Save the Students! - Cover

Save the Students!

by Akarge

Copyright© 2020 by Akarge

Humor Sex Story: A Swarm Cycle Story. Very short.

Caution: This Humor Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Humor   Science Fiction   Oral Sex   .

Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental.

“AI, is she still in room 213?”

<Yes, according to her schedule and current CAP Card location.>

“She always locks her purse in her desk until she leaves the room. She always takes it with her for lunch. She’s there.” Lt. Tompkins slipped around the corner and into the side door. It was a small town, a small school and security was lax. There had never been reason or funds for guards, detectors or anything else that the teachers and staff could not handle. Pauley took the stairs two at a time and quickly approached the door to room 213; the room assigned to Miss Tilton. Freely declared as a sex goddess by every boy in town who had not come out of the closet; known to have caused three separate one-car accidents in the high school parking lot in her first year at school; innocently responsible for the breakup of two known marriages and the civil union of two lady teachers due to excessive interest from one party or another; cursed with attentive students who rarely heard a word she said. She was a menace. He went into the classroom.

Miss Tilton stopped her current immoral display of pulchritude where she was stretched out to use the top portion of the blackboard. She had never given a thought to how she looked in those skirts when she raised up on her toes. Her ass was defined perfectly, her legs taut. As she turned to expose her writings, her breasts were always in perfect profile to the class. She and the class stopped to look at the tall intruder. Well, except for a couple of guys who were still under the spell.

“Miss Tilton? I am Pauley, Pauley Tompkins. From three years ago? I’m a Marine now. I have come to help raise the grades of your students.”

“Pauley? My, you HAVE grown. However, you were only thirteen then. So you’re sixteen, now?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I mean, I got picked up just after my fifteenth birthday. At my colony, they won’t let us fight until we are sixteen, so I got a lot of training, then one short deployment before my unit came back for pickup duty. I’m on a personal pass, today.”

“How do you intend to help the class’s grades improve?” Miss Tilton was tall for a woman, around five feet, nine inches tall. She was not used to looking up nearly a foot at men, especially sixteen-year-olds.

“Miss Tilton. I am here to ask you into my harem. I would think about asking you anyway, any guy would, but it’s crucial that you come with me. You are ruining these guys for math. Everyone in the school knows that the guys in your class get lower grades than the ones in Mr. Fadness’s class, but the girls mostly get the same in both classes. Every guy in this class has to walk with a book covering his crotch when he leaves here about three times a week. You are wrecking their first CAP scores and their chance to be sponsors. Other women can’t stand up beside you and the guys feel disappointed when they get a merely beautiful girl to go out with them. It is your duty to come with me.”

“Pauley. You are so forceful. Why weren’t you like this when you were thirteen?” She was slowly getting closer to him, thrusting her magnificent bosom closer and closer to his torso.

“War changes a man, Ma’am. Take your clothes off.”

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