The Jury Is Still Out - Cover

The Jury Is Still Out

by Pettybox

Copyright© 2020 by Pettybox

Erotica Sex Story: We've all been stuck on jury duty before, read what can happen when two jurors find the time for real deliberations.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Oral Sex   .

My mind was in a fog as I woke with just a bit of a hangover and as I began to realize the world, I remembered it was a sex hangover. There was a warm clammy arm draped over my back that was actually heating me up with the body that belonged to that arm right next to me. I opened my eyes and glanced back at the sweet morsel beside me, her twin cute cheeks of her ass prominent in my sightline.

I knew I hadn’t drunk that much as the whole scene began to come to me, and then I remembered the joints we smoked. I hadn’t smoked pot in 5 or 6 years but she produced them and we were beginning to get “interesting” together.

This all happened weirdly, as the day began in a courthouse. I had been called for jury duty, a group of 60 of us, to pare down for a jury and alternates. When called and interviewed I thought I answered questions carefully enough NOT to want them to pick me, but I failed. We were told to report immediately to an upstairs courtroom where we immediately began to hear a case. A woman had fallen in an icy parking lot and was filing suit for physical damages. It seemed an easy decision for me, but as more and more facts were presented it began to get interesting. At one o’clock they motioned for a lunch break and we were instructed to be back at 2:15.

I asked the group if anyone knew of a good lunch spot close-by but there didn’t seem to be much interest, except for a cute little girl in the jury pool who said, “Mario’s Pizza is really good, just 2 blocks over.”

I thanked her and went off and she hurried up behind me and asked if she could join me. In our conversation I found she was just 19 and worked at a retail dress shop for the summer, going into her 2nd year of college in a local community college. I explained I worked in a photo studio, doing portrait work, mostly, and of course family photos. She was shy but seemed a good lunch mate as we talked and shared more personal details about each other. When she heard I was 29 she was a bit shocked, thinking I was her father’s age. She had said I was “pretty cool for an old guy”.

“How OLD do you think I am?” I asked, and that was when she said I could be her father.

I chuckled and told her I was just 10 years her senior, but she still thought that to be an eternity. I was clearly a relic to her, but as we talked, we found a lot of similar likes in music and movies. We both had a laugh and a nice lunch and made our way back to the courtroom. We sat in the jury room until almost 4 p.m. when the bailiff came in and told us we were dismissed; the parties had settled without further trial. We were free to go and had fulfilled our jury duty for a 5-year period.

We filed out and I knew a local watering hole/sports bar I frequented where I could wait out the downtown traffic rush. (State offices started to let out at 4 pm and the city was snarled each day till 5:30 or 6)

I got a seat at the end of the bar near the TV where I could check sports scores and nibble on nuts and enjoy my Scotch Manhattan. I felt a tap on my shoulder and there stood Avery (Please call me Ava), my 19-year-old jury mate.

“Denny, mind if I join you? I missed the crosstown bus and the next one isn’t until 5.”

She ordered a margarita and produced a driver’s license to prove her age.

“I thought you said you were 19.” I asked.

She made a face and made a shushing finger move to her lips. “You never had a fake ID?” She asked and I just shook my head.

We struck up more conversation and by the time her bus was due she had missed it again, as we got more and more involved, comparing life notes. I ordered a coffee and told her I would bring her home.

Once in the car she asked about where I lived and what my situation was. Once she knew I lived alone she asked why didn’t we stop at my place for a drink.

“Are you picking me up?” I joked.

“No, my roommate works until 9 and I hate being alone in that apartment, too many creeps around there.” She explained and told me about the seedy neighborhood she lived in, off campus.

I took her home with me, had a drink, the joints came out, we began to kiss, and here I was, 12 hours later, hoping she might roll away from me, she was making me quite warm from her body heat.

As if she read my mind, her arm came off me and she rolled to her side.

She blushed and said “We got naughty last night.”

“We are consenting adults.” I said, matter of factly.

“Tell me you’re serious, I don’t want you to think I’m anything else but someone who enjoys good sex and good fun, WITHOUT being judged.” She said shyly.

“If either of us are to be called anything, we both are. But we enjoyed each other privately, we had special moments, just me and you, and no one else’s concerns.” I commented.

She smiled broadly and bent to kiss my forehead, saying “Thank you, thank you! So sick of the judgement double standard.”

I wanted to question her, but I was just waking. She could volunteer what she wanted. She thought, and then spoke;

“I’ve given in to going to bed with a few one nighters, and put up with a boyfriend who abused me.They think, if I enjoy sex, I must be a whore, slut, easy. They want a good time, yet it’s me who gets judged and put down, made to feel cheap.”

I shook my head a little and showed her I didn’t feel that way.

She hugged up to me and sat up and thought about what she wanted to say.

“Let me tell you something real personal, something for you and to stay in this room. Last night was the first time I enjoyed... (she hesitated), Well, let me say it this way, ... I REALLY enjoyed sucking your dick last night. I always want to enjoy it, but I get slapped, choked, have cocks beat against my face, and I guess it’s all to show what a slut they think I am. You didn’t have your hand on the back of my head, make me take it deeper than I wanted, beat me up with it, you just enjoyed it, even touched my cheek and smiled to me. It’s not a violent act, it’s supposed to be a tender act to enhance what happens later. You let it be that way.”

I chuckled and said,” You were with a man, not a boy. A man treats a woman like a woman needs to be treated when they are making each other happy. Forget if there was any love involved, sometimes it’s about release, it’s about pleasing each other. You might say, you have a gift for a man, and he has a gift for you. Don’t give your gift to someone who doesn’t deserve it.”

“I’ll have to be more careful how I pass it out. It’s just very hard to resist when pleasure can seem so close.” She lamented as she cuddled up next to me.

“Do you need to be anywhere? Check in with anyone?” I asked, not wanting anyone to worry about her.

“No, my work gave me Thursday-Friday off for the jury duty, and I texted my roommate from the bathroom last night. This is all new to me. I’ve ... I’ve never woke up with a man.”

“You’re making me feel like I’ve defiled an innocent.”

She blushed (so damn cute!) “Hardly innocent, I’ve had my face slapped with a hard dick more than a few times, and cum shot all over my face as many times.”

“Who would treat a sweetheart like you like that? You need to get new friends or go to better places to meet guys.” I insisted. “You’re good looking enough to be very picky.”

“Do you really think so? I have a lazy eye, a gap in my front teeth, and my ears stick out.”

“Avery ... er ... Ava! Whoever told you that made any difference? I never noticed ANY of those things. A lazy eye corrects itself, the gap is sexy, and yours is hardly noticeable.” I said as I ran my hands through her hair to expose her ears, “And your ears are quite normal for a thinner face like yours. Your high cheekbones may give you that illusion. I photograph lots of women and girls, and you are quite pleasing to the eye.”

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