TDY - Cover


by Akarge

Copyright© 2021 by Akarge

Science Fiction Story: A Swarm Cycle Story. "Congratulations, Sergeant Parker. You just won a trip to paradise." The grin looked evil. Something was obviously wrong in Paradise.

Tags: Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Military   Science Fiction  

Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental.

(Author’s note: In the US Army, TDY stands for Temporary DutY Assignment. {Other services use different acronyms.) This is a military term generally meaning detached duty away from the rest of the unit. It often entails duties significantly different than the (SM’s) Service Member’s training and locations completely away from the unit. Recruiting duties, training, and various other duties can be involved.)

<Sergeant Parker. Report to the First Sergeant.>

My first thought was ‘Now what?’ The First Sergeant and Gunny Lewiston had been throwing the weirdest jobs in my face lately. They all required some real brain sweat to figure out a way to deal with them. He had always seemed to have it in for me, but lately...

I reported in the approved manner and he was just grinning at me. “Congratulations, Sergeant Parker. You just won a trip to paradise.” The grin looked evil. Something was obviously wrong in Paradise.

“First Sergeant. I don’t understand what you are referring to.”

“I know. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you. There is a colony nearby that has some problems and the Governor has decided that he wants them dealt with. He has requested a problem solver with certain CAP sub scores and he also sent us a series of rather unique tests. You passed them with all flying colors. Unfortunately for the rest of the unit, you are the ONLY one to pass. This accomplishment will go on your permanent record. You are authorized three months of TDY, plus travel time. The Civil Service Officer will explain things to you. You leave tomorrow, Sergeant. Report directly to Sub-Decurion Norris.”

“Aye, Aye, First Sergeant.”

“Sergeant Langley Parker? I am Sub-Decurion Carl Norris. Congratulations on passing all of your testing, I suggest you retest for CAP score after your TDY assignment. I would like to confirm some of your personal history. Please answer fully, including sexual liaisons. Err, in a general way. Also, feel free to clarify.”

“Of course, Sir.” I had dealt with Civil Service before and they were all officers. No enlisted. A Sub-Decurion was an O-2, the equivalent of a Lieutenant.

“Lets see, you were picked up five years ago. You had a CAP 6.9 and your wife and children were with you. Your son Grant was thirteen, daughters at 12 and 9. Correct?”

“Yes Sir. My son was very close to fourteen at the time. Just two months shy, I think.”

“Yes. You retained your wife, June, and brought out another mother. Ingrid. How did you come to choose her?”

“A combination of things sir. I wanted a mother. She had good scores in that category. She seemed to get along with June. Err, I tested them both. Oral and kissing with each other before I did a full test-drive with Ingrid. That went well. Also, she had four children. I wanted to maximize the people we got off the planet. Finally, I wanted some diversity. I am your basic American Heinz 57 mix, but mostly Caucasian. My wife June is what some people call high yellow, African-American that can pass for white. One of her Grandmothers is full black in appearance and her kids are a mixed bag. Granny Williams kids, that is. Ingrid is Swedish stock, through and through. Her kids are a mix, though. Two had a white American father. The other two had an Amer-asian father. Hispanic and Korean. Other factors in my decision were personal chemistry, the look in her eyes, and the look in the eyes of her former husband. Her arms had visible finger shaped bruises, and when she started stripping, you could see that she was going to pay if she didn’t get picked up.” I shut up. Officers did not want a novel.

“I see. We have not had any issues regarding your families domestic tranquility, so I assume this has worked out?” he asked.

“Quite well, Sir.”

“Good. Next, your women got pregnant. Your former wife became pregnant while still aboard the transport, and Ingrid in another three months. Any reason on the timing?”

“Domestic tranquility, Sir. The wife needed to feel that she was just a little more equal than Ingrid. At least, at first.”

“Your son’s birthday?”

“He tested at a 6.0. I was happy, he wasn’t. It took a bit to convince him that that was a great score for a kid. The AI helped by telling him that he was now in the top third of human males and that scores improved with age. He was told that his maximum innate score would probably happen at around age 19. After that it would depend upon his experiences and training. Then I gave him a birthday present. Ingrid taught him about oral sex. Uhm, somehow, I got in an argument about that with June and she took over the oral training. Ingrid advanced to the straight sex training for him. This was all to improve his scores, of course, but also to, umm, reduce friction from a horny teenager.”

“Next, your concubine Ingrid’s oldest daughter became 14. She tested with a 4.8. How did you deal with her?

“Amanda was a timid girl. I gave her the option of going to civil service or talking to my platoon mates and she freaked. She let me know in no uncertain terms that she intended to be my concubine. I was surprised when June and Ingrid both backed her up. The rules said I could keep her, regardless of my CAP score, so I did. The same as my son, actually. I didn’t want her to get pregnant right away. She was tiny and I wanted to let her mature naturally; however, she kept begging, and was pregnant in about 4 months. Both June and Ingrid helped her with oral sex training, and when I realized that she liked Grant, and he liked her, he became her training aid, when ever I was on duty. June seemed to be even more bi than at the pickup, and initiated, with my permission, training of Amanda, who seemed to enjoy it. One month later, all three women came to me. If June could give my son blowjobs, why couldn’t Ingrid and Amanda do each other? I allowed it, giving me access to another threesome option, which led to June wanting full sex with her son. It was gradual, first, just when I was deployed, then whenever I was with Ingrid and Amanda. Finally, it was open season.”

“It was about this time that you retested and received a 7.1.”

“Yes, Sir. I was happy of course. Better to be going up instead of down. One of the people in my unit retested and dropped from a 6.8 to a 6.5. He is afraid to retest again and maybe drop too low. Anyway, my new score made no difference at first. I was at my new limit of four. Of course, later, I think it was a bit of a factor in my promotion to Lance Corporal. Also, a couple of months after that, a ship stopped in the system. A destroyer, I believe. They dumped, and I do mean dumped, three concubines who had somehow become excess to the needs of the crew. They were all gorgeous, sexy, horny and apparently they were causing fights over them. Command put them up for our unit. One guy was short one, so he got first pick. The other two were available to whoever wanted them, but not in excess of limitations. Two of our guys each dumped one of their concubines for one of the beauties. I knew one of the guys. He was in my squad. Then Command contacted some of us. Individually, I mean. I think maybe a dozen in the battalion. We had the choice to either pass or take on one of the new dumped ladies. We had all, I guess, gotten favorable reviews from our Commanders and Civil Service. My family knew my squad-mate’s family so I put in my bid for Charlene. She was really pregnant, like about to pop. I also said that I was willing to take on her kids if they were with her. Markham dumped all the kids except the 13 year old, Shirelle. I think that between Charlene’s looks ... Uhm, she doesn’t present well when pregnant. Anyway, between that, and the four kids, I was the only one that wanted her. Either that or I got lucky. Civil Service made the choice.”

“Both actually. Only two of you wanted her. The other guy didn’t want her kids. CS made the choice to give her to you. So now you are at five concubines and ten children, including your newborns.”

“That sounds correct, Sir.”

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