Wizard's Life - Cover

Wizard's Life

by Rod O'Steele

Copyright© 2005 by Rod O'Steele

Fantasy Sex Story: A young man's journey as he learns the ancient Celtic rites of a wizard

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Fiction   First   .

Part I

Warlock, wizard, witch, Wicca - so many people use these terms but they don't understand them. The modern Wicca movement is a pale shadow of the true depths of the old Celtic religion - a religion of natural power from the Earth and Heavens. The Druids had access to primal power - both white power and black power - power to heal and power to kill. The Old Ones made no distinction between white and black. I laugh at these supposed modern witches who claim to only use white magic. There is no possible way to use white magic without mastering black, and vice versa. Much like Yin and Yang, the one cannot exist separate from the other. All white magic has a penumbra of black and all black magic has an aura of white. They either co-exist or can't exist. It is.

I am a wizard of the ancient rites. I became interested in Wicca when I was still in school. I even attended a coven but quickly grew disillusioned. There was no power present in these meetings. It seemed a gathering of middle-aged women dissatisfied with their stodgy lives and seeking a way of experiencing the exotic. You see, I have always felt the Power in me. I can't explain it. The old books claim it is a gift of Cernnunos, the Earth Father. You are born with it. Perhaps that is true. The blood of the Celts flows in my veins. My Grandfather's father was born in County Meath, the location of ancestral Tara.

I wandered many years in the wilderness that is the modern manifestation of the old rites seeking knowledge of this power that I felt. Little did I know that as I sought the Old Power, it was seeking me. One day, I wandered into a dusty old book shop managed by a decrepit little gnome of a man. I headed straight to the alternative section. I rummaged through the books, all I had seen before. I was about to turn away in disgust when the gnome appeared at my elbow.

"Did you find what you are seeking?" he asked.

"No," I said ready to leave.

"That is not surprising. You don't even know what it is you are seeking," he said holding my eye with his.

I was about to give him a flip answer when I felt it - Power. It welled up in my breast, my limbs seemed light, and an electric charge ran through my body. Startled I looked at the gnomish shopkeeper.

He smiled, "Yes, you have it. So that is what brought you to my shop. Do you know what you have?"

"Power," I answered.

"Yes. And do you know what to do with this power?"

"No," I answered him the feeling of power fading as I returned to normal - human normal.

"Good. I am glad you didn't claim something of which you could have no knowledge. It is important for a wizard to be aware of his limits as well as his power," he said. He turned and walked towards the back of his shop.

"Wizard?" I was compelled to follow, my body seemingly acting on its own. My mind was still mine carried along by the body.

He pushed open a door to a smaller room. Inside were a few books, all large and bound in leather and looking quite old. He led me to the shelves along one wall. He pointed to one musty volume and had me take it. He motioned for me to sit at a small table in the center of the room. "Open it to the first page," he commanded. The calligraphy was strange runes, unlike any writing that was familiar. "This is what you seek," he said.

I felt the pull of the book. I wanted it, no, needed it with all of my soul. "But I cannot read this," I said desperately aware that I must possess this book.

"Then you must learn how," he said.

I looked at the other books still on the shelves. "Do I need to learn all of them?" I asked.

The gnome walked over to one book and lovingly stroked it with his hand. "No. This one is mine. Every Wizard has his own book. It is the center of his power. They are all different, but they all contain the same knowledge. You will learn from your book and your wizardry will be unique as your book. The book will teach you." He paused as if looking at something far away. "I remember... Well, yes." He looked back at me. "Your power has led you to your book, just as your book was a lodestone to your power. Do you not feel it?"

"Yes. I feel it," my hand stroking the pages of the book.

"Desire," he said. "An almost physical desire. Your power will come from that desire. That desire is how you will learn to channel the three great sources of power: from the Groves comes the white power, from the Earth comes the strong power and from the dark Heaven comes the black power. Only by combining all three can you make them work for you, do your bidding."

I felt the pages under my hand become hot, and a strange thing happened. I became erect. The power of the book flowed into me and my cock became as hard as it had ever been.

The gnome smiled. "You have the power in you. You will become a powerful wizard if you learn properly. From now on, you will address me as Master. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. I will teach you how to read the book and you will learn. I will pass on my wisdom to you as my Master passed his on to me. You will learn to be a Power."

The book was written in ancient Celtic runes and had been carried forward, unchanged, since before the time of Christ. My book had been written when the Celts were still in what is today Germany, long before they migrated to the British Isles. My Master assured me that my book was indeed unchanged since that time. It looked old, but this seemed impossible. I was to learn there are few things which are truly impossible. Unimaginable perhaps, but not impossible.

At first, I would come at night after the shop closed so that he could spend the time with me teaching me the alphabet and the ancient tongue. He was merciless about pronunciations. The magical incantations must be exact. There is no margin for error or the Power can turn on its master and destroy him. I learned of the Gods, the True Gods, each of whom could be called on for specific help, Rhiannon, Morrigan, Ollathair, Cuchullin, Cailleach, not the false later Gods.

When I had progressed enough I would come every day and sit in the back room reading and learning the secrets of the Old Ones. As I learned I felt the inner peace come to me as my own power started to align with the wider powers of the world. Finally I was ready to begin.

One danger of the True Power is there is no practice. There are no trial runs or tests. When you summon the power is comes in all its majesty and danger. I had to laugh at the silly notions of books like Harry Potter - a bunch of kids casting practice spells with magic wands. The fools would have blasted themselves into ash the first time they tried one of the true spells.

I had come to the first incantation, the incantation which would join me with the Old Powers and allow me to use them. I read over the incantation and its instructions.

The master entered the room. "What do you think of the incantations?"

"It seems as strange as Nostradamus," I said.

"He was a rude fool," my Master said.

"Rude?" I asked. "You speak as though you knew him."

He smiled. "As I said, he was a fool and said he knew much that he did not."

"But that was 400 years ago," I said to myself.

"You will learn that much that seems real is only the superficial. Things are not always as they appear. Now, the incantation."

I looked back at the book, unsettled by the instructions for performing the incantation in the book.

"You think it is wrong?" he asked.

"Master, it seems wrong," I said.

"Because you think as a modern man. The power comes from the early times when people had not become weak as they are now. These modern prohibitions are decadent. The strong do not feel them. You must learn that the use of the power is moral and just. It is the weak who seek to make all others weak. Hah. The only thing the weak inherit are plots six feet under ground. They are the sources of these decadent prohibitions. The world belongs to the strong, those with the Power. Seize what is yours by right, by birth," he said his fist clenched. "You must also learn to use the Power justly and wisely. This is the way of a Wizard."

"Yes Master," I answered still unsettled.

"Clear your mind. You must have a clear head for this. Now, you must go and find a virgin. Only from a virgin will you gain the channel to the Middle World and Grove to draw the white power."

"Master, how will I know she is a virgin?" I asked.

He smiled. "Use your Sight, the Gods will show you the one. She must have had her first blood. She cannot be a girl. She must be a woman, at least fourteen. After you have found her, recite the first incantation. She will do your bidding. Take her to a grove, one that is filled with the power. Wait for the deepest dark and then you both must strip naked. Not even a ring. Then, you must say the welcome incantation. Lay her on the earth. She must touch Father Earth to draw the white power and strong to you. You then say the offering incantation. This makes her an offering to the Gods. Cuchullin must have the virgin sacrifice for him to grant you access to the Power. Then you must take her. At the moment of your climax you say the joining incantation. Then it is done. In the old days she would return home to her people and be praised for helping to create a wizard. Creation is a female power. The wizard would owe her family a debt. But today, her family would not understand. I will teach you a release incantation so the girl will remember nothing of the night," he said smiling. "But you will still owe her family the debt, if they ever ask." He patted me on the back. "Now, let us learn the incantations. They must be perfect."

We practiced the incantations, but only one half at a time. I would learn the first half and then the second. Saying the whole incantation would summon the powers. It was very difficult trying to learn that way. When my master was satisfied and I could say the incantations in my sleep he sent me forth.

I found the city park. There was a large grove of trees in the park. I wandered in it feeling the power of growing things. This would be the place. Truly, a sacred grove to meet the Gods for the first time.

I wandered the park, seeking the Sight. I did not understand. As I wandered my mind cleared and suddenly like a bolt out of the blue I had it. The Sight. I was seeing the women and I knew which one was a virgin. It was as if there was an aura around each woman. I could tap into that aura and I could see her first time: in the back seat of a car, at her Uncle's house, in her boyfriend's bedroom, in a hotel room.

Then I saw her. Her aura was empty. She was a virgin. I studied her. She was tall and lithe with straight brunette hair down over her shoulder, sparkling blue eyes, and an angelic face. As I studied her with the Sight I knew something else. The feminine force in her was pure and strong. The Gods would delight in this sacrifice and I would be rewarded.

Here was my virgin. I walked up to her and as she looked at me I pronounced the first incantation. Her eyes widened at the strange sounds and I could feel her fright rise as she thought of fleeing. But it was already too late for her. As I said the last word of the incantation, her eyes closed. "Open your eyes," I commanded. They fluttered open. "It is a lovely day. Let's walk." Obediently, she followed me.

"What is your name?"

"Caitlin," she answered. I smiled. Caitlin is an ancient Celtic name meaning pure. My sacrifice was pure. A good omen indeed.

We walked on. I waited for her to say something but she didn't. "You may talk," I said.

"It is a lovely day for walking, isn't it?" she said.

"Yes, it is," I answered. I pondered just how powerful must this spell be. My Master had said she would do anything I ordered. I studied her. She was the most beautiful young woman I had ever known and she was commanded by me. My mind wandered with all of the things I could do with her. I could have her blow me. I could fuck her little ass. She would still be a virgin for the rites tonight. The words of the Book came to me, hanging in my mind. The girl didn't belong to me, but to the Gods. I possessed no right to abuse her. The path of a wizard did not allow abuse of his powers. I shook my head to clear it and continued on.

The afternoon sped by as I talked with Caitlin. She acted as if nothing in the world mattered to her but being with me. I only wished it was real. As a wizard I was learning that I must always face the deeper truths, and the truth is it was pleasant even if it was artificial. But it was also true that the artificial nature of her happiness kept it from any real depth of meaning.

Late in the afternoon, the sun cast long shadows over the ground as I led her along a small path to my grove. I wanted to appreciate her beauty while there was still light. "Take off your clothes." She smiled and immediately pulled off her clothes. "The rings as well," I commanded. She put her jewelry on the pile of clothes. She stood, smiling and unconcerned with her nudity. My cock became erect and I felt power surge in me.


There was still a chance someone might take this path. "Take up your clothes and follow me," I said. I led her into the grove and found a soft patch under the overhanging trees. The grove was strong here. The earth was below for the girl to channel His power to me as I said the incantations.

"Sit," I told her. She put her clothes down and sat on them, awaiting my pleasure. I sat with my back against the tree and let the essence of the sacred grove enter me. I waited for the night.

When it was dark and the stars were out but the moon had not yet risen I stood. It was time. I stripped out of my clothes Caitlin watching intently. I chanted the first incantation and felt power surround me. The grove seemed alive with presence. It almost glowed with the energy.

I had the girl lay on the Earth, her legs spread and her arms at her side. She continued smiling as she watched me intently. Then I said the Offering incantation. The trees rustled in the windless night. I bent over the girl and brought my erect cock to her virgin entrance. I rubbed the head of my cock over her and found her wet with desire. She closed her eyes and moaned. My cock was wet with her as I seated it in the entrance to her channel. I called to Cuchullin, offering the girl. I heard a rumbling laugh fill the glade as I pushed forward, breaching her. I felt her hymen give as my cock entered her. She uttered a squeak, her channel flooded with her moisture.

I felt the power entering me, from the girl and from the heavens as I fucked her with hard deep strokes. I felt the white power and the black held apart by the strong power. I knew what I must do. I had to use the strong power to hold these two in opposition until I needed them, like two poles of an electric circuit. The strong power was mine to control, the white and black would do my will. The black power, the power of change and destruction, would be seated in my breast and the white, the power of rebirth and healing, in my loins. When I needed it, I could bring them together, releasing them to do my bidding. The white and black had to stay in balance in me just as they had to stay in balance in the Universe. I absorbed more and more of the energy until I felt I would lose myself in the cascading power.

I knew I could take no more. I let my climax come. As I felt the first ejaculation I recited the joining incantation, finishing as the last of my cum burst from my cock and flooded the girl's pussy.

Normally, after a cum I would be wasted. This time I was filled with energy. I felt the pleasant lassitude that normally accompanied a climax but not the drained collapse. My muscles were jumping as if I had touched a live wire.

I looked at Caitlin, who had made this possible. She also glowed with energy, all of the Earth Father's energy having channeled through her. It was the white energy, the energy of renewal which channeled through the woman, and she was filled with it. She wouldn't know it but the power channeling through her body had transformed it. She would never suffer a disease of the generative organs, if she ever wanted to become pregnant she would find it simple and she would never suffer from 'women's problems.'

I withdrew my cock from her tight pussy. It had been an incredible experience, the best sex I had ever had and beyond anything I had thought possible.

I dressed. Caitlin lay on the Earth waiting, her visage suffused with pleasure. "Get dressed," I said. She stood and quickly dressed. Once done, I led her back out of the grove. I had trouble walking, having to manage this new feeling of power in my body. The powers had to be kept apart until I needed them.

Once back in the open part of the park I turned to Caitlin. Could I let this beautiful woman leave my life after what had just happened? Why not keep her with me? Again, the words of the book came to me. I could not keep her. She belonged to the Gods and they would decide her fate.

With regret I pronounced the release incantation. Her eyes closed. I walked away leaving her standing in the park. I looked back once, to see her hurrying away, probably wondering what she was doing in the park so late. She would think she had fallen asleep and awoke at this late hour. I would miss Caitlin.

Part II

"Master," I asked him the next day. "Do all spells require a virgin?"

"No, only the Great spells. The power spells can be done with any woman. No other spell requires a woman. It is the spells which generate a Wizard's power which require a woman. The way a wizard obtains his power is through intercourse with a woman. A virgin sacrifice brings more Power so the Great Spells require one. But you can obtain power anytime you have a woman. Taking her naked, touching the Earth in a sacred grove is better, but any joining brings power. That is why wizards in deserts must have sex so often. The absence of growing things brings less power. Of course, that isn't so bad either," he said smiling. "Once you have the power, then you can use it to perform many spells."

"Why did I need to make the girl forget? She looked so happy. I hated to wipe the beauty of what we shared from her mind," I said.

"The girl was happy, but she was happy under your spell. Once released, her mind would have recoiled from the slavery of your spell. She would have hated you and the experience. Do not worry. She will benefit even though it seems but a dream to her. She absorbed much of the energy as it channeled through her. And in the depths of her mind, she will remember the pleasure she experienced." He looked at me and asked, "Do you wish to experience it again?"

"Yes, Master. It was incredible," I said.

"Good, you should wish it so. But, I caution you, a wizard can be overwhelmed by too much power. It must be gathered judiciously as it used judiciously. Tell me, did you have trouble containing the energy from the night?"

"Yes, Master. I had trouble walking after. I had to concentrate on keeping the powers apart. Will it always be so?" I asked.

"No. You will learn until it comes without thought, as easily as breathing."

My mind was wandering this day. "Are there no female wizards?" I asked.

"The male and the female elements are very different. Women have a very different purpose in the world. In the Old Days there were many priestesses of the Druidic Rites. But they were not concerned with power or knowledge. From them, came creation and rejuvenation. Birth and life are the purposes of women."

"And witches?" I asked.

"Some," he said. "But their powers are very different. They cannot offer the virgin sacrifice to the Gods and so cannot perform the Great Spells."

"But their own virginity?" I suggested.

"The Great Spells require a man and woman and the power flows to the man. If a witch offered her own virginity to the Gods it would be the man who received the Power. Witches can only master some of the lesser spells and it has always been a thorn to them. They envy Wizards and their access to True Power. Witches should become a Priestess of the Rites and be satisfied with their roles, but they chafe at these strictures causing themselves to become unaligned with the world. This leads to evil."

"Can wizards marry?" I asked.

"Your mind is leaping today. There are no strictures about marriage. But consider, how many women would understand that her husband must from time to time take a virgin? And would they understand why you mutter incomprehensible words as you take her? Some wizards have married a Priestess of the Rites. Both do gain from this joining as the woman constantly acts as a channel of the white energy. In the ancient days all priestesses would mate with wizards before every rite gaining calm and vigor. Enough questions for today, young pup. Continue reading, you have much to learn," he said leaving me with my book.

Two days later he appeared and looked at the spells I was studying. "Those are good. But they are also Great Spells. I think you need to learn a small spell until you learn to master the acquisition of the Power." He flicked a finger at the book and it flipped to a page later in the book. "Yes, here is the spell for taking power from a non-virgin. You will only need the three incantations. The first to put her under your spell. This one, to call forth the powers from Earth and Heaven and the release spell to wipe her mind. You will notice this incantation does not call forth the Gods. Only the Great Spells require the assistance of the Gods. Now that you have undergone the first spell you can gather the Power directly. It will be lesser, though."

"Master, when will I become a wizard?" I asked him.

He laughed. "Did you expect a wall plaque? You are one. The joining in the sacred grove was your initiation. You have proved to be able to master the Power. Now, you need to become a wise and powerful wizard. Don't think you are ready to go and conquer the world. You stand on a precipice. Or maybe a better analogy is, you stand in two worlds. There is great danger until you learn control and defense. There are dark powers that wander between worlds. Now that you straddle the divide those dark forces can find you. Learn. The book has the answers."

Now I was worried. Dark forces? It sounded like something from a bad B movie. "But Master, if these forces can attack me, what should I do?"

"Exactly what I tell you. I have cast a spell of protection that shields you as long as you follow my directions. Don't worry young pup. Learn the incantation before you," he said smiling. He went back out to his store.

I pushed the worry from my mind and read the instructions. How to master the power in a joining with a woman. Whoa. I hadn't thought about what this meant. I was going to have to go out and find a woman to have sex with. I took to study with a smile and a light heart.

The next day my Master was satisfied with my mastery of the incantation, the new one as well as the two I had already used. "Good. You are ready. Now go and find a woman, not a virgin. Take her to the grove. You should experience the difference in joining with a woman. Any woman will do, but find one that excites you. Later, you will have greater control and can gather from any woman. Have fun," he said with a knowing smile.

I went to the park and wandered for a while. I couldn't find any woman that excited me. Then I remembered the Sight. I strained but it came. Now, all of the women had their own auras. It wasn't exactly like the first time. I didn't see the woman's first time. Instead, each woman had an aura of different hues; blue, green, copper, red. Then I saw her, her aura a golden halo round her. She was the one. I let go the sight. She was a tall brunette, moderately attractive. She had a nice shape, more womanly than little Caitlin.

She was jogging along the bike path. I waited for her to come close. As she passed, I caught her attention and caused her to stop running. She looked at me strangely, unsure why she had suddenly stopped. "Excuse me miss. I don't mean to interrupt your running." I had come face to face with her now and her attention was on me. I uttered the possession spell. Her eyes closed and she stood still.

"Open your eyes and come with me," I said. Her eyes opened and she smiled. I started off for the grove in the middle of the park. She strode confidently beside me. "What is your name?"

"Claudia," she answered.

I wasn't sure why I had asked her name. It just didn't seem correct to be leading a woman off to have sex and not even know her name. We walked on quietly. I watched Claudia for any sign of discomfort or stress. She simply smiled and walked on. I led her into my grove.

We were surrounded by the trees. "Take off you clothes," I commanded her. Without hesitation, Claudia quickly disrobed. She was standing next to a tree as I studied her. She had full womanly hips, a narrow waist, and full firm breasts. She was looking away, waiting.


The spell did not require night to work so I commanded her to lie on the earth. I stripped off my clothes and lay with her. I put my hand on her and found she was already hot and wet with desire, her hips hunched against my hand. I bent down and took a nipple between my lips, caressing and teasing it, rolling it with my lips as my tongue flicked against it. She moaned her pleasure.

My finger sank into her wet depths. Her pussy clasped at the invader, trying to pull it deeper. She was ready. I lay between her legs and rubbed my cock over her pussy wetting it. Her face was a mask of lust and need. As I entered her I uttered the incantation. I felt the power entering me from above and from below. The girl's eyes closed as the flood of power channeled through her to me. Her pussy was alive, rippling and caressing my cock as she was flooded with her desire. I fucked her with hard deep strokes banging against her harder and harder. She pushed back just as ferverently.

This time the power was easier to manage and didn't come close to overwhelming me. The dark power I held in my breast. I channeled the white to my loins, making my erection swell in her pussy filling her completely. I felt my climax approach. I fucked her wildly and yet controlled. It came, I blasted my cum into her filling her pussy to overflowing as she also reached the peak, her hands wildly twisting in the soft grass gathering the last of the energy from the Grove.

Again, I was tingling from the joining with a woman. I felt refreshed and full of energy. I withdrew and stood, aligned with the power of the woods, the earth and sky. I felt the life surrounding me and knew that I could make it do my bidding.

The woman was suffused with energy as well, the energy of creation which is a woman's proper domain. "Dress," I told her.

Her eyes fluttered open. "Oh God," she said.

"No, it wasn't the Gods this time," I said, knowing she would never be able to recall the conversation. But she would be suffused with the power and the faint remembrance of the pleasure.

I pulled on my own clothes as she dressed. I led her back to the running track in the park. "Perhaps you should finish your run," I told her. Then I said the release incantation. Her eyes closed for a moment as I turned and walked away.

After a moment, she turned and began running just as she had been before. She ran with ease and a feline grace. I smiled.

Part III

And so my training continued. Thrice more I took a virgin into the grove and completed one of the Great Spells to gain even more Power and control. I also learned the ways of many women and how much power I could gather from different women.

"You are ready to seek your own path," he said one day.

"Master?" I asked suddenly afraid of being on my own.

"It is time. Each wizard must seek his own way to wisdom. The book will continue to guide you, but now is the time for you to seek your own way to that wisdom. You have learned all of the Great Spells but one. The spell of the Earth." He held out his hand and his book slid of the shelf and flew to him. "It will give you mastery of the things of the Earth. Making a book fly through the air is a parlor trick. This spell will give you great control of the things around you." He motioned at my book and the pages flew open. "Read and learn." He turned to leave the room.

"But Master. You said I needed the protection spell," I said alarmed.

He turned back laughing. "Tell me pup, what would you do if something came at you with harmful intent?"

I thought for a moment. "I would take the dark energy and reinforce it with the white and I would hurl it."

"And how much energy do you think you have?"

"Much, Master."

"Enough to knock down this building?"

"Yes, much more than that" I said.

"Yes," he said. "Much more than that. And the dark things that crawl in the night will see that as well. They will sense your confidence and your power. They will flee as all evil flees before the just and the powerful. You see, you have nothing to fear anymore from the Dark. Now, study the spell of the Earth." He left me.

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