That Magic Dance - Cover

That Magic Dance

by Woodwiz

Copyright© 2005 by Woodwiz

Romantic Story: Have you ever noticed how little things, a smell, a texture, a song, can bring back a memory so vivid you'd swear you were there, in that moment, once again? I heard a song on an oldies radio station this afternoon and immediately was back in the autumn of my junior year in high school.

Tags: mt/ft   Teenagers   Romantic   Heterosexual   Slow  

While this story is based on a few pieces of truth, it is fiction.

Have you ever noticed how little things -- a smell -- a texture -- a song, can bring back a memory so vivid you'd swear you were there, in that moment, once again? I heard a song on an oldies radio station this afternoon and my thoughts sped immediately back to the autumn of my junior year in high school.

These days I'd be called a nerd; back then I was just a little weird. I played with electronics, knew how to sabotage a classroom movie projector, and got good grades in science and math. Yup, a nerd before the word was invented. I wasn't at all experienced in dating. Sure, I'd gone to a few school dances the preceding year, and I met a girl at one as a kind of informal date. But I'd never done the whole "pick her up, do something, take her home, dare I say kiss her goodnight" dating thing. Even at the dances, I was way too inhibited to let loose and really enjoy myself. I'd usually hang around the edges with the other guys who couldn't dance and spent the time trying to pretend that we really didn't care. What a lie. We cared a lot; we just didn't know what to do about it.

Lack of transportation can be a big obstacle to dating as well. Who wants your parents or older brother to be your driver on a date? I'd gotten my license last May, but my parents were very cautious and didn't let me drive with anyone but family in the car until mid-summer. Being the oldest, by a few months, of my group of buddies, going double hadn't been an option either.

I met Jenny that summer in a youth group and found that we had a lot in common, including our high school. I was sixteen and she was fourteen, but she'd skipped a grade and was only one year behind me in school. The county fair was coming up, and I asked her to go with me. Her parents were concerned about the age difference, but because of our involvement in the youth group, trusted me enough to allow their daughter to go out with me. We had a great time at the fair; rides, junky food, walking around the exhibits, and we continued doing things together for the rest of the summer. Just a couple of very ordinary, midwestern high school kids acting out the courtship rituals of the era; telephone calls, movies, food, holding hands, hugs and kissing at her door. She was my first real girlfriend and I was her first real boyfriend, so were learning as we went and it was glorious.

Her heritage was Polish. She was about five feet, six inches tall with long, golden-blonde hair stretching down to the middle of her back. Her figure was that of a typical high school sophomore girl, small breasts, slim waist and generous hips. She had an older sister, Patty, a beautiful senior, who gave me a great idea of how Jenny would look in a couple of years. I wholeheartedly approved! While Jenny's body was certainly a pleasure to look at, her best feature was a wide smile that showed her white teeth and lit up the room whenever she flashed it. I saw that smile a lot that summer and fall, and thought she was the prettiest girl in school. Of course, being in love, I was somewhat biased.

I'd meet her as she got off the school bus or at her locker in the morning and we'd talk for a while before school started. Later, we'd meet each other outside our classrooms and hold hands while we walked between classes. We had frequent long phone conversations in the evenings after homework. I have no idea what we managed to talk about for all that time, but we were happy, so I guess that's all that matters.

She was in the band so we couldn't go to football games together, but we went out for snacks afterward. Sometimes we found a place to park for a while before going home. She had wonderful lips and kissing her made me melt inside. I never got to kiss her enough; I don't think it would have been possible to kiss her enough. Unfortunately, she had a strict curfew, and the duration of our evening activities was pretty tightly regulated.

The big dating movie at the time was "Love Story," I guess today it would be called a "chick flick." Talk about a great movie to bring a girl to! It had love, it had sex, it had conflict, and to top it off, it was a tragedy. Ryan O'Neil and Ali McGraw were beautiful together. With Jennifer dying at the end a guy was pretty much guaranteed to have his date crying on his shoulder by the end of the show. I took Jenny. Once the movie started, I had my arm around her and my other hand in her lap holding her hand in no time at all. All through the movie, I caressed her back and neck. She held my hand tightly and leaned her head against me. A couple of times she even turned for a quick kiss. Predictably, by the end of the movie her tears were soaking my shoulder. Trying to be a sensitive boyfriend, I held her with both arms kissing her forehead before she lifted her face up to mine and our lips met. Because of the position in the theatre seats, my left hand crept up and ended up at the bottom of her small breast. I guess I was "copping a feel" as she cried. It hadn't been intentional but it sure felt nice. I simply had to move my hand around a little. Is there a teenage male who could resist? Eventually the theatre started emptying, and we got up and shuffled out toward the parking lot.

My transportation on dates was my dad's four-year old pickup truck. I'd learned to drive and taken my test in a newer, family car, but as soon as I'd earned my license the previous spring, it was the pickup or my bicycle. I really had nothing to complain about; after all, I had a vehicle in the evenings. The pickup had a bench seat, including a seatbelt in the center, so Jenny could ride next to me, and using the belts didn't stop us from a little cuddling while driving. It wasn't a romantic vehicle, nor was it hot looking, but it got us where we needed to go. One advantage, if you've ever dated in a bench seat pickup, you know that they are wide. That seat gave us plenty of room for a little fun at the end of a date, but so far we hadn't used it nearly enough.

When we'd arrived at the movie theatre, the parking lot was pretty full. We had to park way out in the overflow parking area, so the truck was in a kind of an isolated, dark spot when we came back out after the show. Jenny was still feeling the mood of the movie, and I had my arm around her as we walked. When I kissed her cheek, I could still taste the tears.

After I'd helped her into the truck and gotten in myself, we slid together and held each other. We talked about the movie, how much characters had loved each other, and how tragic it was that Jennifer had died when they wanted a child. That, of course, led to more tears and more kissing. As we kissed, I slid my arm inside Jenny's jacket and held her close. It was so much better to feel her warm body through just her shirt. Our kisses got progressively more intense, and before long, we opened our mouths and tasted each other's tongues. I really hadn't done that before, but it just seemed natural with Jenny. I felt so close to her, I could barely catch my breath. She must have felt the same because we both leaned back a little, each to look into the other's eyes. She gave me a sweet, loving version of her smile. I smiled back as I caressed her back and side, and she pulled my mouth back to hers to resume our kissing.

I know I hadn't thought about it. I had no plan, but somehow as I was running my hand up and down her side it found its way back to the edge of her breast. She didn't react or stop kissing me, and I got bolder. Now that I was aware of what my hand was doing, I slid it a little more over her breast until I was actually holding it through her shirt and bra. It felt heavenly! The size was a perfect fit to my palm. It was firm and warm, and it was Jenny. I was stunned when she moaned into my mouth as I began gently massaging her. She wasn't complaining; in fact she seemed to be enjoying it. I could feel her hard little nipple poking up through the thin fabric of her bra and shirt, so I moved my palm over it in little circles. I shifted my hand to the closer breast and did the same to it, then went back to the first one, again giving a gentle caress, a little rub, a little squeeze, all the while kissing her. I was in teenage boy heaven! Jenny moaned a little more and shifted her position next to me but never broke the kiss. Suddenly, she trembled slightly with a catch in her breathing and I pulled back a little alarmed. Had I hurt her? Had I gone too far? She gave me that smile again and kissed me quickly on the nose before cuddling her head against my chest. I stroked her back and kissed the top of her head.

Unfortunately, Jenny's curfew was approaching. I held her tightly against me and kissed her again before we separated, and I started up the truck. Once the fog on the windows had cleared enough to see, I drove her home. We hugged and kissed a little more at the door. I, of course, had an erection that could have pierced armor plate. I don't know if she noticed, but I couldn't stop it from poking against her as we kissed at the door. I think she might have felt it since she gave her belly a little twist against me before we finished our kisses and she went in.

Who says "blue balls" is a myth? I ached as I drove home thinking about the events of the evening. I could still taste Jenny's lipstick on my lips, and the memory of the way that tender breast felt in my hand nearly made me cum just from the thought. Later, in bed, as I jerked off, I imagined that it was Jenny's hand touching me instead of my own. This certainly wasn't the first time I'd masturbated to a fantasy like this, but it sure was the best. I filled the tissues and slept soundly that night.

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