Bob, Milly and Marie - Cover

Bob, Milly and Marie

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2022 by Just Plain Bob

Fiction Story: He found out some things he would have rather not known.

Caution: This Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   .

“I, Robert Denton, being of sound mind and body, do declare this to be my last will and testament.

To my wife, Mildred Elise Denton, I bequeath nothing other than the title of Despicable Traitorous Whore to be borne by her for the rest of her, what I fervently pray, will be a rotten and horrible life.

To Marie Estelle Dalton I bequeath nothing other than the title of Ungrateful Bitch to be borne by her for the rest of her life.

I leave everything else I own to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in honor and loving memory of my only true and faithful friend Rusty, my Red Siberian Husky.

Signed on this day, June 9th in the year of our Lord 2016.”

I signed it and my signature was notarized by Evie, one of the notaries employed by the bank where all of my accounts are held. I then made copies for the two aforementioned females and placed them in my briefcase. I’d mail them as soon as I had all my ducks in a row. I took the original and gave it to my attorney and kept a copy for my records at home.

Home being a condo near my business. Home used to be the house that Mildred and Marie still lived in. The house was mine and had been left to me by my parents before I even met Mildred. I considered selling it and putting Mildred and Marie on the street, but then reconsidered. It would no doubt push Mildred into going for a divorce and I didn’t want that. At least not yet.

I wanted to wait at least another month before I wanted that to happen. When the divorce did happen Mildred would find out I no longer owned my business and that I’d been forced to sell because it was losing money and that the money I’d gotten from the sale had gone to pay creditors.

I was retained by the new ownership, a company in Denver owned by a corporation in Delaware, at a wage slightly less than what Mildred made working in real estate

It had taken me some time (and a few dollars) to make it all happen, but the money the company made was out of Mildred’s reach and my making less than she did should keep me from having to pay her any alimony.

Of course Mildred didn’t know divorce was in her future. She has probably guessed it by now, but she doesn’t know for sure because I haven’t served her with papers.

I suppose some background is in order here. I met Mildred Harris during my freshman year at State. She as a junior, but even though I was two years behind here I was a year older. I’d gone into the Army right out of high school.

I met Mildred in the student cafeteria when she accidently dumped her tray of food all over the front of me. She was apologetic and upset and she told me she would pay for the dry cleaning. She was a good-looking girl so I told her I would take care of the cleaning, but she would have to go out on a date with me in return. She said yes and that date started a relationship that ended in marriage six months after she graduated.

We hadn’t planned on marriage until I graduated, but Mildred’s birth control pills failed to do their job and with Marie on the way waiting for me to graduate wasn’t going to work.

Things were tight financially for a while, but with Milly’s job, my part time job after school and the money I still had from my parent’s life insurance we got by. The fact that Milly had health insurance through her work also helped. Complications when Marie was born meant that she was going to be an only child.

By the time Marie was three I’d graduated and was doing well at my job, Milly was back to work and Milly’s mom was watching Marie.

By the time Marie was ten Milly and I were living the American Dream. Four-bedroom house in a nice subdivision, two fairly new cars in the garage and a wide circle of friends who we socialized with.

It was shortly after Marie’s tenth birthday that I went into business for myself. It started out slow, but picked up steam and by Marie’s sixteenth birthday I was bringing home twice what I had made at my old job.

Even though I worked my ass off to make a go of my business I still found time to be there for all of the events in Marie’s life. I never missed one of her piano recitals, basketball games or any of her other major events.

Milly and Marie were close. When I was working on weekends they went places and did things together. Once or twice during the week they even went out to shop or whatever.

In our wide circle of friends were a dozen or so classmates from our college days. One couple were Tom and Roxanne Miller. Tom was one of my close friends from my freshman year in college and he met Roxanne at the wedding reception Milly’s parents threw for us. Roxanne was one of Milly’s cousins. They met, hit it off and were married six months later.

As tight as we were with Tom and Roxy I’d noticed a cooling off between Milly and Roxy. I asked Milly about it and she told me that Roxy was pissed that Milly had forgotten Jason’s (Tom and Roxy’s son) birthday. I put it out of my mind. It was minor and I figured it would fade in time.

It was at a Saturday BBQ at our place when my world came apart.

I was working the grill when Roxy came up to me and said:

“You’re a nice guy Dave. Is that why you put up with Milly cheating on you?”

“What? Are you out of your mind? Milly would never do that to me!”

“I’ve seen it with my own eyes Dave. I saw her go into a hotel room with a man. A man who wasn’t you.”

“You can’t be serious. Milly would never do that to me.”

“If you say so” she said and then walked away.

As I stood there grilling hamburgers and hot dogs my mid was all over the place. Milly wouldn’t do that to me. She wouldn’t. I just knew she wouldn’t.

But a seed had been planted.

I made it through the rest of the weekend with what Roxy told me rattling around in my mind. As sure as I was that Milly would never cheat on me the fact that Roxy had no doubt that she had bothered the hell out of me.

A couple of times I was going to bring it up to Milly, but decided not to. A “You don’t trust me” or an “How could you possibly ever think that of me” would have turned our house into an icebox and only God could know how that would damage our marriage.

On Tuesday I finally broke down and gave Roxy a call and asked her to meet me when we got off work that evening. She agreed to meet me at the Landing Strip Lounge at five-thirty.

She was already there when I got there sitting in a booth in the back. I sat down opposite her and found that she had already ordered me a PBR. I took a drink and then said:

“I’m guessing you already know why I asked you to meet me.”

“I’m pretty sure I know.”

“I’m also guessing that you approached Milly before you dropped it on me.”

“How on Earth do you know that?”

“I noticed things were a little cool between the two of you and I asked her about it. She said you were upset with her for forgetting Jason’s birthday. Now I’m guessing the real reason is you talked with her about what you saw.”

“I did. I asked her how she could do that to you and she said that you knew and didn’t care. She told me you got a charge out of hearing her describing what she was doing.”

“And you believed that?”

“Why wouldn’t I? She was my cousin and I’ve known her all my life and I didn’t know you hardly at all. But it bugged me and I finally told Tom. He told me that you were not that kind of guy and that I needed to let you know what I knew. It took me a while to get up the nerve and I finally decided to do it at the BBQ, but you blew it off so I backed off and didn’t go into detail.”

“Well I’m ready to hear those details now.”

“It a Wednesday around noon. I was sitting at a window table at the Village Inn having lunch. The restaurant was next door to a Quality Inn and my window seat gave me a view of the Inn’s parking lot. I just happened to glance out the window in time to see Milly get out of her car, kiss some guy who walked up to her. I watched them walk hand in hand into room 107.

“I had to get back to work so I wasn’t able to stick around to see how long they were in there, but a rough guess would be about an hour. I’m guessing she was on her lunch hour, but for all I know she could have taken the afternoon off from work.”

“Can you describe him?”

“No. All my attention was on Milly. Is Mr. Nice Guy going to go all caveman on me?”


“Is my telling you what I saw going to cause you to go home and do great bodily harm to Milly?”

“Of course not. Before I go caveman on anybody, I’ve got to know what is going on. It isn’t in me to hit a woman unless it’s self-defense.”

“What will you do?”

“Do what I can to find out what is going on. Once I know I can make plans, but right now it is pretty much a foregone conclusion that there is a divorce in my future.”

“That kind of makes me sorry I opened my mouth to either of you.”

“Why is that?”

“Because I like both of you and because I now carry the cause of your divorce on my shoulders.”

“Don’t think that for a minute sweetie; cheaters always get found out. If it wasn’t you it would be someone else or something Milly said or did that would have triggered my suspicions.”

She looked at her watch and said she had to be going. I thanked her for being my friend and watched her leave.

I got Cookie’s attention and held up one finger and she brought me another PBR. I opened my briefcase, took out a pen and legal pad and started making a list of the things I needed to do. First was to take care of finances.

Next was looking into private detectives and then hit the internet to see what I could find that would help me to be a do-it-yourselfer. I’d have to do it at work because if I did it at home I might slip up and leave something behind that Milly (who was by no means computer illiterate) might find.

It is absolutely amazing what you can find on the internet these days. It took me eight days, but by the end of them I had the house wired (actually it was wireless) for audio and video. I had the living room, kitchen, our bedroom and the spare bedroom and even the garage covered. I even had a tap on the landline, but I didn’t think I’d get much there since Milly was married to her smartphone.

They all transmitted to a receiver in the garage overhead. Of course I could only access it by ladder and then only if I was home alone, but the whole setup was a lot cheaper than a private detective.

I hit pay dirt two days after I put the system in and it damned near killed me. It was a Saturday and Milly and Marie had gone shopping. I put the ladder in place and climbed up to view what had been sent to the receiver.

It was from the kitchen. Milly and Marie were talking and I heard Marie say:

“When are we going to see daddy again?”

“I’ll try for next week pumpkin. It all depends on Bob’s schedule. Next week is the week he usually goes to check on the Chatham office and he is usually gone for a three-day trip.”

“I don’t see why we don’t just leave here and go live with him.”

“We’ve had this talk before Marie. Your dad just does not make enough to support a family at this time. At least not as well as we have it here.”

“But you make good money and what with daddy makes that should be enough.”

“Your dad is a proud man baby. I make almost three times what he makes. I know him and I know it would kill him not to be the main bread winner of the family. You aren’t far from being eighteen and when that happens you can choose to go live with him if you want.”

“I still don’t understand why I can’t spend some time with him when he comes to town.”

“Because I never know ahead of time when he will be here and when he gets here you are usually in school.”

They dropped the subject and talked about other things, but what I first heard hit me hard. My daughter thought she wasn’t my daughter? And after sixteen years of my treating her like a princess she couldn’t wait to leave me?

That hung in my mind for several minutes before what it meant kicked me in the gut. My wife had to have been cheating on me for our entire marriage and part of our courtship. It was Mildred’s pregnancy that pushed us to get married.

She had been fucking around on me for over seventeen years! And I had no clue. I guess I did have a defense for my cluelessness. I was so in love with my family and content in my life that it never occurred to me that my life wasn’t as perfect as I believed it to be.

When I got back down off the ladder I went into the spare bedroom that I’d converted into a home office. I sat down behind the desk and contemplated my situation.

There was no doubt there was a divorce in my future. There was also no doubt given what Mildred said about her lover not being able to support a family that she would be looking to get as much out of me as possible in a divorce settlement. That meant my first step was going to have to be taking care of my finances. That was going to take a little time.

I had the rough outline of a plan in my mind, but I was going to have to put it down on paper and study it to see if it was possible.

Next, I needed to find out who the asshole was who had been fucking my wife for years and who thought he had fathered the child I’d spent sixteen years loving and raising. I would find the asshole and I’d see to it he got what he deserved.

The hardest thing I was going to have to do was act normal around Mildred and Marie. I wasn’t all that sure I could do it. I figured I had at least an hour to try and get myself together before they got home from shopping.

Apparently I wasn’t all that successful because a half hour after they got home Mildred said:

“Something wrong honey? You seem out of sorts.”

“You know how I get when I have problems at work.”

“I thought that was all behind you since you made Hoskins your operations manager.”

“There is always something that makes it to the Big Kahuna’s desk. I’ll get it figured out.”

“I’m sure you will dear. I should have dinner ready in about twenty minutes.”

I managed to stay out of the way of the two of them by doing yard work and minor house repairs for the rest of the weekend.

Monday I left for my office visit to the Chatham facility and I wondered what I’d find on the video when I got back home. While in Chatham I went to the local post office and got a passport application. A visit to Walgreen’s got me a passport photo and I filled out the application that evening and when my meeting was over the next day I went back to the post office and applied for the passport.

When I got back to my motel room I debated on whether or not to make my nightly check in phone call. From hearing Mildred and Marie’s conversation I had a pretty good idea of what was probably going on. If I didn’t call I’d be denying them the pleasure of talking to me while they were screwing over me. On the other hand, I always called and not to call might make Mildred wonder and I did not want that. I wanted her to be completely unaware that there was anything wrong.

Over the course of my three-day trip I made several phone calls to people I’d gone to school with and with whom I’d stayed in touch. Some were in finance and two had gone to law school and then into corporate law. From them I learned what I needed to know and who I needed to talk to to make it happen.

I returned from my trip at eleven-thirty in the morning and went to the house. Mildred should be at work and Marie should be in school so I should have the house to myself. I put my dirty clothes in the laundry and then I put the ladder in place and went up to the garage overhead.

I turned on the unit and started watching. I was not surprised when I saw a man enter the house shortly after Mildred got home from work. No, the surprise was the way Marie ran up to him, wrapped him in an embrace in a way she had never had done for me.

I wasn’t surprised that I recognized the man. I’d already figured that since Mildred had been stabbing me in the back for over sixteen years her lover had to be someone from when we were in college together.

Dave Winstead had been one of Mildred’s classmates. He was there on an athletic scholarship playing football. He had blown out a knee and had dropped out of school. I had no idea they had stayed in touch after he dropped out of school or that they’d had any kind of relationship other than classmates who were friends.

I fast forwarded through the evening as it was obvious that they were acting as a family with Dave treating my home as though it was his. What I saw in the bedroom didn’t even meet the level of bad pornography.

I did find out why I think Mildred was fucking Dave. It appeared that Dave was quite well hung. As a guess, using my six and a half inches as a guide, it looked like Dave packed ten or eleven inches. Mildred was a size queen! I’d never have guessed it.

I’d had the audio off as I watched the earlier part of the evening and during their fornication, but I turned it on to hear the pillow talk. It was quite enlightening. One section really floored me.

“When are you and my girl going to bail out on needle dick and come live with me?”

“We’ve had this conversation before David. I have no intension of leaving my husband for you. I don’t love you and I never have. I do love Bob and have since the day I met him and I intend to grow old with him. You know why you are here. You have always known why I see you.”

“Oh come on Mills; I know you care for me.”

“Don’t kid yourself David; if you weren’t blackmailing me you would have been history a long time ago.”

“Bullshit Mills; you forget that I’ve known you since our freshman year. You might have forgotten what you were saying back then, but I remember it. “Oh Dave, I can’t live without you and your magnificent cock.” Sound familiar?”

“Yes, but the key there is “Magnificent cock.” You don’t have anything else going for you.”

“Maybe so, but you kept coming back for it. You came back for it even after you hooked up with Bob. You came back for it even after you married Bob.”

“Yes I did, but I weaned myself off of it and stayed away from it for fourteen years. The only reason you are back now is because of the bullshit you fed Marie to convince her that you were her father.”

“Enough of this bullshit talk. Big Dave is ready to go again” and he pushed Mildred down on her back and started fucking her again.

I fast forwarded to the next day, past their morning fuck, Marie leaving for school and Mildred leaving for work. As I was doing it my mind was on what I’d heard. Marie being convinced that he was her father? Mildred being blackmailed into fucking Dave? She loved me and intended to grow old with me? What the hell! Did I really want to find out what those snippets of conversation meant? Would it change anything if I found out?

It only took me a couple of seconds of thought before I admitted it would make no difference at all. As for Mildred, you can’t be blackmailed unless you let it happen. All she had to do was say “Fuck you” to her blackmailer and come to me and tell me what was going on. I loved the woman and her being honest with me would not have changed anything.

If anything, it would have made us stronger. She would know I would be there for her and she could count on me and I would know I could trust her to come to me with her problems.

As for Marie all it would have taken would have been coming to me and say:

“There is this guy that mom knows and he says he is my daddy. Is it true?”

I would have handled the problem, but she didn’t do that. She accepted what he told her and then treated him in a way she had never treated me.

The video showed Dave making himself to home after Mildred left for work.

I shut the unit down, climbed down the ladder, put it away and went back into the house. I didn’t want to look at what happened for the rest of the time I was gone. I’d seen enough. Watching the same shit happening for the other two days I was gone wouldn’t be all that good for my mental health. I left the house and went into work.

Mildred greeted me with a hot kiss and told me how much she had missed me. From Marie I got an “Hi Dad.” I wanted to say “Fuck you bitch” but I had to pretend to still be a loving husband and father so I said:

“Hi Sweetie; come give daddy a hug.”

I could tell her heart wasn’t in it, but she did come over and give me a half-hearted hug. She might prefer her ‘other daddy’ to me, but I’d bet the farm he wouldn’t buy her a car for her seventeenth birthday. But then, given all that I’d found out, I’m not going to give her one either.

Which reminded me I need to call Bob Flanigan at O’Brian’s Ford and cancel the Mustang convertible I’d ordered. Then again, maybe not. I wouldn’t mind giving up my Explorer and moving into a Mustang convertible. Plus, I could always let Marie know that it was supposed to be hers until I’d found out how she really felt about me.

That night Mildred (notice that I don’t call her Milly anymore) wanted to make love and I wasn’t going to say no. And it would be making love. I’d loved the woman for over eighteen years and, regardless of what some might say, you can’t just turn it off. Besides, I’d heard her tell Dave that she loved me and intended to grow old with me.

And while I couldn’t just turn off my love I could walk away from her and take it with me. I knew it would fade in time, but there was no way I could live with her after finding out how long she had been cheating on me with Dave.

Thinking of that I decided that I needed to check out the rest of the tapes. I didn’t need to watch the fucking, but I might learn something from the pillow talk.

The story I pulled from their pillow talk was that Mildred and Marie had been having lunch one day and Dave saw them and came over to say hi to Mildred and explained to Marie that he and Mildred were schoolmates from college. Marie had invited him to sit down with them so he and Mildred could talk about old times and catch up on what was happening in their lives.

Dave found out what school Marie went to and somehow managed to get together with her somewhere. He told her he had gotten Mildred pregnant; they’d had a big fight and split. Before he and Mildred could patch things up and get back together she had married me and that Marie was really his daughter.

Marie called bullshit and Dave said he could prove it with a DNA test. He got Marie to give him something to use and a week later he showed her the test results that showed he was Marie’s father. Marie went to Mildred with the information and Mildred said no way and Marie showed her the test. Mildred went to Dave and the end result was Mildred being blackmailed for pussy to keep Dave from seeing to it that I found out Marie was his and not mine.

Learning that changed nothing as far as I was concerned. The facts were (as I’d overheard) that Dave was fucking Mildred during our engagement and during the first two years of our marriage.

That was the killer. If it weren’t for that I might, just might, have been able to work through Mildred’s being blackmailed. And I could have maybe done that because I knew whatever it was that Dave had shown Marie had to be bogus.

About ten years earlier I had been reading about DNA testing and how your DNA could show your family’s origins back for hundreds of years. I got curious so I sent a sample of my DNA in to see where my family had come from. At the same time I sent samples of Mildred’s and Marie’s DNA. I had the bright idea of maybe framing the results and giving them to Marie on her eighteenth birthday. It would show where her where our families had come from and it would be something she could share with her children. One of the things that Marie’s showed was that she was mine. Ninety-nine-point ninety-seven percent sure.

Looking back I suppose I could have sat Marie down and explained things to her, but her mother’s betrayal had poisoned my mind at the time and when I saw her behave toward Dave in a way she had never behaved toward me I saw it as a betrayal every bit as bad as her mother’s.

Over the next month and a half I made several business trips and met with certain people who had knowledge in the areas I was interested in and the final result was my company was now owned by a corporation out of Delaware and I had two off shore bank accounts that held all the excess funds I could scrape up.

MDM Holdings (whimsically I had it using the initials of Mildred, Dave and Marie) had taken over the company when my company’s debts exceeded my ability to pay. The had kept me on in a management position at a salary that was slightly less than what Mildred made where she worked.

Of course Dave moved into my house while I was gone and I had audio and video of every one of his visits and on one of them I had hired a private investigator to follow Dave when he left and to get as much information on him as was possible.

I was going to sue Dave for sixteen (going on seventeen) years of back child support for Marie. I knew she wasn’t his, but Mildred, Marie and Dave thought she was. It would cost me a few dollars and I doubted I’d get anything out of it, but just fucking with him would make me feel better. I was hoping he wasn’t smart enough to get a DNA test, but if he did get one I could just imagine how Mildred and Marie would take it.

I come out the winner either way.

When I had all my ducks in a row one day when Mildred was at work and Marie was in school I moved out.

I had some movers come in and by two in the afternoon I had everything I wanted out of the house.

I left a package on the kitchen table addressed to both Mildred and Marie. The package had my wedding ring sitting on top of it and contained copies of all the videos I had of their hosting Dave while I was gone on my trips. I left a note telling them to pop some corn, get some soft drinks and sit back and enjoy the show. Hopefully it would prepare them for the copies of my last will and testament that they would soon receive in the mail.

I shut off my phone and moved into a condo close to work and then told Darla, my secretary, that I’d left Mildred and to not take any calls from her. Darla smiled and said:

“Does this mean I might get a shot?”

That surprised me because in the two years that Darla had worked for me I’d never seen a sign that she might be interested in me.

“It might” I said. “But it won’t be for a while. I have a divorce to get out of the way first and they have been known to take as long as a year. I won’t do anything until I’m divorced. I won’t give Mildred anything she can use to counter sue.”

“We can still have lunches and dinners together and get to know each other better. See if we even want to go farther after your divorce.”

“I guess we can do that, but it all has to be out in the open and in public. Nothing behind closed doors.”

“Can do. Lunch together today?”

I said yes and we got to work.

Two days after I moved out of the house I ha Dave served with the papers suing him for Marie’s child support. My attorney, given all I has was the three of them talking about him being daddy, didn’t think I had a chance in hell, but I told him it didn’t matter. All I wanted to do was drop a bomb on Dave. He shrugged and told me it didn’t matter to him and it wouldn’t have any effect on his fees.

What was important was my fucking with the asshole. And I would know if I was successful. I still owned the house and once or twice a week I would swing by when Mildred was at work and Marie was in school and check on the video feeds.

The feeds were interesting and in some cases brought big smiles to my face. The section where Mildre came home and found the package I’d left her made me both happy and sad. Happy to see her suffering, but sad because of what could have been.

She loved me. She really loved me. She opened the package, saw what was in it and then broke down and cried. Marie asked her mother what was wrong and Mildred wailed:

“He left me. My Bobby left me.”

“Good. We can call daddy and he can come live with us now.”

“I don’t want him! I want my Bobby! Only reason I had anything to do with that deadbeat is he was blackmailing me.”

“He threatened to tell Bobby that you weren’t his daughter.”

“Well I’m not.”

“I don’t know if you are or not, but it makes no difference. Bobby raised you. You were the light of his life and he did everything for you. Who made it to all of your soccer and field hockey games? Bobby or Dave? Who was at all of your piano recitals and other school events? Was it Bobby or Dave? That man treated you like the princess you were to him.

“What has Dave ever done for you? All he did was somehow get to you and convince you that he was your father. Let me ask you something. Whenever Dave visited did he ever bring you anything? What did he give you for your sixteenth birthday? What has he ever given you? In case you don’t remember I’ll tell you. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

“Bobby gave you his all and for the last year you have treated him like he was nothing more than a next-door neighbor.”

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