Ten Dollar Fine - Cover

Ten Dollar Fine

by WollStoneCraft

Copyright© 1999 by WollStoneCraft

Erotica Sex Story:

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   MaleDom   Sadistic   Snuff   Interracial   Violence   .

"You Ain't Never Gon' Forget"

Ten dollars. The fine was only ten dollars, but she wasn't going to pay it. Not to that hick bastard sheriff or judge or whatever else he was is this ugly little southern town, that's for sure.

So Hollywood would just have to wait another ten days for the new Mary Pickford. That's what they called her in that old boarding school she was stuck in until she just got fed up and took off. The Easter money Daddy sent bought a ticket to California with plenty to spare. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten off the train, but the little girl at the station stared at her candy bar so longingly and she didn't see the harm in giving it to her. So the train left without her and she had to wait for the next one. And she got thirsty.

So she'll spend ten days in jail. It'll be good experience for her career. Maybe she could be the next Jean Harlow. How bad could it be?

She began to find out when the judge took off his robes and became the sheriff. He took her by the arm and pulled her from the dingy shack he called a courtroom to the dingy pile of cinderblocks he called the jail. There wasn't much to it. The one room held just a desk, a chair and a single cell. In the cell was a cot, a toilet and a sink. Off to the side was an open shower stall.

"Okay, darlin'," he drawled, pointing to the shower, "take off that pretty l'il dress and get in."

She turned to him in surprise. "But--"

"No 'buts, ' sugar." His grip tightened on her arm and he pulled her to him. He stared into her suddenly frightened eyes and spoke to her softly, menacingly. "Now, listen good, darlin'. While you're in my jail, your Northern ass is mine. So you better be real nice, hear? Now, I said strip and get in."

Fear washed over her. What had she gotten into? She cursed her stupidity. The possibility that she could be raped had never entered her mind. The horror that this ugly man might take her virginity was bad enough, but she knew that she was near the fertile part of her cycle. If she was raped, she would probably end up pregnant.

"I said _now_, sugar."

She numbly unbuttoned the dress and let it fall to the floor. She pulled the straps of her slip over her shoulders and it too fell around her ankles, leaving her full breasts exposed the cool air and the sheriff's stare. She felt her nipples harden. Turning away from him, she slipped the waistband of her panties over her wide hips and slid them down. Stepping out of them, she stood naked, her back to him.

"Right tight ass, sugar. Turn around."

She turned, trying to cover herself with her arms.

He looked her over. "Yeah, you'll do," he grunted. "Now get in there."

She stepped into the shower and the sheriff quickly spun the faucet on. The sudden rush of cold water made her squeal and shudder. The sheriff smiled as he stared at her wiggling ass.

He turned off the flow, then pulled his eyes away from the shivering girl to take a wad of cloth from one of the desk drawers. "Put this on." The grey dress was filthy, but it would cover her, so she slipped it on. It was open in the front, but there was no way to fasten it closed.

"T-there's no b-buttons," she whimpered.

"Been meanin' to get 'round to that, sugar," he grinned, "but makin' prisoners confor'ble ain't high on my list. Get in the cell now, darlin'."

"Y-yes, sir," she whispered, dripping and shivering, trying to squeeze past him. She gasped when he cupped her buttock.

"Now, you be a good girl," he laughed, slapping her bottom. She hurried into the cell, fell onto the cot, curled into a ball and began to cry.

"Now, darlin'," the sheriff cooed as he slammed the cell door shut, "there's no need for that. We're gon' take good care of you." He started out of the dank room, then he turned back to say, "Right good care." Then he turned out the light and left, leaving her alone in the dark and the fear.

It could have been minutes, it could have been hours when he returned. The shock of the sudden light made her sit bolt upright, her dress gaping open. The black man let out a low whistle at the sight of her.

"C'mon, boy," said the sheriff, motioning to the shower with the gun he held in his right hand, "you know the drill." The huge negro's eyes moving back and forth between her full, milky breasts and the silky blond hair of her pussy while he unbuttoned his grimy work shirt and tossed it across the room. His pants followed, dropping on top of her dress and panties, still in a heap on the floor. Her eyes widened as she stared at the thick rigid cock thrusting erect from his groin.

The sheriff poked at the muscular arm of the negro. "G'wan." Then he turned to her and said, "This one's none too bright. Ain't that right, boy?"

The negro mumbled something intelligible, his dull eyes still glued to the frightened girl in the cell as the water washed over him. The cold shower didn't affect his throbbing member. It seemed to grow even thicker and harder as the water dripped off it.

"Now," the sheriff continued as he turned off the water, "we ain't got but the one cell, so you're gon' have to share your cot with this young buck here." He unlocked the cell door as the negro lurched out of the shower and, breathing heavily, moved toward her.

"No!" She stared wide-eyed at the lumbering dark hulk coming at her. "You can't-- He can't--"

"Now, darlin'," the sheriff grinned as he opened the cell door and the negro came into the cell, "this'un's just gon' keep you company. The two of you'll have lots of time to get friendly like."

She crouched in the corner of the cell and began screaming. "No! Oh God, no! Please--" The black man towered over her. He bent down and pulled her crying body up to him. His rough hands reached down and cupped her breasts. She screamed over and over, her eyes riveted on the mammoth prick stabbing into her thigh.

The sheriff's voice rose above her shrieks. "Looks like he wants to give you somethin' to remember us by when you go back up North. Now, listen up, darlin'. These'un's don't much care if he gives it to you by fuckin' or suckin', but you're gon' get it jus' the same. Y'understan'?"

She understood. She was about to be raped by this black man. He would take her virginity and make her pregnant. And she would give birth to a negro baby. Unless she took his seed some other way.

She wasn't sure what to do, but she had to try. It was her only hope. She bent down and took his massive member in her hands, so thick she could barely put her fingers around it. She put it to her lips, took the huge cockhead into her mouth and began to suck at it as if drinking soda from a straw.

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