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sam177: Blog


Politics and education

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Hi Everyone,

I hope you're all doing okay. I'm doing alright I guess. We've still got problems but we're okay for now. We're hoping we're seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and not an oncoming train. I haven't heard any whistles or chug-chug-chugging so I'm hopeful.

On the other hand though, I've been reading and seeing things that scary me. The government was already scary with some of the laws they have. Then they go about silencing people on social media. Now there's this Restrict Act and it's truly terrifying. If you don't like the Patriot Act, you'll hate this one. It's the Patriot Act having a roid rage. It makes Bruce Banner hulking out and smashing look like a fix-it ticket. It doesn't matter if you're left, right, middle, or somewhere else if this bill passes they will eventually come for you. Please encourage your representatives and senators to vote no on it. It is not good for anyone.

The other thing that bothers me is the state of education. To say it's terrible is to complement it. On on extreme, we have principals handing out dildos, butt plugs and lube to students. On the other extreme we have parents flipping out over a 500 year old nude statue. At least the kids are getting some kind of education and the parents are engaged. Of course the kids can't read the directions on the lube or about the history of the statue. They can't even figure out how old the statue is because math is bad. And those are the good things. Not that it gets better at higher education levels. We have law students who don't understand the constitution and doctors who can't tell left from right.

I keep wondering where Rod Serling is because this can't be real. If it is, how much longer before some states will have install the Naked in School Program in schools while other states limit education by the student's race and sex? How many children will be forced to make life long decisions to satisfy the school's desires or quotas? I can't imagine making choices like that at that age. I hadn't even started worrying about my boobs or my period at that age. Childhood seems so simple now in comparison.

Maybe Rod Serling is off having tea with Freddy Krueger? There's certainly enough nightmare fuel happing now to keep us all up at night for ages.

Pray for the future everyone. If we don't there won't be a future.

Surprise! New Story posted

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Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a good holiday weekend. Ours was small and quiet but good. We do have a lot to be thankful for. Of course, we still have a lot of issues that need taking care of but I'm trying not to stress about them, too much.

Anyway, I just posted a new story. It was inspired by a couple stories at https://mcstories.com/index.html Specifically BedHead's The Sonoran Institue and Spiraling into the Black Hole provided the initial inspiration. Readung zorkmeister's Voided and Ventured) cave me inspiration when I got stuck. I think both writers and their stories are really good. I wouldn't have been inspired to write my story if they weren't. Thank you both.

I did post it there but wanted to post here too, because I like here. zorkmeister also helped me with the editing, so it reads better. Thank you, Z! I hope you all enjoy. Hopefully, I'll be able to get to my other stories soon. We've still got a lot of things to deal with though, so I can't promise it'll be soon. I would love it if I could though. Please keep praying and hoping for us. Thanks and enjoy.


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Hi Everyone,

A big thanks to all those who sent prayers and encouragement. It meant a lot. We did get through that crisis. Unfortunately, we've gotten hit with more. Can't a girl get a break? Any way, I'd appreciate any prayers, hopes, and good thoughts you could send my way.

On the writing front, when I'm not piled under with problems I have been trying to work on my stories. I've been working on a new shorter story based off one on another site. I don't want to give anything away so I'll provide the link when I post the story. I'd be done if it weren't for problems. Darn you, problems!

When I'm not stressing about things or melting from the heat, I'm still working on my other stories, in my head. I'd love to get them typed up. I hope and pray that God grants me a miracle so I can get the problems taken care of, the gremlins evicted, and destress so I can get back to writing. I miss it. Thank you.

On other notes.

Does anyone happen to know what happened to the story site asstr.org? It doesn't seem to be working which is a shame. I prefer this site. It is my favorite story site but asstr did host a of the story collections I liked. I hope it'll be back.

Also, can anyone tell me about online fantasy games? Do I have to download or pay to play them? Do I need a really fast connection? I'm just curious. I don't know if I'll be able to play but I wouldn't mind trying something different to take my mind off things besides reading and videos.

Thanks everyone.

Still Need Miracles

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Hi Everyone,

Thank you for the prayers. They helped a lot! We did have several miracles come to pass. Unfortunately, we're still in need of more.

In other news. I did go over a story and made some slight changes. I'm also thinking about how to continue. I'm not sure when I'll start typing it but I'm trying to get in a writing mood again. It'd help if I weren't so worried about everything else. So if you all could please keep praying and thinking good thoughts for us, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks everyone. :)

Still needing Miracles

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Hi Everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. To all those who sent hopeful thoughts and prayers for me, thank you. I did receive a few small miracles that I am very grateful for. Unfortunately, bad things keep happening. It's like one step forward, two steps back, so I'm still in need of a miracle. If you have time, please send up prayers and good thoughts for me. I could really use them. Thank you



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