Mrs. Field's Cookies - Cover

Mrs. Field's Cookies

by Couture

Copyright© 2003 by Couture

Erotica Sex Story: Kristie does whatever it takes to keep up the morale of her employees.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Reluctant   Lesbian   FemaleDom   Humiliation   .

© 2002 Couture

Sharon didn't care very much for her new supervisor, nor, did most of her co-workers. It wasn't as if any of them held any great love for their former supervisor either, but at least Mrs. Feldman had been tough enough and canny enough that they didn't mind thinking of her as their boss. However, the new supervisor, Kristie was fresh out of college and green as spring wood. To make matters worse, Sharon had put in for the job and didn't get it. As a result, Sharon was taking particular relish in making Kristie's job difficult just on general principle. And it was Sharon who was instigating the latest caper to get Kristie fired before the young graduate even had a chance to get settled in.

"I don't know about this Sharon," Gwen said, taking a drag on her cigarette, exhaling and then flicking off the ashes. "I mean, not only is the newbie gonna look bad, we're gonna look bad."

Sharon shook her head and grinned slyly. She had gathered her flock of saleswomen outside the back of the building, where they went to smoke during lunch. She didn't gather everyone, just the ones that mattered: the successful ones. There were eight of them all together.

"No, Gwen," she said. "That's the beauty of it. We all had great sales when Mrs. Feldman was here. Now, when Sales go down and the only thing that has changed is the supervisor, then you can bet your bottom dollar they're gonna get rid of the new supervisor." She took a drag on her cigarette and blew the smoke out through her nose. "As long as we all stick together."

"Come on Sharon," Doris said. She was the motherly one and a little on the chubby side. She wasn't aggressive, but she was so nice and had a Mrs. Cleaver way about her that people couldn't hang up on. It worked for her. "She's a nice girl. Let's just give her a chance."

"She's embarrassing, is what she is," Sharon said. "Come on, are you with me?"

One after the other, they all answered yes.

Two weeks later, Doris was called to Kristie's office. Thirty minutes later she returned and sat down next to Sharon.

"What did she want?" asked Sharon.

"She just wanted to talk about things. She's really upset about how the sales have gone down. She asked if there was anything she was doing wrong or what she could do to help." Doris shook her head and she had that sad motherly look in her eye again.

"Dear God," Sharon said, knowing Doris had fallen for the new girl's pathetic plea. "What did you tell her?"

"Nothing..." Doris mumbled, and then finally caved in. "Well I had to tell her something. She gave me the poor puppy dog look. I told her that the other day when Janice rang the bell nothing happened. Our old boss would have given her cookies."

The bell was the brainchild of Mrs. Feldman. Whenever one of the reps sold a thousand contracts, they would run up and ring a bell enthusiastically. Mrs. Feldman would take the rep into her office and give them a home-made cookie. Stupid really, but the reps got into it and the cookies were damned good. Besides, They most of the fun was in teasing the other girls about how good the cookie was.

Sharon knew she had to do something fast before Kristie started to do something on her own to motivate the other women. The girl had already gotten to Doris.

It was then that Sharon had an idea that was so devious it surprised even her. There was no way she could tell the other girls about it. They would never go along... Not in a million years.

That afternoon, as they were getting ready to leave the office, Kristie rang the bell. "Ladies," she said. "Tomorrow, I want to hear this bell ring."

By that time Sharon had sold two hundred contracts already. She only had a fifty more to go.

'Oh don't you worry little Kristie,' she thought to herself. 'I'll definitely be ringing your bell tomorrow.

Sharon sold the fifty contracts before 9:30. She walked proudly to the front and rang the bell. Heads peeked over the cubicle walls. Doris smiled and looked relieved. The rest other seven reps conspiring against the new boss looked betrayed.

Kristie quickly rushed from her office grinning from ear to ear. The bell had rung. Her urging the day before was successful. This leadership thing wasn't so hard after all.

"Yea! Come in - come in to the office Sharon," she said, urging Sharon into the office.

Sharon sat, while Kristie twittered around like a nervous school girl.

"Here Sharon," Kristie said, opening a box of homemade cookies. "I didn't know what kind to make or how many Mrs. Feldman used to give, so I made all kinds. Take as many as you want."

Sharon peered past her nose, down at the proffered cookies and made a wry face. Kristie's heart was pounding from excitement, but now her face began burning from embarrassment. She had done something else wrong, otherwise Sharon would have taken a cookie. Kristie was certain, she was most assuredly going to get fired and with her student loans, she was going to have to go live back at home with her parents to get by. Tears welled in her eyes.

Sharon looked at the young girl's hurt expression and almost burst out laughing, but she managed to hold her cynical expression. What a newbie! The girl was pathetic. "You're not going to cry are you?" she asked sarcastically.

Kristie blinked back her tears. "This isn't right is it? God, how am I ever going to do this job?"

Sharon picked up a cookie and nibbled at it. Good, but not as good as Mrs. Feldman's. "Poor thing," she consoled. "It's a sweet thing to do I guess, but you must have misunderstood about Mrs. Feldman. She didn't bake us cookies. She... well, she tossed our cookies."

"I don't understand," Kristie said, wiping away her tears.

Sharon made 'V' with her finger, put it to her mouth and flicked her tongue up and down luridly.

Kristie's face registered shock. "Oh my!" was all she could say. They never mentioned anything like this in college - NEVER.

Sharon struggled to contain her laughter. "Surely you girls did things like that to the new pledges in your sorority?"

"I wasn't in a sorority," Kristie replied meekly.

"Oh Dear," Sharon said. "I'm sure human resources wouldn't have hired you fresh out of college with no experience at all. Maybe I should call them?" She reached for the phone. It wouldn't be long now before Kristie ran from her office never to be seen again. And then, well Sharon was sure HR would make certain to hire someone with a little more experience next time. Maybe that someone would be her.

But Kristie caught Sharon's hand with her own. "Wait," she whispered. "I really don't know how to do this."

Sharon couldn't believe it. Not only had Kristie bought it, she was falling to her knees.

"Wait. Get up." Sharon exclaimed. This wasn't supposed to happen. She had never expected the girl to actually go through with it.

"What's wrong?" Kristie asked. Had she messed up again? This was all so confusing and terrible embarrassing.

Sharon pondered how to tell the poor girl it was all a joke. 'God, what had ever possessed me to do this?' she wondered. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it didn't seem like such a good idea now. She didn't want to get fired. Nor did she want to admit to her cruel joke. And then there was also the fact that her cunny was... well, it was wet - hot at the thought of what her boss was willing to do.

"Nothing dear," Sharon said, coming up with a new plan. Yes, she would push the girl until she caved. "It's just that you don't want to wrinkle your clothes do you?"

"No," Kristie said, fingering the button of her blouse.

"Then take them off."

Sharon locked the door to the office while the younger girl disrobed down to a silky pair of panties and bra.

"All of them," Sharon said.

"Why?" Kristie asked. She was more than a little hesitant. For one reason, she had always been shy of the small size of her breasts. For another, she could feel herself growing wet.

"Never mind." Sharon got up and went to unlock the door. She had no intention of leaving, but she knew the young girl wouldn't want to be exposed to the office when the door was opened.

And she was proved correct.


Kristie turned her back to Sharon, slipped the straps of her bra off of her shoulders, unhooked it, and set it carefully down. A little too carefully. Then she stepped out her panties. When she turned back around, and arm covered her breasts and a hand covered her crotch. She was blushing from head to toe.

"Such a shy girl," Sharon said, grinning slyly. "Go on girl. Put your hands to your sides. I'm sure you have nothing to be shy about at your age."

Kristie reluctantly lowered her arms to her sides.

Sharon's attention was immediately drawn to the girl's breasts. The girl really had nothing more than plump hardened nipples atop very small mounds. Sharon went over and opened the cups of the bra, while Kristie prayed to God for a place to hide.

Sharon cackled as she picked a wad a tissue from on of the cups. Little Miss Perfect wasn't quite so perfect. "My God," she exclaimed. "You stuff your bra. Not that I can say that I blame you."

Kristie wanted to crawl under the table. She knew she was the supervisor and that she shouldn't have to listen to any derogatory comments like this from her subordinates, but, Sharon no longer seemed like a subordinate. Not with her superior attitude and being that she was fully clothed, while Kristie's slim body was naked and covered with tiny chill bumps.

Sharon handed Kristie the balled up tissues. "Here honey, you need this."

The younger woman took the tissue and looked at it dumbly.

Sharon pointed down to the girl's crotch. "You're leaking sweetie," she said with a smirk.

Poor Kristie didn't know quite what was happening inside of her body. She understood the embarrassment. Heck, she didn't like changing clothes in the gym and she was much too shy to shower until she got home, yet here she was - at work - naked - with an older woman - a subordinate - walking around her and inspecting her like a piece of meat. Kristie was mortified, and she expected to be. But what she didn't expect were these other feelings running through her body -- these feelings of arousal and... submission.

Sharon grinned and watched carefully as her young supervisor dabbed the dew from her brown wiry pubic hair. Kristie bit her lip to keep from moaning.

"You really should shave that patch of hair down there as soon as possible" Sharon said.

"Why?" asked the younger woman.

"For one, everyone will wonder whether you're really a blonde or not," Sharon said. "Well, except for me, cause I already know the truth."

Sharon stepped behind her supervisor and placed her hands on the young woman's hips, while Kristie trembled in her grasp. "And the main reason is that if the other women see you are getting excited by what you are doing, then they may try to take advantage of you. Maybe they'll expect you to toss their cookies every three hundred contracts. Maybe they'll expect it just for coming in for the day. And we wouldn't want that, now would we?"

Kristie could feel the moisture running down her thigh. What was wrong with her? Why was her body betraying her and why did it turn her on so much to her subordinate whispering such dirty things in her ear.

"No," Kristie meekly replied.

"But I already know the truth, though, don't I?" Sharon whispered.

"Yes." It felt the older woman's lips were on Kristie's earlobe and the whispers - the whispers made bolts of pleasure shoot inside her sex.

"I bet I could make you toss my cookies anytime I wanted, couldn't I?"

Kristie couldn't deny it. This was the reason why she tried to stay away from people like this. This was the reason she went to meet new people at the singles club at church. People there would never take advantage of her or make her do dirty things.

"Couldn't I, Cookie?" Sharon said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am," Kristie replied. Only vaguely realizing she had just called her subordinate ma'am and that her subordinate had called her Cookie.

"I know I could," Sharon said knowingly, grabbing Kristie by the shoulders and turning the girl around. "Are you ready to get started Cookie? I know I am." It wasn't a game anymore to Sharon. She was turned on and she wanted this young girl - this college graduate between her knees.

"I'm scared, ma'am," Kristie whined. "I don't know what to do."

"There's nothing to be afraid of dear girl," Sharon said, as she leaned back against the desk and grinned slyly. "You just follow instructions, and you'll be as good as Mrs. Feldman in no time."

Sharon was lying to Kristie of course, and even if the younger woman suspected as much, it was far too late for hesitation now that she was naked. Sharon pushed down on her supervisor's shoulders. "It's time dear," she said.

"I don't think I can do this," Kristie murmured as she went down to her knees.

"Sure, you can," Sharon said. "We'll do this nice and slow, okay?"

"Okay," Kristie said, thankful for the older woman's consideration, but consideration had little to do with it. Sharon looked forward to taking her time - the longer she drew it out, the wetter she became.

"Now Princess, I want you to take the hem of my skirt and raise it to my hips, okay?"

Kristie obeyed with trembling fingers. She looked back up at Sharon with wide blue eyes.

"Now move your pretty little head in there," Sharon said, before urging impatiently. "Go on girl, I'm not gonna bite."

The kneeling woman moved her head closer, so that her face was only inches from Sharon's pantyhose covered crotch.

"That's it, Princess," Sharon cooed. "Here let's let this skirt back down so that it doesn't wrinkle." Sharon removed the hem of the skirt from Kristie's grasp and draped it down over the girl's head and shoulder's, trapping her there beneath the skirt.

"Can you smell me Cookie?" Sharon asked.

"Yes," came the muffled reply from beneath Sharon's skirt. The air was heavy and hot beneath the skirt and the smell of musk was overwhelming.

"Do you like the smell of momma's sexy perfume?"

Naked and dripping wet, Kristie wanted nothing more than to grab Sharon's leg and squeeze it between her thighs. This was not like anything she had ever imagined. Her mother had discussed the birds and the bees with her when she was sixteen. She was told about waiting until she was married and having respect for her body and about how boys would try to get her pregnant and keep her from pursuing a career. But Momma never mentioned about women getting together with one another. And Momma never said one word about what to do in this situation.

Kristie didn't know what to say. She knew she wasn't supposed to like the musky smell that overwhelmed her senses. Yet, she also didn't want to offend Sharon. Worse, Sharon had also called herself momma. Either way she answered, she knew she was relinquishing her role as manager to this very pushy woman.

A plaintive whine sounded from beneath Sharon's skirt. Sharon knew without a doubt, this young woman was hers now.

"Okay Princess, now press your mouth against momma's pussy and let her feel your hot breath as you kiss her." Sharon shifted her weight on the desk, getting comfortable as she enjoyed her boss's administrations. She reached back and picked up a cookie, double chocolate. She took a bite, closed her eyes and sighed, before tossing it back into the box.

"You've made momma wet now Princess." Sharon rocked her hips, grinding against the young woman's mouth. "Nice and wet. Are you ready to kiss it for real?"

There was no answer, but the caresses beneath her skirt grew more insistent.

"Take your time Princess, Momma's got all day." Sharon picked up another cookie, sugar this time, with green sprinkles. She took a bite and put it back in the box. "Just reach up and pull momma's panties and hose down when you're ready."

Kristie's hands reached up and caressed the older woman's ample ass of their own volition. 'What's happening to me?' she wondered. She knew this was wrong. Worse, Sharon kept calling herself momma, which made forbidden images of her real mother pop into her head at the most inopportune time. It should have turned her off, she was sure of it, but instead they made her even hotter. She pulled Sharon's hose and panties down to her ankles at the same time. She went to kiss the woman's sex, only to be stopped at the last moment.

"Wait," Sharon said, raising her skirt to her hips. "Momma wants to see you with your first mouth full of cunt you little queer."

Kristie looked up pleadingly. "Please, ma'am, why do you keep saying such horrible things to me?" she asked. Her knuckles turned white as she ran her hands along her lean thighs.

Sharon ran her fingers through Kristie's short blonde locks. "It's just sex talk Princess. People say dirty things when they get turned on. Everyone does it. It's a compliment... really."

Sharon's grip tightened on Kristie's hair. She forcefully pushed Kristie's face to her crotch. "Now eat me you queer little cunt licker!"

Kristie opened her mouth to say, "But" or maybe it was "Wait", but whatever it was, she never got a chance to utter it. Instead, her open mouth was filled with Sharon's very wet sex. She tried unsuccessfully to pull away, but Sharon held her fast by the ears. Poor Kristie didn't know what to do. How had she ever managed to get in the fix? She had no idea of how to get out of it, so she just knelt there and passively kept let her mouth be used as some sort of masturbation device.

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