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eviltwin: Blog


There Is a Light At the End of the Tunnel

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First let me say I am pleased almost beyond saying, at all the continuing interest in 'Reprise' and 'Doc'. After such a long period of inactivity, I am humbled that so many are still reading these stories, and taking the time to comment and wish me well as I recover from some health issues that damaged my muse to the point of being not only almost inarticulate, but virtually silent. THANK YOU TO ALL.

For those who have sent emails questioning the status of 'Reprise', I have been able to resume writing, at least a little bit. In fact, I have recently completed three full chapters, and the end is finally in sight, not just as a concept, but for now, the words to tell and describe it actualy seem to be there... I'm not entirely satisfied with some of the new stuff (Is any writer ever really?), but most of the time, upon re-reading the new stuff, I've been able to refine it, and what the hey, after all this time, at least I'm able to produce something. You, the readers will be the true arbiters of whether it's up to par or not. I will NOT be posting anything new until I have finished it. I guess one could say I have learned my lesson regarding posting a story while it's still a work in progress.

When I do start posting to 'Reprise' again, I will be taking the existing chapters down, and starting from 'scratch' with a complete repost, as some of the early chapters have been subjected to some severe 'tinkering' to correct some time-line issues with later ones, and others have been modified to reflect what I think are more 'natural' break points and/or to smooth out the story-line or address some sub-plot issues.

I have neither the time nor the space in this blog to address in detail some of the criticisms and/or questions that have been raised regarding the story or the characters. Suffice it to say, when it comes to fiction, I always thought suspension of disbelief was prerequisite. After all, with this story at least,as with most, it was NEVER intended to reflect reality, except insofar as some real events were the inspiration for the basic storyline. When I'm called on it, I think of tales like 'Edward Scissorhands' or 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by Tim Burton. Both are quite fantastical and leave one breathless at how otherwise apparently brilliant people can fall into such simplistic and -ahem- unrealistic emotional traps. That's my own gut reaction, until I realize and subsequently remind myself that the film maker did not expect us to believe what he described as being real. Thus, too, it is with 'Reprise'. It might be a little, even a lot, 'pie in the sky', but that's the way I wrote it, and that's the way I present it. As another popular author on this site is wont to say,'It's my peter and my soap...' I would also point out that very early in the story, David had a conversation with Carol and Riekie where he claimed it was as if they had literally stepped from the pages of a fairytale -- a fairytale, David posits occasionally (as I do now), that can sometimes seem more like an episode of the 'Twilight Zone' or 'The Outer Limits'. Control of your mind is now being returned to you...

Regarding 'Doc', I was in contact with Keith a month or so ago, and let him know that I would probably soon be able to resume working on 'Doc'. He has always been extremely supportive of me, and very solicitous of my well-being, despite my sudden cessation of activity, and has NEVER been critical of me for that abrupt departure. He has resolutely continued to send me raw chapters as he finishes them, in the hope that I would someday be able to pick my brain back up, dust it off, and continue. Such faith in me MUST be rewarded somehow -- I think probably by getting back to work, eh, Keith? Consequently, I have quite a backlog to work from. I don't know when I'll be able to get back up to full speed with 'Doc', considering 'Reprise' has always been my first priority, but hang in there, Keith, and all you folks who have been quietly so supportive -- it WILL happen :-).

Once again thank you to all, and especially to my good friend Keith for his patience and understanding. I'll catch you all further down the log.





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