My Stepmother - Cover

My Stepmother

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Incest Sex Story: 16 year old Elizabeth hates her new step mother, Merriweather, but what can she do? Her boyfriend, Rick finds some old Penthouse photographs of Merriweather and blackmail ensues.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Group Sex   .

"Because she's a fucking bitch, that's why!" 16 year old Elizabeth Gwynn screamed at Rick Carmen, her 15-year-old boyfriend of six months.

"Damn Elizabeth, don't yell at me."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Rick; it's just that she drives me crazy. Treating me like some sort of a kid, always trying to tell me what to do and when to do it. Everything was just fine until she came along and snagged my daddy. We were doing just fine until that 28-year old gold digging bitch plucked my daddy away from me. I mean she won't even let me have friends over unless there is an adult at home."

Rick was just about to point out that he was at her house without supervision when Merriweather Gwynn stormed out onto the patio, "What the hell are your two doing? Elizabeth you know better than to have anyone over to the house when I'm not home. Young man, you'll have to leave. RIGHT now!"

Rick quickly rose from his chair and said goodbye to Elizabeth and exited the house via the backyard gate.

"Jesus "M" you don't have to be so mean to my friends. Rick and I were just sipping sodas and talking."

"Elizabeth please. I know you don't want to call me mother and that's fine, but at least use my given first name, not my initial."

"OK, that's fine"..."m-o-t-h-e-r." Elizabeth got up and stormed into the house.

Later that evening, after dinner, Merriweather sat down with Sam Gwynn, her 49-year-old husband of eleven months. "Here honey, here is a glass of cold glass of Chablis."

"Thanks Merri, that's just what the doctor ordered. Honey you look a little troubled, what's wrong?"

"Sam, it's just... well... I'm having a problem with Elizabeth and I just don't know what to do."

"What's going on between my two favorite girls?"

"Well... Elizabeth doesn't want to follow any rules. She disobeys me all of this time and I just don't know what to do with her."

"Aw honey, I suspect that she is just rebelling a little bit. Elizabeth and I were all alone after her mother died and she is just used to getting her way all the time, that's all. Give it some time and I think she'll learn to love you as much as I do."

"OK baby, I'll give it some more time, but I'm still not sure..."

The next day at school Elizabeth met Rick for lunch in the quad.

"Things get any better last night?" Rick asked Elizabeth.

"Oh, they went OK, but mostly because I stayed out of the way of the bitch. Besides she always treats me nicer when daddy is around the house. I wish I could find some way to pay her back, you know what I mean, something I could use to keep the bitch off my back."

"Well obviously you didn't like my last suggestion, so I don't know what to tell you now."

"Suggestion? What last suggestion? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Christ Elizabeth, you must have been really stoned to forget that conversation. Remember last week when we were over at Barry's, taking hits off his bong, and you were bitching about "M," I told you about the spread in Penthouse. Don't you remember?"

"Penthouse? The magazine? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I found an old issue of Penthouse, it was from about eight years ago or so. I saw that it had a spread about the "Girls of Waco" and I remembered you telling me that "M" went to Baylor, so I was looking through it just in case there were any pictures of "M". Well, sure enough there were three pictures of her and one of them had her simulating oral sex with another co-ed. It must have taken Waco by storm; they are so heavily Southern Baptist."

"No shit! Are you sure it was "M"?"

"Absolutely. After all, how many Merriweather's are there out there and she really doesn't look all that different today."

"Oh God Rick, you got to get me that magazine."

"Yea, Ok babe, I'll bring it to school tomorrow. You have a plan?"

"Maybe... I'm not positive yet, but we'll see." The school bell rang and Elizabeth and Rick got up, threw their trash away and headed out to their classes.

The following day Rick smuggled the Penthouse past the school guards and showed it to Elizabeth. "Oh wow, look at that! You can actually see "M's" tongue in that girl's pussy. This is way cool!" She took the magazine from Rick and during her lunch period she went into the school's administrative office and used their copier to make color copies of each picture. She gave the magazine back to Rick with instructions to keep it in a safe place, just incase.

It was Sunday before Elizabeth could corner "M" alone in the house. Sam had left earlier that morning for his regular Sunday golf match with his cronies and Elizabeth had slept in, not getting out of bed until after 10 in the morning. She thought a lot about "M" and the pictures and she was pretty sure that her father didn't have a clue about the Penthouse spread and if she was right maybe she could use the pictures to blackmail "M" and get her off of her back.

Elizabeth got out of bed, showered, dressed and went down to the kitchen.

"Merriweather looked up from the kitchen table where she was reading the local newspaper, "Good morning Elizabeth."


"Would you like some breakfast? I can make you something if you're hungry."

Elizabeth walked to the table and took a seat across from "M" and as Merriweather watched her Elisabeth said, "You went to Baylor, right?"

"Umm, I sure did. Why?"

"Oh Rick and I were just looking at an old issue of Penthouse and I saw a picture of someone who looked just like you."

Merriweather blushed a deep red as she remembered back to her college days and the photo spread. She had only been 20 when Penthouse had asked her to pose for them and she really needed the money they were offering, so in the end she did the nude spread. "Ah honey, you "thought" it looked like me?"

"Actually it said "Merriweather" in the story and since the photograph's looks exactly like you, I KNOW it is you. Here "M", check these out for yourself," and Elizabeth slid the three photo copies across the kitchen table.

Merriweather looked at the pictures and once again blushed as she saw the photos taken almost a decade ago. Two of the photo's showed her displaying full-frontal nudity and the last one was a shot of her lying on the edge of a bed while the other model stood over her head with Merriweather's tongue prominently stuck out like she was eating her pussy. Her mind went back to that day and she recalled that after the shooting session the two of them had driven back to her apartment and had a real girl-on-girl pussy sucking session.

Merriweather looked up from the pictures at her step daughter and said, "OK Elizabeth, their pictures of me, so what?"

"Well I'll bet that daddy doesn't know about these pictures, does he?"

"No he doesn't, and so what. I'll tell you what Elizabeth, why don't you show them to him and I'll explain why I did the spread and that will be that! What did you expect to do with these anyway? Do you think that you can blackmail me in to letting you run the roost around here again? Wrong thinking little girl!"

Merriweather rose from the table, flung the pictures at Elizabeth and was storming out of the kitchen when Elizabeth's words stopped her, dead in her tracks.

"Actually you bitch, I was thinking about sending them out to daddy's associates. After his friends see you eating pussy do you still think he would approve of these?" Elizabeth did know where that had come from. She hadn't thought this through she just knew she couldn't let "M" get away scot free.

Merriweather turned and walked slowly back into the kitchen. She stopped when she was directly in front of Elizabeth, she looked her in the eyes and said, "You wouldn't hurt your father like that, I know you wouldn't. You might hate me, but you would never hurt your father."

"You know "M" you might be right, but then again if I could get rid of you it might be worth it. After all, I've been with daddy all of my 16 years. You've only been here eleven months. Do you really want to chance it? You would loose everything. The fancy car, this house, the country club, you high and mighty friends, everything."

Merriweather knew she had lost the game, Elizabeth had called her bluff and she couldn't take a chance on loosing Sam. "OK Elizabeth, what do you want me to do? I'll ease up on the rules, whatever..."

Elizabeth couldn't believe that "M" had caved so easily. She did want her off of her back, but... now that she had the power maybe she could have some fun with "M". Thinking for a second, she looked up from the table at the 28 year old woman standing in front of her, "Show me your tits "M".

"What! How dare you talk to me that way? Fuck off!"

"Well miss priss, you had better rethink that position or out the pictures go, now get that shirt off and let me see your tits."

Merriweather just stood there in disbelief. Then she slowly reached down and put her fingers under her pullover and lifted if off her head. She just stood there, her shirt in her hand, staring down at the kitchen floor.'

"Wow, nice tits. Now take of your bra and toss it too me."

Merriweather reached behind her, unsnapped her bra and as it fell down her arms she tossed it in the lap of the teenager.

"Huummm, 36C, that's a nice size. You have nice areolas and your nipples look that they liked to be played with. Why don't you come over here and let me see them - up close?"

Merriweather took two steps forward and stood in front Elizabeth. She watched as her young ward reached up and began to fondle her breasts. As abhorrent as the act was to her, Merriweather could feel the dampness begin between her legs.

Elizabeth looked into "M's" eyes and realized that her step mother was getting turned on. "Why I do believe that you're enjoying a little of this M, you are, aren't you?"

"Uh, No... uh... I... No I don't like this..."

Elizabeth reached out and pulled Merriweather close to her and said, "Don't give me that shit, I can see it in your eyes." Then she reached down and unzipped Merriweather's pants and shoved her hand inside. "Well "M" your panties are damp, seem like to me your enjoying it. You know something "M" looking at those sexy picture of you is making me horny, come on, let's go up to daddy's bedroom and you can show me how you ate that girl out, you know, the one in the picture."

"Please Elizabeth, don't make me do this. I beg of you, please. What would your father think of us?"

"Frankly I don't care what daddy would think about us or you, now come with me." Elizabeth grabbed her hand and led her upstairs and into the master bedroom, the room that was reserved exclusively for the husband and wife, "Ok "mommy," take off your clothes like a good girl." She watched as "M" removed the remainder of her clothes, smiled as she saw through "M's" sheer panties that she had shaven her pussy, leaving hair only in a small patch just above the opening. Elizabeth stripped down to her panties, walked over to the bed and lay back on her father's side of the bed. "Oh you look so nice mommy. I just love the shaved look with... uh... what is that above your cunt? Hummm, kind of looks like a hairy landing strip."

Elizabeth still couldn't believe that she could make "M" do "anything" she wanted. This was a gold mine waiting to be stripped of all of its wealth. "Come over here and start pleasuring my body mommy, start with a nice kiss on my nipples and then work your lips down to my pussy, now get started licking."

Merriweather crawled onto the bed and bent down and took Elizabeth's small, 34A breast into her mouth and began sucking and licking.

"God Damn "M" suck them like your enjoying it, not like some cow."

Merriweather put her whole heart into pleasing this bitch of a step daughter. She sucked and licked her nipples and took one hand and ran it down to her pussy. She drew a finger up and down the middle of her pussy, pushing Elizabeth's panties in between the lips, and then she took her fingers and ran them under the edge of the panties and searched for the girls' clit. It didn't take long to find it and she slowly and deliberately rubbed Elizabeth's clit until she knew that she would cum.

"Oh fuck, Oh God Merriweather, you are so good at this. You're going to make me cum. Keep rubbing and sucking I'm almost there. Argggg, I'm Cummiinnngggggg..."

Merriweather could feel the cum oozing out of Elizabeth's very wet and excited pussy and her smell, was, well, it was pure sex. She removed her mouth from the teen's breast and turned so she could get access to her pussy. She took off Elizabeth's panties, held them to her nose and smiled at the perfumed scent of Elizabeth's pussy. Merriweather then lowered her head and spread Elizabeth's pussy lips apart and got her tongue on the girls clit and then sucked and flicked and nibbled until she heard Elizabeth have another orgasm.

"That's a good mommy," Elizabeth said, "now I've got to get dressed and go meet Rick, so let's do more of this later, OK?"

Merriweather could only nod her head and wonder what perverted act would come next.

It was three days later and Rick was visiting Elizabeth after school. They were out on the patio when Merriweather came home from playing tennis at the country club. She saw Rick and started to say something, then decided it was better to let the issue die right there.

Elizabeth saw Merriweather come into the house, looked up over the top of her sunglasses. "Hi "M" how was the tennis match?"

"Oh, hi Elizabeth. Rick. It was OK, a bit hot thought."

"I can see that," Elizabeth said, "You look like you could use a cold drink."

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