The Passage of Chastity - Cover

The Passage of Chastity

by Rod O'Steele

Copyright© 2005 by Rod O'Steele

Erotica Sex Story: A young girl finds herself an upstairs maid in a great manor and is surprised at the duties.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Historical   First   .

The carriage jounced along the road carrying a young woman. She looked out the window and saw in the distance a great building. "Is that it?" she shouted up at the driver.

"Yes, miss. That's it, Milford Hall."

The girl gazed at the edifice. Three stories of red brick with oriental domes and heavy chimneys, the building had been built in the Elizabethan period. It was U shaped, with two massive wings extending behind. It looked frightening to her. The young girl settled back, nervous now that her life was about to follow an entirely new course. Just one month prior she had been living with her mum in Sudbury. The influenza had taken her mum and Chastity had been left alone with no money and no home. The parish vicar, Reverend Walker and his wife, had taken her in and found her a position at Milford Hall.

This very morning Mrs. Walker had hugged her dearly and wished her well. The Reverend was somewhat distressed and kept telling Chastity that she must remember her Christian virtues no matter what. She promised to attend church and say her prayers every night. After all, what could be so sinfully tempting in being a maid?

The driver let her off in front of the great building. Chastity took her small satchel of belongings and was led into the building. Inside, a tall imposing man waited. "I am Sanford. You will follow my lead in all things."

"Yes, sir," Chastity said.

Pointing to a rather jolly looking older woman, Sanford continued, "This is Mrs. Withers. The maids are in her charge. You will show her due respect."

"Of course, sir." She curtsied, "Ma'am."

"I understand this is your first position. You will have much to learn," Sanford said. "Do you know anything of domestic duties?"

"Yes sir. I'm a very hard worker. I can do laundry and a bit of cooking," Chastity said earnestly.

Sanford shared a look with Mrs. Withers. "I see. Duties in a great house are not always cleaning and cooking.

Chastity blanched, "It's true I don't know much of being a maid in a fine house as this is, but my mum always made me clean the loft like it was to used by the Queen. I kept it spotless. I'm not afraid of some hard work. Please don't dismiss me without a chance, Sir."

Sanford smiled, "Now don't fret girl. I'm not dismissing you. I just want to make sure you understand your duties and can fulfill them properly. It is important that you present a very good impression upon Milord James. You are to be an upstairs maid. Do you understand?"

"Sir, I expect that means I'll be cleaning upstairs," Chastity ventured.

"Yes, quite," said Sanford. He looked at Withers, "Make sure she understands her duties.

Tomorrow will be soon enough to begin. Mrs. Withers, please show her to her room and get her appropriate attire." To Chastity, "Dinner hour has passed but supper will be served at seven. Have you eaten?"

"Yes sir, I had breakfast with the vicar," she relied.

He smiled for the first time. To Mrs. Withers, "Perhaps you might find a morsel as you pass through the kitchen."

Mrs. Withers smiled, "Undoubtedly. Come this way girl." She led off down the hallway.

Chastity was quickly lost as she followed the woman. They went through a great dining room and entered the kitchen. "Cook, you lazy scoundrel. Have you got a bit for a new arrival? Something that won't poison a young girl."

There was a sputtering sound from deep in the kitchen then a gruff baritone answered, "Poison. I'll poison you." A large man rumbled out of the pantry. "So, Mrs. Withers. Poison?"

"Mr. Jones, may I introduce Chastity. She is joining the staff today. She'll be serving in the upstairs," Mrs. Withers said.

He looked her over and said, "I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

Mrs. Withers continued, "She hasn't eaten since breakfast. Perhaps you might have a bit set aside?"

"Certainly, certainly. This lazy scoundrel might have a bit." He hurried over to the stove. "I've got a few pasties left over from dinner, in case someone needed sustenance." He brought over a pastry to Chastity.

"What's this?" asked Chastity.

"My dear, that is fine Welsh cooking. It's like a meat pie except it is all on the inside. Try a bite," he said.

She did. It was tasty, lamb, potatoes and carrots in dark rich gravy. "This is delicious," Chastity mumbled around the bite.

Mr. Jones turned to Mrs. Withers. "Nice to have a cultured palate in the house."

"Piffle. Come Chastity. I'll show you to your room," leading her away.

"Thank you, Mr. Jones. This is delicious." Chastity followed Mrs. Withers into the servants' quarters. Along the way Mrs. Withers stopped at a closet and pulled out two dresses, black with some white trim - conservative, simple, and utilitarian.

Mrs. Withers opened a door to a small room. It contained two small beds with a chest at the foot of each. She gave the dresses to Chastity. "These are the maid uniforms. Please insure that one is clean and presentable at all times. You'll be sharing a room with Vivien. I hope you two will get along."

"I'm sure we will," Chastity said.

"I'm sure. You'll be working with Vivien until you learn your duties properly. She will be your guide. Vivien has been quite satisfactory. Learn from her. Please get settled. I'll have Vivien come for you at supper," Mrs. Withers said as she closed the door.

Chastity wandered around the small room, barely more than a closet, touching everything. She fell on the bed and closed her eyes wondering where her life would lead her now.

And so, a new life started for Chastity.

A little before seven the door burst open and a girl tumbled into the room. "Hello. Mrs. Withers told me I should expect you here. Come on then, let's go get some food before it's all gone. You won't believe how the gardeners can put away the food. Come on girl, get up."

Chastity sat up on her bed. "Who are you?"

"Oh sorry. I am bit of a flutterby. Vivien. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Now, let's get to supper."

Chastity hopped up from bed and followed Vivien to the kitchen. Most of the domestic staff were already gathered. Mrs. Withers led them in prayer before they took seats at a rough hewn table. Mrs. Withers introduced Chastity to the staff, much to her embarrassment. Supper was simple but substantial. Mr. Jones, the burly cook, winked at her as he served a simple but substantial mutton stew with dumplings. Chastity thought the food was quite good. Vivien had been correct about the gardeners and liverymen. They did lay waste to a substantial amount of food.

After supper, the maids retreated to their rooms. Vivien plopped onto her bed as Chastity sat on hers.

Vivien, in high spirits, asked, "So, how old are you?"


"We are the same age. I understand you are to follow me around the next few days. I'm glad you are here," Vivien said.

"I am pleased to be here," Chastity said.

"I've hated being the new girl."

"Why?" asked Chastity.

Vivien looked over at Chastity. "You know, being the newest upstairs maid, the master's favorite. Lord James Cordell, Sixth Baronet. Be nice to give it a rest. Although I imagine that Hyde, his son, will be making increased demands. Hardly worth the effort he is. Lucky if he lasts a minute, the sod. Why bother, I say. By the time you get out of your togs the little chap has gone and finished and you've got to get dressed again."

Chastity looked perplexed. "I don't understand at all what you are speaking of."

Vivien asked her, "You know about being an upstairs maid?"

Chastity shook her head.

"Did you notice all of the young girls are upstairs?" Vivien asked.

"I did notice, but didn't really consider why," Chastity answered.

"There's a reason. You really don't know about being an upstairs maid?" Vivien asked her.

"No. The Reverend Smith and his wife seemed very concerned. I wasn't sure why they seemed so concerned about me keeping my Christian conscience. I mean, what could be so unchristian about being a maid?" Chastity shrugged.

"And well they should be. Lord James here is quite the lecherous devil," Vivien said smiling.

The window to their room rattled as wind and rain started beating against it. Both girls looked out the window. A blustering storm had blown in from the north.

"Though I suppose all men are lecherous devils when their wives can't see them. That's why Lady Margaret's rooms are all the way around the house from Lord James. And she so seldom comes up from London. She much prefers the city life. She loves London, the parties, the balls, the theatre. She usually stays there in the townhouse even when his Lordship comes to Milford Hall. I suppose her being a lady, she'd rather him find his sport here anyway," Vivien said. Vivien threw herself back on her bed, "Oh, what must it be like to be a Lady?"

Chastity couldn't make heads or tails of the conversation.

Vivien sat up and told Chastity. "I'd like to work in the other wing, Lady Margaret's. If one is very good she will take you on as a personal maid. That way you travel with her to London and live in the townhouse. Oh that would be grand. Imagine, on your days off being able to wander round London. I'd even be able to see the theatre. Anyone can buy a ticket, you know. All them fine gentlemen. I bet I could find a right nice husband in London."

"What did you mean about Lord James being lecherous? What has that to do with being a maid?" Chastity asked.

"Are you balmy girl? Who do you think he is going to be lecherous with?" Vivien asked her, flopping back onto the bed.

It began to dawn on Chastity what Vivien was speaking of. "You mean he forces the maids to... But how can he?" Chastity asked with concern in her voice

Vivien sat back up. "He's the master. That's what being an upstairs maid is. When you get old you move downstairs. Notice how all of the older women are downstairs. You get past it a little and you move downstairs. The work is harder downstairs. Cleaning the kitchen and all of the silver. I guess the position upstairs has some advantages," Vivien said.

"I won't. I'll simply make it known that I won't," Chastity declared.

"Well," Vivien said. "I hope you like sleeping in the rain because that's your choice." Vivien looked out the window.

Chastity's glance followed hers. Just then a bolt of lightening streaked across the heavens followed by the crack of thunder. The girl shuddered. "Why would the Reverend have sent me here?" Chastity asked of the heavens.

Vivien shrugged. "What other choice is there for a girl of our class? Why do you think the fair Reverend looked distressed huh? He knew. He's a man."

"But he's a man of the Church," protested Chastity.

"Listen," Vivien said, speaking quietly as though passing along a secret. "Last year the bishop himself was a guest in the hall. He and the Master were playing in the game room. Apparently, the Bishop took a fancy to Dorrie. She was the tall girl down at the end of the table. She works the other wing usually. Anyway, the Master sends after me and Dorrie. It was after midnight. His Lordship and the Bishop have been at the port for hours and they were two sheets to the wind. Now Dorrie and me was hurried up to the game room in our night clothes, didn't even have a chance to dress proper. His Lordship pulls me onto his lap and just like that thrusts his hands under me nightclothes. It's one thing to be doing such deeds in private, but in front of company. Well, the Bishop lets out a hoot and he grabs poor Dorrie and drags her onto his lap. He's kissing and prodding the poor girl, and him in his Bishop's collar. I could see that Dorrie was upset. Imagine, having a religious man grabbing your teats. His Lordship had me a bit excited by then, he is good with his hands, and had me stand up and lean over the chair, He gets behind me, drops his breeches and lances into me. He is good, I'll say that. I'm looking over at the Bishop. His eyes bug out. He pulls Dorrie up and pushed her over his chair just as Lord James had me. The randy sod could hardly get his breeches undone. He lines up with Dorrie and pushes in. Poor girl, he hadn't got her ready. She let out a little screech. But he just kept going. Lucky, she quickly became accommodating as he was pumping like his life depended on't. Didn't take him more than a minute and he was howling to wake the dead. Then, he just fell out of the girl and lay there, passed out on the carpet of the game room. The Master was laughing his fool head off as he continued his way with me. By now, he was starting to feel good."

Vivien shook her head and looked at Chastity with commiseration. "I know it can be difficult at first to be in our situation, but, I tell you true, the Master can make your whole body tingle until you just turn to jelly inside. It is the best feeling in the world. Anyway, the master finishes up and I got a little one. He dismisses me and Dorrie. The Bishop is still laying there on the floor, his little man hanging out. Makes you lose respect for the cloth, it does. Them supposed to be of a higher sort then ordinary men."

"Tomorrow will come quick on. I'll show you the ways of the manor. Don't worry. Good night," called out Vivien as she blew out the candle by her bed.

"Yes, good night," said Chastity. She lay back staring at the ceiling of the room. Sleep would not come. All she could see were visions of the master and the Bishop. But instead of Dorrie, it was Vivien and Chastity being accosted in the game room.

The next day, Chastity followed Vivien on her duties. They were responsible for most of the upstairs of one wing of the great house. Vivien explained how everything was to be done, where the supplies were to be kept and the laundry to be put. Chastity was a bit surprised at how easily the day slid by. They took a long break at dinner. It wasn't until mid afternoon when they returned to their duties. Mostly they spent time chatting and doing make work.

Finally, Chastity asked, "Don't we have more to do?"

Vivien turned on the girl, "Now you hush. Don't let nobody hear you say such a thing. Don't you go and ruin it. We've enough to keep us busy. And remember, there will be plenty to do when the master is back. It is a bit easier when the house is empty. And don't forget, we are first up for the extra duties, if you catch my meaning. You'll see."

It was later in the afternoon and the girls were cleaning the game room when Master Hyde appeared. "Well," he said. "And who is this?" He was staring at Chastity who cast her eyes downward.

Vivien replied, "This is the new maid, sir. Her name is Chastity." To Chastity, Vivien said, "This is Master Hyde Cordell, heir to the Baronet."

"Good day Chastity. Yes, Chastity is such a lovely virtue is it not," he said as he came over to the girls.

Vivien interposed herself between the two. "Yes, sir, it is. I should let you know good sir, that the Master has yet to meet her," she said with emphasis.

His face clouded and he threw his hands down in a fit of pique. "The old fool. He never lets me have any of the sport. Someday, I'll be master, then everything will be different." Vivien and Chastity discreetly keep their eyes lowered. "A pox on it," he muttered and turned to stomp out of the room.

Vivien continued looking down until they could no longer hear his retreating footfalls. Vivien began giggling and Chastity joined her. "Master Hyde looks proper pissed. Poor boy, he can't hold a candle to his Lordship. There's a man who knows how to please a woman," Vivien said. "Come then, we still need to clean the rooms." The girls set to with shared smiles.

Master Hyde left to join his Father and Mother in London and the upstairs were quiet and empty. Chastity had learned her duties quickly and Mrs. Withers assigned her own rooms, which included the Master's rooms. That meant she got to see less of Vivien during the day. Since they had spilt the rooms they did have time to get together during the day and converse, as long as they were on their toes should anyone come up. They would meet in the game room, right on the boundary of their domains. Should they hear steps, Vivien would simply step through a door as Chastity pretended to be cleaning the room.

Once, Chastity complained that the days were boring. Vivien chastised her. "Listen girl, you'll appreciate the extra time, mark my words. When milord returns he'll be tracking mud through the entire house. Ah, but he likes to ride the foxes. Turns the floors into a stable he does. And there is the other duties. Be thankful you've the time now."

Sunday was a day of rest. Many of the household staff took a carriage into the local town, Lower Milford, to attend Mass. The curate of Holy Trinity was the Reverend Gibson. He welcomed Chastity to the parish. Chastity loved the service, especially the singing of the hymns. It reminded her of her earlier life, now seeming so distant, even though it was just a week before that she came to the Hall.

Several of the younger men noticed this new girl with her gleaming blonde hair and fair face. There eyes were drawn to her as she sang, the purity of her face alight from the inspiring words of the hymns. One in particular was captivated. Young Bob Roe, the miller's son, couldn't take his eyes from the girl. That is, until he caught an elbow from his Father.

After the service, the Manor staff would wander round the village, doing any business they might have. Chastity stayed with Miss Ellingwood, one of the older and single maids. Miss Ellingwood showed her the village. At noon most of the staff meet at the village green and partook of a picnic. Chastity noticed a young man hanging round the staff, never close enough to be rude, but always close by. She wondered who he was. After the meal, the staff boarded the carriages and headed back to the Hall. It had been a pleasant interlude and Chastity felt refreshed.

The following Sunday was much the same until the service ended. As Chastity was leaving the church the same young man was waiting. This time he made bold enough to speak. "Excuse me Miss, I couldn't help but notice you are new to the parish."

Chastity was a bit startled at his boldness. Mrs. Withers happened to be following Chastity out of the Church and she too noticed. She stepped over, "Hello Bob. May I introduce Chastity? She has just joined the staff at Milford Hall. Chastity, this is Bob Roe, who is apprenticed to his father, the miller."

Bob doffed his cap, "Pleased to meet you Miss Chastity."

Chastity responded, "And I too, am pleased to make your acquaintance."

Mrs. Withers notice the basket in Bob's hand and smiling asked him, "What is that in your hand Bob?"

"Oh yes. You see Mrs. Withers it is a picnic..." he stumbled to a halt.

"And you were going to picnic alone? That basket looks to be plenty for two," she said.

Bob's face turned a light shade of red and he glanced guiltily at Chastity. "Well yes. There is enough for two."

"Oh my. I would hate to see it gone to waste. Perhaps I should join you," she said to Bob's rising concern. "Oh but wait, I already have an engagement. Perhaps Chastity could accompany you, if that would be satisfactory, that is."

"Well yes, I suppose," he said looking hopefully at Chastity.

"It would be a sin indeed to allow food to be wasted," said Chastity. "It seems it would be my Christian duty to join you. I should be glad to accompany you on a picnic."

Bob let out his breath, "Yes indeed." He held out his arm which Chastity took. Bob led her to the green and laid out a blanket. They sat upon the blanket and enjoyed the sun.

"So Miss Chastity, how come you are at the Hall?" Bob asked.

"My mum was carried off by the influenza. I needed a position and the parish priest managed to get me one at the Hall."

"And your dad?" he asked.

"He was taken while I was very young. I don't even remember him," she said sadly.

"So you are an orphan. That is sad. I am lucky. My parents are both hale," he said. He started taking things from the basket. Chastity helped him set up the picnic.

"You are lucky you were able to get the position at the Hall. I've seen what happens to women who have no position," Bob said.

Chastity shuddered at the thought of those women, forced to sell themselves for pennies. She recalled the conversation that first night with Vivien. Indeed, Vivien had been right. She lived in a beautiful house, was well fed and warm. The alternative was living in the streets. She looked at Bob, "Yes, you are right. I am indeed blessed for this position."

The two found many things in common. By the time the picnic was done Bob and Chastity were talking gaily. The others of the Staff looked over at two and smiled. There would be gossip tonight.

One morning Sanford appeared with Mrs. Withers in tow. Chastity curtsied wondering why he had appeared. He perused the room, wandered about looking for dust, and finding none smiled. "Well, girl. The room looks presentable. I've come to give you warning. His Lordship returns from London on the morrow. Make sure the rooms are immaculate. You need make a good impression." He looked to Mrs. Withers, "Make sure she is ready for his Lordship." He left.

Mrs. Withers looked quite uncomfortable. She hemmed and hawed before asking, "Has Vivien explained the duties of an upstairs maid?"

"Yes ma'am, she has," Chastity replied.

"And do you understand what is required?" Mrs. Withers asked.

Chastity nodded, looking at the floor.

"Now girl, none of that. You must appear cheerful when his Lordship returns. Oh my, he hates dour women. He'll run you out of the house. He wants proper respect of course, but he likes women a bit saucy, if you catch my drift. No shrinking violets. Think you can do that?"

"Yes ma'am. I do need this position," Chastity said.

"Necessity is a hard driver, that is sure. And don't let old prune face Sanford stir you up," Mrs. Withers said.

Chastity was shocked. Then she started giggling and finally, as she saw the mirth in Mrs. Withers face, laughing. "That's better girl. You'll do fine. I'll leave you to your duties. The rooms look fine. Just give them a touch up in the morning and you'll be ready." She left singing a country air.

Despite the assurances of the day before, Chastity was a bundle of nerves. She was a cyclone in the morning, insuring that no speck of dust survived her assault. The Manor was a beehive of activity.

Lord James arrived mid day and immediately headed up to his rooms. Sanford accompanied him as he strode hurriedly down the main hallway of the wing. Chastity was waiting, hands folded. Lord James saw the girl standing and halted before turning to Sanford.

"Milord, this is the new maid, Chastity," Sanford said. She curtsied

"Wonderful name for a girl," he said. "Are you getting on?"

"Yes, milord," Chastity replied.

"Grand, grand. I think you'll work out just fine." To Sanford, Lord James said heartily, "Come man, I'm tired from the road." He nodded and smiled at Chastity before striding off for his room.

Sanford motioned for the porters to follow with his bags. Chastity curtsied as he left. Sanford winked as he walked past. She nearly fainted from relief. The rest of the day went by in a haze.

That night after supper, Chastity and Vivien were in their room, talking about the Master. There was a knock on their door. "Come in," said Vivien.

Sanford opened the door. "Chastity; the master would like a word with you in his library. Come immediately."

"But I'm not dressed properly," she protested.

"No need," he said. "Hurry along. Do not keep his Lordship waiting."

"Yes, sir," she said grabbing her dressing robe.

Vivien gave her a wink and said, "Have fun dearie." Off she went with Sanford.

Stanford led her up the back stairs used by the servants and straight to the library. Chastity was almost overcome by fear and dread. 'What is going to happen? Am I to be sacked?' she wondered, her mind in turmoil.

Sanford held the door open for her and Chastity entered the library. Lord James was sitting in his chair reading, with a glass of Sack, and holding a cheroot. He looked up. "Thank you Sanford. I shan't need you any more tonight."

"Yes, Milord," he said letting the door close behind him.

Setting his book down, he said, "Come here girl. Don't be shy. Come along."

She walked over to his chair, very self conscious of being in her night clothes. She stared down at the exquisite oriental carpet, dreading what was to come.

"Hmm, yes. Chastity, is this your first position?" he asked.

She mumbled, "Yes, Milord."

"Don't mumble girl and look at me when you speak. Can't stand mumbling. A good clear voice will do," he said. "Now, are you finding it agreeable?"

She looked up. He was smiling which eased her mind. "Yes, Milord."

"Much better. But you are still reticent with your words. Nervous?" he asked.

"Yes Milord. I am a poor girl and don't know much about being around people such as yourself."

He laughed. "Well, my dear, I may be a lord but I'm still a man that puts on his breeches one leg at a time. During the day and around others I would have you treat me with due deference. But in the evening I will, from time to time, ask you to come keep me company. At such times I would have you treat me as a man and I would treat you as a lady. Would you like for a peer of the realm to treat you as a lady?"

"Milord, I don't know what I should do. I am but sixteen and know nothing of such things," she said wringing her hands.

Lord James smiled and stubbed out his cigar. He rose, took her hand and bending over kissed it. Chastity flushed. "Milady, there is nothing to be concerned about. I will be your teacher and your champion in this. Let yourself be guided by me."

Chastity nodded. "Yes, Milord."

He led her through a door and into his private room. Her eyes fastened on the large bed and her heart was filled with dread. She stopped. Lord James looked back at her. "Now, what's the matter?" he asked.

She shook her head but no sounds would come.

Lord James recognized the signs. He had a virgin, and a very naive one at that from the looks of it. He smiled to help put her at ease. "Come then," he said gently pulling her to the side of the great bed. Chastity was nearly paralyzed with apprehension. She stood trembling slightly. "What is it you fear my dear?" he asked.

"I don't know, milord." she answered.

"Yes, I can imagine. There is a French philosopher, a very wise man although a bit of a rogue as well, who wrote a very interesting line you might like. He wrote, 'It is amusing that a virtue is made of the vice of chastity when it is the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge. And like all ignorance, the sooner surmounted the better.' That's all it is my dear, ignorance. You need not fear losing that," he said.

Chastity felt her overpowering fear melt away as she considered what Lord James had said. It could not overcome the prejudices buried so deeply in her at a nonce, but it did free her from the dread that had been overwhelming. She looked up at Lord James. He smiled and, leaning down, brought his lips to hers. They kissed.

It was the first time Chastity had kissed a man. She was puzzled at first. Then the kiss began to feel good, very good. Lord James pulled her against his chest. She felt the soft texture of his silk smoking jacket and the hard muscle under. Strange feelings emerged in her, things never experienced before. He kissed her face and her neck. This brought flutters to her body as if the skin on her neck were connected to her loins which began to smolder. She felt the heat, a new experience for the young girl.

He pushed her night dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Chastity closed her eyes in shame. A man was beholding her undressed. She never expected this to happen. Then she felt his lips on her breast, kissing and nibbling. He took her into his mouth and a surge of sensation flooded her body. The heat in her loins grew. She was lost, unable to understand what was happening to her. Her eyes were shut as these sensations poured into her body.

"Let down your hair," a voice commanded.

Chastity opened her eyes to see Lord James disrobing. She pulled the pins from her hair. Her golden mane cascaded down over her back. She stood, nervously watching, as her master finished removing his clothing.

He began kissing her again and she was quickly engulfed by the pleasure. Lord James pulled her onto the bed with him, kissing ever lower until he spread her legs and lay between them. He was staring at her womanhood. Chastity was at a complete loss. 'Why would he do this?' she wondered.

He leaned forward and brought his mouth to her sex. She gasped at the sudden intense pleasure pouring forth from her middle. His lips and tongue ceaselessly laved her sex, exciting her body in ways she didn't even know existed.

Chastity was overcome by the waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Gone were the doubts and worries, the conflicts of pleasure and shame. Pleasure had won the field. Her body seemed a flame. His lips and tongue driving her ever higher, peaking her pleasure until, like a dam under too great a press of water, it finally burst releasing a torrent, her own pleasure burst, cascading through her body. Chastity sounded great moans as she quivered and thrashed. Again and again, the waves of her pleasure crashed. She had never known such feelings. Then, almost as suddenly as it had come her pleasure ebbed. Her breath coming in ragged bursts, she buckled and lay limp, like a straw doll with half the straw out.

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