Eddie and His Sisters - Cover

Eddie and His Sisters

by Emerson Laken-Palmer

Copyright© 1999 by Emerson Laken-Palmer

Incest Sex Story:

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   .

Chapter 1

I was thirteen in the summer of 1964.

I was, as the saying goes, young, dumb, and full of cum. I did a lot of crazy things in those days. Of some of those crazy things I am not too proud.

I took money, from my mom's purse, so that a friend and me could sneak out and see "A Hard Day's Night" at the old Tower theatre. After the movie, we realized that we didn't have enough money for the bus-fare back so (at eleven o'clock at night) we walked the ten miles home. I snuck back in my house and crawled in bed, exhausted.

My friend Steve once lifted a gallon of red wine from his folk's Italian Restaurant. We sat in my room, smoked the Salem's I had stolen from my dad's pocket, and drank three quarters of the bottle (until Steve got sick and began to barf into our kitchen sink!). I felt my dad, standing next to me as I stood (on unsteady feet) with Steve and tried to pour Pepto-Bismol into a wavering spoon while looped out of my mind. I felt Dad hit me and then I was laying under the kitchen table. My dad helped me up, dusted me off, and said, "Seeing as how you can't feel anything right now, I'll beat you in the morning." Then he went to bed. I tried to go to sleep but (with the room spinning) I ended up puking purple all over passed out Steve and my bedroom floor.

The main focus of my life, at thirteen, wasn't alcohol or movies or cigarettes though. I could get those things. It was pussy.

Girls, and the idea of getting one to have sex with me, was overpowering when I was that age. I would have done anything to get laid. Pussy seemed to be on my mind constantly and if I wasn't thinking about pussy, I was thinking about tits. All this thinking was giving me a boner but it wasn't getting me any girls.

I wasn't just a horny dog at 13 though, I had been a horny dog for years. I shared my passion for pussy with my best friend Eddie.

Eddie had been my best friend through fifth and sixth grade and into my first year at Junior High. Eddie was a goofball and a sex fiend (like me). People, at the time, said that we looked like twins. We were both tall, with dark hair. Eddie had freckles on the bridge of his nose and his cheeks though. He looked (to me at least) like Alfalfa from "The Little Rascals."

I just had pimples on my face, brought on (no doubt) by my years of sexual frustration.

Eddie had three sisters; Emily who was a year younger than us, Rose (they called her Rosy) who was ten and little Sarah who was five. Sarah had long blonde hair, Rosy had jet-black hair, and Emily had the most terrific, long, full head of gorgeous, red hair you have ever seen. It cascaded down to the small of her back. She was tall. She was leggy. Emily was a living, breathing, porcelain doll! She had pale skin and freckles on her cheekbones and the bluest eyes (and lips like Michelle Pfeiffer's) and a happy, outgoing, personality. She was nimble and athletic and competitive, without being a tomboy about it.

Even with these three, lovely girls in their house, it was obvious that Eddie's mother thought her son was the greatest thing in the world. She thought he was a "brain." He could (and did) get anything he wanted from his mother. He led her to believe that he was going to be a doctor. He did that so she would buy him medical books. He wanted the medical books because they contained pictures of naked women.

Eddie would take me in his room, get the "medical" books out and we'd look at the black and white pictures of "a woman's stages of development" and rub our stiffening little cocks.

Me and Eddie, when we were twelve and started Junior High, began to spend most of our time, in his bedroom (with the door locked), going through his father's girly magazines and masturbating. We didn't touch each other when we masturbated. We would lay on our backs on his bedroom floor and jack on our cocks and talk to each other about the pretty girls at school we'd like to be fucking at that moment.

We'd compete with each other on who could come up with the best story about who (in our minds) we were fucking and how we were doing it to them. Then we'd cum all over ourselves (as our stories got really hot). Eddie would then go and put his dad's magazines back where he found them but, an hour later, we'd do it again. (We had plenty of cum in those days!)

I knew his sisters, because I was at his house so much, and we sometimes played games with them. Emily liked to wrestle. She liked it because she could pin Eddie to the floor every time and make him scream uncle. Me and Eddie didn't weigh 160 pounds put together when we were twelve.

I would wrestle with Emily sometimes too.

Once, when I had her down and she was laughing and squirming beneath me, I realized that her legs were apart and that my loins were in her sexual saddle. I could smell the closeness of her girlish body as I held her arms to the floor and she struggled to free herself. I couldn't help it. I started to dry hump her. Rubbing my (suddenly stiff) cock, through the material of our clothes, on the evident bump of her pussy mound.

Emily soon realized what I was doing to her and she abruptly stopped laughing and struggling and became suddenly very angry. In a very stern and determined voice, she told me to get off of her, which I did. Then, with a face as livid red as the color of her hair, she stormed out of Eddie's bedroom, leaving me sitting, ashamed and embarrassed, on the hardwood floor.

Eddie laughed about it.

In the middle of seventh grade, Eddie's family moved to a bigger house, five miles away, in what (then) was an affluent part of Detroit. It was called Rosedale Park.

Junior High wasn't the same without horny Eddie around. I had to fantasize and masturbate by myself now and my dad had no girly magazines to look at.

When summer came, my folks bought me a nice bike. I began to take long bike rides in the warm weather. I went to visit Eddie one summer day. It was a long ride but I wanted to know what he was up to. His house was nice. It was a two-story bungalow with a finished attic. Eddie had made a "secret room" for himself, in an alcove of the attic, off the finished room (which was Rosy and Emily's bedroom). We could smoke in that hideout. He had a record player (the Beatles were HOT that summer) and he had his own collection of girly magazines in there.

We spent the afternoon masturbating and fantasizing aloud about girls again, just like we did in the "old days" (which were only ten months ago).

Having seen Eddie's house (and it being so far away) I decided that I had, most likely, seen the end of him when I rode my bike home that day.

A few weeks later, Eddie called and asked me to come over again. I told him that it was a long ride and I just wasn't up to it. Eddie pleaded with me. He told me that he just hadn't made any friends in his new neighborhood. I told him that I was sorry but that it was just too bad.

That's when Eddie told me something that changed my life.

"Andy," he said, "there's something, about me and Emily, that I have been wanting to tell you..."


"Well... for a year or so now... we've been... fooling around with each other."

"Fooling around?"


"What do you mean, 'Fooling around'?"

"Well... you won't say anything?"

"Of course not! What?"

"Well... she likes to jack me off."

"Jack you off?"

"Until I cum... yes. She likes to do it. She likes to watch the jizz come out. I do it to her too. After school and sometimes in the afternoon when Mom's out shopping..."

"You're kidding me!"

"No... really! Honest! I've never told anybody this."

"You do it to her too?"

"Oh yeah! She loves it. Girls cum too! If you rub inside their pussy, long enough, with your finger. It's great!"

My mind was swimming with lewd visions of that beautiful, red haired girl and her pussy and the thought of her own brother touching it and her holding and jacking his cock for him. The front of my pants stuck out as I talked on the phone.

"Andy... Emily really likes you. She always talks about that day you humped on her on my bedroom floor. She really liked that. I know that she would let you play with her if you came over..."

Man, I was on my bike in a flash! The five-mile trip was a blur. I must have made it in ten minutes.

When I got there. Emily wasn't home. She had gone to a girlfriend's and Eddie didn't know which one. I said that I could wait. We went up in Eddie's "secret fortress" and I begged him for details on his sister's pussy. How it felt. How it looked. How it smelled.

Eddie was full of vivid detail. And he had more to say, as he saw how excited I was becoming.

"I didn't want to say anything... over the phone but... she likes to put my cock in her mouth too."


"She loves it. She loves to suck my cock. Really loves it!"

"Your kidding!"

"And... she loves cum!"


"She loves to suck the cum right out of my cock! She's like a vampire! Like she's hungry for it! When I tell her I'm about to cum, she really sucks and slurps, like mad, until I shoot it to her. It's funny. You know how a baby sucks it's bottle when it's really hungry? That's how Emily is when I shoot my cum in her mouth. She gets frantic when I'm done. Like she's still hungry!"

"Eddie, your sister's only twelve!"

"Crazy, ain't it? But that's how she is. She can't wait to get at me when we get home from school. Her room. My room. The basement..."

Man, my cock was out and I was jerking on it as he talked. I couldn't stand it!

"Let's go find her!" I told him.

"Naw! She'll be home. I haven't fed her today!" He laughed.


And I waited. And waited. And waited. And it got dark. And I had to be home.

I was crushed!

I went home, thinking about what Eddie had said, all week long. Two Minutes

Chapter 2

Eddie must have been full of shit when he told me about having sex with his sister Emily!

Nobody had sex with their own sisters, no matter how pretty they were!

Eddie knew me like no other person on Earth. He knew how to control me. He knew what rang my bell, in a big way. He was (I reasoned) just making up stories and trying to control me.

Fuck him!

The next weekend, he called again and wanted me over.

"No Eddie. I'm not falling for your bullshit this time! It's too far to go and I've got friends here and I know your sister. She's a sweet girl. She doesn't suck cock!"

Eddie laughed at me. "You don't know her like I know her! She just sucked me off before I called you."

"Yeah, right!"

"In the bathroom. Kneeling in front of me while I held her little titties in my hand..."

"Yeah, right."

"And there's something else... something that I didn't want to tell you..."


"Do you know why she does it with me?"


"Because I do it to her too."

"Do what?"


"What? Tell me!"

"I lick her. I lick inside her pussy with my tongue."


Believe it or not, this was an entirely new concept for me at the age of thirteen. I had never even imagined such a thing. I knew about fucking girls. I knew about blowjobs. I had dry humped and sniffed and finger fucked a few girls before. But licking pussy? Putting your tongue into that wet place? A place where they peed? A place where secretions and menstrual blood came out of them? At first, I was repulsed by the idea. But, in that same, exact instant, I was suddenly struck with the vision of being so close to a girl's pussy. Being able to feel it with my face and lips and my tongue. Getting right into it. I loved the pungent smell of pussy. What, for the love of God, must it TASTE like?"

"Lemonade," Eddie said. "And, sometimes it tastes like celery. It depends."

"Depends on what?"

"On what time of the month she's in. Her pussy sometimes tastes sweet and sometimes lemony and sometimes salty. It depends on how close to her period we do it."

"Her period?"

"Yeah. Emily has periods now."

"You don't..."

"Lick her then? Hell no!"

I had a boner like you wouldn't believe! Even Eddie couldn't be making up shit like this! Lemon? Celery? Licking right into the sex of that beautiful, red haired girl?

I had seen her, when I first went over to their new house. She had changed since they moved away. She had bumps on her chest now. And her fanny had a full, round look to it, in her blue jeans. Her waist was thin and that red hair hung down and billowed all over her shoulders when she moved...

"Her period was last week," Eddie was saying, in the phone. "I just got to lick her again today. She came real hard, on the bathroom floor, and then she sucked me until I came in her mouth for her. I told her about you. About you wanting to do it to her. I told her that I had seen you cum and that you came a lot when you did it. She seems interested."

"You told her?"

"Yeah. She knows we used to like to beat off. It made her horny to hear about it. I told her to pretend that it was your cock she was sucking, instead of mine, and she really nursed on it good and sucked my load out of me like I was spurting chocolate milk!"

"I'll be right there!"

I was on my bike and over there as fast as my legs could peddle.

Eddie was there, waiting.

No Emily.

She had gone shopping with their mother and Rosy. Their father was off driving his truck. He drove for Allied Van Lines. He was a huge man! A mean, surly man! Bald as a bowling ball, with red freckles on his shiny head. He had hair on his back! Everyone gave him plenty of space when he was home (which wasn't too often).

I was steaming mad!

"They'll be back," Eddie assured me.

"I have to be home by dark!"

"No problem."

Eddie took me to the back yard where they had pitched their big, family-sized tent to air it out. It was a warm day and steamy hot in the tent.

"I don't believe you, Eddie!"


"I don't believe you lick pussy."

"I'm telling you! Girls love it! It really makes them squirm and wiggle and cum hard when you do it to them."

"Listen," I said, "I've got to go home. I can't let you jerk me around like this anymore. You're wasting my time. You don't put your tongue in Emily..."

We could hear a noise outside the tent.

Eddie unzipped the flap. It was Sarah. Eddie's cute, little, baby sister, with the long, blonde hair. She was playing, in the sand, by the back porch.

"Sarah," Eddie called. "Come in here."

Eddie's sister dropped her Barbie doll and came into the tent. "What?" she asked, smiling with her cherub-like, freckled face.

"Let's show Andy our butterfly kiss," he said to her.

She looked at me and smiled and then her gaze dropped to the tent floor.

"It's okay," he told her. "He knows about it. He won't tell."

Eddie got to his knees, in front of her, and he took her by the arm and pulled her to the floor. Sarah looked up at Eddie and at me and then giggled, as she lay on her back and pulled her yellow sundress up, exposing her flat belly. She let Eddie pull her cotton panties off of her.

I dropped to my knees, next to them. I was mesmerized by what I was seeing. Eddie and his five year old sister. She was the same age as my little sister Bess.

Eddie pulled her smooth, puffy pussy lips apart for me as I leaned and gazed at it. I could smell it's pungent scent in the musty tent.

"She calls it her butterfly," he laughed. Then he lay down, so his face was between her open legs, and I watched as he put his nose to her glistening slit and sniffed. "Mmmmmmmm!" he said and Sarah blushed and giggled, putting her hands over her face. Then Eddie stuck his tongue into her pussy and started to lick her smooth feminine notch broadly, like an ice cream cone.

Sarah moved her knees up and down as her brother did it to her.

"How does it feel?" He stopped and asked her.

"It tickles good," she said.

He looked up at me from her pussy.

"Sarah tastes different than Emily. Sarah is always more salty and lemony. It gets a little sweeter before she cums."

"Sarah cums?"

"Oh yeah! She loves it, don't you?"

Sarah just giggled and Eddie went back to her pussy. His mouth was enveloping her whole fleshy mound now and I could see his cheeks move as I imagined his tongue working in her.

Sarah soon stopped giggling and her face took on a far-off expression and I could sense her probing what her big brother was generating within her.

My cock hurt because it was so hard!

My eyes were glued to the two of them. Sarah's legs were parted widely with Eddie's head at her crotch. I could see dirt on her knees and her bare feet.

Eddie looked up at me again. His chin was wet with drool. "She's juicing and sweet," he said. "That means she's getting close. Do you want to eat her?"

I thought about it. But I didn't want to put my tongue where Eddie's had been. His spit was all over it!

"No," I said. "You go ahead."

"I'm putting the tip of my tongue in her hole now. She likes that when she's close. It puts her over." He held her lips apart so I could see the opening of her tiny, pink vagina. It was wet with clear fluid dripping out of it.

Eddie put his mouth over her pussy again and now Sarah started to gyrate around and Eddie had to move his face to follow her. He placed his hands over her little, protruding hip bones to steady her body and she moved her knees up and reached down, with both hands, and held both of her ankles. She was breathing hard and I watched her stomach heaving up and down and then her stomach muscles would tighten for a moment and then she'd heave again. Her eyes were closed and she was rocking her head back and forth and whimpering now, her blonde hair clinging to her face. Then she suddenly sucked in air and pulled on her ankles. She held her breath and arched her back up as I saw Eddie's mouth enclosing her crotch and the outline of his tongue, in his cheek, as he worked in her pussy.

Little Sarah screeched through her nose as her big brother made her cum. It seemed to last for a full minute, although time, for me, was suspended.

Sarah suddenly dropped her little butt back to the floor and went limp and Eddie took his mouth from her pussy and then broadly licked into her again, with his tongue, causing her body to tremble noticeably.

"Mmmm!" he said, looking up at her cute face now. "You're like candy, Sarah."

Sarah giggled and sat up.

Eddie looked at me, wiping his chin and grinning.

I swallowed hard.

He got to his knees now, in front of his sister. "Watch this," he said, as he unzipped his pants and pulled his hard cock out.

Sarah's eyes went wide, like he had whipped out a candy bar, and she leaned to her brother and put the head of his cock into her pretty mouth and started to suck on him.

Eddie backed up and pushed her away. "Not so hard!"

"I'm sorry," her sweet voice intoned, and she took hold of his cock and placed it gently back in her mouth.

I watched her eyes close as she sucked him and her blonde head started to bob on his shaft. Eddie's eyes were closed too.

"Do you cum in her mouth?" I whispered.

"No. She doesn't like it. She likes to suck though."

I could see that.

I rubbed by hurting cock, through my pants, and Eddie saw me.

"Suck Andy," he told her.

She removed her big brother's cock from her mouth and looked at me. I had never seen the look of lust on the face of a little kindergarten girl before. It was amazing.

I got on my knees and unfastened my pants and pulled out my dick, it was oozing clear liquid from the opening at the tip.

Sarah could see that my cock was much thicker than Eddie's. She scooted right over though and sat in front of me and put the head of my raging dick in her mouth. I had never felt anything like it. It was the first time that my cock was ever in something warm and wet (and alive). She knew how to do it too. She was sucking and working her tiny tongue on the area just to the back of my glans. My whole body shuddered, causing me to pull back from her. There was a loud suck sound as my dick popped from her little mouth.

She looked up at me, wide eyed with surprise. "Did I hurt you?"

"Oh, no. It felt good, Sarah. Way TOO good!"

She smiled and put the head back into her lovely mouth, sucking softly now and delighting me with that eager tongue.

I pulled my pants down to my knees and I felt her gently take my balls into her little hand. She cradled them as she worked her warm, tender mouth on me.

My face must have shown my condition, as I stroked her soft hair, with my eyes tightly closed, feeling her nimble mouth about to draw an orgasm from me.

"Don't cum in her mouth," Eddie warned.

I pulled my cock reluctantly away and twisted my body, taking a hold of my shaft and jacking it as I began to shoot cum all over the canvas tent floor.

Sarah giggled as she watched me spend.

I fell back on my naked ass, thoroughly exhausted from my the effects of my first blow job.

Eddie laughed, putting his cock away.

"Go on in the house now," he told her.

Sarah put her panties back on and left the tent.

"Well?" Eddie said.

"God, Eddie! You sick fucker! You do it with Sarah too?"

"She's pussy, isn't she?"

"She's your baby sister!"

"Yeah! She loves it! So does Emily! And besides, you should talk! You just let her suck YOU off!"

I couldn't deny that.

We waited in the tent, until after dark, for his mother and Emily to come home.

They never did and (pissed off as hell) I had to go.

Chapter 3

Again, all week, I couldn't get the visions of Eddie and little Sarah and Emily and pussy out of my mind.

Eddie called on Saturday.

"You coming over?"

I was unsure of what was going on.

"I don't know..."

"Come on! Emily's here! She wants to do it!"

"Yeah, right!" I said, sarcastically.


"Eddie. I can't waste my time."

"It's no waste. I promise! You can spend the night. My mom said it was okay. We can sleep in the secret room!"

"I don't think so, Eddie."

"Come on. She'll give you some! I know she will."

"I don't know..."

"Listen," he said. "I've told you so much and I've shown you so much. I may as well tell you..."

"Tell me what?"

"Me and Emily... we do more than I told you."


"Well... for the last year or so..."


"I've been... fucking her."

"Fucking your sister?"


"Fucking Emily?"

"She loves to fuck, Andy! And God is her pussy nice!"

"How do you fuck your sister? Where? When?"

"In her bed. In mine. On the couch. In my secret room. In the bathroom, if my folks are home."

"You fuck her with your parents home?"

"Yeah," he laughed. "She loves it then!"

"I don't believe you!"

"Last night, my dad came home from the road. He was tired and everyone was in the living room watching TV. Mom and Dad were in their chairs and Sarah and Rosy were on the floor. Me and Emily were on the couch, under a blanket. She was laying, on her side, in front of me, and I worked her panties down and fucked her, right there, with the whole family in the room!"

"Fucked her? How? How could you do that? Weren't you afraid of getting caught? Couldn't they hear you doing it? How did you cum?"

"We both came! I came right into her pussy just as she was getting off! Girl's pussies really clamp on your cock when they cum!"

"Cum in her? You shoot your cum in your sister?"


"You stupid ass! You could get her pregnant!"

"No I can't! She's my sister! Your cum doesn't work in your own sister!"

"Yes it does!"

"How can you tell ME? YOU'VE never done it! I've been fucking (and cumming in) Emily for a year! I know how this stuff works. I've read the medical books. She's been having her periods for months. I must have pumped a gallon of my sperm into her in the last year! In both her mouth and her pussy! She can't get pregnant from me or she would have been by now. We don't worry about it."

"I don't know..."

"Anyway, when I was sixty-nining her, the other day, in my secret room, I asked her if she would let you fuck her..."

"Wait a minute," I said. "Sixty-nining her? What the hell is that?"

"Oh," Eddie laughed, "it's something we read about in a magazine that my dad brought home. It's when you lay on your side, with a girl, and she lays the other way around so you can eat her pussy and she can suck your cock at the same time. Emily loves to do that!"

My mind reeled!

"Anyway, she didn't say much but I think she'll do it. I have it all set. The secret room is right off the girl's room and I asked Mom if we could sleep up there and she said okay. Okay?"

I couldn't stand it. This was the last straw! "Okay," I said. "But let me tell you something..."


"If this is another false alarm... if I go all that way for nothing..."


"I'm going to kick the shit out of you, Eddie!"

"Yeah! Great! I'd deserve it!"

I got my mom's okay to spend the night at Eddie's and I rode my bike the five miles over there.

Emily was home!

"Okay," I said to him as I looked at her beautiful, budding body in her plaid halter top and tight, blue jean cut-offs. That red hair was glowing in the sunshine and whirling as she did cart- wheels, for her mother and younger sisters, on the front lawn. Emily was going to be a cheerleader, at their Junior High, that fall.

"Let's get her upstairs and fuck her!" I said to him, as we watched her from the driveway.

"Not so fast," Eddie told me. "Emily don't work like that. You have to go slow. You have to work her into the mood or she doesn't do it. I know how she is."

"Eddie!" My impatience and anger were building as I looked at her crotch, in her shorts, as she did the splits on the lawn and held her arms out to her sides. I could see how her halter top bumped out where her blossoming breasts were hidden.

"Really," Eddie said, "cool your jets! You'll get her! Tonight!"

"Have you even talked to her? Does she know why I'm here?"

"She will. I'll talk to her."

I kept watching as Rosy, Eddie's ten-year-old sister, joined Emily in her gymnastic motions.

Rosy had an even cuter face than her other two sisters. Her pale skin looked almost pure white, because of the contrast of her shoulder length, straight, jet-black hair and bangs. She had a few freckles on her nose and her cheekbones too and they really stood out because of her cream colored skin. Her eyes were warm blue-gray and, I thought, Rosy would be a knockout if it wasn't for the fact that she was only nine and flat as a board and shapeless as could be. Rosy, I knew, was the quietest of Eddie's family. She was a very sweet and shy person, who's feelings were easily hurt and who's cheeks blushed so red if you spoke to her. She was always clinging to her mother and trying to solicit approval from her family members. I had known her for years but never talked to her much. She never had much to say. Just "Hello". She was the academic too. An all A student at their catholic school. There were darling pictures of her, over their fireplace, in her frilly, white communion dress and white gloves, smiling like a perfect angel.

I looked back at Emily now, drooling... waiting.

Their mom made macaroni and cheese and colored popcorn balls for dinner. Eddie's mother was an idiot. She was a tall, thin woman. She had wild, unkempt, black hair and a crazy smile. She chain- smoked Pall Malls and she read Mad magazine (she subscribed!). She liked to put signs on the front door that said things like: WE SHOOT EVERY THIRD SALESMAN THAT KNOCKS ON OUR DOOR. THE SECOND ONE JUST LEFT! Mrs. Patton would sit on the couch, for hours, rocking and smoking and saying nothing and then she'd yell, "Eddie? If all the fish, caught this year, were laid, end to end, across the Sahara desert... boy, would it stink!" And she'd cackle with laughter for a moment and then start quietly rocking again.

After dinner, I waited for Eddie to talk to Emily. It seemed, to me, like he had plenty of opportunity but he just wouldn't do it.

Their dad was there and that seemed to scare Eddie.

Mr. Patton was just watching TV though. Laying on his side, on the living room floor, in his tank top and boxer shorts (his "home" uniform).

Mrs. Patton walked over to him and dropped a phone book in front of him. "Let's take the kids to the movies!" she said loudly. "Call the theatre and see what's playing!"

Mr. Patton didn't say a word or move from his spot on the floor. He just calmly ripped the entire Detroit telephone directory in half and tossed it in the corner.

Loony Mrs. Patton went back to the couch and sat down and rocked with Rosy.

There is more of this story...

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