Chad's Hand Job - Cover

Chad's Hand Job

by Hecate

Copyright© 2001 by Hecate

Erotica Sex Story: This was written around the time of the American Presidential Election. I was trying to poke some fun at what was happening, whilst writing a fun story at the same time. Chad is your normal football obsessed American teenager. He is also in lust with Mimi. What he or she does about it is what this story tells you.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Humor   Masturbation   .

Copyright Notice: Copyright Hecate 2001©
This story may be downloaded for personal use. It may not be reposted without permission. Placing on a website other than one which is entirely free is forbidden. The story may be placed on an entirely free website subject to the author's agreement. The author's rights pursuant to the Berne Convention shall in no way be abrogated by any permissions given, or by any unauthorised publication.

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Chad was fifteen and horny, like all boys that age. His dimpled face was cute, as long as you didn't look too hard for the acne. His primary recreation was watching, playing, discussing or otherwise doing anything concerned with football. He was built like a Quarterback, but unfortunately had the brains of a linebacker. But he tried. He found that he could run fast, and played wide receiver for his school team, despite his lack of hand eye co-ordination. But, boy, when he did catch the ball, no one could keep up with him.

His second choice recreation was thinking about girls. Any girls. In fact, whenever he wasn't thinking about football, Chad was thinking about girls. And reading about them. And looking at the pictures in the magazines his father thought he'd hidden from sight. And, of course, jacking off to them. Frequently. Almost as frequently as his other passion. (It would have been more frequently, but he preferred not to on a Friday night/Saturday in case it affected his football performance.)

Like a lot of boys, he got crushes on particular girls at particular times - depending on their chest measurement usually. His favourite at school at the moment, was Mimi Broward. Mainly because her breasts came through the door before she did, but also because she liked his dog, a rare Liebermann Pinscher called George. He'd tried to ask her out, but she was very wary. Talking to some of his friends he found out she seemed to be quite unaware of her effect on boys. Indeed, despite SexEd, she seemed quite unaware of boys at all. The description "an innocent abroad" appeared to suit her to a T.

Chad was fed up with history. What the hell did it matter? He knew the entire list of Superbowl teams and scores by heart. He was not happy. Life at the Harris County School got him down. Still, after school he was going to meet his friends, Dick and Colin, and go to football practise. He concentrated on that till the end of the lesson.

On his way out, he had the good luck to bump into Mimi. Really bump into her. He'd just turned a corner and she was coming the other way. The hand holding his books bounced over her luscious chest. He resolved not to wash that hand for a week.

"Hi", she said. Chad blushed slightly and a goofy grin broke on his face. "Hi, Mimi. What are you doing this weekend," he blurted out in a rush. He couldn't believe he'd said that! She had caught him unawares, and he'd just said the first thing to come to mind.

Mimi looked surprised, but just replied, "Well, nothing in particular, have you got any ideas?"

He had. But not ones he could repeat to Mimi. "Er, um, y-yeah, w-well," he stammered, "er, how about you come to the game and watch me. We c-could go for a c-coffee or, uh, s- something afterwards. Or we could go round to my house?" "Mom, makes great cookies!!" he said, with a flourish a few seconds later.

Mimi looked at him for a few seconds. Gave him a bright smile, and "Okay! If we don't see each other before then, I'll be at the football field on Sunday." She giggled and walked off. Chad stood there, thunderstruck. "Wow," he thought. "I never realised it was so *easy*!"

Later, at football practice, with Dick and Colin, Chad was recounting what had happened. The other two looked at him and Dick said, "See, I told you, you've just got to try, Chad. They want it as much as you do, it's jest that they don't say it!". Colin nodded and said, "Yeah, but make sure you've got some condoms, you don't want to get her pregnant, Chad!!!"

Chad looked suitably chastened. "Yeah. Gotta be careful. I'll get some from the machine tomorrow night. Get her pregnant and I'd be in *real* trouble."

Colin smiled, "Her Pa'd lynch you - you'd be up a tree, hanging, Chad!". They all laughed, but Chad felt a little nervous. He went home and relaxed though - watched a DVD (horror, which he loved, and this one was a real gore fest!) and then got out one of "his" magazines and played with himself. He always thought a good cum helped him to sleep.

When Sunday came, he put all thoughts of Mimi out of his mind. He never even looked at the Cheerleaders when he played, in case they distracted him, and some of them were gorgeous. He got his kit together, and his Pa drove him to the sports ground. He always did this, stopping to cheer him on and taking him home afterwards. Chad was hoping Mimi would be with them this time.

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