Hitchhiker - Cover


by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Doris is a 22 year old wife who needs some sex. She is 5' 100 pounds with twin ponytails and looks no more than 13. While driving home she spots Ted a 14 year old hitchhiker. Doris picks him up and takes him to her house for fun and games.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   First   .

It was Sunday afternoon, around three or so and I was headed back from Manhattan Beach. Imperial Avenue runs all the way from the beach into Inglewood and beyond. I have my thumb out, looking for a ride. Now you might ask why is a fourteen-year-old hitchhiking in a major city, crime being what it is. Well there is a good answer; I just started smoking last year, when I was in the 8th grade and because I am a minor I can't just go buy a pack, so I hitchhike rides and beg cigarettes from drivers. OK, I know that's lame, but it is the reality of today's generation. I remember reading about the fifties when teens would stand around liquor stores and ask people going in if they would buy some booze for them, same situation, different generation.

My back was to the traffic as I walked down Imperial. I really didn't care who stopped as long as they had cigarettes. I saw the brown Chevy Malibu when it pulled to the side of the road and I ran up to the passenger window and looked in. There was a little girl behind the wheel. A girl that looked to be maybe 13. She did have nice tits though. She smiled at me through the open window.

"Where are you headed?" She asked.


"Hop in."

"Thanks for the ride."

"That's OK. My name is Doris, what's yours?"

"Ted. Say, how old are you Doris. You don't look old enough to drive. You didn't steal this car did you?"

"No, it's mine and I am 22 years old. What are you doing hitchhiking down Imperial?"

"Actually I was trying to get home from the beach. I'm too young to drive."

We drove for a couple of minutes and I could see the planes coming in for a landing at LAX. I also noted that there were cigarette butts in her ashtray. "Doris, can I bum a cigarette off of you?"

"How old are you?"


A little young for smoking aren't you?"

"OK, geeze. It wasn't like I asked you for money or something."

She reached into her purse and took out a pack of Salem's. "Here you go Ted."

I took the pack from her and took out three cigarettes. I pocketed two and lit one up. Menthols aren't my favorite type of cigarettes, but then beggars can't be choosers. I looked over at Doris and saw that she was staring at me. "What are you looking at?"

"Oh nothing, just looking, that's all."

I felt bad that I yelled at her. "Look Doris, I'm sorry about jumping on you like that. You just have to be careful when you're hitchhiking, that's all. No offence meant."

"None taken." Doris looked over at Ted again. He didn't look like he was fourteen. He stood maybe about five-five; it was hard to tell the way he slumped in the seat. Probably around 120 pounds. She originally stopped for him, something she had never done in her life - pick up a stranger, because he looked, at least from the rear, to be young boy and he definitely had a great ass. When he looked in her window he had those puppy-dog brown eyes and looked like he needed some special attention. "OK, Ted, what's the real story. Are you having problems at home?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but I live with my mom and sister and mom and I don't always get along."

"OK Ted. I'm sorry for prying. Look it's only just after three. How about you come over to my place and we can have an afternoon swim. What do ya think?"

Ted stared at Doris. What did she want? She looked young enough to be his little sister, but what the hell did she want? "You got any beer at your place?"

"I think so. Is that important? If it is I can stop and get some."

"Yea, I would like a beer if were going to be out in the sun."

Doris stopped at a 7-11 and bought a six-pack of Miller. When she got back in the car she turned and said, "I assume that Miller is OK?"

"Oh sure. That's fine." Well, she must be at least 21 he thought. She had cigarettes and had bought him some booze. This might be a good weekend after all. "Where do you live Doris?"

"Oh up off of 150th."

Wow he thought, that was in Torrance. Torrance was the big time compared to where he lived. This was going to be all right, he just knew it. "Gee, that's a nice area. So what do you do? For a living I mean?"

"Well, I'm married and my husband is a salesman. He travels a lot, so I end up at home by myself, more than I would like."

Ted looked over at this girl-woman. She was small, probably less than 5' and skinny too couldn't weigh more than a 100 pounds. She had big breasts and hips to match, but it was her smile that attracted Ted the most. It was alluring, sexy and funny all at the same time. Her face was framed with her dishwater blonde hair, which she had in up in twin ponytails, and her sexy brown eyes.

She turned right and headed South on Western Boulevard towards Torrance. After a few turns they came up to a gated community and Doris pressed a button on her remote and the gates opened and she drove through. Ted had never been to anyplace a nice as this, it looked really posh.

Doris used her remote to open a garage door and she drove inside, parked and got out of the car. "Come on in Ted." She popped the top on one of the Millers and handed it to him. "I'll show you the pool, come on." They walked out to the back yard, which was totally private on all three sides, being hidden by huge cypress trees.

Ted looked around. The pool was in the center of the yard and looked to be about 20' by 30' with light aqua water. It had a waterfall at one end and a spa at the other. There were no signs of anyone else being at the house. Truth be told, now that Ted had taken Doris up on her offer he was just a bit scared. He had heard all of the stories about kids being kidnapped and killed and he had no idea who this woman was or what she wanted. "Nice pool."

"Thanks Ted. Would you like to change for swimming?"

"Uh, sure, where can I do that?"

"Follow me sweetheart," and Doris led him down the hall to her master bedroom. "OK, you can change here; I'll change in the bathroom."

"Uh, Doris. Can I borrow a suit, I don't have one."

"Oh. Gosh Ted when you said you had been at the beach, I guess I just thought you had a suit on under your jeans. Well, that's OK, you can swim in your shorts, it just like a suit anyway. Now go ahead and get changed." Doris walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Well, almost closed the door. She left about a two-inch gap and if Ted looks her way he can watch her changing clothes in the mirror.

Yea, that's OK like shit, he thought. He was wearing boxer shorts and although they "looked" like a pair of trunks, they had that fly opening in front. Well I might as well change. I don't have a ride and I am way to far from home to walk. He just started to undress when he heard a noise in the bathroom and he looked toward the door.

Doris thought he would never look in her direction. Finally, in desperation, she dropped the plastic cup in the sink. Well, that got his attention; now let's see if I can arouse him.

Ted looked up and noticed the partially open door for the first time. Christ he thought, he could see her reflection in the mirror and she was fucking undressing. He stared through the door at the mirror as Doris began to unbutton her blouse.

She finished unbuttoning the blouse, took it off and hung it on a hanger, and then she reached around behind her and unsnapped her bra. She bent over forward and let the bra fall off of her breasts and down her arms. She took a peek in the mirror and could see Ted watching her and tugging on his shorts. As the bra came off she reached up and massaged her pendulous breasts. Doris then stood up and reached behind her and unzipped her pants and let them slide down her legs and onto the floor. Standing there, in only her panties, she rubbed her mound then put her fingers inside her waistband and slid the panties over her hips. To get them off completely she bent down and slid them down her legs and off, this view gave Ted a perfect look of her naked pussy.

Doris smiled to herself and stepped into the bikini bottoms, she adjusted them so her hair didn't show and then she donned her top. When she was finished she opened the door and stepped back into the bedroom. She looked at the huge saucer eyes of Ted and said; "So what do you think?"

He couldn't form words. "Uh... well... I... I think... well, you look great!"

"Oh Ted, what a wonderful compliment, thank you." She walked over to him and saw that he had a nice erection hiding in his underwear. She reached down and rubbed her hand up and down on his hidden cock. "Ted, that's a nice package you have."

Shit, what do I say now? What does she want me to say" "Uh, gee thanks" Wow he thought, you are really great at this sexual talk. What great words will you utter next? He felt her hand searching for the opening in his shorts and he put his hand down and stopped her.

"What's a matter Ted? Am I making you nervous?

"Ah... no... it's just that... I... I have never..."

She wrapped both arms around Ted and hugged him tightly. "Oh Ted, you're a virgin. This is great, really. I guess I came on a little strong, I'm sorry, but you acted like you knew what was going on. I'm sorry baby. Would you like me to teach you honey? I would love to do that for you."

"Uh, sure, I guess. It's just... ah, well I'm nervous, like you said."

Doris led him over to her bed. She bent down and pulled Ted's shorts down and off. She looked at his cock and was surprised that he was fairly well endowed, perhaps 5 inches or more. His cock was circumcised and the doctor who had performed the surgery had made a wonderful; bell-shaped cock head. The ridge was pronounced and pink. "Oh honey, you have a great looking cock." She stood up and pushed him down on the bed. She lay down beside him, propping herself up on one elbow. "Ted, when we first start having sex your going to ejaculate very quickly. It's because you're young, do you know what I am talking about?"

"Uh yea, I guess so. You mean I'm gonna cum fast. Right?"

"Yes honey, that's exactly what I mean. Don't worry about it, that's what young men do, but youngsters have fantastic powers of recuperation. You'll be hard again minutes after you first cum. Now just lay back and let Doris teach you about sex."

Ted scooted up in the bed so he could watch her. He was still nervous and expecting an irate husband to break in anytime, but he tried to look confident and relaxed.

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