Jeffery's Daddy - Cover

Jeffery's Daddy

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2020 by Just Plain Bob

Fiction Sex Story: How Don became a daddy.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

I looked at the man in stunned disbelief.

“You want what?”

“You heard me right Donald.”

I stared at the man who had just asked me to change the course of my life. I knew why he was asking. I’d done it once although it wasn’t for him personally, but he looked at it as though I’d done it for him.

I suppose I should start at the beginning. It was 1952 and the Korean War was raging. I’d just graduated from high school and was trying to decide what I wanted to do. Mom was pushing for college, but my dad, not long out of the Army after putting in six years during War II, told me signing up for college would be waste of time. His reasoning was simple.

“Why start and then have to drop out and lose the money you paid for books and classes? You are going to get drafted because of the mess going on in Korea. Best you get a job and wait. You get drafted, you serve and then go to college on the GI Bill.”

Mom still pushed for college.

“They won’t take you if you are a student.”

Dad didn’t argue the point. He did have to live with her so stay on her good side right? The fathers of some of my friends who had fought in the war had gone to college on the GI Bill so I knew it could be done. I thought about it for a couple of days and then got stupid. Instead of waiting to get drafted I walked into the recruiting office and signed away my life for the next three years.

That decision put me just outside of the Korean village of Musan-ni. The date will be planted forever in my mind. It was March 27th, 1951. I was dug in behind a clump of trees and watching my front. I watching for a couple of things. One of course was the enemy, but I was also watching for a patrol that had gone out earlier. I was watching for the patrol because I wanted to be able to alert everyone else along the line that it was them coming in.

As jittery as things were movement, any movement to our front usually brought down a rain of small arms fire. The last thing I wanted to see was our own guys shot to hell by us. Besides, Jamie Phillips was a part of the patrol and he owed me fifty bucks and I damned sure didn’t want to see anything happen to him.

There was more to it than that though. Jamie was my best bud. We were both from Detroit and he was drafted about the same time as I enlisted and we found ourselves sitting next to each other on the bus to Fort Knox. We ended up going through training together and training over we both received orders to report to Fort Lewis with a ten day delay in route.

Jamie seemed to get a letter a day from his girlfriend and one day he showed me her picture. Actually it was a picture of him with two girls. He showed me witch one was his girl and I asked him who the other one was and he told me it was his sister Nancy.

“Your sister? I think I’m in love. How are you going to feel having me as a brother in law?”

He laughed and said “You had best stay away from her. She’d chew you up and spit out the pieces.”

From then on I called him brother in law and he would just smile and shrug it off.

Back in Michigan on our ten day delay in route he invited me to dinner at his parents and it was there that I learned that Jamie came from money. Serious money. His parents place was a mansion in Grosse Point. His dad owned a company that made parts for the Ford, GM and Chrysler auto plants.

During that dinner I met his sister Nancy. Her beauty took my breath away and as trite as it may sound it was love at first sight. At least on my part, but not hers. Her attitude towards me was about the same as it would be towards something stuck to the bottom of her shoe. I stopped laughingly calling Jamie brother in law.

We reported in to Fort Lewis and received orders to Korea and somehow we managed to be assigned to the same unit once we arrived there and that’s what put me behind the clump of trees watching for the patrol.

I was staring out into the darkness looking for movement when I saw the patrol hot footing it to our position. They were about a hundred yards from us when gunfire erupted from behind them. He patrol hit the ground and began low crawling towards us. All except for one man. He lay where he went down and didn’t move. The patrol reached our position and Jamie wasn’t with them.

I looked out at the unmoving body on the ground and without thinking I hollered out “Cover me” and I ran out to the fallen man. It was Jamie. He was still breathing, but was unconscious. Small arm fire was still coming our way and I took a round in my right shoulder. I tried to pick Jamie up in a fireman’s carry, but my shoulder wouldn’t let me. I got on the ground and grabbed Jamie’s collar and dragged Jamie back to our position. Just as I got there I passed out from loss of blood. Jamie made it, but his war was over. His right leg just below the knee had to be amputated.

II was patched up and sent back to the meat grinder. I made it through the rest of the sixteen month tour without a scratch, spent a little over a year at Fort Hood and then was discharged.

Jamie had written me several times and made me promise to look him up when I got home. I had a thirty day leave between Korea and Fort Hood and we managed to get together a few times while I was home. He had an artificial leg and seemed to get around pretty good on it.

I had dinner at his parent’s one night and while I was there his father told me that if I ever needed anything, anything at all, to just give him a call. I smiled to myself and thought “Anything? Can I have Nancy?” but of course I kept my mouth shut.

Nancy was there at the dinner and I did try and talk with her, but it was obvious to me that to her I was lower than pond scum. I could never understand why. I was decent looking, in good shape and I thought I was a nice guy.

Once discharged I started attending Wayne State on the GI Bill. Jamie was also going to Wayne State, but because of his early out he was a senior while I was a freshman. We palled around on weekends and we double dated with the girls we met at school and at least once a month I was invited to dinner at his parents. Usually Nancy was there and usually she ignored me.

About a third of the way into my sophomore year I was having dinner with Jamie and his parents and after the meal and over brandy Mr. Phelps asked me what I planned on doing after graduation and I told him find a job, find a girl good for the long haul and start living the American dream. Then he said:

“You already have a job. As soon as you are ready to go to work you just let me know. I already have a spot picked out for you.”

“You want me to go to work for you?”

“Damned straight! You gave me back my son so he least I can do is offer you a job.”

And of course I took it.

The summer of my junior year Jaime married his longtime girlfriend and I was his best man. Of course Nancy was there with her latest beau. Seems like she had a new one every month. During the reception her date got shitfaced and passed out.

Shortly after the bride and groom left and the crowd started thinning out Nancy came up to me and said “I need your help Donald.” I never could get her to call me Don. I looked at her and said:

“Must be something really bad if you’re asking me for help.”

“You are the only single guy here and you don’t have a date you have to stay with.”

“What do you need?”

“Help me get Ralph into his car and then help in getting him into is apartment.”

“Given your usual rotten attitude toward me why should I help you?”

“Because you want me and helping me might make you points.”

“Points? Yeah. Right. Let’s do it.”

We got Ralph into his car and then with me following along behind her Nancy drove to a block of apartments on the other side of town. We got Ralph into his place and dropped him on his bed and then I asked:

“Are you staying or do I run you back to the hall?”

“You take me to your place and fuck me.”


‘You heard me. You want me and thinking all day about what Ralph and I were going to be doing tonight after the reception has me horny as hell.”

“He that special and you are going to cheat on him?”

She laughed and said “He is special” and she went to the bed and pulled his pants down to expose his gear. Flaccid he was bigger than I was when I was rock hard.

“However special ain’t worth shit soft. Your place or mine?”

“Yours. It’s closer.”

When we got to her place I made no move to get out of the car as she opened her door.

“Come on Donald; time is a wasting.”

“No thanks; I’ll pass.”

“What the fuck? Are you out of your mind?”


“You have wanted me since the day we met and you are turning it down?”

“Believe me when I say it isn’t easy, but I have to do it.”

“For God’s sake why?”

“After you showing me what you are used to I’m afraid I’d be a big disappointment. I’d want my experience with you to be special and not a disappointment.”

“Suit yourself” she said a she got out of the car,

“How stupid can you be” I thought to myself as I drove home. She was right. I had wanted her since the day we met and I just passed it up.

Every time I saw Nancy after that evening, and it was at least once a week, she would flaunt herself at me. Flash a tit, stick a finger in her mouth and suck on it while looking at me in the eye, ‘accidently’ rub her body against me while walking by me. Anything she could do that would say “See what you missed out on?”

I started working for her father part time after classes and on weekends and during breaks in the school year. I dated a lot and scored enough to keep me happy. In my senior year I met Amy. We seemed to click. After dating for six months I asked her to marry me and she said yes.

We had been making love since our seventh date and sex with Amy was out of this world. She did it all. She loved oral, adored anal and was ready to go whenever I wanted. She came after me as much as I went after her. I had the world by the ass and then suddenly I didn’t.

Amy belonged to a sorority and it was the same sorority that Nancy belonged to. I saw Nancy giving me nasty looks every time every time I attended some sorority event or other with Amy and I could never understand why.

Then one Friday night when Amy was with one of her study groups I received a phone call from Nancy.

“Don, Amy is in trouble and needs help. Meet m at the sorority. Hurry!” and she disconnected. I grabbed my car keys and broke a couple of traffic laws in getting to the sorority house. As soon as I got there Nancy grabbed my arm and pulled me along as she said:

“We’ve got to hurry. This is bad. Oh shit, is this ever bad.”

She led me up to the second floor and down the hall to a door. She opened the door and here was Amy. She was on a bed with a cock in her mouth, a cock in her mouth and a cock in her ass. It was clear to me what she was studying with her study group. I watched for a minute or two and then turned to a smiling Nancy.

“Why” I asked. “As much as you dislike me I would have thought you would have let me marry her so you could smile every time you saw me knowing that she was fucking around on me.”

The smile went away and she said “Shit! I never thought of that.”

Just then the guy in Amy’s ass pulled out. I looked at Nancy and said “But she is good pussy” as I unzipped, took out my cock, shook it a couple of times in front of Nancy and then went into the room and pushed my cock in Amy’s ass. I looked back at Nancy and winked as I started fucking Amy. Amy took her mouth off the guy she was sucking and moaned:

“Oh God that feels good.”

“Glad you like it. Feels good to me too.”

She turned her head at the sound of my voice, saw who was in her ass and said:

“Oh God, not you, please not you.”

“Afraid so my love; you’ve been busted.”

I fucked her ass until I got my nut and then I pulled out, grabbed a handful of her long hair and used it to wipe off my cock. Then I grabbed her left hand, worked my ring off her finger and said “Thanks for the fuck” and as I turned to leave the room I was surprised to see Nancy still standing there.

“Why are you standing here watching? I’ve heard this is your kind of thing. Why haven’t you joined in?”

“I’ve already had these guys and none of them are all that good. Besides, I wanted to see your dick and I was curious to see if you knew how to use it.’

Just then Amy came up to us, grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away from Nancy saying:

“If this is our last time together I want you to have all of me for as long as you can get it up.”

I turned to Nancy and asked “What do you think?”

“Do it. Who knows, she might be able to fuck you into putting the ring back on her finger.”

I laughed at that and said “Not likely, but she is good pussy.”

I let Amy lead me back to the bed, undressed and got my sloppy seconds, fifths or whatever. I was fucking her doggie when some guy walked up and put a dick in front of her face and she opened her mouth and took it in with no hesitation at all. I came in her, pulled out and some dude pushed his way by me in a hurry to take my place.

I moved aside and looked around and was surprised to see Nancy on the other bed. She was doggie with a cock in her ass while blowing some guy sitting on the bed in front of her. What really surprised me was that the cock in her ass was black and the cock in her mouth belonged to an oriental. Why did that surprise me? Because from some of the things had said when I was around had led me to believe she was a racist.

In addition to the guys already occupying holes there were five other guys in the room waiting for a turn. It was a first for me. I’d never been to a gangbang before. I’d never done threesomes or foursomes and as far as I knew I’d never had sloppy seconds before although now that I knew what Amy’s ‘study groups’ were like I wasn’t so sure of that.

While I was watching Nancy and marveling over how great a body she had I felt a hand on my cock and I looked down to see a girl from one of my classes on her knees and taking my cock into her mouth. I let it happen even as I had the thought “I don’t even know her name.” I might not have known her name but I was damned sure going to get it. She was giving me the best head I’d ever had.

While she was working on getting me up some guy moved in behind her and plugged himself in. It pissed me off because I wanted that, but I kept my mouth shut. It was my first gangbang and I didn’t know the etiquette or the rules. I did know that once I was up I wanted to find a place to put it. Amy was busy being three holed. My classmate was on her knees on the floor and I couldn’t see any way to get to whichever hole was open. Nancy was on the other bed sucking on the guy sitting in front of her and it looked like a different guy than the last one I saw sitting there. The guy doing her doggie was just pulling out of whichever hole he was in and I quickly moved in behind her.

I saw that her ass had been used so I pushed my cock into it. As I slid in some guy said “Hey! I was next.” I shrugged and kept fucking Nancy’s ass. She moaned and pushed back at me. She took her mouth off the guy she was sucking and moaned “Do it, do it, fuck my ass, fuck my ass” and then went back to the guy she was sucking. She got the guy she was doing off and he got up and another guy took his place. Nancy never once looked back to see who was banging her ass. I sent my load into her butt and then I pulled out and moved to the side and watched the action.

Amy was on her back being pounded by a black guy who I recognized as being on the basketball team. Nancy had been made airtight by three black guys since I’d walked away from her ass. I smiled to myself in the knowledge that she’d had no idea I’d fucked her.

I decided that I’d had enough for the night and I dressed and left. I’d just gotten to the stairs when I heard:

“Hey! Wait for me.”

I turned to see my classmate.

“You aren’t leaving are you? I want my chance.”

I thought on it for a bit. Amy had key to my place and she would no doubt be over to see me as soon as she could to try and do some damage control. Maybe walking in on me while I was ‘entertaining’ would set her back. I told unnamed to grab her clothes and come along if she was serious about wanting to try me out. She ran back into the room and got her stuff. She managed to put on her skirt and a blouse, but nothing else.

Once in the car she said “I know you are Don. I’m Pam.”

“And why is Pam in Don’s car right now?”

“Cause I want to fuck you.”

“Why me? You had a room full of guys ready to do you so why me?”

“You are Amy’s guy or maybe you were Amy’s guy is the way to put it. Amy and I have a history. She took two boyfriends away from me back in middle school and high school. I wanted to do you in that room in front of her, but that didn’t work out for me.”

“So what we have here is Pam going home with Donald and Amy hearing all about it.”

“You’ll make out on the deal. I’ll stay at you until you can’t get it up again and then wait until can and then fuck your brains out all over again.”

And she did just that. Because of what I’d done at the frat house she could only get three out of me, but when we woke up in the morning we started all over again. The best part was that I was buried in her ass and she was crying “Yes yes yes” when Amy walked in on us. She watched for maybe two minutes while I ignored her and then she tossed her key on the dresser and left. Pam didn’t see it because she was in the ‘arf arf’ position and looking the other way. When I’d come and pulled out I said:

“You got your wish. I’m sorry you didn’t get to see it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Amy walked in on us, watched for a minute or so and then let without saying a word.”

“As long as she saw it was me. Let me get a wash rag and clean you up so I can go to work on you and get you ready again.”

She did and we did and then I took us out to breakfast at Pegasus. Over what I considered to be the best chicken fried stead in the county Pam said:

“Assuming that you are through with Amy how would you like a friend with benefits?”

“Know anyone who might be interested in applying for the position?”

“You seem like a nice guy and I already know you can ring my chimes so I might be willing to give it a shot.”

“And Amy somehow gets to hear about it?”

Pam laughed and said while giving me a huge smile “That never entered my mind.”

Or the next two months Pam and I got together three or four times a week and then it was over. It ended with a bang. A gangbang. Pam had just finished spending the night fucking me damned near to death. As she was getting dressed I asked if we were on for the night and she said no.

“I have something to do tonight.”

She paused a few seconds as if deciding on something and then said “I guess you should know. I’ve been invited to a party at the Phi Delta house.”

“And the party will be the same kind of party where we met?”

“It will. Does that change things between us?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Why? We met at one and you were having as much fun as I was.”

‘“Yes I did, but I wasn’t there for that” and then I told her he story of my being there and then said “I did what I did there that night to spite Amy. Much the same as you wanted to do me in front of her.”

“So if I go we are through?”

“Yes. I didn’t tell you because you didn’t need to know but after that gangbang I went and had myself tested for STDs. We had been together for a week and I tested clean so that meant that you were also because if you weren’t you would have given me what you had. So we lucked out that time, but the odds are good that sooner or later doing multiple partners is going to get you infected. I do not need that so if you go the only way to get back together with me is wait two weeks, get tested and show me something that says you are clean.”

“Okay. I guess I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.”

I did see her three weeks later and she showed me a copy of the report that said she was clean, but it didn’t matter because by then I was already spoken for.

It was summer break and I was working full time at my job. It was a Friday and almost quitting time when my supervisor told me I was wanted in Mr. Phelps office. I walked into the office and told the secretary who I was and she told me I was expected and to go right in.

I entered the office and found Mr. Phelps sitting there behind a huge desk.

“Donald; nice to see you again” he said as he stood and offered me hand. I took it, we shook and then he said:

“Grab a chair and sit down.”

I did and he asked “How are things going for you?”

“I guess I’m doing alright.”

“In any sort of a relationship right now?”

I thought that was an odd question for him to be asking me, but I said “Nothing right now.”

“I imagine you are curious as to why I asked that question and I’ll get to that in a minute. I know you don’t see things the way I do, but the way I see it is that you risked your life to save my son and give him back to me. Pooh pooh it all you want but that is the way I see it and I will be forever grateful. And that brings me back to my earlier question. If you were in a relationship I couldn’t ask you to do what I’m going to ask. I need a huge favor Donald. An extremely huge favor. I want you to marry my daughter.”

I looked at the man in stunned belief.

“You want what?”

“You heard me right Donald.”

I stared at the man who had just asked me to change the course of my life.

“You can’t be serious.”

“I most definitely am. You have known me long enough to know how I am where my social status is concerned.”

“What has my marrying Nancy got to do with your social status?”

“Having a daughter who is an unmarried single mother would put a huge blemish on it.”

“Nancy is pregnant?”

“She is and either she doesn’t know the father of the child or she does and won’t say.”

I’d go with the first I thought before saying “Let me get this straight. You want me to marry your daughter to protect your social status. You want me to marry a girl who can’t stand me; who puts me down every chance she gets and who goes out of her way to screw over me. Why in God’s name would I want to do that?”

“To do me a favor. In return I’ll do you a favor. I’ll set you up for life. How does Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars sound to you on the day you say I do? Another two hundred and fifty thousand if you stay married to her for at least one year after the child is born. All you have to do is act like a loving and devoted husband. I think you can do it.”

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