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WTSman: Blog


A Different Point Of View?

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“Someone Your Own Size” – my first new story in nearly 8 years, and more than 11 years in the making – has been reasonably well received. In the 9 days since I pressed “Submit”, it has seen 3000+ downloads (and – interestingly – caused 4500+ extra downloads of my older stories), been entered in to 250+ personal libraries, and gotten 200+ votes – and a not-embarrassing middling score. So all up, the exercise was worthwhile. Thank you!

As always, I live for the feedback. Some of you messaged me via SoL’s “mail” system; others left comments below the story. The private messages I've gotten have been out-and-out positive and I thank you all for them.

The public comments on the site however agree that it is not my best story, and that “half the story is missing”. Over the years I’ve had feedback nominating practically every one of my stores as my best, so I don’t worry about the former. But the brutal fact is that the commenters are right in the latter critique – the reunion of George and Mindy is not very well told and completely lacks details, but my attempt at fleshing out the renewed George-and-Mindy romance was stale and never even shared with the editor.

So while “Someone Your Own Size” firmly remains “Completed” in SoL-speak, I agree that the story of George and Mindy is not. Perhaps one day, the story from Mindy's point of view should be told. The whole story.

For now, my catalogue of embryonic stories simply has yet another entry of just one word – Mindy.

When, or even if, it will turn in to a published story I cannot tell. But I can assure you that the overwhelmingly positive, supportive, and constructive feedback I’ve gotten has certainly given me the urge to write again.

Thank you!

An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse

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OK, the idea of updating a couple of other old stories to try to get back into the writing groove has certainly paid off.

In more ways than one: Not only did two of my best-liked stories get some long-overdue TLC; I also received a lot a positive feed-back along the “good to hear you’re active again” line.

And amongst those letters was a Sicilian Mafia Offer from one of the very best editors around: Pixel the Cat. Despite being very busy with the other authors’ stories for the Valentine's contest, he offered to extend his editing services to my almost mythical story "Someone Your Own Size" that has lingered in development hell for 11 (eleven) years.

It was truly an offer I couldn’t refuse, so three intense writing sessions later (aided by the outline I sketched out years ago to link the copious fragments), the story is finally ready to be published – after going under Pixel the Cat’s microscope.

Pixel the Cat is an editor after my own heart: He does not try to change my story, but he is merciless toward homonyms, bad grammar, and dubious word-use. He also fixed instances where my British English was sneaking in on an American story.

The only place where we didn’t see eye-to-eye was on “comma before, too” – but that was it! Otherwise, it was a joyful “Accept-Next” click storm. The story reads much better now, so I’m happy to let it loose!

Is it ground-breaking? Not really. Amongst Pixel the Cat’s comment were: “it has some predictable elements – if the reader's at all savvy, he'll see a fair bit of what George will encounter before George does”. True words. I think I warned you about that in the Blog a few years ago.

But as Pixel the Cat also said: “in a story such as this it's hard to blindside the reader.” You won’t be.

I hope you will enjoy it. I hope you will comment – by message, or below the story. Oh, and it’s OK to vote too – even though your actual votes and the stated rating have very little connecting them…

Hold Your Peace

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As mentioned, I'm doing a bit of editorial TLC on some of my favorite stories to get back into writing.

Next up is a hopefully much better version of "Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace" - one of my unashamedly preachy soap box stories

Despite the well-argued urging of the SoL reviewer who wished for a longer more involved ending (I appreciate their care and passion) the story-line is untouched: One or two explanations may have been added and an emphasis changed here and there, but it is still the story about the-wedding-that-wasn't.

I struggled with my original harsh criticism of Hugh Grant who made some dreadful films after "Four Weddings and a Funeral". I still find those films awful, but his work in "Florence Foster Jenkins" launched a fantastic mature career renaissance, going from strength to strength.

Still, George "GT" anno 2016 couldn't have know that so the wording stayed in.

Wipe off the Lipstick; wipe out the typos

Posted at Updated:

The second of my limerick stories - "Wipe off the Lipstick" - has received a long overdue revision.

The story was written as a homage to The Wanderer (also publishing as Denham Forrest) in as much as I attempted to emulate his very quirky, uniquely English style. You can decide if I pulled it off.

The revision is strictly for typos, poor grammar and flat language; nothing has been changed in the story-line (except one additional echo of the title mid-way.)

I will quite likely update a couple of other old stories in the coming weeks, trying to get back into the writing groove.

But if you are hankering for more WTSman originals, holding your breath could be detrimental to your health. [Yes, I want to, but no, "Someone Your Own Size" is still not finished.]

Paging Dave...

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The (mandatory) use of SoL's own e-mail solution meant that the account I used for writing expired - and with that my address-list.

Dave, if you're out there and still willing to edit, please contact me.



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