Banging My Teammates - Cover

Banging My Teammates

by Marc Nobbs

Copyright© 2022 by Marc Nobbs

Erotica Sex Story: Lizzie and I had been married for just over a year when we moved to Westmouth after I won a promotion at work. Because we didn't know very many people in this new town, I decided to join a local Sunday League football team. At the end of the first season, we threw a barbecue party for my teammates. But neither of us knew was that our guests had unorthodox sex lives. And neither of us expected that our sex lives were about to change forever. Marc's take on a classic internet erotica trope.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   .

Lizzie and I had been married for just over a year when we moved to Westmouth. I’d taken a promotion at a large, well regarded secondary school on the south coast town which led to the move. It was more responsibility and more money and even though we had no connections there, we had nothing to hold us back in our old town either, so we went for it.

We moved at the start of the long summer break to give us time to get settled before I started work in September. Luckily, Lizzie was able to find part-time work in a small local law firm shortly after we arrived too. That was a bonus. We didn’t exactly need the extra money, but it certainly didn’t hurt to have it.

Obviously, we didn’t know very many people in this strange new town where everyone spoke in a strange, musical accent, so at the suggestion of one of the other teachers at my new school, I joined a local Sunday League football team.

It was a typical amateur outfit—most of the guys were more interested in the social aspect of the club than the sport and we often gathered in a pub on Sunday afternoons after the match for a few beers and some grub.

Not all the players’ wives or girlfriends joined us—hell, I don’t think all my teammates had wives or girlfriends—but Lizzie got to be friends with a couple of the ones that did.

Yes, my being part of the team was certainly good for our social life and, although we didn’t know it at first, it would do wonders for our sex life as well.

At the end of a moderately successful first season with the team, Lizzie and I thought it would be nice to throw a party for my teammates and their partners as a ‘thank you’ for being so welcoming to us. Since it was late spring—almost summer really—we thought we’d have a barbecue in the back garden. Apart from anything else it meant we’d have more space to accommodate everyone.

We told our guests to arrive around seven and to ‘bring a bottle’. As you can imagine, that meant that the booze was flowing pretty freely throughout the evening.

Most people stayed outside for the first few hours. It was a warm evening and the smell of the barbecue was divine. I manned the grill while Lizzie kept everyone’s glasses topped up and their plates full with the food I’d so manfully cooked. It was a fun party all in all.

It stayed warm well after dusk, although as it got darker some of the wives and girlfriends started to drift inside to congregate in the kitchen instead.

Around eleven, some of our guests started to go home. It was mostly the players with wives and girlfriends that left. Eventually, there were only two other attached players left and a few singletons.

Billy’s wife, Jenny, and Jack’s wife, Alyson, were keeping Lizzie company and polishing off a bottle of wine in the kitchen while us guys stood around in the lounge chatting while highlights from the day’s professional matches were on the telly. The conversation among us men was the typical bullshit that always gets tossed around by guys—particularly when the beer is flowing freely. And the main two subjects?

Sport and sex.


We talked about the season we’d had and the professional season that was coming to an end. We talked about the World Cup that summer and England’s chances of winning it (which weren’t good—like usual). That got us talking about the England WAGs—which one was the hottest and which ones we wouldn’t bang in a million years.

The consensus was that we’d bang pretty much all of them.

Then our goalkeeper, Big Nev (appropriate in more than one sense) said, “Hey, Billy, when we gonna get to bang Jenny again? It’s been a while.”

“I don’t know, Nev. We’ve both been busy, you know.”

“Does he mean what it sounds like he means?” I asked.

“Pretty much,” said Billy. “Jenny and I have what you’d call an open marriage. Basically, she’s hot to trot and I’m not embarrassed to say I can’t keep up with her on my own. I’m not as young as I used to be. So the guys here all help out from time to time.”

“And you’re okay with that?” I asked, shocked by the idea of a man letting other men fuck his wife. Or did his wife fuck other men? Was there even a difference?

“Why wouldn’t I be, man? It saves me from an early grave. And as much fun as death by fucking might sound, I really don’t want to find out—know what I mean?” He nudged his elbow in my side and laughed out loud at his own joke. “Mind you, there are other benefits. I mean, Jenny can’t exactly complain if I dip my wick in some other bird when she’s choking down some other bloke’s cock, now can she?”

“So you mean you get to fuck around on her?”

“Not behind her back or nothing like that. Well, not usually. Look, put it this way, all the guys on the team have had a crack at my Jenny. All except you that is—and that’s just down to opportunity, you understand, nothing against you personally.

“And in return, I’ve had a crack at all their other halves. Fair is fair, like. Right? Some of them I’ve had to, you know, seduce ‘em. Put the moves on ‘em, you know? But not all. Hell, Alyson’s still here, isn’t she Jack?”

Jack nodded and said, “Sure is.”

“Well, she’s almost as big a slut as my Jenny.”

“That she is. Only ... I can keep up with her better than you can keep up with your missus.” We all laughed at that, even Billy.

“Hey,” said Big Nev, “Since two of the team sluts are both here, why don’t you set something up now? Go and get ‘em, Billy. You know Jenny will be up for it. She always is. And I bet Alyson will too. It’s been fucking ages since we last gangbanged her. Not since last season, isn’t it?”

Jack and Billy looked at each other and Billy raised his eyebrows. It looked to me like they were seriously considering it.

“What? Here?” I said.

“Sure,” said Big Nev. “You don’t mind, do you? I mean, you’re due a crack at her crack. No time like the present, right?”

“But ... But ... What about Lizzie?”

“She can join in if she wants,” said Billy. “The guys won’t mind. Will you?”

There was a chorus of “No’s” as I shook my head and tried to say that wasn’t what I meant. I wasn’t worried that Lizzie would ever consider fucking another guy, let alone a whole gang of them, but I was worried she’d go mad if the guys started fucking Jenny, and probably Alyson too by the sound of it, on our lounge carpet. We’d only just had it fitted. It wasn’t even two months old!

On the other hand, my cock was getting hard at the thought of watching Jenny and Alyson getting fucked and maybe, just maybe, fucking them myself. I mean, they were both hot. And if they both really had fucked all the other guys on the team, then damn it, I didn’t see why I should be the odd man out.

Billy left the lounge and headed for the kitchen only to return under a minute later with a giggling, tipsy Jenny in tow. There was a silly grin on her face and her eyes were twinkling. This was a woman who wanted to have some fun, that much was clear.

Billy grabbed a couple of cushions from the sofa and threw them on the floor while Jenny pulled her top up over her head, then pushed her skirt down and stepped out of it. She stood in the centre of the room, posing for the guys with her hands on her hips and one leg slightly bent. She had a body that wet dreams were made of—the body of a porn-star, you might say. Long bottle—blonde hair framed a face with prominent cheek-bones and full, pouty lips. Her large tits threatened to bust out of her bra and her legs looked great in black hold up stockings and black high heels. Her hips were wide and her waist narrow. And her skimpy lace panties left almost nothing to the imagination—I mean, it was certainly clear she kept the lady-garden neatly trimmed.

With a seductive smile, she removed her bra and dropped it on top of the pile of her other clothes. Then she looked directly at me, winked, and bent to remove her panties. After stepping out of them and adding them to the pile of discarded clothes, she stood up straight, posed again and said, “Well, boys, who’s first?”

There was a scramble of clothes as my teammates got naked in a hurry.

I watched in disbelief as Big Nev stepped up to Jenny, pulled her into his arms and kissed her. His hands massaged her arse while her hands grabbed his huge erection and stroked it.

A few moments later, Jenny was on her back and Big Nev was slamming away between her legs.

I stared. I couldn’t believe my eyes. For one thing, I was amazed that Big Nev’s donkey cock could fit in Jenny’s cunt—or any woman’s cunt for that matter. The fucking thing was massive. But it did fit. And he’d jammed it up inside her right there in my living room. On my new carpet!

As I said, I couldn’t believe my own eyes.

And neither, it seemed, could Lizzie. She stood in the doorway next to Alyson and I heard her mutter under her breath, “I ... I thought they were joking.”

“Oh, they never joke about sex. Jenny’s a fucking slut.” Alyson paused. “Although, in fairness, so am I.” She paused again then said, “Actually, so are most of us. It must be a team bonding kind of thing.” She looked at Lizzie and said, “You should try it.”

I didn’t hear Lizzie’s response though because Big Nev had grunted quite loudly as he pumped his cum deep into Jenny’s pussy and she’d moaned just as loud in what appeared to be an orgasm of her own.

When his hips stopped jerking, Big Nev was pulled off her to make way for the next. But before Charlie, our leading goal scorer this season, took his place, Billy said, “Hold on, hold on. Let’s be fair and give the host his turn before she gets too sloppy. It’s his first time, don’t forget.”

Now I couldn’t believe my ears. My teammate was offering me his wife’s pussy.

“Yeah. Come on, stud. Show me what you can do.”

And so, it seemed, was she.

This was fucking nuts.

But even though my cock was so hard it was straining against my jeans, my big head knew right from wrong. Lizzie was right there in the room and it would be a massive breach of the trust of our marriage to just drop to my knees and stick my cock in Jenny’s cunt. A massive breach of trust.

As massive as Big Nev’s cock...

“No, No, I ... It wouldn’t be ... I just—”

“Oh, stop being a fucking pussy and fuck that fucking pussy,” Billy said. “Come on. She’s waiting for you.”

I looked down at Jenny lying on her back. He was pinching her nipples and licking her lips. Her legs were wide open, with her feet together, and a drop of Big Nev’s cum was dribbling out of her gaping cunt.

This was a bad idea.

A very, very bad idea.

I glanced at Lizzie, who still looked shocked. Then down at Jenny again. She was rubbing her hands up and down her inner thighs now.

I’m sure if I hadn’t had quite so many beers I would have done something different.

I’m sure if my teammates hadn’t been egging me on, I would have had the force of will to do the right thing.

But as it was, the devil on my shoulder kept reminding me how everyone else had sampled that pussy and I hadn’t.

I shrugged and, smiling like an idiot—a drunken idiot—I stepped forward and unbuckled my belt. In the corner of my eye, I saw Lizzie turn and storm out of the room.

Sure, she’s pissed off right now, but she’ll get over it, I thought. I’m sure she will. She always does. Well, she usually does.

I pushed my trousers and boxers down then fell to my knees between Jenny’s legs. She put her hands on my shoulders as I took my cock in my hand and rubbed it in the folds of her pussy to coat it with her juices. I was also covering it in Big Nev’s cum, but that was the last thing on my mind right then.

I notched the head in place and shoved my cock all the way home on the first push. I slid right in to my balls and it felt heavenly.

Jenny’s cunt wasn’t at tight around my cock as Lizzie’s, but she had just taken Big Nev’s monster, so I suppose that was to be expected. Not that I cared by that point. This was the first new pussy I’d been balls deep in since before I’d gotten married, and this was more about the excitement I felt fucking someone new than any physical sensations.

The guys were cheering me on, and one of them knelt by Jenny’s head, his cock pointing at her face. She pushed herself up on her elbows so she could reach and sucked Charlie’s dick into her mouth. I’d never been this close to someone getting sucked off and my eyes were wide as her nose nestled in his pubes and his dick made a bulge in her throat.

“Damn, that’s good,” Charlie said. “Best fucking cock-sucker ever.”

I hadn’t been this excited in a long, long time.

Problem was, I was too excited. I’d hardly got a good thrusting rhythm going when I felt the cum boiling in my balls.

It couldn’t have been more than two or three minutes, but I sped up my thrusts until I could take it no more and held myself at full depth while I hosed down the inside of Jenny’s cunt with my cum.

Balls finally empty, I was breathing hard when Charlie pushed at my shoulder to get me to move so he could take his turn. I de-cunted and sat back on my haunches to watch as Jenny sat up then moved onto all fours so Charlie could take my place. She was facing me now as he took her from behind, and she winked at me as he started to fuck her hard and make her tits bounce.

I scrambled up and collapsed into my favourite armchair to watch the show. In something of a daze, I glanced around the room, which was full of naked men waiting their turn. But couldn’t see Lizzie, or Alyson, anywhere. Alyson must have gone after Lizzie when she stormed out after I started fucking Jenny.

Hopefully, she’d be able to talk some sense into her.

Okay, not sense, exactly. But she might be able to stop Lizzie from wanting to cut my balls off.

A load groan drew my attention back to Jenny, who was now sucking hungrily on Jack’s dick while Charlie slammed into her. They were bouncing her back and forth between them and she looked to be loving it.

Then I heard Lizzie’s voice from the doorway.

“Hey guys, don’t all wear yourselves out with Jenny. There are two more pussies here that need fucking. Lots and lots of fucking!”

All heads turned to her. She and Alyson were standing in the doorway. They had their arms around each other’s waists and were gently rubbing each other’s pussies.

“Lizzie, what are—”

“Not one word out of you!” she said, taking her hand away from Alyson’s box so she could wag her finger at me. “This is just as much my party as is it yours and I intend to enjoy it. So you just sit there and watch me have some fun. And, damn, I’m going to have some fun!” Then she addressed the rest of the room. “So ... Who’s first? I reckon I’ve got some catching up to do.”

Billy was standing closest. He took her hand and pulled her to the centre of the room. Then he gently pushed her to her knees and pointed his erection towards her face.

She looked up at him as she took it in her hand, then she looked over at me and grinned. She winked and then kept her eyes on me as she opened her mouth and moved her head forward to wrap her lips around Billy’s knob.

Those eyes, those gorgeous brown eyes, positively glowed with ... with what? Excitement? Desire? Revenge?

All three?

Whatever it was, it was still there when she closed her eyes, moaned and sucked more of my teammate’s cock into her mouth.

“Like what you see?”

I jumped at the sound of Alyson’s voice. I didn’t realise she’d slid over to me and now sat on the arm of the chair—so engrossed was I in watching Lizzie suck another man’s dick. “I ... I...” I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

“Just wait until she bends over or lies back, ready to get fucked. Wait until you watch Billy’s big dick sliding into her for the first time...” She sucked in her breath. “Jack says there’s no feeling like it.”

I sat in stunned silence as Alyson’s husband stepped up to my wife and, even as she continued to suck hungrily on Billy’s cock, he repositioned her so that she was leaning forward and her knees were far enough apart to give him access to her pussy. I’m sure it was deliberate that I had a fantastic view as he moved closer and rubbed his cockhead in her folds, coating it with her very obviously ample lubrication. My wife was extremely turned on by all this.

And so was I.

My cock was rock hard, but it wasn’t until Alyson knelt in front of me and gripped it in her tiny hand that I noticed.

“Looks like Jack gets to use her pussy first. I’m surprised. It’s usually Billy. She must be pretty good at giving head if he’s willing to let someone else sample her pussy before him.”

“She is,” I said, still numbed by the situation.

“Well, so am I,” Alyson said, her voice dripping with lust. “Let me show you while your wife gets fucked by another man. By my husband. Just watch. He’s putting it in now, isn’t he? He’s putting his dick in your wife’s cunt.”

I nodded, even though he hadn’t. He was still rubbing it up and down her slit.

“When was the last time someone other than you fucked her? Huh? Do you think she’ll like it?”


“I know she will. I do. She’s just like me, I can tell. I knew it when we were talking earlier. She’s a dirty little slut—just like me and the rest of the girls.” She moaned and covered the head of my cock with her mouth, causing me to tense up and suck in a deep breath.

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