School Daze - Cover

School Daze

by Maquido

Copyright© 2002 by Maquido

Erotica Sex Story: School teacher makes a mistake and pays a humiliating price, but alls well that ends well.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Coercion   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   .

Helen Thomas was as mad as hell. Helen was the coach of the cheerleader squad and she had just caught two of her girls sneaking back to their hotel room with a bottle of wine. The squad was at the state playoff game with the team and it had been a special privilege to get to go on an overnight trip. And now, Lisa and Susan, two juniors on the team had snuck out and bought some wine. They could ruin it for everybody. Helen was so mad she needed time to think. She left the two girls in her room while she checked the halls. Helen was supposed to immediately kick them off the squad. They would be suspended from school and barred from the squad forever.

"Damn," she said to herself. Helen liked the girls and did not really want to get them kicked off the squad but the rules were staunch. She could get in trouble for not reporting them to administration. Helen knew she had to make a strong impression on the both of them.

The girls were crying when Helen got back to her room. They both started trying to talk at once. "Miss Thomas..."

"Shut up, both of you. You know the rules. I am suppose to call your parents right now and have you removed from the squad." The girls started crying even harder.

"We're sorry. Miss Thomas, we'll do anything... it will never happen again." Lisa could barely talk she was trying so hard not to cry.

"Sorry is not enough. I have to punish you. Now, I am willing to punish you and not mention the incident but, if I do, you have to take my punishment and you can never mention it to anyone, and I mean anyone, do you understand."

The girls looked at each other and Lisa said, "Anything Ms. Thomas, just don't kick us out."

"How about you Susan?"

"Yes, Ma'am. Anything to stay on the squad."

"Okay, here's the deal, and you both take it or neither of you do. I spank you. And I spank you hard, with a belt. If either of you ever tells anybody, you're off the squad and you're suspended from school. I'll give you about ten minutes to think about it while I make another floor check."

After she left, Lisa immediately picked up the phone and called Carol, a senior and the head cheerleader. They were going to share the wine with her. Lisa hurriedly explained what was happening and asked what they should do.

"You had better do whatever she says. But I have an idea. I can't get you out trouble but I can make the future better. Have you got your purse?"


"I'll be right there."

"Whatever you do, don't get caught."

Carol knocked on the coach's door. Lisa answered. Carol gave her a cassette recorder, turned it on to record and told her to put it in her purse and try to have her purse so it would record whatever happened. Then, Carol quickly made her way back to her own room.

Helen Thomas returned to her room with a belt she had borrowed from the football coach. She had briefly explained to him what she was doing. "Lisa, you're first."

Lisa stood up. She already had tears streaming down her face. "What do you want me to do?"

"Pull down your pants, bend over with your hands on the dresser."

"Pull... pull down my pants?"

"That or let's call your parents."

Lisa unbuckled her jeans, lowered the zipper and pushed her pants to her knees. She was wearing thin, nylon panties that offered no protection to what was coming. She bent over the dresser and bit her lip, determined not to cry. The first lick was hard. It hurt so bad she gasped and started crying freely. She jumped when the second hit her and her jeans fell to her ankles. Helen hit her three more times before telling her to pull up her pants and go back to her room. The red marks on her bottom were clearly visible through the thin panties. She left the room sobbing.

"Your turn Susan. Drop your pants and bend over."

"Ms. Thomas, I... I don't have on any underwear."

"Tough, do it or let's go call your parents."

Susan was crying as she unfastened her pants and pushed them to her knees. She bent over the dresser and took the spanking on her bare bottom. She left and made her way, crying, back to her and Lisa's room, carrying Lisa's purse.

They called Carol. She came and got the recorder.

Carol knew she had all she needed the moment she heard Ms. Thomas tell the girls they would have to pull down their pants. Giving licks may have been okay, but having the girls pull down their pants was not okay. That was absolutely against the rules. She flinched when she heard the sound of the belt hitting Lisa. And Susan wasn't wearing underwear!? Ms. Thomas made a bad mistake by hitting her on her bare ass. Carol thought she could probably be fired for that. Carol knew she would have to carefully consider how to make use of the tape. One thing she would have to do would be to exact some revenge. She thought the girl's humiliating punishment far outweighed their crime.

Later, in bed, Carol was still thinking about what had happened. She imagined how terrible it would be to have to bend over without any pants on, but... it was sort of exciting, too. She started to think about being made to bend over naked, it was kind of sexy. But, in her fantasy, she imagined being punished by the football coach instead of Ms. Thomas. She imagined herself in his dimly lit hotel room and the coach telling her that he was sorry, but she would have to remove her clothes. Carol began to get a wet.

She kicked her covers off. Imagining that the coach was watching, she pulled her nightshirt up over her bottom. The cool air of the room stimulated her as it washed across her naked bottom. Her hand moved and began to rub between her legs. In her fantasy she was made to kneel with her ass raised high to the coach's view. On her bed she kneeled and raised her bottom. Her nipples rubbed back and forth against the sheets causing an electric flash to jump from her breasts to her crotch. She imagined being watched and she spread her legs so her imaginary viewer could see everything. With her hands she spread open the cheeks of her ass. She rose up and looked back into the mirror. If he were there, he would see her pussy and her anus. She started rubbing herself harder, spreading the wetness from her pussy to her clit. She came in a shuttering climax that left her breathless.

The team won their game and Helen said nothing more to Lisa and Susan. Everything got back to normal - for two weeks. And then, the team had another out of town game and the cheerleader squad got to go and spend the night. Before they left, Helen gave the squad another lecture on how they were to behave. Lisa and Susan would not look at her. But Carol did, with a smile.

At their hotel the girls were leaving their travel van when Carol stopped Helen. "Ms. Thomas, I need to talk to you about something in private. Can I come to your room?"

"Of course."

Helen opened her door to Carol's knock. "What is it Carol?"

"I don't think your punishment of Lisa and Susan was fair."

Helen's heart started beating faster. The more she had thought about it, the more she regretted the punishment she had dished out. Her entire career would be jeopardized if anyone found out, and someone had.

"Its none of your business Carol."

"Well, I am the head cheerleader and a senior. I don't think that the humiliation you put them through was appropriate."

"Appropriate? I let them stay on the squad. And it is none of your business."

"What would happen if the school board or their parents found out you spanked their bare asses."

"I don't know what they told you but..."

"I have a cassette tape."

Helen sank to the bed. She knew she was in a lot of trouble. "What are you going to do?"

"I've been thinking about that. I don't really want to get you fired, but it pisses me off that teachers think they can get away with that kind of stuff."

"I repeat, what are you going to do?"

"What do you think I should do?"

"I'll apologize to them."

"No. You did what you did. An apology is not enough."

"Carol, what are you after. I wanted to leave them on the team, but I had to teach them a lesson."

"I guess that's my idea, I don't want to get you fired, but I think I need to teach you a lesson."

"What are you saying?"

"Do you agree that what you did was wrong? I agree they needed to be punished and I agree that kicking them off the squad would have been too harsh. But, don't you think you went a little far?"

"Yes. If it helps, I agree, I was mad and used bad judgment."

"They used bad judgment and were punished. You used bad judgment and you should be punished."

"What do you mean? I hope you're not going to use bad judgment."

"Well, do you want me to tell what I know?"

"Of course not."

"Okay, here's the deal, I've decided on a punishment for you that I have decided is fair. I'll tell you what it is and just like Lisa and Susan you have one choice, you accept it or I send the tape to the principal."

Helen was scared. She did not say a word.

"I think your punishment should fit the wrong."

"What are you suggesting."

"You get a spanking with a belt on your bare skin."

Helen blushed red. "You can't..."

"Now you know a little how they felt, only they were powerless against you. Let me finish telling you my idea and then its your decision, you accept or I tell. You'll get in more trouble than anybody else. I'll even give you time to think about it."

Helen had nothing to say.

"Okay, like I said, you get a spanking, four licks with a belt on your bare bottom. Now, the part you might really not like is that you'll have to be naked and be blindfolded. And a boy will do the spanking. I don't think I could hit you hard enough. I think that will be the only way you'll feel the humiliation the girls felt. I promise he won't tell anybody and even if he does, I promise you I'll deny anything he says. Nobody else will know, not even Lisa and Susan." Helen sat in numb silence, her world dangerously close to destruction. "Now Ms. Thomas, that's the way its going to be, like it or not. You tell me sometime before dinner if you agree."

Helen knew she was in a lot of trouble and she could think of no way out. She even thought about quitting her job, but if she did, and if she read Carol correctly, she would probably not be able to get another teaching job. This job was her first and she had only had it a couple of years. It was not until she was driving the girls to dinner that she realized she really had no choice. She stopped Carol as she got off the van.

"Yes ma'am?"


"Okay what?"

"I agree."

"Come to my room at midnight."

"Please, I am begging you to do something different."


"Then please, I am begging you to be careful."

"Don't worry Ms. Thomas, no one will find out, I promise."

At midnight she knocked on Carol's door. Carol opened the door.

"Come in."

Helen stood quietly, red faced, her mind jumbled. She was crazy to do what she had done, and now, some high school boy would see her bare assed. And hopefully, she would never know who he was.

"He will be here in a minute."

"What do I do?"

"Put on this blindfold. It's for your protection as much as it is for him. And I think for my protection, you better let me supplement my tape by telling me what's going to happen tonight and why."

Helen's legs were trembling with fear. She put on the blindfold.

"Okay, tell me what is going to happen and why."

"Two weeks ago I made a terrible mistake, I spanked two of the cheerleaders for trying to sneak some wine into their room. I made them pull down their pants. You found out and decided to punish me. I have agreed to take off my clothes and be spanked with a belt. A boy will do the spanking. I will be blindfolded."

There was a knock at the door. Carol had explained to Tim, her ex-boyfriend, what her plan was and he had agreed to participate. He had not been able to think straight all day imagining what he was going to do. Ms. Thomas was beautiful and he was going to get to see her naked. He was a little uncomfortable about hitting her and had decided to not spank her very hard. Carol let him in the room.

"Okay Ms. Thomas, he's here."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Stand over here." Carol led her to a spot in front of the dresser. "Take off your clothes."

Helen was almost nauseous with anxiety. She hesitated just a moment, realized her only hope was to continue, and started to undo the buttons on her blouse. Tim could not take his eyes off of her. Carol, remembering her fantasy, wished it was her that was being made to strip. Carol noticed Tim's erection and reached over and gave it a squeeze.

Helen slipped her blouse off and hesitated only a moment before she reached behind and undid her bra. Her breasts were firm and not too large. Tim thought they were perfect. Helen was surprised at a sudden feeling of sexiness. She was getting excited at what was happening. Tim and Carol both noticed Helen's nipples swelling.

Helen unsnapped her jeans and pulled the zipper down. Tim rubbed his erection. As Helen pushed her jeans down, Carol reached over and undid Tim's pants. Helen felt behind her, found the dresser and leaned against it as she raised one leg to pull off her jeans. Tim helped Carol pull his cock free. It rose up and twitched as Carol's cool hand wrapped around it. Helen finished taking off her pants and tossed them aside. Her panties were white nylon. Tim focused on the shadow of pubic hair clearly visible at her crotch. Carol was slowly stroking his cock.

Helen felt hollowness in her belly that signaled an increase in her excitement. She was getting turned on. She took a breath and pushed her panties down. Tim squeezed Carol's crotch through her pants. Carol was turned on like never before.

The dark cleft of Helen's sex was visible despite her efforts to keep her legs together. She could smell her own excitement and hoped that it was not noticeable to anyone else. But it was, and Carol had an idea.

"You're getting turned on aren't you Ms. Thomas. I can tell."

"Just get this over with."

"Would you like to skip the spanking." She was still lightly stroking Tim's cock.

"You know I would."

"I have an idea. He and I are kind of turned on too. I've been jacking him off."

Helen felt an immediate shortness of breath and a flash of horniness. Some boy was seeing her naked and jacking off.

"What's your idea?"

"Something we can do instead of spanking you."

"I cannot let him have sex with me."

"No ma'am, I wouldn't ask you to do that. But I'm getting excited too, just like you and just like him. Let him and me get off while he looks at you and I watch him and we'll skip the spanking. Your decision."

"Go ahead and look."

"You have to pose for us."

Helen knew that a blush was spreading across her chest. It always did when she got this turned on.

"What do you want me to do?"

"You can start by turning around and letting him see your rear."

Helen paused just a second before turning to face the dresser. This had already gone so far that she might as well try to escape without the added pain of a whipping.

"Spread your legs and bend over." Carol unzipped her own pants so Tim could get his hand inside her panties. She spread her legs slightly and bent her knees as his hand slid under her panties and curved to cup her pussy. With one hand she held his shoulder to keep her balance as one of his fingers dipped into her pussy.

Helen bent over. She knew that the kids could see that she was wet, but it didn't really matter.

Carol remembered her fantasy and how she had imagined being completely exposed to her imaginary viewer.

"Reach back and spread your cheeks."

Carol complied, pulling the firm flesh of her bottom apart, exposing everything to Carol and the unseen boy. Helen thought she could feel the lips of her sex swell with a rush of blood. The dresser top stimulated her nipples as she bent over, on view for the masturbating couple behind her.

"You're wet aren't you, Ms. Thomas."


"Show us."

Helen moved one hand around and up through her legs. She rubbed the entrance to her pussy and felt the wetness there. Her knees grew weak. She used two fingers of her other hand to part the lips of her sex and she pushed a finger inside herself. She withdrew it, covered with her slick, sticky secretions. She rubbed her fingers together. The feel of her lubrication and the knowledge of what the kids could see aroused her even more.

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