Weekend Daddy - Cover

Weekend Daddy

by Ale Stone

Copyright© 2000 by Ale Stone

Incest Sex Story:

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   .

I'm a holiday-father. Divorced with a daughter and the only time I can meet her, due to the distance we live from each other, is when she has a break from school almost four or five times a year. Neither of us complain because that gives us a lot of time to catch up and have 'quality' time together. I live out in nowhere and she loves coming to live with me since she just loves everything that moves or grows outside, from birds to ant, birds to rats and her knowledge of it all always surprises me. I had made plans for us to go hiking in a forest not far from where I live for about a week this time.

I met my daughter in the station a day in June and when she got of the train and saw me standing there she dropped everything and threw herself in my arms with such a force that I almost tumbled over.

My god, had she grown since I last saw her! She had matured and I could feel her new, hard, little tits press against me through the material in her t-shirt and my summer-shirt. When she finally let go of me she turned and went back for her luggage and I could that her hips had started to widen just as her butt. The last time I saw her she had the same butt as a boy but not now, now you could see even from behind that she was a girl.

I made these observations, not with a sexual undertone, but with the pride of a father who loves his daughter and want her to grow up.

When Jenny had settled and we sat and talked before lunch I told her about my plan for us to go hiking for at least a week. She almost wanted go leave right away or at least early the next morning. I told her that we had to check out the tent, sleeping-bags and what clothes she need.

The next day was spent with all the preparations necessary and I soon found out that the best was if I took the food and the tent and she had all the clothes in her knapsack.

The following day we took the car as far as it could go and then we were on our way. It was a beautiful day and the weather forecast promised a longer period with the same weather.

Jenny was so eager that she soon was in front of me and I walked behind her, looking more at her pouting behind than on the scenery.

The first day we didn't walk for so long. I wanted to give Jenny a lesson in how you make camp as comfortable as possible and how to get twigs from trees without ruining them or any other plants.

She was a natural when it came to it and soon we had our camp ready and she scouted the terrain around the camp while I prepared a meal.

Afterwards we sat and talked and made plans. The first day out in the open made us tired and soon Jenny started to yawn. She complained that she couldn't get a proper washing, we only had water enough to brush our teeth but I told her that the next day we would follow a small stream with plenty of fresh water.

The next morning we awoke fresh and Jenny was eager to get to the stream I'd told her about so she could take a bath.

This day started with a clear blue sky and the sun was shining hot and soon I was sweating and where I walked behind my daughter I noticed that she too was sweating and that the sweat was running down her back and that her short were getting wet around her waist. I too started to wish for the stream by now.

After a couple of hours we reached the stream and I suggested that we crossed it and make a lunch-camp on the other side.

I had hardly put my feet in the water when the clouds suddenly hid the sun and just as I looked up to see what was going on I heard a scream and a splash behind me. I turned and looked at Jenny just going under and I had to laugh when I saw how she struggled to get on her feet. But soon enough I got worried when she didn't seem to get any hold for her feet and she kept struggling. I hurried to her and reached down into the water and took a grip on her arm to help to steady her but I felt that she was heavy, really heavy. I had to bend down and doing so I soaked all my clothes and finally got a grip around my daughter's waist and with a heave I got her up on her feet.

She was a little pale around her cheeks but otherwise she looked alright and she told me so when I asked her.

While we made our way ashore I heard her mutter some rather foul curses but I pretended that I didn't hear them.

"We better get new and dry clothes on after we've taken our bath," I said.

We put our knapsacks down and shed most of our clothes, Jenny reached down and untied the knapsack and when she stuck her hand down in it she gave another curse.

"Damn! It's all wet!"

"What? How can it be... You didn't close it tight enough, did you."

"No, I thought it was enough to just hang the flap over. The sun was shining! I didn't count on that... that... hum, stream being that slippery. It looked as if it was sand all over the bottom."

"It was."

"No it wasn't. Not were I trod anyway."

"OK, lets get our clothes up and dry them and while you do that I think I've better get the tent up, we might as well stay here for the night. We aren't going anywhere particularly so..."

"Oh, OK."

We busied ourselves with our tasks and soon the tent was up and our clothes flagged all over the place, it seemed that every bush and every tree-branch were full of the. I hadn't realized that we had that much clothes with us.

I got the soap and the shampoo and called for Jenny that I was going first and then she could go after she was finished and I was back.

Jenny disappeared and when she came back she clutched her t-shirt in front of her and it was apparent that she was naked behind it.

"Is there anything dry in your knapsack, dad?"

I rummage through it and didn't find anything.

"No. You had all the clothes in your. Tell you what. Why don't you crawl into you sleeping-bag and I'll serve you lunch."

She took her sleeping-bag and rolled it out on the ground.

"Oh no! It's wet too!"

"Take mine."

When I was ready with our lunch she sat up with the sleeping-bag up under her armpits and she wolfed down the food I gave her.

"Mmm, that was good." She hid a little burp behind her hand and laughed when she saw my shocked face.

We sat and talked while our clothes dried when it suddenly just poured down. I hurried to get all clothes and Jenny scampered out of the sleeping bag and I had just time enough to see her cute little ass disappear inside the tent when I hurried by to get the rest of the clothes.

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