up and pulled some toilet paper out of his shirt pocked. "Here Mrs. Williams, I always carry some with me, you know, just in case."

"Thank you." She folded the paper and reached between her legs and wiped herself then dropped the paper into the trench. Soon she realized that getting off the toilet without being exposed was more difficult than sitting down. She pushed herself up and off of the seat but her pants slid down her legs almost to her knees before she caught them. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Yea, sure you are," the older boy said. "You were trying to distract us by showing us your pussy, you can't fool me."

His use of the vernacular term 'pussy' shocked Sally but she decided to let it go - no point in making him any madder than he was now. The boy's led her back to the campsite and Mike met then at the edge of the clearing. The fire pit was roaring and the flames were shooting up at least four feet into the air as the boy's approached with their captive.

"Hey Mike, what are we going to do with her now?" Someone shouted, already knowing the answer.

"Well tradition has it that if you capture a general you can torture him for information. Do we want to do that?"

"Yeaaaaaa," Was the answer from the entire group.

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