Tales From the Leather Nun - Cover

Tales From the Leather Nun

by DK Moon

Copyright© 2017 by DK Moon

Erotica Sex Story: Meet Sister Benedicta...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Masturbation   Clergy   .

With a soft whoosh, the screen in the confessional slid open.

“I have sinned since my last confession of two days ago.”

“Continue,” the faceless voice from the other side of the confessional screen intoned.

“I have had impure thoughts -” there was a pause. “Of you.”

The slightest sound of a person clearing their throat sounded like thunder in the silence.


“Last night, I couldn’t help myself. I touched my sexual organ and became aroused.” I have sinned, there was the sound of regret heavy in the voice. “I masturbated in front of God, and the Blessed Virgin.”

“Did your sinful act cause you to – climax?” The final word was almost a whisper.

With balled fists and clenched eyes, the confessor nodded. “Yes.”

“You have sinned grievously, my child. Twenty-four Ave Maria, and twelve Pater Noster five times a day until your next confession. You will refrain from your pursuit of self abuse and one week from tonight you meet me in the courtyard behind the chapel for further penance after evening prayers.

The two arrived at assigned location at the same time. Father Guilliame and Sister Benecdicta stood and stared at each other for a very long time.

“It is good you are here, “ Father Guilliame’s voice was devoid of emotion.

Sister Benedicta gave a brief nod, “It is my duty to be here.”

Pointing to the raised dais in the rear of the small courtyard, Father Guilliame looked at the Sister of the Most Holy Order of the Most Blessed Virgin and asked, “Shall we begin?”

“Yes,” she replied as she turned and moved to the appointed place.

The Father followed the Sister, his hands clenched behind is back. He stopped once he had stepped up, his beady eyes following the sister. He licked his lips as she turned and faced him, her hands removing and folding her veil.

Sister Benedicta shook her long brown hair out after placing her wimple with the veil. A smile formed on her severe face as she watched Father Guilliame’s eyes while she removed her habit.

His mouth dropped as eyes drank in her majesty. Sister Benedicta was transfromed into the Leather Nun. A rich brown corset was her main garment. It pushed her breasts up high and together, the tops of her tawny nipples visible above the rich leather.

Her legs were wrapped with tight boots, the same color as the corset.

A fire burned in the Father’s as his tenting trousers gave away his growing desire.

The Leather Num tapped a crop against her boot as she looked towards the priest. “Remove your clothing.” It wasn’t a request, it was a direct order.

He quickly began removing his clothing, just dropping as it was removed, until was as naked as the day he came into the world. His manhood was stiff and pointing towards God.

Sister Benedicta pointed to spot directly before her, “Kneel, and I will hear your confession.”

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