Shoulder Ride - Cover

Shoulder Ride

by Hungry Guy

Copyright© 2021 by Hungry Guy

Drama Sex Story: While on vacation in Florida, he lets a girl ride his shoulders during a music concert on the beach.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   Interracial   Black Female   Oral Sex   Hairy   Caution   Slow   .

“Hello, Miami!” said Viva Diva, the lead singer of Lil’ Divas.

The crowd on the beach shouted back, “We love you, Viva! Welcome to Miami!”

“As all our fans know,” said Viva, “we perform while riding on the shoulders of a few lucky fans.”

The crowd was all to familiar with the band’s iconic practice, as the crowd consisted mainly of women sitting high on their men’s shoulders.

“Do we have any volunteers?” said Viva.

Hundreds of men in the crowd, and a few women, raised their arms, many with wives and girlfriends already on their shoulders.

“What you doin’, Tyrone?” said Ebony when he raised his hand and let out a “Whoop!” She squeezed his head between her thighs and smacked the top of his head.

Tyrone and Ebony were up front close to the stage and Viva pointed to Tyrone. “Lose the girl and come on up, my man!”

Tyrone bent over and dropped Ebony off his shoulder and climbed up onto the stage escorted by a couple of roadies.

Before the concert could start, the volunteers all had to demonstrate that they could lift a 200 pound sack from a squat, and walk around the stage with it, and set it down again. They also had to demonstrate proficiency with other exercises like push ups and squat thrusts without breaking a sweat. They didn’t want someone dropping a performer during a song.

Ebony turned away from the stage and walked up the beach toward the street in disgust.

Don had gone to Florida during the week between Christmas and New Years to take a break from the cold. He had booked a room in an upscale hotel overlooking the ocean. On the 8th floor, the view was spectacular! It was several days into his stay when fliers had been handed out by someone on the street about some girl band doing a free concert on an open stage on the beach.

After having spent a day on the beach, swimming and sunning himself, he was wearing just swim trunks, a white tee shirt, and flip-flops. He had his hotel card-key and some cash in a pocket of his trunks.

That evening, as the crowd gathered, he found a table at a bar on the edge of the beach. As seemed to be the custom, almost all the guys were carrying their girls on their shoulders, so he couldn’t get a good view of the band.

Then, to his surprise, the band came on stage. The performers were all riding on the shoulders of big burly guys. Many of the instruments, like they keyboards and drums, were up on high stands so that the musicians could play them while riding on the guys’ shoulders.

The band began to play. It was a bizarre mix of hip-hop, death metal, and EDM. Don just drank his beer and watched the crowd while enjoying the music.

He noticed a group of black people a short distance away. Nothing unusual about that. It was a diverse crowd. People of all races and colors mingling together. Two black dudes, each with a black girl on his shoulder were chatting with a single black girl standing on her own. What caught his eye was her bikini, which was nothing more than two black postage stamps with a black thread around her back and another black thread up and around the back of her neck. Her bottom was nothing more than a postage stamp directly between her legs with threads that circled her hips and down into her butt crack. Her pussy crack was clearly visible above the tiny scrap of cloth between her legs and her thick bushy black muff was right out in the open for all to see.

She caught him looking at her and he quickly looked down at his beer.

He continued to drink his beer and scan the crowd.

“Hey,” a woman’s voice with a black accent called out next to him.

He looked up to see the girl standing next to him looking down at him.

“Hi,” he said.

“You like Lil’ Divas?” she said.

“They’re okay,” he said. “Not really into hip-hop, or death metal, or EDM. I’m more into alternative rock. But I’m really just here to watch the crowd.”

“You here by yourself?” she said.

“Yeah,” he said. “Why do you ask?”

“I can’t see the band from down here,” she said. “Every girl but me got a guy to ride up high on.”

“Sucks,” he said. “You can’t find a guy to carry you?”

“You’re a guy,” she said. “Can I ride you?”

“Well...” he stammered. “I’m not sure.”

“I saw you checking me out,” she said. “I know you wanna smash some black pussy.”

“But I hardly know you,” he said.

“What difference does that make?” she said. “You got a shoulder and I got an ass.”

“I guess that makes sense,” he said. “Kind’a.”

“Listen, white boy,” she said. “Riding on a guy’s shoulders is gonna make my pussy buzz by the time the concert is over. I’m gonna be horny as fuck, and so I’ll make it worth your while if you know what I mean.”

He looked at her boobs, totally exposed despite the tiny postage stamps over her nipples that didn’t even try to cover her areolae. He looked down at her thick jungle and could hardly even see the postage stamp between her legs that might as well not even been there.

“Sure,” he said with a shrug. “Why not...”

He stood and then knelt down. She straddled his back and swung a leg over, squeezing his head between her thighs.

He struggled to stand again, not that she was heavy or anything. She was actually a slender girl, but standing while lifting an extra 100 pounds or so wasn’t something he was used to.

“You wanna go up closer to the band?” she said.

It was difficult to keep his balance at first, but he managed. He threaded his way through the crowd toward the stage. As the stage came into view, the whole girl band was sitting up on shoulders of guys. The guy who the lead singer was riding walked her around the stage while she sang. The guitarists and the bass player, too, were carried around the stage while they played. Only the keyboard player and the drummer were stationary on the shoulders of their guys since the instruments were up high on extra tall stands.

After that first song, the band were carried off stage and returned a few minutes later riding a different set of guys.

“Yo! Ebony!” a black guy called out from behind.

Don turned around to see a black guy hurrying toward them.

“Dafuq’s the white dude, Ebony?!” he said.

“Why ain’t you up on stage getting a good whiff of Viva Diva’s pussy?” she said.

“Shit!” he said. “I couldn’t carry the sack around stage and they kicked me out.”

“Sucks,” said Ebony.

“Put her down,” said the black guy. “I’ll take over now.”

“Don’t put me down, white boy!” she said. “Go fuck yourself, Tyrone!”

“Dafuq, Ebony?!” said Tyrone. “I’m your squeeze!”

“I’m getting me some white meat tonight, Tyrone,” she said. “Deal!”

“Fuck!” said Tyrone.

“Can we walk over there?” she said to Don pointing in some random direction.

Don hurried away from Tyrone and lost him in the crowd despite carrying a girl on his shoulders.

He continued to mingle among the crowd as the Divas continued their set.

“Hey,” he said to Ebony. “I gotta set you down for a minute.”

“Why?” she said.

“I gotta, uhm, pee,” he said. “I can’t carry you into one of those Porta-Potties.”

“Go to the community restroom,” she said.

“Where’s that?”

“See that crevice in the rocks way over there?” she said. “That’s it.”

Don carried her over to the rocks were there was a sort of canyon in the rocks that formed a natural doorway into a large area open to the sky. Guys were pissing into a metal trough with their pants or swim trunks pulled down, despite girls sitting on their shoulders. Over at one end of the room a guy with a girl riding him was standing in a kind of shower rinsing themselves off.

Resigned to the deed, Don walked up to the trough, pulled his slacks down, and peed into it.

“Ohhh!” said Ebony. “You got a big one. At least for a white guy.”

“Don’t look!” said Don.

“You was lookin’ at my tits and cunt before,” she said. “So I can look at your dick!”

She had a point. He finished peeing and headed back toward the exit.

“I gotta pee, too,” she said.

“Okay,” he said. “So I gotta set you down, then.”

“No,” she said. “Go over by that shower thing.”

“Why?” he said.

“You’ll see,” she said.

He approached the shower and she said, “Get in it.”

Since he was wearing swim trunks and a tee shirt, he didn’t mind getting wet, so he stepped into the shower. The water was comfortably warm. “Now what?” he said.

“Just stand there until I tell you we can go,” she said.

He stood there obediently while she squirmed on his shoulder.

“How long am I going to stand here?” he said.

“We can go back out now,” she said.

“Don’t you have to pee?” he said.

“Not no more,” she said.

“What?!” he said. “Did you pee down my back?”

“Yeah,” she said. “That’s what the shower is for.”

“Fuck!” he said.

“Just chill,” she said. “The water washed it away. You ain’t got none of my pee on you no more.”

“Okay,” he said. “I’m okay with a little kinkiness, but tell me next time you’re gonna do something like that again, okay?”

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