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Thornfoote: Blog



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The first chapter of Linda's Family has been placed in the posting queue. Other chapters will follow. The Vigilante Angels continue their quest to rid the world of evil. Voting has been turned off for now, but will probably be turned back on again later. Thanks to all of Linda's few remaining fans for being patient with me while I worked through some personal real life issues. I hope you enjoy the continuing story. Linda took me in some different directions this time, and the story is still evolving.
Please comment and when it's available vote on the story.
If you feel so inclined to vote, Retribution, Linda's Posse, and myself, Thornfoote have all been nominated for Clitorides awards.

Linda's World

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I'll be posting the 3rd story in Linda's saga soon. Tentatively titled "Vigilante Linda." Thanks for the patience of Linda's fans. This time, I haven't quite finished the story but I'm close enough and confident enough in the content that I'm going to start posting it. I figure the slight pressure to get additional chapters out will help keep me writing. I know that will motivate me, because, well basically I know how my mind works.

I also have a glimmer of an idea for a book 4 swirling around in my head. It gets clearer just before I fall asleep.

Thanks to everyone who contacted me with support and stuff over my last blog. Things in my personal life are improving.

On another note, Paige Hawthorne, a good friend of mine, has nominated 'Retribution' for best MC -Main Character- story in the clitorides sweepstakes. Thanks Paige. Hopefully I won't have to compete against her Winter character in that category too.
Yes, yes, the damn check is in the mail. Honest.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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First off, The Ugly. I hate December. It's the most expensive month of the year for me. We had our 41st wedding anniversary, my wife's birthday, my birthday on the 23rd, and of course Christmas. On Christmas Eve this year, my wife and I ended our 41 years of marriage. I'll try to explain.

For the last 15 years, my wife has been addicted to gambling. Specifically slot machines at the local Indian Casino. Every penny she has made working, every dime she could beg borrow or steal, our life savings all have been donated to the Casino. We even had to declare bankruptcy in 2009 for all the credit cards she ran up without my knowledge and because she was overdrawn on her bank account by a couple thousand dollars. I've put up with all the lies and the broken promises, the arguments, the fighting, the begging etc for as long as I can. On my birthday, the 23rd, she slipped out of the house at 5pm to drive up to the casino and see her brother about something. I didn't know it, but she took her social security payment for the month and stole my debit card. Needless to say, she lost all of her money and stole $500 from my debit card. She didn't come home until noon on Christmas Eve, 19 hours later. Losing $500 dollars in December is quite a blow to my budget. This was not the first time, but it's going to be the last. I've done everything I can and failed. I'm in the process of moving in to live with my youngest son, his lady, and my 7 year old grandson.

The Bad: I have about 7 partially completed chapters done on the last story about Linda and her Posse. I have been so depressed for the last couple months that I haven't been able to write. Hopefully, I'll be able to climb out of this dark hole of depression and get back to writing in January. The story has gotten darker and more depressing in the last couple chapters so far and I just couldn't continue, even though my legion of fans demanded more. Okay, by legion of fans I really mean that I received two SOL system messages asking for another sequel. Not much of a legion.

The Good: Someone or someones have nominated Retribution in three categories for Clitorides awards. I think personally it would do better as best MC story but the nominations are for Best Humor, Best Story by a New Author, and Best Fantasy Story. I do appreciate the honor of being nominated and the votes I've received. Oh, I also got nominated for Best New Author but Paige Hawthorne is literally running away with that award and deservedly so, she is much better at this than I am.

So, that's my current situation. I do know that some of you want to read more about Linda and her vigilante tour of the world. I'll try to get back on track after I'm settled in. Thanks for all your support.

To Paige: I Claim my share of the reward!

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I have found myself, and Mike. We are both hiding out in the Clitorides Nomination queue. Steve, alas, is still missing. It seems as if we are in competition, Paige. May the best man or woman win. Or whichever of us can buy the most votes. This is America after all.

Final Chapter of Linda's Posse

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The final chapter has just posted in Linda's Posse. Please provide feedback either through the mail system or comments at the end of the story, whichever you are more comfortable with. I really hope everyone likes this chapter. I loved writing the entire sequel. Linda's Family is already in progress and should be finished sometime in December. Maybe sooner, depends on life I guess. Thanks again to my editors, TeNderLoin, Omachuck, Ernest Bywater, Coull Pert, The Rev, and Purplecat. Mostly thanks to the loyal fans who are reading my fantasy of Vigilante Angels!



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