Getting Husband a Promotion - Cover

Getting Husband a Promotion

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2022 by Just Plain Bob

Fiction Story: The title says it all.

Caution: This Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   .

I saw Dave and his wife when they arrived. How a numb nuts like Dave could have scored a woman like Candy I’d never know. The woman had a gorgeous face and a killer body. Tall, about 5’7” or 5’8” and a great ass. Full, firm, well-shaped tits, legs to die for and she always showed them off by wearing 4 inch heels. She was, in my opinion, the hottest woman within a thousand miles. If I could I’d steal her away from him in a heartbeat.

I’d hoped Dave would bring her when he came. I knew he would be here. Here being my place. It was my company’s catered summer barbeque. I hold it once a year and the invitation is posted on all the company bulletin boards. No RSVP required, but usually sixty to seventy-five percent of my employees show up.

Dave usually doesn’t come. My understanding is that his wife Candy doesn’t like to attend large gatherings. I’ve been told by someone who knows Dave and Candy fairly well that it is because of all the unwanted attention she gets at large gatherings. Apparently she gets hit on every time Dave turns his back.

The reason I knew Dave would be here is that Mel Thomas was retiring and Dave wanted the promotion to Mel’s position. As a result Dave was constantly putting himself where I could see him. I guess he thought the more I saw him the more likely I would be to have him in my mind when promotion time came around.

It wasn’t going to do him any good though. Even though he was well qualified for the job and would do an excellent job. Fred Dumas was going to get the promotion. Fred was equally qualified, but Fred had an edge he didn’t even know about. Fred’s wife Marcia had heard about Mel’s retirement and she wanted the job for Fred. She wanted him to get the raise in pay, the company car and the company credit card that went with it. And her love for Fred had nothing to do with it. She wanted the raise in her standard of living.

The woman had balls. She had shown up in my office one morning when Fred was out of town visiting one of our vendors. She came into my office wearing a raincoat which I thought was strange since it was a sunny day out. When she came into the office I asked:

“What can I do for you Mrs. Dumas?”

“It isn’t so much what you can do for me as it is what I can do for you” she said as she took of the raincoat and dropped it to the floor. She was naked except for thigh high nylons and ‘come fuck me pumps’ with four inch heels. She spun around in front of me and asked:

“You like?”

She was a sexy looking lady and so I said “Yes indeed.”

“You can have as much of it as you like whenever you might like it and all you need to do to get it is promote Fred into the position that will open up when Mel Thomas retires.

“Fred is willing to let you do this?

“Fred doesn’t know anything about this. It is strictly between you and me.”

“As much as I want and whenever?”

“That’s what I said.”

“Everything on the table? Oral, vaginal and anal?”

“Oh you nasty man! You want my pooper?”


“It’s all yours whenever you want it.”

I had her right then and there. I quickly cleared my desk and fucked her on it. Then we left my office and went to her house where we fucked and sucked until we got tired and took a nap. I spent the night with her and she gave it all to me just like she said she would. Oral, vaginal and anal.

Since then Marcia had been my fuck toy. Two or three times a week. Maybe half a dozen times I spent the night with her when Fred had to go out of town on business. Once I spent three nights with her in my bed.

The party was humming along and I circulated and talked to my guests and eventually I came up to Dave and Candy. While I was talking to them my eyes were checking out Candy. Her facial expression was saying:

“I know what you want and thanks for the interest.”

I was still talking to Dave and Candy when I saw Fred and Marcia come in. I excused myself and walked over to greet Fred and his wife. We talked for a bit and then Fred went to get drinks for them. As soon as he was gone Marcia said:

“I’m horny. All the way over here I was thinking of what a kick it would be to do you while Fred was in the area. Maybe even do you while he was only a couple of feet away in the next room. Thinking about it has made me wet and horny. Any chance we could make it happen?”

“Afraid not. Even though I’d love to do it I couldn’t be away from the party that long.”

“How about a blow job? That wouldn’t take you away from the party for too long.”

I felt my cock twitch and I knew it wanted to do it and so I said:

“My den in twenty minutes?”

“Can do.”

Before we could talk about it any further Fred came back with a glass of wine for his wife and I excused myself to see to my other guests.

As I circulated and talked to my guests I kept track of time and after twenty minutes I headed for my den. Marcia was there waiting on her knees and I unzipped my fly, took out my cock and walked it straight into Marcia’s open mouth. She had just started sucking when the door opened and I looked over and saw Candy standing there. The three of us were frozen in place for several seconds and then Candy said:

“Excuse me. I didn’t mean to interrupt” and then she stepped back and closed the door. I cursed myself for not locking the door when I came into the room. Marcia said:

“Do you need to leave and do some damage control or can I still have my toy?”

“Nothing can undo what she saw and my cock is still hard and aching, but let me go lock the door.”

Marcia got up and walked over to the door with me and went back to her knees, captured my cock in her mouth and was back to sucking on me as I locked the door.

I have no idea what was running through Marcia’s mind at the moment, but I was imagining Candy on her knees with my cock in her mouth.

When I came Marcia swallowed, licked my cock clean and then we got back to the party. I gave her a few minutes head start so we wouldn’t show up at the same time and cause speculation.

When I got back I saw Fred and Marcia in a corner kissing. My dick twitched when I saw her kissing him with the mouth that had just left my cock. I wondered if he could taste me when he kissed her. If so would he wonder what it was?

Kissing hubby with a mouth fresh from another cock was a slutty thing to do, but Marcia wasn’t a slut. At least not in the normal sense of the word. This I knew because after we had been fucking for a while I tried to get her to take care of some of my better customers and she turned me down flat.

“You get me because of what you can do for Fred. He’ll never know it, but you are my gift to him.”

“Maybe if you did more for me I could do more for Fred.”

“No thank you. I can hide what I’m doing with you, but to expand it would cause me more problems than I want to deal with.”

She didn’t want to do it so I dropped it.

About a half hour later I was fixing myself a drink at the self-service bar Candy came up to refill her wine glass. As she was pouring she said:

“I guess Dave isn’t going to get Mel’s job when he retires.”

“What makes you think that?”

“The way Marcia Dumas was on her knees in front of you making sure that Fred gets the promotion.”

“Which brings up the question of why did you come into my home office?”

“To see if I could convince you into giving Dave the job. I was walking toward you to talk to you when you turned to go into your den so I followed you. I guess maybe I should have tried to talk to you sooner.”

“Why did Dave think you could talk me into giving him Mel’s job?”

“Dave doesn’t know. It was my idea.”

“And just how were you going to convince me that Dave was the right man for the job?”

“No convincing needed. You already know he can do the job. All I was going to do was convince you to give the job to him.”

“And how were you going to do that?”

“That is something that we will never know since Marcia Dumas got to you first.”

She took a sip of her wine, said “Nice party. Thanks for the invite” and turned and walked away. As I watched that magnificent ass walking away I almost cried at the lost opportunity. But regardless of my many other failings I was a man of my word and by accepting Marcia’s gift I had promised that Fred would get the promotion into Mel’s position when he retired.

One month later Mel retired and I promoted Fred into the vacancy.

On his first overnight customer visit Marcia did her absolute best to fuck my eyes out and for the next six months we got together at least three times a week. The one night after fucking me into exhaustion Marcia told me that:

“This is our last time together for a while. I’m seeing signs that Fred is getting suspicious. I have a friend from when I was in college who works in the office of a private detective and she told she saw Fred going into the office of one of the investigators. She doesn’t know what they talked about, but she felt I should know.

“I can’t think of anything I may have done that would make him see a private detective other than he may be suspicious of me. I think it is in my best interest to cool things for a while.”

“You should have called me and cancelled.”

“I think we are good for tonight. I got the call this afternoon from Sandy while Fred was still in the detective’s office. I don’t think the PI could get on the case quick enough to be on me tonight. We’ll give it a month or so and then if you don’t have someone else warming your bed we can get back together a time or two.”

She gave me a hot kiss, told me she would miss me and left.

We never did get back together. One month later Fred keeled over at his desk. We called 911, but he died before they could get to him. An autopsy showed that a brain aneurism killed him.

Fred passed on a Thursday and on Monday morning I’d no sooner sat down at my desk than my secretary said there was a Mrs. King there to see me. The only Kings I knew were Dave and Candy so I told Marge to show her in.

She looked her usual gorgeous self when she came in. She chose a chair far enough away from my desk so that when she sat and crossed her legs I had a great view of her legs and her sexy feet in strappy high heels. I’m not dumb so I had a pretty good idea of why she was there so I went right at it.

“Do I need to ask why I’m being treated to that marvelous display?”

“I hate to seem like a vulture swooping in so soon after Fred’s passing, but I wanted to make sure I beat another Marcia to you. I want the open position to go to Dave so I’m here to see what I can do to make it happen.”

“You already know the best way to secure what you want. After all, you did see Marcia securing the position for Fred.”

“Just a blow job or is there more?”

“She came into my office wearing a raincoat and when she took it off she was naked underneath. She asked if I liked what I saw. When I said I did she told me I could have as much of it as I wanted and as often as I wanted it. Nothing was off the table. All three holes were available. Sound like something you can do?”

“I can do anything you want as long as you don’t mark me in anyway. And I don’t like water sports.”

“That’s too bad. I’m really into water sports.”

She shrugged and started to stand up and I told her to sit back down.

“I just wanted to get an idea of just how bad you anted Dave to get the job. Does Dave know you are trying to get him the job?”

“God no! That’s why I said no marks that he would see.”

“Just why do you want him to get the job?”

“Because it means he will be travelling and that will give me nights I can go out and play.”

“You cheat on him much?”

“Never have, but I’ve wanted to.”

“Why now and why me?”

“I love Dave. I really do love him, but he is barely adequate in bed. I’ve talked him into trying things to spice things up but nothing helps. Three or four minutes and he gets off, rolls over and goes to sleep.”

“Why did you marry him if he’s that bad?”

“I didn’t know any better. He was my first, he got me pregnant and we had to get married. I lost the baby, but I found out that I really did love Dave so we stayed together. It wasn’t until listening to my girlfriends that I learned just how lackluster my sex life was.

“I’ve spent six years fighting it, but I’ve finally decided I owed it to myself to find some sexual satisfaction. I don’t want to get caught and lose Dave so when I heard about Mel’s retirement I decided to try and get Dave the job. Two reasons. One is the travel and the other is you.”

“My manly charm drew you in?”

“Not hardly although from what I saw when I barged in on you and Marcia your equipment is larger than Dave’s. I picked you because you can give Dave the job and as his boss you are always going to know where he is during business hours.”

“Do I get a sample? Maybe a blow job since you are here?”

“No. Dave gets the job and on his first trip out of town I’m yours for the time he is gone.”

“You don’t trust me? You think after you give me a blow job I wouldn’t give you what you want?”

“Just being practical. Someone else might want to get her husband the job and her blow job might be better than mine. I give you the blowjob and you don’t give Dave the job and there isn’t anything I can do about it. You give Dave the job and I don’t follow through you can fuck over him. Give him bad reviews and things like that.”

“Then I’d better hurry up and give Dave the promotion and get him on the road. You do understand that this isn’t one and done, right?”

“I’m certainly hoping it isn’t.”

I gave Dave the promotion that afternoon and two weeks later he made his first out of town trip and he would be gone for three days.”

I called Candy and asked “Your place or mine?”

“Needs to be yours. I might cheat on the man, but I won’t soil his bed doing it.”

“Won’t you need to be there if he calls?”

“We gave up our land line when we got cell phones. As long as I have mine with me he can reach me.”

“So come on over” I said and thirty minutes later she was ringing my doorbell.

I believe I’ve already commented on her appearance, but in my bedroom, standing in front of me in only thigh highs and high heels she was breathtaking.

“You want the heels on or off” she asked and I told her to leave them on.

“I thought that would be your answer.”

She got on the bed, spread her legs wide and asked “You like?”

“What I’m feeling right now is way beyond like.”

Knowing what I did about Dave’s performance in bed (from her perspective) I was determined to try and make her want to come back on her own and not just because I gave Dave the promotion. I proceeded to show her just how much I liked what was spread out before me.

I started out with some passionate kissing and then I kissed and licked my way down to her breasts and I spent a couple of minute working on both of them. Then it was more kissing and licking my way down to her pussy and then I ate her to two orgasms before moving up and sliding my cock into her receptive pussy. I gave her two orgasms before I drove for mine. As I leaned above her on my arms and waited for my swelling to go down she looked up at me with an expression of wonder on her face.

“I never knew it could be like this. Can we do it again in the morning?”

“What’s wrong with doing it again tonight?”

“You can?”

“I most definitely can.”

“I didn’t believe my girlfriends when they said they did it several times a night. How long?”

“Maybe twenty minutes or so. You could help speed it up.”


“The blow job you wouldn’t give me that day in my office.”

I don’t know if she gave Dave a lot of head, but she had to have learned somewhere because she was damned good at it and had me up in less than fifteen.

We had just finished our third when her cell phone rang. I looked at the clock and saw it was seven. The call was from Dave and she was sitting on the bed talking to him when I gently pushed her down on her back and started licking her pussy. I didn’t push it as I didn’t want her to make any sounds that might make the man on the other end of the conversation wonder. When the call was over she said:

“That was the kinkiest thing I’ve ever done. I’m surprised I didn’t orgasm. Tomorrow I want you in my pussy when I’m talking to him.

She was wrapped around me when I woke up the next morning and as I rolled over to get out of bed she asked:

“Can we do it again this morning?”

I looked at the clock and saw that I’d have time before I needed to leave for work. I would be tight for time so there was no love making that morning. I fucked her. I fucked her hard and did get us both off before I had to get up and get ready for work.

“Can I stay here until you get off work, or should I go home and come back?”

“Why would you want to stay here?”

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