The Stalker - Cover

The Stalker

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: 29 year old Mary is sure that she is being stalked, that is right up to the point when John introduced himself to her then she is equally convinced that he is a nice guy. That, it turns out, is a huge mistake which will cost her dearly.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Coercion   Heterosexual   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   .

As I came out of the elevator I saw him again. He was sitting on a bench in the lobby of my office building reading a newspaper. That made the third time in a week that I had seen him around or near where I worked. The first time I saw him he was getting out of his car in the same parking lot I used and the second time he had been talking to the 18th floor receptionist in the office complex where I worked. He looked to be around 40 or so, tall with sandy brown hair. He was in good physical shape and he was definitely handsome, still, what was he doing prowling around where I worked? I hoped that these sighting were nothing but a coincidence, but I really didn't believe in coincidences.

Two days later I was out to lunch with a girlfriend and when we went into TGI Fridays' and he was sitting at the bar eating lunch. This was getting way too weird for me. I leaned over the table and whispered to Joan, "Look Joan, just over your right shoulder, at the bar, is a man who I think has been following me." She started to turn and look when I hurriedly said, "Don't look silly, he'll see you."

"Well what the hell do you want me to do? I mean if I don't look how will I know who you're talking about?"

"OK, fine. Why don't you get up and make a trip to the ladies room, then you can check him out. He's wearing the dark blue suit."

Joan scooted her chair away from the table, stood up and turned to walk to the bathroom. I saw her checking him out as she approached the bar then she turned to the right and entered the women's restroom. About five minutes later she returned and sat back down. "Well, what did you think?"

"Look like a hunk to me, in fact if he is looking for a quick screw I'm just the girl to help him out. So why do you think he is following you?"

"Jesus Joan you're such a slut." Then I told her my story from the first time I remembered seeing him up until today's encounter.

"Well, I don't know if this is all anymore than just a mere coincidence, after all he really hasn't been anywhere near you, just in the building or parking lot. I mean, Hell Mary, he was even in the restaurant before we got here."

"That's exactly my point! How did he know that you and I were going to have lunch here?"

"Hummm, well that's a great question but have you ever thought that you're just being a bit paranoid?"

"Maybe but seeing him four times in a week is really pushing the limits of a coincidence."

I didn't see him again the rest of the week and by Saturday I had completely forgotten about the stranger. After fixing myself a breakfast of two eggs, bacon and OJ I headed upstairs to take a shower and get dressed. Over breakfast I had decided to make today a mall run to look for some new clothes. I stepped out of the shower and was toweling off when I looked over at my reflection in the mirror.

At 29 and five foot seven my 124 pounds looked extremely good on my frame. I turned and looked over my shoulder at my rear and saw that it had no sag whatsoever and I was thinking that my butt should hold up for a few more years. I turned back and surveyed my breasts; I loved my breasts, they were perfect on my body, 34C with not the hint of any sag, and two inch wide reddish brown areolas with super-sized eraser nipples. My nipples were the second most sensitive part of my body, my clit being the first. On occasions if I wore the right bra my nipples would rub on the material, get hard, and then I would start to get wet and if I didn't go somewhere and relieve myself I would start to slowly go crazy with lust.

I dressed in a nice set of panties and matching bra, khaki shorts with a peasant blouse that revealed just a hint of the top of my breasts. It was just after eleven o'clock when I arrived at the mall and I drove up to the third floor and found a great parking place, just off the elevators with no one parked anywhere near me. Parking karma, I always had it and always would. I locked my van, put the keys in my purse and took the elevator down to the first floor. Just inside the two-story mall I walked into a Victoria's Secret and started rummaging through the tables with the 'on sale' panties and bras. I didn't see anything special so I walked into the next room to look for a camisole I saw 'him' sitting outside the store on a bench. I almost panicked when I first spotted him and was tempted to dial 911, but what could I tell them? Nothing more than he was always around where I was, but then again I had never seen him following me and he hadn't threatened me in any way so they probably wouldn't do anything until he actually did something to me. Just great, I needed to wait for him to murder me or something, before the cops would do anything to help.

I thought about what to do next and decided to get out into the mall where there were a lot of people around. My thinking was to see if I could spot him following me, then I could call for help if I need it but when I came out of the store I looked over at the bench where he had been sitting and he was gone! I quickly looked up and down the mall but didn't seem him anywhere. I walked farther down the hallway and I was thinking that it might have been a figment of my imagination until I saw him inside a sporting goods store. He was looking at running shoes but he was also looking out the window at me. I turned to my right and saw a Radio Shack and then to my left and there was a Lady Bryant and I went inside and walked to the back of the store and peeked out between two racks of clothes and searched for his face. I saw him sitting on a mall bench, looking in the window towards me. Being female and not knowing what else to do, I panicked. I grabbed my bags and walked out of the store and quickly down the mall until I spotted a Red Rooster restaurant and I slipped inside.

"A table ma'am?"

"Wha..." I looked up and saw a waiter waiting for my answer. "Oh, yes, I would like a table." He grabbed a menu and walked me over to a wall table that seated two people.

"Is this alright?"

"Yes, it's fine, thank you." I sat there starring at the menu without really reading what was on it when I heard a voice, a male voice, his voice.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

I looked up and there 'he' stood, smugly smiling down at me. "Uh... well actually yes I do mind. I mean I don't know who you are or why you're following me but I don't want to eat lunch or have anything else to do with you."

"Oh, well I'm sorry if I scared you. My name is John, John Wallace and I just thought that you were a very beautiful woman who might enjoy having lunch with me."

God was he ever arrogant. Not only did he ignore my refusal to eat with him, he didn't even wait for a protest; he just pulled out the chair and sat down. "I told you that I don't want to have lunch with you but I do want to know why you have been following me."

"Following you? What makes you think that I have been following you?"

"Well, I have seen you a number of times in the past week or so. At least three times in the building where I work, once even at our reception desk. And then there was lunch at TGI Fridays when you were at the bar and now today in the mall."

"OK that's a somewhat fair analysis, but it's not totally accurate. First off, what is your name?"


"Well Mary, I haven't been following you at all, although I have certainly noticed you from time to time. I've had business in your office building and, in fact, at your company, so that explains why you have seen me in your office and building."

"Business, really? What business?"

"Well I am working on a proposal for life and health insurance for some of your top executives and have been discussing that proposal with Mike Leonard. Do you know who Mike is?"

"Oh. Uh, well sure I know Mr. Leonard. Well I mean I don't 'know' him but I know who he is."

"There, you see. I haven't been following you at all. As for TGI Fridays, I had just finished a meeting with Mike and thought I would catch a quick lunch and it is right next to your building. Besides, as I recall, I was there first!"

My face reddened as I realized that he was right, I mean since he had business in my office complex it must have been a coincidence after all. I relaxed and breathed easier knowing that I wasn't in the presence of some 'serial' killer. Maybe this handsome stranger wasn't so bad after all, so I asked him.

"So what are you going to have?"

He was smiling at me and ignoring my embarrassment. "Oh I don't know, I think a burger and some fries, how about you?"

"Hummm, I believe I'll have the BLT and an iced tea."

He ordered and as we ate John talked about his job in the insurance industry and how he traveled most of the state getting executives signed up of high levels of insurance that their companies paid the premiums on. He was a smooth talker and I found myself becoming totally enraptured by his good looks and warm smile. By the time we had finished eating I was thinking about what Joan had said about going to bed with him and thought that he would probably make a very good lover. Actually I was seriously considering it. He wasn't wearing a wedding ring so I presumed that he was single and I already knew that he live at the other end of the state. "So what would you like to do now John?"

"How about we just take a walk and do some window shopping."

"That's OK by me. Most of the men I know don't like to go shopping, what makes you so different?"

"Well, I just enjoy being in the company of a beautiful woman."

I glowed at his compliment and as we walked down the mall he took my hand and we talked about a variety of subjects, art, politics and the news of the recent spat of shooting in the Seattle area. I looked down at my watch and saw that it was almost two in the afternoon and realized that I really needed to get back home. "Look John it's been great talking to you but I really have to be home soon, so I guess this is good bye."

"Sure Mary, I understand. Let me walk you to your car."

"OK, thanks." We walked back down the mall and took the elevator up to the third level parking. The floor was deserted except for my van and one other car that was parked clear across the floor. "That's my car John, the utility van." I pointed it out to him.

"Well that's certainly a strange vehicle for a woman, a utility van."

"It originally belonged to my father and because I am always hauling things around town he gave it to me." I opened up the back doors to show him how I had arranged the rear storage area with tied downs on the sidewalls and carpet on the floor. The van was almost completely dark due to the complete lack of windows, the only light entering came from the windshield and the two small windows on the back doors.

"Christ, it looks like a teenagers dream, carpeting and blankets on the floor and complete privacy."

I blushed at his comments having never given a thought to what it must have looked like to a stranger. "Yea, well I see what you mean." I had no sooner said that when he took me into his arms and kissed me. "Oh... omph, John I don't think..."

"Look Mary, you're beautiful and sexy and you're driving me crazy. Look at yourself, you have a body to kill for and I know that you want this as much as I do so just go with the flow."

My resistance was quickly melting to his words and he was right, I did want him as much as he wanted me and just the thought of having illicit sex in the back of my van in a parking garage excited me. I pressed my lips into his and he pushed me back into one of the open van doors. His hands were everywhere, on my face, caressing my butt and then rubbing my breasts. I was wet, horny and wanted to fuck him. "Shit John, let's get inside incase anyone come up here."


I crab-walked backwards onto the floor of the van and John crawled in on his hands and knees and pulled the doors shut behind him. He reached up and began unbuttoning my blouse and while he was taking it off I unzipped my shorts and slid them down my legs until they stopped on my shoes. "Shit." I said aloud.

"What?" He said.

"I've got my shorts stuck on my shoes." He laughed then reached down and unlaced then pulled off my tennis shoes and with them he pulled off my shorts. My blouse was open and the only thing between him and me was my bra and panties and his clothes. "God John, get out of your clothes." He took his shirt off over his head and reached under him and unbuckled and unzipped his slacks. He kicked off his shoes and pushed his clothes off his legs.

"Your bra, take it off."

I reached back and unsnapped my bra and tossed it aside then reached down and slid off my panties. John's head dropped to my erasure sized nipped and he sucked one into his mouth and began to suckle. It was driving me crazy and I knew that I had to be leaking like a bucked with holes in it. "Oh fuck, oh damn that feels great John." I reached under him and found his hard cock and began stoking it. I could feel his pre-cum leaking out the tip and I used it as lubricant to run my fingers around the sensitive ridge. He was moaning then he got up onto his knees and looked around. "What are you looking for?"

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