Modern Day Pirates - Cover

Modern Day Pirates

by JAX

Copyright© 2003 by JAX

Erotica Sex Story: My two brothers and I sat at the roadside cafe watching the world go by, but always we were looking out for our next victims. My youngest brother Tim nudged my arm and pointed with his head to a family group walking down towards the marina carrying boxes of supplies

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Snuff   .

My two brothers and I sat at the roadside café watching the world go by, but always we were looking out for our next victims. My youngest brother Tim nudged my arm and pointed with his head to a family group walking down towards the marina carrying boxes of supplies.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"Yeah, nice looking girls all right," I replied. In truth mum and her two teenage daughters were more than all right.

"Let's see what sort of boat they got shall we," I said.

We downed our beers and followed them at a distance, to the visitor's area, right at the end of the pontoon; they all boarded a large Motor Cruiser. Looking at its hull design, I could tell it was built for comfort and not for speed.

"What do you think?" Trev my other brother said.

"I think we may be in business," I smiled at them, "is everything ready?"

"Sure," said Trev, "boats fuelled up and ready to go."

"Ok, lets see if they leave today or not," I said.

We sat down near a fisherman and we chatted to him, just glancing over to our victim's cruiser every now and again. After an hour the husband/father came on deck and cast off his lines; our queue to leave. The three of us walked down to the fishing fleet Warf, only stopping at the Harbour Master's office to inform him we were off for a few days fishing.

"There're going west," said Trev.

"Ok switch on the radar," I said, "we'll track them and see where they go, ok."

The radar was Tim's baby, so I let him plot our target vessel for a number of hours.

"We're in luck," said Tim with a huge smile, they've moored up at Blue cove.

"Silly buggers," said Trev, "no one moors there, not with a south westerly blowing; be a rough night if the wind picks up."

"It'll be a rough night for them whatever the wind does," chuckled Tim.

"Ok guys, this is our chance," I said, "how's the radar looking?"

"No problems," replied Tim, "no one within ten miles, and then just a few commercials."

"Good, ok Trev change course to Blue Cove," I said.

"How's the radar now?" I asked Tim, for we were closing on our prey.

"Still ok," replied Tim, "if anything, there's even less about now." Well it has been dark now for a couple of hours.

"There," pointed Trev, "I can see their mooring light." I cut back on power just leaving me enough way to steer.

There was a light surface mist, which also helped us to approach unseen. Trev was on the fore deck with a boat hook, while Tim held the twelve bore. The two boats met with a slight bump.

"What was that?" a woman's voice said. I cut engines and both Tim and me boarded.

"Who's there?" a man's voice called out, with a hint of panic. As he emerged from the cabin, Tim used the butt of the shotgun and he fell unconscious.

"Make him secure," I told Trev, who had now joined us after tieing the two boats together.

"Right oh," said Trev, using cable ties he secured both of his hands and feet.

"Who are you," wailed the frighten wife/mother, her two daughters hiding behind her, who were just on the edge of hysteria themselves.

"Lets all sit down, shall we," I said calmly "and no one will get hurt."

"What have you done with Jason?" she wailed, "my husband."

"He's fine," I smiled, "he'll have a headache later that's all. Ok now girls, we're here for your valuables, money, watches that sort of thing and then we'll go."

"Please we haven't got much," she said "just take it and leave us alone."

"Fine," I said, "First we'll escort you all to our boat, while we search, ok. Guys take them aboard and secure them, and guys be perfect gentlemen, ok." My words seemed to have a calming effect on them, but saying something does mean you going to do it; we had other plans for our little trio.

Ok guys, lets strip this fucker and see what they've got," I said with a big smile. For the next hour we stripped out everything of value, VHF radio, radar, money, even food and drink. I don't remember the last time I bought a bottle of booze. We transferred everything to our boat, now all we had to do was dispose of our family and their boat. There was a time, we would've used their boat to carry drugs, but the Coast Guard are becoming more and more vigilant and the chances of being searched was high.

"Oh guys," I said, "there's three of them and three of us, take you pick "Yeah, I'll take this one," said Tim, pointing at obviously the youngest daughter, Tim had a thing about young girls.

"If it's all right with you brother," said Trev, "I'll take the other daughter."

"Fine by me," I said." I didn't mind which one was left, for I knew I would get a go at them all in the end; cries of pure terror echoed throughout the boat.

"No please," cried the wife/mother, "leave my girls alone, use me if you must, but don't touch them, please."

Fat chance love, I thought. My brothers dragged off the two daughters, leaving me alone with the wife/mother.

"Oh no please," she wailed. Her eyes went even bigger when I drew out my fishing filleting knife.

"Oh no," she screamed, but I just cut through the cable tie holding her legs together; as soon I had done so she lashed out at me.

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