I'll Do Anything - Cover

I'll Do Anything

by Katie McN

Copyright© 2002 by Katie McN

Fiction Sex Story: Satire of a TV game show. What will people do for some money that they need?

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Ma/Ma   Blackmail   Fiction   Bestiality   Scatology   .

“How many people are going to be gang banged tonight? Who will be forced to do humiliating and demeaning acts? Will someone’s life be ruined forever? Ladies and gentlemen, before we find out the answers to those questions, I have several important announcements.”

The audience was irate. The show was already an hour late and it looked like more delay. It was hard to believe that the number one program on world television could be so screwed up.

“The smell is nothing to worry about. All the toilets overflowed, but the maintenance crew is finally cleaning up the mess.”

The smell was something to worry about. People were choking and gagging. Several threw up and a number were asking to leave although no one could find the exits.

“In the meantime, please use the Port-A-Potties the ushers are now wheeling into the aisles. Also, do not eat any of the free candy that was passed out earlier. It seems it’s a powerful laxative and not the Goody Munch Bar advertised on the package.”

Dozens of people jumped up when the ushers started to wheel the Port-A-Potties into the building. They must have eaten the laxative candy and now had serious problems to consider. Even though two of the toilets were knocked over and several fights started as people tried to relieve themselves, the announcer seemed unperturbed and moved along with the show. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to introduce the Host of ‘We’re Here to Help’, Jeff Waaaaaalker.”

“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.” The audience went crazy when they saw Jeff. It was only a matter of time before the fun would begin.

Jeff walked up the main aisle looking for the first contestant. “Would Marilyn Zabben please raise your hand.”

The audience heard the shriek first and then watched as a women in the fifth row jumped out of her seat with her hand pointed straight up in the air. Three small children sat in the seats beside her and they somehow understood how important this moment could be. The two darling girls and the cute little boy obviously belonged to Marilyn. It was wonderful. They were going to be able to watch their mother’s triumph.

“Marilyn, tell us what brings you to the show.”

“My husband deserted me and the children three months ago and we’re destitute. I have a job cleaning hotel rooms, but I don’t make enough money to cover even half of our expenses. If I don’t raise $4 thousand in the next week, I’m going to be evicted from my home and lose my children to the State Orphanage. I’m desperate, Jeff, and I’ll do anything to get the money.”

“Oooooooh.” The audience feigned concern knowing it was just a matter of time before Marilyn was put to the test. A mother with her back up against the wall would certainly ‘do anything’ to save her children. A silence fell over the crowd as they waited in anticipation for both shoes to fall.

“Okay, Marilyn, the producers tell me that the Richardson Foundation is willing to make it possible for you to earn the whole $4 thousand before the end of the program. What do you think of that?”

“I’ve been on my knees every night praying to the lord to bring me salvation. My prayers have been answered, Jeff. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

“Once again we see the power of prayer, ladies and gentlemen. Okay, Marilyn, before you get a crack at the big money, you have to overcome hurdle number one. Audience, what’s the first thing Marilyn has to do?”

The crowd screamed out as one person, “TAKE OFF ALL YOUR CLOTHES.”

“That’s right, Marilyn, I’m putting 60 seconds on the clock. As soon as I mention an item of clothing, the clock will start and keep running until you’ve taken it off and thrown it to some lucky audience member. It you run out of time, you’ll miss the chance to make the $4 thousand you need so badly. Any questions?’

“I don’t think I can strip off in front of my children and the whole audience, Jeff. Do I really have to do it?”

“Yes, and you better get ready to start because I want to see your dress fly off you body. Start the clock.”

Marilyn didn’t move at first as the sweep second hand made its relentless journey toward one minute. She soon realized there was no reprieve and the thought of the $4 thousand slipping through her fingers was more than she could bear. She reached behind her back and unzipped the dress. This gave her enough freedom to let it fall to the floor and she just had to step out of it. She quickly bent over, picked up the dress and threw it to an audience member. She stood there in a very modest white bra and matching panties waiting to see what she had to take off next.

“What do you say, audience, do you want to see some tits?”

“Yaaaaaa.” They did, big time.

“Okay, Marilyn, the Richardson Foundation is going to sweeten the pot. They’ll give you $20 for every second left on the clock after you finish stripping down to your skin. You’ve got 50 seconds left so you could make enough to buy food for the whole month. Let’s see the tits. Get that bra off now.”

When Jeff mentioned getting money to buy food, Marilyn remembered she had not eaten anything in two days. She no longer cared if her children watched her humiliate herself or if a bunch of strangers saw the most personal parts of her body. She could only think of what she could do with that money. She was hungry. Her hands quickly went behind her back and the bra was removed in only a few seconds and thrown to a lucky audience member.

Her children didn’t know what to do. Their mother had just stripped off her panties and a man was now wearing them as a hat. Then she threw her shoes into the audience and stood there completely naked. The crowd went crazy. Dozens of cameras flashed, recording the moment for posterity. A lot of these pictures would end up on the Internet and act as a constant reminder of what happened here today.

“Let’s walk to center stage, Marilyn, and see what you’ll have to do to make the big money. Come on kids. You can come along for good luck.”

Marilyn and the children were soon center stage. 400 pair of eyes were focused on her nudity and she turned crimson knowing that this was just a minor embarrassment compared to what would happen next. A hush fell over the crowd as they waited to see what Jeff had in store for her. One of the little girls clutched at her mother’s naked leg while a tear slowly trickled down the cheek of the other. The little boy tried to put on a brave front even though he was only 8 years old.

“Before we tell you what you’ll have to do to make the $4 thousand, I want everyone to know just how wonderful the Richardson Foundation is. Earlier today they sent a bus down to the ghetto and picked up 40 homeless men and brought them here to the studio for a meal and an opportunity to make a couple of bucks.”

A side door opened and 40 indigents slowly staggered into the room. It looked like the Richardson Foundation provided the men with an unlimited supply of wine in addition to the hearty meal. Many of the men appeared disoriented and didn’t seem to know where they were. The audience could hardly stand the smell emanating from the hapless dregs of humanity and watched in disgust as several of them threw up on the stage.

The man Jeff interviewed didn’t seem to be quite as messed up as some of the other guys. “Well, folks, I’ve been talking to Willie here and it seems he is down on his luck and he hasn’t worked in a long time. Let’s see if we can help him out.”

Willie liked the sound of that and hoped it meant his next meal wouldn’t be coming out of the trash container behind the Wheeler Bar and Grill. He tried to focus on what Jeff was saying. “Seems good to me, Jeff. What ya got for me, pal.”

“$200, Willie, and all you have to do is sell me your clothes. What do you say, big guy? Those rags don’t look like there worth a nickel and look at all the wine you can buy with 200 bucks. In fact we’ll buy the clothes from everyone of you guys.” Jeff waved a large stack of money in the air to show his good faith.

It took awhile before the men understood what was going on, but the clothes started coming off in twos and threes at first, and finally flew off in an avalanche of poor taste. Some of the men wanted the money. Others just joined in for the fun. A few people didn’t know what was happening and were helped out of their clothes by their compatriots.

“Here’s where you come in, Marilyn. I want you to go over to the bed there at the side of the stage and fuck all 40 of these guys. For everyone you do, we’ll give you a $100.”

Marilyn was in shock as Jeff eased her over to the side of the stage. Somehow she found herself laying on the bed where the 40 guys were gathering around. Most of them hadn’t been laid in years so this seemed like a great idea to them.

“Come here kids. You can help your Mom. Take this pad of paper. Every time one of the guys fucks your Mom, make a mark on the pad. She’ll get a hundred dollars for each mark on the page. Can you do it?”

The children were all crying by then, but they knew how important it was for their mother to make some money so they nodded their heads yes.

Marilyn thought of backing out, but it was too late. One of the homeless men was already on top of her, forcing his scabby cock into her pussy. He was done in less than 30 seconds and another man quickly moved in to take his place. Several of the others got impatient and rolled the couple over. Soon Marilyn was being fucked in the ass and the pussy at the same time. She decided she could get it over faster if she just went with it and soon was giving another one of the men a blow job.

“What is it, Ruthie?” One of the little girls was trying to get Jeff’s attention as her mother got the attention of the 40 lust crazed men.

“Does it count if my mommie gets stuck in the poopie by one of those horrible people.”

“It sure does, Ruthie, and it also counts if she sucks on one of their dicks or plays with their cocks with her hand. So just mark all of them down.”

The little girl quickly made more marks on her pad. Marilyn realized that she could make even more money if she just worked a bit harder and soon was given two more guys hand jobs. She didn’t know how long she would last, but hoped she could do each one of these guys twice before the show was over.

Two naked people walked on stage. It was obvious that they were upset about being there and yet looked determined to go through with it.

“Hey everybody, I want you to meet Joe and Linda Finsterwall. Joe and Linda had a bit of bad luck and if they don’t come up with the $100 thousand they embezzled from their employer, they’ll be heading to the slammer for 5 to 10 years.”

The audience knew the Richardson Foundation could come up with the money. It was just a matter of what the Finsterwalls would have to do to earn it.

“Linda, you can do this one on your own. All you have to do is go into the audience and convince the guys to let you give them blow jobs. For each one you do, you’ll get a thousand dollars. Do you have any problems with this, Joe?”

“Hell no, it’s about time she got off her ass and made a couple of bucks to help out.”

Linda seemed concerned and finally said, “I can’t give a hundred guys blow jobs by the end of the program, Jeff. No way can I make the money we need.”

“Not a problem, Linda. We’ll give you a thousand for every guy who fucks you in the ass, too. You can do ‘em two at a time that way.”

For a brief moment, Linda thought she could do it, but then realized it wasn’t possible. “I still don’t think I can do it, Jeff. Maybe I could do fifty.”

“Well, that’s why marriage is a partnership, Linda. Joe get your ass out in the crowd and start giving it up. I’m sure there’s a lot of guys who’d love to have you suck their dicks and fuck your fat ass.”

“No fucking way, Jeff. I’m no fag and no scum bag is going to stick it to me.”

“Ah, that’s too bad.” Jeff was the master at looking sincere. “You probably will like the class of guys that will punk you in jail a lot better than the guys in our audience.”

Joe realized that he would probably be someone’s cum slut in jail for the next ten years and have to get in on with hundreds of guys in the slammer. He decided he had no choice and resolutely went to work.

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